0,000 Jumping Feature: Ontario Jockey Club Offers Rich Prize for Steeplechasers.; Fine Array of Entries for Woodbine Steeplechase to be Run on Saturday, May 24., Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-06


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1 ; | I . j ; 1 j I I • 1 i j ; 1 ] j j | | ; | i | ; I ! : I I . j I j I I I ! I j I I I ! , ! j i i j I 1 I 1 1 1 : I I 1 I | I j 1 1 . I I I ; I I 1 . I I I l ■ J I . 1 I I : j 0,000 JUMPING FEATURE Ontario Jockey Club Offers Rich Prize for Steeplechasers. KM Array of Entries for Woodbine Steeplechase to He Kan on Saturday, .May 24. TORONTO, Ont, April 5.— Ste-eploehasinjr has always been popular with Canadian r;.cgoers, and the Ontario Jockey Out, gives every encouragement to this fascinating sport. One of the big steeplechase features of this coming spring meeting at Woodbine Park is the WoodbifM Steeplechase, with Jlo.000 added, which will he run Saturday. .May 24. This race has not only attracted the best of Canadian cross. ountry horses but a number of the best from the United States. The following are the conditions and en- tries for the Woodbine St eplechase : WOODBINE STKKPI.ECH ASH HANDICAP -For four-year-olds and upward. By sub crtption of 0 each. forfeit to the winner, with 0.-000 added, of which ,500 to second horse. 00 to third and 50 to fourth. Weights to te ann.-uneed Aiesday. May 20. at 8 a. m. Winners after publication of weights to carry 5 pounds ext:a. About two and a half miles. To te ran Saturday. May 21. Dost wick. A. C. — Sea Tale, br. ni. 3, by Sea King - -Anecdote. Bostwick. A. C-Tassel, b. f. 4. by Berrilldon — Stake and Cap. Bostwick. A. C. The Trout, b. g. 7, by Itapid Water Sandriugham Belle. Bostwick, A. C. — Cooncan, b. g, 5, by Bryn Mawr — Toa -.track. Bostwick. A. C. -Chnckle. br. g, 5. by Golden Maxim Cold of Ophir. Bostwick. A. C. — Fairway, br. g, 7, by Bryn Mawr —Justly. Ruchanan. J. A. — Monks Hood, b. g, 5, by Gros-venor -Ayesha If. Cosd.n. J. S Dan IV.. ch. h, 5, by Ex Voto— Deihadarra. Daltner. Mrs. Henry -Henry Dattner. br. g. 4. by Watervale — Alice Vale. Donohue, Mrs. T. J.- Toppy Nix, b. g, 7, by Toddington- Misa Thom| son. Klliott Stable Flying Frog, ch. g. 7. by Froglega — Flying Colors. Four Winds Farm Stable- Sponsor, ch. f, 4. by Sea King Kairy Godmother. Four Winds Farm Stable — Sir Leonid, ch. g. 4, by teaaftsV -Bosiris. Green tree Siab|. — I#tterman, ch. g, 5, by Superman Arlette. Greentree Stable- Our BVjts. ch. g, C. by Ftetea — Velitarl. Omul 1 1 11 Stable— Damask, br. g, 7. ly All Gold — Crinoline II. Greentree Stable Pirate Gold, br. g. 5, by Back View .old. Greentree Stable — A] Fresco, br. g, 5, by Al Bl.x-h — Jenni" Mae. Hogan, William Knight of Creename. h. g, 8. by The White Knight Soldiers Daughter Keene, Foxhall — Pepi, br. m. 8. by ttsltSsrt Jersey. Keene. Foxhall — Verboten, br. g, S, by Bunnoek-luirn- Signorina. T.eona Farm ou nicrant, b. li, 6, by Blarney Iji Comete. Loft, Mrs. Ieorge W. — Sweepment. br. g, 8, by Sweep Baiment. Loft. Mrs. tests* W- Britannic, ch. h. C, by F.s Voti Drabaneonne. Middle Neck Farm Xophine, b. m. 5, by Port Royal Old Hag. Middle Neek Farm -Saint Ulires. 