Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-11

past performance

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Entries and Past Performances BOWIE FRIDAY, APRIL 11 — WEATHER Cl.OlDY: TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse »t the distance since Js-nary 1 1922. no matter wherj it finished. In cases where record was made on other inao a iandjt or good track, abbreviation show track conditions. 76IC0 IS FIRST IJiPEX OF 1924. 7M2and IS FIRST IMEX OF ATRIL. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. OMasJi time 1:30. ®Su|wrior mud rmiui-r. xCood mud runner. J|:Fsir mud runner, t Jl Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, bl.linkers. Tlie following abbreviations are used to df-sipnate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made : Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park. TP Aurora An Xenilworth Ke Belmont Par* BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowio ". Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Ex Connaught Park CP Maplj Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlbcro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Davonshira D Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferir. Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grourds FG Saratoga. Sa , Tort Erie FE Tanf oran Ta i Hamilton Hm Thrrncliffe Th Harre de Grace HG Tijuana Ti j Hawthqrne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica J a First Raoe — 1-2 Mile. | Puise ,200. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: April 5. 1924— 47%— 2—109 . Todays I Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt liar. 78225 PTU Winfrey ..Bo 113 :49%s 115x725 78226* Par-madi e n e e Belle Bo 111 :50%s 99XT20 78225 •Catlierine Douglas Mi Bo 102 :51s 101.. 713. 78239 Night Shade Mi JP 109 :52sn 104X710 78225 •Crinkle Ml ..FGLL3 :SO 89.. 710. i 78262 Helen Condon Ml 101.. 710 78239* Lemice Harrar Ml Bo 113 :51s US. .Mi 78225 HtJltl Blue Mt Bo 113 :51%e 109.700 78225 •Margaretta E Ml Bo 116 :51%e 103.700 Rejected 114 Padlock 1W Gipsy Flyer 99 •Dark wood 89 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Pon-e ,200. 3 year olds. Claiming. fTrsck recoid: Nor. 24. 1917— 1:12%— 4— 122. 78241 lieutenant Farrell FG 90 1:13% 107X72T. 78196 •Normans. Lu 105 1 :14Vs 106. .720 77080 Timyinl Waterlju 106 1:13% 103X71.". 77583 •Fehrali Wo 99 1:14% 9Sx7ir. 73226 Arguments! 105. .715 78267 •Rarlevcorn ...FG 107 1:14 108.. 715 78196 •Uttle Alfred. FC 91 1:14% 108X715 78228 *la#! Choco F ; 103 1:14% 101X710 78226 Altissimo Bi.Ui MS 1:16% 103X710 78193 Aunt June 104X705 78241 Much Ado 111. .700 78226 ltags iM HG 112 1:14% 107.700 HOWIE JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From January 1, 1923 to March 31, 1024, lnrlaaiTe. At or Over Jvrkry PC. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d sjandc K -28 114 430 122 8» 79 McAfee L. X 105 489 123 83 79 Innmr. C Jl 113 252 63 52 32 Callahan. J 20 97 659 129 10S 93 Lang 1 18 87 235 42 24 24 Abel". A 17 102 444 76 61 60 Bobinsor:. C. •- 17 114 90 15 9 5 Small wood K. 17 113 395 67 68 45 Howard. H 16 84 191 80 27 27 Stirling P 16 111 200 32 35 21 Knmmer. B 16 108 146 23 17 20 L,ng r 16 109 633 99 89 84 Lee, F 16 98 477 78 53 66 Mangan. G 16 104 159 26 21 19 Marinel; B 16 104 474 76 66 61 CUver A 15 103 510 74 72 91 Morris. L. U 112 186 28 23 25 Hileman. K. 15 112 207 32 SO 24 Bcobic E 15 110 39S 58 78 52 Fator M 14 102 300 43 49 29 Pool W 14 107 472 66 66 64 Thorber II 14 102 402 65 53 42 Garrett. M 14 100 358 49 42 29 Ponce. C 13 1C8 121 16 2U 16 Bharpe. F 13 106 502 66 66 83 Wallace J 13 101 1079 139 132 169 Mnrphv. F 12 113 89 11 12 6 Bell K 12 113 202 25 24 32 Farland. II 12 103 337 42 68 53 | I i 77780- Poggv O FG 102 1:15s 106x700 75438 Plav On Pm 98 1:15% 106x700 78287 Warren Unci Im 106 l:15%m ftftXMI Third Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds anil upward. Claiming. Track record: Nov. 29. 