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OAIUT RACING FORM I BOWIE jr Copyright, 1924. by Daily Racing Form Putlishicg Company. IJ 7791 " "" "" — 78 BOWTE. MD.. SATURDAY. APRIL 5. 1924. Prince Oeorgc Park 1 Mile. Third day. Southern Mary -,7: land Ac: h ultiira! and Fair .Wo. iation. Spring Meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. 77! Stewards. .1 II. Campbell. Baker Waters and P J. Miles. Judges. Joseph A. Murphy. iHlM 77 Mclx-nnan. Ot«|i T. Miller and J. II. Anderson. Starters, William Snyder and William Hamilton. 77 Kaeing Secretary. Joseph Mel-ennan. __ __ Raring starts at 2 30 p. m. hieago time. 1 .10 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs. ■ blinkers. Fig nres in following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. FI; f-O-g CkO FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 4. 1921-48%— 2— 114. Valiant Purse. Purse ,200. M 100 4 OJL*j£l 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00. record. 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt the «s1NGLK FOOT w 109 3 6 1» 1* 1» J Mi-Tag t J K Griffith "4 ■ -1 N ha 77971 BARNEY GOOGLE w 115 8 3 3» 2i 2i J Wallace H Stark JE2 S all. BOTHER w 111 3 S 41 41 3i C I-ang R Parr "5*2. 77406 VAN1DOSO w 112 11 2*3 4 KScobie Allies Stable -Jt2 BARRAGE w 109 4 4 5* 6» P F Uolletti H P Whitney £r£ — DUSKT BELLE w 106 7 7 6» 6« 6* B Mrinelll R T Wilson StS ~" 77715 SAM GRENET w 109 6 I I" V P" F Murphy K K Bryson 980 100 ISLAND KING w 109 2 2 8 8 8 F Ie Nevada Stock Farm Stb „9So-.00 Time. 22%. 4"% nP* ,rT,rk record. Track fast. mntuels paid Single Foot, 0.70 straight. 5.30 place, .10 show; Barney Google. $.00 place. .70 show; Bother. .60 show. __ , - Equivalent l o king odds-Single Foot. 243.", to 100 straight. 665 ot 100 a/wv place, 25o to 100 show, Barn-v ; -50 to 100 place. 135 to 100 show; Bother. 330 to 100 show. Winner It. c. by Wrack Virginia I... by McOC 1 trained by H Kites; bred by Mr. J. B. Griffith Went to post at 2:31. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily, second and third J driving. SINGLE FOOT displayed a high order of speed and. setting a great pace, drew »"*£***•" long lead and won in a canter. BARNEY GOOGLE began from the outside and. passing VANIDOSO. held BOTHER safe at the end. BOTHER raced well. VANIDOSO ran a fast quarter and waa eased ■ up when beaten. The others were not persevered with. Scratched 78160-Bankrupt. 109; 77610 Effort. 106; Thistlewo. d. 106. Overweight Botlier, 1 pound. rT 4 F7Q-t OO SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 29. 1917—1:0-4 IW, Purse *__*•__ "J / O AtJO year-olds a-d upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. _ Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. OddsSlrt |. 75777 »SE SAND w 5 113 6 I V Ill- l4 D Stirling Mrs ■ Trueman *■*-*** -ti 78161 WHALEBONE wB I 106 7 2 31 2« 21 2» P. Brening T E Crist JSjZ 71 NMt QUICK TIMK wb I 104 8 4 6, f.l 41 3- B Mrinelli R T Wilson =2 TI 77841 ARENDAL wb 4 111 5 7 P 3 i 3 41 P Murphy I M Holman r-"]Sn 77587 FROSTY BOY wb 3 99 3 5 9 9 o 5« L T-ang G Peterson E5"S 71 780411SQ-KIC WIGGINS w 6 116 1 » 8 8« ph P| G Walls .T Ha.lfiehl --OsS 100 _ T4MEVRSCHABTTE w 4 106 9 1 4» 4| CI 7 H Farland EGummell 5955 100 t1 S P M ul-ira R K Potta ■ •- - 00 75010CoTE DOR wb 6 115 4 6 T»| «| MttlUCMI JNB ft ■ I I M 71 9 9 D Ran.lell O E Pons 470-MW Time. 23%. 48%. 1:15%. 1:22%. Track fast. s, mntnels paid Sea Rand, .20 straight. .70 place. .00 show; Whalebone. .0 place. ...0 B,OWBq?i,Valent baking oddsSea Sand. 100 to 100 straight. 