1 . g. 4. by Fan-I cher — Iji Pile, Middle Neck Farm Carabiuier, ch. g, 5, by I.X Voti tarabine. Middle Neck Farm Shawna Glauna, b. g, G, by Cipango — Lade Wise. MeF.aehern, Mrs. B. — Irish Dream, b. g, 7. by The Curragh Trance. [Vnding. Richard Roi Craig, b. g. S. by Rol Ilerode Candaeraig. Pending. Richard Shoal, b. g. 7. by Dinger Bo k Smirr. Pending. Richard -Nonas, ch. g. 7. by Terkee — Nancy I. Pending. Richard— Gold Foyle, b. g. 0, by Lough rsyto ;,ddfish. Queen City Stable Not Much, br. h, 5, by A3 d "A tout Nothing to Do. Queen City Stable— Irish Jig. ch. g, 6. by Berrilldon — Belle Clem. Queen City Stable -White Satin, br. h, 5, If White Eagle Jeans Folly. Queen City Stable The ltrd Knight, br. g. 5. by The Best Princess Ruby. IteMI City Stable- Guingamp, b. g, G, by Dor — Guirlande. Read. William A- Herriard, ch. g. 5. by Rol Herode Watersplash. Read. William A.- Fraternity, b. g. 4. by C.in- nobie Francisea. Read. William A. — Gasper, ch. h. o, by ClgU —Doubtful. Read. William A. — Iluonora. b. m, 8, by II ion - Kenora. Read. William A— Sans Pectie. ch. m, 3. by Balscadden Sans Ta.he Read. William A British Warm. b. g, 5. by Mackintosh Cavarnie. Read. William A. Brother Bill. b. g. 5. by King William Martango. Salmon, Walter J.— Courteous, ch. g, 9, by Marcoyil Politely. Salmon. Walter J Red Clover, b. m. 7, by Ru-dolfo Mamie II. Salmon, Walter J. Resarf. h. g. 0. by Tippecanoe Or Heresy — The IU-lle of Ma fair. Seagram Stable Bulldog Drummond, h. h, 5, by Holiday Douse First Blush Smallman. J. E. - Nomis, b. g. G, l.v Trppecanoe — ■ Klfain. Smith. James B. — Autumn Bells, br. c, 4. by Ballot - Autumn II. Somerset Stable- Bar Gold. br. h, 5, by Son-in-law Baronda. Strasi-burg.r R R Sky Scraper II.. k g. 4, by SwecfH-r Confection. Strassburger. R B Dunks Green, b. g, 5, by in-enliaek I.ellan.l.i . Strassbtirger, It. B.- Brave 1L. c!i. g. 7. hf II- "- con Bia. Stris burger. R. B- Orions Sword, b. g A by Nc.r.l orbit. Strasi-biirger. It. B.— 4feJMi dArt, b. g, 4, by tefH Itetea de Hal Strassburg -r. R. B. -Calife. « h. g, 4. bv DJBBaf - -Carav-n... Strjssburger. It. B Perkiomen. ch. g, 0, by Hal-, teMMM Nancy Crater. Strassburger. R B. — Honyliiihnm, ch. g, 6, by Huon Robbinet. Whiting. C. I. lilts Qii. ktliorn. ch. m, G by ■Uator l-t herna lt.i. Warren. Bayard— Byng. b. g. S, by Peep oDay -I ■ -1 enana. Warren. P.ayanl — Smiling Meadow. b. g. 7. by Uirs aux I irme» I arapu. Wanca, Rayard Stockmar. br. g, 4, by Wrack — Star Cifr. Wilson, W. ; Lieutenant Seas, b. g, 7. ly Mara-jax— Hou-v moou.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040601/drf1924040601_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1924040601_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800