1917— 1:19%— 4 112. 78243 *C:.ptain Costigan | MR 116 1 21 4 111 ■ 725 782651 Rucado BP 103 1:19% 4 MaVXTM 78231" Whalebone ■• 107 l:22%sy * 103/715 78264 Marble 5lO»y715 78186- MMK Free Bo 104 1 :22r. ■ 1M 71» 73501 UStar Court ...Aq 106 l:21r. 7 MftXTM 78265: l.Fifty Fifty . . Bo 113 1 :23%m 5 115x710 7826T.5 itilsllll Aq 10s l:22,r.m I 118X718 78265 Kcval Charlie Bo 111 1 :2fi%m 5 112-710 7S2G4- Arendal Bo 111 1:23% 4 106-710 78265 Wc*l if II r 103 ,ln ; 78230 TV Permian.. Aq 117 1:20% f, 10 *710 77803 l.Aladdin Bo 107*1:23% 4 106-705 78196 Mafie Maxim. Aq 113 1:21 7 103 ■ !.. 782T8 West Pittston 4 ML.MO 78265 Bright Lights. BP 112 1:19% 8 108-700, 74526 Ardella 4 101-700 7148S3 •tui. -ndisli 6 103. .00 78196 Rosa Ye!a Aq 109 1:20 4 101. .700, 78178 Heavy Artillery.. 5 10S..700 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. j Marlboro Purse. Pur«e 400. 3-rear-olds and upward. Allowances. Tract record: April 10. 1919 1 :45%— 4—107 .J 78229 GOLDEN B I L - ! LOWS La 105.1:44% 4 104x725 78229- Eager Bo 109 l:49%m 4 107. .715 78266 l.Lbwollvn La 107 1:43% 5 101X715 78242* Shamrock Em 95 1:43% 4 103x710 I 78226* Just M 3 87.. 705: Fifth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. /Track record: Nov. 25. 1915—1:48—4—116. 78230= Freezv SneezvMH 107 1:45 I 103X725 78266* •Guelpii Hv 113 1:47 0 103x720 | I 78267- Aggravating Papa I JP 110 1:49% 3 95v, 15 78198s Flying Devil. .FG 105 1:48% 4 106X715, 78243 King John ... .De 102 1:46% 9 111*710 78287s bKirah Wo 106 1:48% 7 101x710, I 78245 Coral Reef OD MB 1:48% 4 113X705 j 78227 liveliness ...Hm 102 1:46% 6 101x705 | 78264 Rupee FG 112 1:48% 4 113X700 | ! 78230 •Bcverwvck ....FG 98 1:48% 4 106.700 78286 Seibian MH 109 1:48 8 101X700 Sixth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 200. 3 year-olds and npward. Claiming. Track record: Nov. 27, 1917—1:56—3—94. 78198= »Todv FG 1031:54% 6 103x725 78240- bNigiit Raider. . Re 105 1:54% 6 103X720 78231 bliekal. 5 103x715 78291 Pav Liilv . ...Lul07 1:54% 6 98x715 77721 Wavwassamo MH 102 1:51% 4 110X715 78244; Owusoo Pm 99l:57m 4 103. .710 782453 Hickorv Hm 114 1:55% 5 110X710 78240 bSt Cermain ..PC, 110 1 :59%h 7 103x710 78231 Buckwheat ...Wo 103 1:54% 4 93.705 78268 Roval Crown .FG 105 1:56% 4 105X705 78244* bAtiorney Mnir.FG 106 1:54% 9 103X700 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,200 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Not. 27. 1917—1:56—3—94. 78245- Normal CD 110 1:52% 6 110X725 77976 Doughnut FG 112 1:54% 3 110x720 78245 Scare Crow ...FG 107 1:56 4 110.. 715 78231 Mystic Em 104 1:53% 5 103.710 I 78267 Frosty Boy ...FG 99 l:58%b I 95x710 I 78263 Toodie M 3 85. .710 , 78165 Ashland La 101 1:54% 5 113X710 i 78E68 bDuc de MornyHG 116 1 :59% 6 1 OS X 705 ! 78228 hComnie Ci ... .Ln 105 1:54% 8108x705 ! 78264 bCou rni and FG 109 1:53% ■ 103X705 i 78228 Widow Bedotte .. 