85 to 10O place. 50 to 100 show; Whalebone. G 125 to 100 place 315 to 100 show; Quick Time. 225 to 100 show. jr F. Winner Br. g. by Martinet— Rod and Gun. by Planudem trained by E. Trueman; bred by Messrs Williams Bros.. . , . . . s: W.nt to post at 3:03. At post 1 minnte. Start geod and sow. Won easily; second and third set fast and. racing WHAUBOKPJ into ear y defeat, drew driving SKA SAM». away well, a pace | awav and won easing up. WHAI-EBONB came again at the end and held yl.JCh. IlMh safe. 1 1 w Utter linished with a tush and out gamed ARKNDAL. in the final strides. ITie latter finished on the inside and tired after running I fast half. -...-,_ . Scratched 72532 1 Marble, 111; 739K7 -Tidings. 101; 75813Sea Monarch. 112; HUrVM I-aJy. Tl. _ 102; 7S]7SHaptain i stignn, 104; 75653 Nichl Haider. 106. Overweights— Quick Time. 1 p und; Squire Wiggins. 1; Aunt Jane. 1. r fO-ir/i THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Ncv. 21. 1923—1:07—2—109. Springtime Handicap. 4 ol"4 Purse, ,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; second. 60; _ third, 25; fourth. C60. * ;nilex Horses AWtPPSt U M *4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eguiv. OddsSlrt ; 9SMS*OOOD TIMKS w 5 114 5 I 21 1 1 ll C Lang J S Cosden 4MIJ 7 OHARAwSlOS 3 6 4» 4» 3 2» O Walls Kirkfi. Id Stable l. 20-liK 7 777:;9*HlIDN JKWBi wn S 100 3 2 1«* 2» 21 VI . Lang Mrs A Swenke ..i.-lOO 7 77674SMAM :u.K w 4 98 4 5 t* P P 4 W MBxf T W oBr.n STO-IJ 7 77934 I.IKIT PARRf. »»3 93 1 3 3 3 J 4, 5« B BMMJI 1 J Farrell Jr SLlS 75-78 WUJCKS-RARRa w 4 112 6 4 6 6 6 6 H Howa-d Triple Springs Vm Stb l 0o-l0 1 Time. 24 49%. 102*5. l:08*i- Track fast. mntuels paid -Good Times. ..»0 straht, .60 place. 20 show; James P. Ollara. .10 place. 00 show; Hidden Jewel. .70 show. liiuivalent Inoking odds Good Times. 45 to 100 straicht. 30 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; James V j Ollara. 155 to 100 [dace. 50 to 100 show: Hidden J.w.l. ■ to M show. Winner B g by Tlieo. Cook- Bointy. bv Celt trained hy W. Garth; bred by Mr. Iwis Girthl. W.Mt to post" at I 3S At |Kist 1 minute. Start guud and slow. W..n ensily; second and third driving GOOD TIMES Mil ■! ■ HIDDEN IRWPJEi closely to the str-tch. then took Die lead when CalM . on to win under a pull JAMES F. OHARA came with a rush in the final quarter and just got up for , second place in the final stride. HIDDEN JEWEL showed the most early speed, but t.r.-.l in the stretch 1 SHAMROCK was outrun early, but closed up some ground at the end. WILKKS-BAlillK ran poorly , and was not pcfMWMWd with. t Scratched 7H162Swingalong. 110. . -i 1 1 P-O-trhrT FOURTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. rNov. 21, MS— IdWft I IMi Capitol Handicap. z 78 XvfO ,500 Added. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner ,830; second. 00; third. 00: fourth, 00. . In,jOI Horses AWtPPSt % i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eguiv. OddsSlrt T«I64 THORMDALR wn 119 4 4 3i 2* P P l« R Mrinelli B Block l.T.O 77»1» PRBDKRICKT*WM wb 113 2 2 4» 5 41 P -!i J Wallace H Stark 1 ! ,„ 78162 YVNKF.K PRINCESSvv 111 1 1 2* 1« 1» 1* 3» C Ing J S Cosden .1.-1X1 78 162 LEONARD G. w 1O0 I 5 5 41 5 4 4 A Abel I Arthur BP MI ! |77716»TT1LIA w 104 I 3 H 3 34 5 5 L Lang J P Polk 11*100 11 Time. 24*5. 49%. 1:15S. 1:2»S- Track fast. mntuels paid Thomdale. .50 straight, .10 place, .40 show; Freden-ktiwn. .S0 place. $" ~M show Yankee Princess, 50 show. Kq.pvaient liooking Kids liiorndale. 