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STAKE DATES FOR 1924 JIM RANDELL 158 Fulton St., Room 338 NEW YORK CTTT Trinee George Handicap, Bowie, Md.. DAILY WIRE A»ril 12 A BOWIE LONG SHOT TODAY West Virginia Derby. Huntington, W. Ya.. Prepared to Run for a King i Ransom. April 12. One that will certainly be as good as the winner — I sent out yesterday, j*$ 149391493914939 $ $ $ s"$ fL WARNING . . . .3.10- WON k Otk TfirkPrvrTrTilglkirrv Itw What more can any man do? This Special was JWr** I KLDL 1 LKMIWtl/ hmr anotht;r G00D SEASON why you should subscribe **r for a few weeks and let me help you WIN. ipimn wTsr wr n TURF PROFITS . ~ Winners— Winners— Winners • The MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally «» QIIPAnfl 4 Q in frO UIAII known as "*;»sy for player— hard for DUUAUU . I J-. WUIM years* H iddCfl JeWel «» many r could not spend many «, j .$ 13.30~ WON thousands of dollars per annum atlirr- DICC DAMP M H Af OO llinil •» tising Mater a* rough syrup— and eon- «» DITr DAiMU . . $ I U.4U-0 WUN •SSSSSJCSK I Royal Charlie .6.30- WON *"* ""•"*— ~l- TnT.;;-w WARNING ...1.30- WON r ~*T~~r~nTT *-* u MFf: BANG -..30- WON mm S. E. AKTIIlR _ Interested players desiring a better service than TjN| Box 10 li. t. Tow son, Md. V. the oriinarT. can arrange for wire at • • » » » » »»»*» * ggrnr I Use Western Union or Postal Honey Tranjfers. | PERFECT SQUARE DICE Made by expert mechanics from thoroughly seasoned hard stock, guaranteed to be true to withia one one-thousandth of an inch, having all sides flat, corners sharp and finish perfect. Made in either red, green or white in any sise. 6-8 siae. razor edge 40 per pa»» 3-4 size, raxor edge SI. 50 per pair B. C. WILLS and CO. 222 West Congress St., Detroit, Mich.