10 103x700 j At or Over Jocker P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Romaneili, R 12 105 252 31 34 28 Chalmers. J 11 101 566 65 82 54 Idelds G 11 105 675 75 85 90 Breuning. B 11 94 160 18 19 18 Schwartz. M 11 HO 153 17 16 20 Roach A 11 107 264 29 33 29 Allen. A 11 HI 79 9 7 10 Coltiletti. F 11 107 297 34 42 46 Babin G 10 109 359 35 39 45 Milner W 10 100 293 29 25 44 Holmes. H 10 101 87 9 4 I Accardy. A 09 106 145 13 16 22 Ambrose. B 09 108 119 11 13 16 Partington. L. 09 91 162 15 18 15 Costello, R J» 104 241 21 12 20 Rose G 08 106 374 31 39 41 Breuning. G 07 110 70 6 4 7 Mergler, D 07 98 254 17 30 29 Shillick, H 07 10o 256 19 29 41 Beach, B 07 103 158 11 16 20 1 Dennison. J 06 110 60 3 7 « I Tborndyke. F 05 97 173 8 16 9 Ksndell. D 05 90 104 6 2 12 I M.Taggart, J 03 110 104 3 13 16 ! Smallwood. J. G 100 4 0 0 0 Harvev. W 95 22 0 1 3 Fisher, A 90 15 0 0 0 , I Marriner. W 100 8 0 0 1 1 Thompson, G 100 17 0 0 0 let RAPF ,_2 lw,Ie- 2-year-old*. Claiming. April 5, 1»24 47 4V-0 2 Index Curse DIM Time Tck Odds Wt St % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish BILL WINFREY, ch. g. 2 115 By Uncle — Moulin Rouge, by Himyar. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner. G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 78225 C.owie 12 MH*4««fl 13-5 113 4 S Z| 1* J Wallace 12 Foj le. Parma, heneeBelle. Effort 7UI76 Bowie 1- 49%fast 11-5 114 7 6 6" 2* J Wallace 12 Sombre. KittyFrench. AtAggie 77605 Kiirnds :j f 4:%hvy 12 107 i 61 41 C Gross * F. De Coursy. M. Dear. Koxmore • | 77342 IC.r nds 3J f 42%good US 1 3 2* J Wallace 13 MasterBilly. My Biddy, Channel 1 PARMACHENEE BELLE, b. f. S 99 By Troutbeck — Lucy Jackson, by Rock View. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. E. F. Whitney. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78225 Ps WU 1-2 49%s|ow 61 111 7 4 fcj 3* H Calrianl2 Bill Winfrey. Foyle, Effort I 77198 Havana 3-8 37%slow 7-5 112 3 3» 3J C, Wliams ■ fas. Ann. ltosita. Thats t.Time j 77063 Havana 3 8 37%hvy 4-5 113 3 Si 3*1 T Brothers S Wanderlust. Gymkhana. Posit. i i i 76928 Havana 3-8 36Smu,l 1-2 113 5 6s 4% F Woodk9 Wr kanna. Gymkhana. Cas.Anne ; CATHERINE DOUGLAS, b. f, 2 M 101 By Wormleighton— Grace Harban, by Duke of Ormonde. | Trainer. D. Douglas. Owner. D. Douglas. Breeder L. A. Lyne. 78225 l.owi.- 1-2 49%sl.w 21f 102 3 2 4 ."$ W Miller 12 HWfrey. Foyle. P"acbeneeB"le 77385 51 f 42%fa«t 30 115 8 M* M** O W ClsllU Little Cipsy. Star Cirl. Klavia 77254 K ;rril.s 31 f 4 fast 90 115 11 61 CC. W C roll 13 Qcvr.BOM, Nightshade. S.Name 77120 IMirmls 3-8 36 fast 30 115 7 7* S4 ; Walls 12 Vauidoso. MalielC. FydeCoursy 76809 K ; 3-S lAmud 30 110 12 11 10" C Itob s..nl2 Kvely n. Mabel C., Night Shade MIGHT SHADE b. f. 2 M 10A By Csmpfire — MonUosa. by Plaudit. Trainer. J. Pryce. Owner, R. T. Wilson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 7S239 pi.wi- 12 50 slow If 113 8 6 6" 6" ■ Bell 8 Bother. TodRenesor, Bnice-nrar 77871 Jefferson 1-2 49%mu,l 10 109 11 11 ll1 11* B Mrinellil.t B Coogl, . BrnTrout, Lit.Jimmy 77647 I.Crnds 3| f 41%fast 16-i Uf 6 4» 4« J Wallace IS Bi iiTrout. BelleH.. Lit.Jimmy 77254 I" Jrn.I.s 31 f 42 fast 11-5 115 4 U V J ton orai.13 Ceor .atoae, Span Name. Millieti. 