125 to 100 straicht. 55 lo 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Pllitritk-town. -J5 Yankee Princess. 25 to 100 show 00 to 10«J place. to 100 show: W.T.ner B. c. by Sir Martin— Maud B. L. by Star Shoot trained by F. Burlew; bred by Mr. W. R. Went to post at 4:13. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow Won handily; second and third driving THORVDALE followed the early pacemaker .lose up to the stretch and. racing into the lead, messed about and unlucky for Hie wis hard ridden to outstav FREDKRICKToWN. The latter was entire ri. « and was running fastest of all at the end. YANKBE PRINCBSS showed the most early T ■ ...-ed. but badly when challenged. ATTIL1A began fast and showed the most speed for three-eighthx. but quit in the stretch. Scratched . 7S162|Swingalong. 126. Overweights— Yankee Priaeeaa. 2 pounds; Ionard. G., 2. , a - — : m~-y -g g_g% FIFTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 29. 1917— 1:19%— 4— 112. Purae ,200. 3-year-Y QJ.JJO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. - Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqiiv. Odds Strt t 7 7 87 I • SV KM i -sT KES w 4 110 11 3 21 ."4 P l1 G Rose Mrs A ■ Alexandra B5-MI 10 -7801 • HI IV M wb 3 97 1 1 M 4» 4J 21 L Lang J Arthur 245-MI K 77581 CARE FREE w 6 117 3 7 SJ 5 P 1 3k J Wallace J P Polk UM-1M * 77tM*BUCADO w 4 108 6 6 P 71 7 lH Shttlick J R Sk inker 1460 100 ■ I 7S71a ROSA YETA wb 4 1C6 8 6 6 tl » 5 F Lee Mrs K Smart 1 1065 100 0 I | 77586 CORAL REEF w 4 113 10 4 L" P" l" P ■ AUf— I W K-arns tnk-M 10 --871* U MIRER -ah 4 110 9 3 1» 2X 21 7 W Milner C A Coylo * I .77606CI1T LFRED wn 3 99 7 8 41 9 91 81 B Brening B Block 13P -P4 7-.731 KORMANA W I Ml 4 » "1 * ■* »l B Mrirelli WCBamea UM-M ■ 757H.M R1I-: MXIM wb 7 116 2 10 10 • IIP 10 101 W Jordan S Taylor -JiO-100 50 75748!TKAIANCS wb 5 123 I 11 11 11 11 U G Lang CC Smitruioa MaVMI ■ iMutuel lie.d. Time, 23%. 49. 1:15%. 1 22%. Track fast. nvituols pal Sweep-take.-, .30 straight. .70 place. .00 show; Julia M.. 20 place. 10 10 show CafC Fre - .30 show. 1 I iivsldit hooking odd- Sweepstakes. 215 to 100 -traicht, S5 to 100 place. 50 t» 100 show; Julia M., 110 to 100 place :.". to Mt -Low; t are Tree. 215 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Sweep— Uold Ten, by OaMOMf Grained ly A. E. Alexandra; bred by Mr. A. L aaCi i Wen* to p«t at 4 50. At po-t 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won handily: second and third "d drh Dg RWEEPSTAKRB helped f It* a fast early pace and. nwll fa-t iliroiich t!ie ttwtcfc into " la. I WU ISAM away at the finish. .1 1 I. IV M. was awiy w!l an. I Hm-IicI re-,,1 stely aft. r •verensaiag * .arly int -rf-r. u.v. CARE PRE! ran a god BM aad tiru-Ii. .1 fa-t. CORAL REEf and ADMIRER R raced cicli other into exhaa-tion in e;r!y pacein.ikinc. Bl CADO tmislie.l fa-l on t lie inside. I ratcht* .7"s »7iBclle Art.ste. M: 7.".71i :A|»-x. lit.; 70742-t.uelph. 112; 71345rGo Foin, 107. OverweigbU Little Alfred. 5 pounds; Noimana. 2. - m-Q-4 tfhfT SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yard*. April 10. 1919— 1:45%— 4—107. Parse 200. 0 4 Cj M_*J 4 3-yeax-olda acd upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. 0. — ~Indel Horse* AWtPPSt % , -4 Str i in Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt - 78161 I.oYU. fffRLlE w 5 112 9 3 ll 1» 1« 1* 1 " Lm?T Mr.i A Swnke 71. l"l 00 78165 UK BTHDAY wb 7 107 ". 