76942 r :riuls 2-8 36 good 31 115 4 21 2* H Stutts 10 ByC « gle. Deanll., D.E.Stewart CRINKLE, ch. f. S M 99 By Frizzle — Annchen, by Olambala. Tiainer. J. Pryce. Owner. R. T. Wilson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 78225 BwWta 12 49*slow 12 104 10 10 71 6*1 H Shi.lickl2 It . W frey. Foyle. P scheneeBle 78176 Sswtt 1-2 4S%fast 10 109 4 • 7 8*1 B M rinelli!2 Soml.r. . BillWinf rey, K. French 77910 Jeff.rson 1 2 61%hvy 7 100 I f »• 7*1 B MrinelliM Neat t.irl. M I.idJy Mary Dear 77708 F.Grnda 1-2 49%faat 6 113 2 3 3* 34 B Mrin,llil2 Mala, ha. Dean H.. Wild Wing 77M6 F.tirndB 31 f 42«*faet ■ 1U8 6 7 101 J Corcoranl2 Neat Cart, Spaniii Nam-, He-p HELEN CONDON br. f. 2 M 101 By Rapid Water— Lady Baldur. by Baldur. Trainer. D. Douglass. Owner, D. Douglass. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 78262 BwWta 1 -i 49%troo,l 35 106 1 2 21 4T1 W Milner 12 Pay**, Kun.onin. Roller 77842 F.Grnda 31 f 42%goo,l 30 113 7 61 8* ; W l"nl!i:i Mas. Billy. B Winfrey. MyBiddy 78842 k*.t:rn,is 3-S 36 tool 40 1171 6 9* •" J HodguezlO KyGoogle. Nightshade. Deanll BERNICE HARRAR. b f. 2 M 112 By Superman— Notatulga. by The Commoner. Trainer. G. R. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Bryson i Breeder. J. A. Buchanan. 78889 Bowie 12 50 slow 10 113 2 3 ► 3* L Morris 8 Bother. Tod Renesor, Bsrrage 77847 F tirnds f 41%fast JO 116 7 t» tJ L Morris 13 Br iiTrout. H.llell.. Lit.Jimmy 77473 FGrnds 31 f 42%alow 30 US 14 11» 12 L Morris 14 Alex Woo.ll.f fe. Dellell . Trigger «7886 K Urnda 8J f 42%faet 10 115 7 61 7" L Morris U Utile tiipsy. Star Jul. Flavis 11842 F.Grnds 81 f 42%good M 113 11 111 10*1 J l eyland 13 Mas Billy. B Winfrey. Myltiddy 77120 JT.GtUtla M 35 fast 30 115 12 12 ll-*1 L Moms 12 Vauidoso. MabelC. Fydet ouy MASTER BLUE. ch. c. 2 M 108 Br Star Master— Lou Blue, by Ogden. Trainer. J. D. Adkins. Owner. J. D. Adkins. Breeders. M. and B. B. Jones. 78225 Bowie 1-2 49%slow 21f 113 11 D ll1 V* J McTagt12 B.Wfrey. Foyle. PacheneeBle 77275 F.Grnds 3.J f 42 fast 30 111 10 Mj 12M J Owens 13 Evelyn, Foxnoie. Barney Coogle MARGARETTA E.. blk. f. 2 M 103 By Transvaal — Broken Promises, by King James. Trainer. M. Grant. Owner. M. Grant. Breoders. Morris ft Walden. 78225 Bowie 1-2 49%slow 43 116 12 9 101 9 J Conley 12 B.Wfrey, Foyle, PacheneeBle Fir-t start for the following: REJECTED, ch. f. 2 M 111 By Ballot— Nettie Hastings, by Hastings. Owner, E. Rucker. Breeder, J. S. Cosden. PADLOCK, ch. g. 2 M 109 By Crimper — Yilhalla. by Pessara. Owner. M. R. Pongg. Breeder. W. Garth. GIPSY FLYER, b. f. 2 M 99 By Aeronaut — Gipsy Hill, by Avington. Trainer. A. J. Joyner. Owner. G. D. Widener. Breeder, J. S. Cosden. DARKW00D. br. f. 2 M 99 By Honeywood — Chocolate Lady, by Kitimat. Trainer, P. M. Burch. Owner, M. R. Ponjg*. Breeder, Nevada. Stock Farm. j ! I | I I I j | | ! j 1 I I ! 1 • | 1 I j i i i ; | ?flfl DAPp a-» *"«". .t-year-oldn. Claiming;. Nov. 24. 1D17 1:12 0-5 LIEUTENANT FARRELL, ch. c. 3 107 By Campfire— Beticella. by Heywood. Trainer. K. L. White. Owner. J. J. Farrell. Jr.. Breeder. R. T. Wiison. 78241 Powio 5J f !: 18%slow 42f 99 1 4 51 6«1 W Milner 12 Hidden Jewel. Frank C, Apex 78191 Bowie . f 1 OSfast 41 9". 3 3 4J 5* W Harvey 6 f.o dls, .l.FOHara. HidJewel 77931 Jefferson 51 f 1 09 hvy 41 104 7 8 6" 6«J I Parko S Raffles, KiankC, l.or.Marcellia 77934 Jefferson .. f 1 09 hvy 12 100 1 4 31 5s* J Wallace S Kaffles. Franki; . l.or.Marcellia 77911 Jefferson h f 1 :10%hvy 7 109 2 3 21 21 J Grunsenl5 LittleFloreneo. Stan, p. OldSinner 77812 Jefferson lm70y l:16%good 60 102 2 5 7 7:* J Grunsen 7 IIkGold. Fredi rickfn. Bril.Cast 7 7738 Jefferson 5-S 1:00 fast lr 105 4 3 3* 37 J Grunsen ■ Moonrakcr. Tuscola. Calcutta 77C09 F.Crnds "-4 l:14%hvy 15 100 3 4 6= 6* J Grunsen 9 Fredericktown. Anne. V. Vcnnie N0RMANA. b. f, 3 106 By Superman — Washerwoman, by Earla Mor. Trainer. J. Beamish. Owner, W. C. Baines. Breeder. H. T. Oxnarrt. 7819i Bowie 8f f l:22%fast " 12 104 9 8 8* 9°B Mrinellill Sweepstakes. Jnlia.M.. CareFree 75731 Bowie :.-4 1 :14%fast 18 107 4 5 51 61 F CollettilJ Kbony I.elle. II M.Di. tz. Tolima 75610 Bowie 3-41:11 fast 11-5 108 1 1 2J 1" L McAtee 12 The Poet. No Lady. I reed.sCsll 75097 Laurel 3 4 1 :1.".%gooa 4 109 10 5 41 7= G Babin IJ IdleThglits. I!o-nun:irl. Nepf.iuo 74775 raj— 111 3-4 l:14%fast Cf 10. 7 2 1 l*| P Walls M Fehrah. Jackson. Vutilla 73841 Dufferin Ab 5-8 1:02 fast 9-10 10S 2 W Taylor 8 Belle Isle. Seisjh Bells, Ca.edon TROPICAL WATER, br. c. 3 103 By Rapid Water— Maria C, by Yankee Gun. Trainer. W. A. Burtschell. Owner. J. R. Skinker. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 77080 FGrnds :-.-4 ld2%Caat 12 105 i 7 51 93 II Zander 11 Mah.Ion?. Q.CIiarniinK. Dreamer 75776 Bowie af 1 l:23%mud 16-5 115 I 5 10 10;« G Fields 12 Fehrah. CnrStar. Fior. It. Walker 75252 Pimlico Oi f 1 :07 fast 6 116 3 2 21 2« E Smwodi2 Fredericktown, Omeca. Salmon 174644 Laurel 3-4 1 :i::%fast .". Ill 6 3 41 41 H Farland 9 l.eatherwd. Annallorton. By roD 174418 Iiurd ll:42%fast 1-2 108 5 3 8s 8,; K LeRero 9 Snow Maiden. Byron. El.b Tide 74322 I.aunl 8-4 l:13%fast 21-10 106 1 1 l4 1* ■ Lepere 11 Byron. F derickt n. Annallorton 173532 B.lmont 51 f 1 :0C fast 30 110 8 5 71 6s C, Babin 10 L.Balt ini, II.. B. Warren. B.Lane FEHRAH. br. f. 3 98 By Flittergold— Mint Drop, by Irish Lad. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner, D. L. Richards. Breeder. Himvar Stud. 177583 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15%hvy 13-a 99 3 4 5 5J L Lang 7 Privilege. Jack-on. Coldmark "7474 F.C.r nds 3 4 1 :15%slow 7 97 1 2 21 J* L Lang 12 Jack-on. Mid .Follies. Lis Bonnet 77082 F.Grnds 11:41 fast 7 88 6 I 5- 7° L Lant? OAttilia. Marg Ware. WaterGirl 77006 F.Gr n,ls 3 4 l:15%hvy 10 93 6 6 6= 75 L Lang 7 CareFree. laity Bast, PoorSport 76780 F.Grnds lm70y 1 :48%mu.l 6 92 3 . 3 4 4«l D Jones 9 Margaret Ware. Our Star. Jan* 76684 F. Jrnds lm70y 1 :4S%mud 12 100 4 1 3* 32 A Abel M lnyinan. Our Star. Fro-:;. Boy 76529 F.Grnds lm70y 1 :47%slow 9-5 92 1 2 5 6j I, Lang 8 Frosty Boy. Seths Flwr. 0 Star 76405 Jefferson J4 1:14%good 41 93 2 3 31 22 L Lang S Caligula. T.dHonur. Doc. Glenn ARGUMENTAL. ch. f. 3 105 By Marathon — Argument, by The Commoner. Trainer. H. G. Bedwell. Owner, Kenton Stable. Breeder. H. G. Bedwell. 73226 "naught Bf f l:07%fast 6 97 6 5 51 4* M Garrett ti Umbrage. Normana. Malvern .3074 "naught 61 f l:08%slov 10 99 4 3 5* 5*2 R Costello 6 Batonnier. Odd Setli. Dmbrage 72927 Kenilwh 51 f 1 :07 fast 31 99 11 9 911-W Fronk 12 I. Thghts. A.Horton. ChlotteB. 72728 FortKrie 5 8 1 0i%fast 31 105 2 1 U 1= W Fronk 11 Fear. Batonnier. Sarko 72560 FortKrie 5-8 1 :00%fast 9-5 105 3 3 41 6« L Taidin 12 Deronda. Program. Thornton 172488 Hamton 6-8 1:01 fast 9-5 100 2 2 2 2* . J Wallace S Drumstick. Sarko. Leonard G. BARLEYCORN, b. g. 3 108 By Light Brigade — Five Aces, by Disjuise. Trainer. A. L. Denny. Owner, G. C. Denny. Breeder. J. C. Milam. 78267 Bowie lm70y 1:49 good 7f 100 6 3 9 9: J Shanks 11 Anne. Aggt ingPap i. WoodT/jdv 78227 Bowie 7-S 1:30 mud 2 101 9 5 3 3*1 L Iang 12 Aiiti«ity . II klel. yFinn. W I.nch 77802 Jefferson 3-4 1 :14%fast 25 107 4 5 8J 10* 11 Stutts 14 Pathau. StakeMe. C, iiCharming 77716 F.Grnds 1 l:40%fa.