1 1" P P P P H Karland ■ J Salt --V 1 SJ » 78165 BERVITOR WB 7 112 4 5 7 4«k 41 l» 2 1 Wallace Mrs A ■ Alexandra 199-M H -HI7K* VNI II-1 B8 W 6 HC S 7 P P PIM P ■ Brening » Pet-rson 1110 1k M 77850* I. X K SCOT WB 10 107 I 4 S» 7 6* 6 13* A ARsSi R S« h rr-r 6773 l_ m 7S7M*KATH RANKIN W S 102 6 6 4» 3l» 51 51 « -. lton.l M tlrant HA. -100 100 7-,-.4- "»|.| K MAY w 4 10: 1* 10 9 » V 7" 7» W Milner C W Plunkett MM-M4 I.JO 70*47 BELLE PLOWKR w 6 107 1 8 51 6» «• 8* 81 J h lmers J H Buscher 7 45 lie [14. 77500 .HEY HARD wb 4 107 7 I P 81 9 f f T Finn G Milton S70G loO M 78181 ••SERBIAN wb S 107 1 9 Ban out ] liawson Mrs J Phillips 060-100 100 Time. £5, 51%. 1:17%. 1:43. 1:49%. Track fast. mutuels paid Rcyal Charlie. 6.30 -traight. 20 place. 40 show; Our Birthday. SO place. ■e. 12 *• show; Servitor. .80 show aiiUivaleni twukuij udd* -Royal Charlie, 71i U» 100 »traigtit. 210 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show. w, jr IJ 7791 78 -,7: 77! 77 77 __ FI; M 100 the ha S all. — ~" Our Birthday. 90 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Servitor. 40 to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Charles OMalley- -Captive Princes*, by Captivation trained by A. Swenke; bred in England by Mr. W. A. Wallis. Went to p.s.t tit 5:24. At post 3 minutes. Start g ~od and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ROYAL. CHARLIE recovered his speed suddenly and. setting a good pace, drew away into a long lead and won under a pull. OCR BIRTHDAY followed in closest pursuit and. coming gamely aftaf entering the stretch, made n fast finish. SERVITOR linished well and had no mishaps. ASTTLLMi ran a fairly good ra.e. SERBIAN ran out on the first turn and was pulled up. s. rat. led 7sl01 ;A„-cra it ing Papa. 15; 7S1S0 Dueks and Drakes. Ill; 7slS0Tlie Peruvian. 112. r-TO-g OO SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Nov. 27, 1917— 1:56— 3— 94. Purse ,200. 3-ycar-olJs 4 O AitFO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Sirt I MAJORITY w 4 108 3 2 1* V V 1» 1» L I-ing J R Skinker *• M 7r.lfi5«TODY w 6 96 9 6 3* P 2J 21 23 B Harvey G C Winfrey . 71. !0 78166FLYING DEVIL w 4 105 6 4 6* 41 4 3"* PI It Brening S 1 lorn h 41 a loO 77." 8S,B0I.STI:R wb 9 101 4 3 41 5» 5" 4i4!l W Milner M Trotter 90-M8 77976 OLD KAITHFCL w I 108 2 5 7 6 «i 6 5» E Scobie J McMillen MM-W 77814 BOY KR. HOME wn :. 101 1 1 25 2» P ".1 61 H Howard S M Holman 5J"2 77804 SOVIET w 4 109 8 7 5- " 810 S=° 7" 7 ¥ Lee C D Sedl-y 181- 1"0 77630 SIPERBCM w 4 111 I 9 8s V P %" 8" C Lang- Mrs A Swenke S.5 ID 77611 DR. RAE w 8 101 7 10 10 10 10 10 9 D Fisher B ■ Chapman 9M0 100 78160*DLG DE MP.NY wb 0 10r. 10 8 »• a* 9« P 10 T Finn F P Robio SL-100 Time. 25. 51. 1:18%. 1:43%. 1:59%. Track fast. mntuels paid Majority. .00 straight. .00 place. .90 show; Tody, place, 70 show; Flying Devil. 10 show. Equivalent booking . dds Majority, 200 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Tody, -_5 to place. 135 to 100 show. Flving Devil. 105 to 100 show. Winner B. c. by Ballot Ciutrella. by Bryn Mawr trained by W. A. Burttsehell ; bred by Mr. A. Barklie. Went to post at I 00. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third same. MAJORITY set the pace from soon after the start and dr-w away into a safe lead, but tired badly and just lasted to withstand the rush -f TODY. The latter was well SSS all the way and. finishing gamely, would have won in another stride. FLYING DEVIL finished resolutely and was going fastest ot DCC DE MORNY ran out on the first turn. Scratched 7S105-The Foreigner. 108. Overweights Old Faithful. 2 pounds; Superbiim, 3. ="