«t 16-6 101 3 2 21 3* J Wallace 7 Attilia. Flying Fur. Telescope 77651 F.Grnds lm70y l:44%fast 8 101 3 1 11 2 I Parke 7 Attilia. Anne. Hart Crackle 77368 F.Grnds lm70y 146%fast 7 107 3 2 3 6- L MoDott12 Telescope. WongBok Ainit;Clni 77213 F.Grnds 3 4 1:14 fast 8 107 3 1 l1 I*| L McDott 13 Apology. Tight. Troutvvi.k LITTLE ALFRED, br. g, 3 108 By High Time — Magic Lantern II., by Le Sagittait,. Trainer. F. Burlew. Owner, B. Block. Breeder. S. Ross. 78196 Bowie 61 f 1 :22%faf=t 14 99 8 9 91 S° B Breningll Sweepstakes. JuliaM.. CareFree 77606 F.Grnds 3 4 l:l..%hvy 31 93 6 1 1* 11 Q Cooper 10 Anticipate. Ettahe. Fifty Fifty 77495 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%good 20 95 4 1 ll 41 G Coope 9 Stargo. PaulMicou. Dnml. founder 77445 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%mud 15 96 7 6 7 671 B Brening 7 V, nizelos. Caligula. Piedmont 77255 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13%fast 7 91 10 9 8- S»l L I.ang 10 Poppye, Arrowhead, Fifty -Fifty 76860 F.Grnds lmTOy 1 :46%fast 15 92 11 7 10* 10" G Cooper 11 Deronda. Wankulla. D.spard 76524 F.Grnds . 3-4 l:15%siow 8 105 6 1 1« Is F Lee 14 Tel, scope. Cliaplct. The Fenian 76440 Jefferson 3-4 l:14%fast 10 112 5 2 3* 81* F Lee 10 Everglade. Brilliant!. ist. Antiiy LADY CHOCO. ch. f. 3 101 By Atheling II.— Chocolate Lady, by Kitimat. Trainer. R. McKeag. Owner, A. Rold. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 78228 Bowie 7-S 1 :29%mud l-f 101 2 2 41 9"F Lee 13 Fifty Fifty. Warn g. C.J.Cgmile 78161 Bowie 61 f 1:23 mud Sf 100 5 9 11" 11-- J Chlmersl.JBiffP.ang. TimesLp. Agg.Papa 77583 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15%hvy 10 109 1 2 3 4* W Milner 7 Privilege. Jackson. Coldmark 77343 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :i;.%good 15 107 1 2 li 1JW Milner 1 1 Ja ks..n. K ilbowie. Ant iquity 77121 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%fast 41 98 3 4 31 4J K Blind 13 Vultilla. Jackson. Zanzibar 76922 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 slow 6 99 6 7 6 6J F Thorykel2 Peggy O., Vultilla. Belle K. ALTISSIMO. blk. c. 3 M 103 By Trap Rock or Bard of Hope— Louise Travers, ay Trainer. B. Grason. Owner, R. G. Ensor. McGee. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 78226 Bowie 81 f 1 :22%slow 25 116 6 4 31 2" K Ambrsel.". i; Foin. Just. Bethlehem Steel 75559 Mliioro Al .". -S 1 :05 good 28 104 2 7 61 a7 C Jackson S l.yAbbott. KltkaVem PliaV lata 75538 Mailbro Ab 5-S 1 :05%slow 2C 10S 2 7 61 6* G Corey 7 Salmon. Al Hotfoot. Flo Brown 75478 Marlboro 5-fc 1 :04%mud 21 114 4 4 31 3« M Schwtz 8 Plaid. Salmon. North Breeze 75068 Laurel 51 f 1:11 slow 7 110 2 9 8* Vi G Hose 14 n Vague. Stevei s. Ij-onard C. 75007 laurel 3-4 1:16 mud 208 110 2 6 31 4i G Rose 13 On. eta. WaireiiLynch. I.rauiton AUNT JANE. b. f, 3 104 By Polymehan— Seemly, by Torpoint. Trainer. O. E. Pons. Owner. 0. E. Pons. Breeder. Himyat .Stud. 78193 Bowie 61 f l:22%fast 47-10 98 8 7 9 94 D Ramie!! !» ScaSand. Whalebone. QkTime 72927 Kenilwh 51 f 1:07 fast 7 109 5 4 4» 5;1 R McD ottl2 I. Thghts. A.Horton. ChlotteB. 72835 Kenilwh 51 f 1:07 faat 7 110 5 5 41 3*1 R McLVott t Fast Mack. Fietwell. Keumant 72489 Hamton 51 f 1:08 fast 8 116 2 f. 41 2l R McDott 9 Ch. Archee. II, lentook. Malvern 72413 Hamton 3-4 1 :13%fa=.t 11 107 14 6= 6" It McDott 7 Dr. 0 Mara. D pThonght. Remnt 71961 Map Hts 61fl:03%fast 17-10 105 12 2* 2! H Gray S Battle Shot. Ann M. Wiki Ja k 71726 FortKrie 61 f 1:10 slow 8 106 3 2 31 3* R McDott 7 1. Thought. S.M.Lizzie. S Cloudv 71529 Hamton 6-8 l:00%fast 12 112 5 2 1"* 1" R McDott 8 S.M.Lizzie. V. Burton. A.Horton MUCH ADO. b. f, 3 111 * By Ed Crump — Teetotal, by Irish Lad. Trainer. E. Gummel. Owner, E. Gummel. Breeder. H. R. Dulany. 78241 Bowie 61 f l:08%slow 42f 94 3 6 ll1 11* H Callahn12 Hidden Jewel. Frank G ., Apex 78162 Bowie 51 f 1 09 mud 77 102 3 8 81 8" H Farland !» Svv galong. M Dono. VkeePcess 75251 Pimlico 61 f 1 :07%fast 43 102 3 6 71 j T Finn 10 F. Flower. I. Thoughts, Parthema 75039 Laurel 1 1 :42*imud 97 99 5 8 8 S« L Ward S Bi-Blaze. Mini Briar. Turnberry 74857 Iiur.l 61 f 1 :08 fast 15 102 5 1 111IT Finn 15 Sligo. OurStar. Jackson 74735 laurel 61fl:07%fast 35 115 6 8 8» 6J FJ Legere 12 Dear.Maria, P.Kuiey. B. Beloved RAGS. b. f. 3 M 107 By Crimper— Emerald Gem. by McGee. Trainer. W. H. Post. Owner. W. K. Post Bieeder. J. S Cosden. 78226 Bowie 61 f l:22%slow 34 111 9 10 11 11: R Romcllil:: io Foin. Altissimo. Just 75648 Bowie 61 f 1 :09%slow 20 101 9 10 8 1 SJ D Mergl, rl2 Bess.tJershel. FloBrown. Stevens 75190 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast 22 112 6 7 8* 8" C Lang 11 Sen. Norris. Pepp. Memento 75095 Laurel 6-8 1:02%good 7 115 4 2 2 3« C I.ang ! Best Beloved. Memento. Just Me 74980 laurel 3-4 1:15%good 4 92 5 2 1"* 4s S WliamslO Fehrah. Fredericktn. Wrkhorn 74738 Laurel 1 l:41%fast 13f 95 1 1 5»* 8° D Mergler II Qninham. Bra m ton. Ebb Tide 74693 Laurel 3-4 l:13%fast 9 112 8 6 516,: D Merger S Confalon. Suppliant, Warrentoa PEGGY 0.. br. f. 3 106 fly Boots and Saddle — Arrowwood, by Javelin. Trainer. J. H. Buscher. Owner. J. H. Buscher. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 77780 Jefferson 3-4 1 :14%fast 10 110 1 7 4 V J Wallace 15 Sizzle. CrtNorthern, Trontwicl; 77607 3-4 1:16 hvy 15 101 8 8 S1 .",* J Chalm rs 9 Col. Winn. Piedmont, Poppye 77368 lm70y 1 46%fast 20 100 8 5 8* 7*1 J Ch lme:sl2 Telescope, WongBok, AmityClnf, 77259 FCrnils lm70y 14".%fast 15 100 4 7 7 6: .1 Chalmer.sll Telescope, Anne, Wong P.ok 77103 r.Oraata lmTOy 1:46 fast 20 101 15 5 321 1 Chalrnersl2 FlyingFur. Fausto, Breechloadef 76988 Ftlrnds 1 144%hvy 8 90 2 5 M V L Lang I Wil theWizard, Anne, DevilGirJ. 76922 F.Grnds 3-4 1:15 slow 8 102 7 3 3 1- L I.ang 12 Vultilla, Belle K., Telescope PLAY ON. blk. f. 3 106 By Play Square— Maxie Taylor, by Marta Santa, Trainer. T. J. Donohue. Owner. C. L. Whiting. Breeder. E. Lauderdale. 75438 Pimlico 3-4 113%fast 9f 9S 4 5 6 10 : W Milner 12 M Domino. I.Th ghts, Eagerness 75398 Pimlico 3-4 1.14%good 17f 101 :: 8 13514,8W Milner 14 Eti.BeCe. P Hamlet. " Aggra. Papa 75252 Pimlico 51 f 1 :07 fast 39 95 10 9 91 91 L Ward 12 Fredktown. Trop. Water. Omega 75097 Laurel 3-4 1 :1."%good 6 107 8 9 9s and» L McAtee 10 IdleThght ;. BomanCirl. Neptune 74898 Laurel 51 f 1 09.slop 19-5 115 2 11* lJ L McAtee 8 Kidnap. Lu Vague. IidyMabel, 74735 Laur-1 61 f 1 .07 .fast 40f 115 4 7 101 12 • A Clover 12 DearMaria P.Kuiey. B. Beloved WARREN LYNCH. Ir. c, 3 108 By Theo. Cook— Lauretta, by Marco. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner. A. Swenke. Breeder. E. F. Sirr.mi.. 78287 See todays chart. 78227 Howie 7-S 1 :30 mud 9 107 3 4 EHJ F Co!lettil2 Antiqty. Hklel.yFnn. Bleycn 77890 Jefferson 11 16 1:5;: mud 31 108 9 8 6* 9* I Parke 10 Quinhsm. Creat North, rn. Bugler 77610 FCrnds lm70y 1 :49*thvy 8 101 1 3 2 2 I Parke 8 Seths Flower. Tight. Sun Mart 177391 F.Gr nds lmiOy 1 47%fast 8 110 8 12 11 10* G ManganM M Follies. BLCeffa. Antiquity 77314 F.Grnds 3 4 1:14%fast » 100 9 10 10 10" J Wallace 12 Brookdale, orallteef. SpvEI-u 77103 F.Grnds lm70y 1:46 fast 12 100 6 6 T» 7*11 Parke 12 Flying Fur, Fausto. PeggyO. rv I nipr G 1-2 FurlongN. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Nov. 2D, oru nAbt mt: — it it i-s — * — 112. CAPTAIN COSTIGAN. eb g. 4 111 By Vandergrift— Bastante. by Oddfellow. Trainer. E. J. Furman. Owner. J. M. Collins. Breeders. Keene and Black. 78243 Bowie lm70y 1 61%slow 51 106 2 1 1* 1* W Milner S Mizar. High Car. King John. 78178 Bowie 7-S 1:31 fast 5 99 5 1 1* 1 W Milner 1.1 M JumN.. Dr..fl.Vv. HryFinn 77781 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :4and%fast 30 110 8 2 4 8*1 J Walace 12 Dumt.fnder. Repealer. Wat. Girl 177538 Itlrnds 3-4 l:14%fast 20 100 9 12 9 6*1 G Cooper 12 K, hange. Billy Klair. Jon Jou 77452 F.Grnda 3-4 115%hvy 6 Id i 4 41 Ii M Schw tzl.l olonol Winn. Mcintosh. Stamp 77148 FCrnds 3-4 1:14%fast 6 110 6 6 31 Il K Pool 12 Hock Bottom, Stamp. Sword 70878 FGrnds 3-4 1 14%sloW 8 105 10 9 4"* 2 J Wallace 11 Paul Micou, Jou Jou. Felicitous I BUCADO. br. g. 4 108 Bv Honeywood — Bells, by Leonid. Traicer. W. A. Burttsrhell. Owner. J. R. Skinker. Breeder. NevaH- Stock Farm. ! 78265 Bowie 61 f 122%good 31 111 6 1 P 1*1 L I-ing 13 Fifty Fifty, Venlos.. ;en.Ca«a ,78196 Bowie 8ft f l:22%fast 15 108 6 7 7* :| H Shillick 11 Sweepstakes. JuliaM.. CareFree 77936 .l-ffi-;son 1 1-16 1 :..l%hvy 8 109 9 7 7" 7*1 B Breningll Peqnot. OurStar. Servitor 77803 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :4S fast 8 109 1 2 31 6* L McDottBI TanSon. ftsantfaartt*, RylDnck 77720 F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:54 fast 8 108 3 1 |« 4* D Mergler J Alard, Ramkin. Fannie Bean j 77675 FCrnds 1 1 16 1 :48%fast 18 5 100 1 5 2» 1" I Parke 10 Tan Son. Normal, i ol»n, 1 Wina 177586 Fllinds 11-16 1:50 hvy 8 102 8 6 7* 8" I Parke • C Billows, riaaliaj, Marg Wara 77543 KC.rnds 1 1-16 1 :48%fast 13 5 107 2 5 »" 4* D Merg:er 9 i. Billows. St Dona rd. Slumpjr. 77369 FCrnds 1 1 16 1 47%fast 6 113 1 2 3 3* L I.ang 8 Lily M., Wrangler. Tan Son 77318 P.iirnds 1 IS 1 51 fast 8 93 5 1 ft* S* li Lang • E Indian. Westwoo.l. O. Faithful t WHALEBONE, blk. g, 8 103 By Allan-a -Dale— Marcotini. by Marco. Trainer. T. E. Crist. Owner. T. E. Crist. Breeder. J. W. Webb. 78231 Bowie : l li. : .M-..111 i,l 33-10 10S 3 1 lft 2| G Rose 13 Overtake, Day Lilly. Mystic 78193 Bowie 6-J f 1 -2Sfa -t 41 106 I 2 21 2* B Brening !» ScaSand. Quick Time. Arendal 178161 Bow,.- 61 f 1 2.1 mud 6 106 13 7 8* 7«H Holmes 13 Biffllang, Timeslp, Agg Papa j 77936 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :51%hvy 10 104 5 2 9* 10»J D Jonea 11 Pequot. Onr Star. S. rvitor | 77871 Jefferson J-4 1 14%fast 8 110 6 11 L* 12*J B Martin 13 Vacuum. Lugs. longboat 77805 Jcffirson J-4 1:15 fast 7 101 8 2 21 ft* J Jonea 8 Bl Astro, Idle Tbts, Arrowfc 4 MARBLE, ch. p., 5 1«« Br Ballot— Tiffany Blend, by Cesaxlon. Trainer. A. E. Alexandra. Owner, Mr*. A. E. Alexandra. Breeders. H. H. A J. H. Gaines. 7X264 Bowie «4 f l:22%good 51 106 9 8 61 6*1 G Rosa 10 Sea Hand. Arendal, Poppye 72532 1ortErie 1 1-16 1 :45Vast 8-5 110 2 2 2* 1» P Walls 7 TenderSeth, GrssMai.l. BI. Stone 72437 ton 1 1-16 1 :45Vast 9 104 3 3 3»* 41 P Walls « Jouett, Despair. Fannie Bean 71730 PtortErie lm70y 1 4su.slow M 109 1 4 51 » J Brogden 0 Despair, By Jiniiny. Limpus 71439 Hamton 3 4 113 fast 6 100 4 5 4 3« P Walla 0 SethsLeiron. Sgr.ido. Muskalgf 71354 Baaatoa 1 1 16 liyislow 43 5 110 3 4 3* 3i 1* Walla 7 Latnpus. Despair, High Speed CARE FREE. b. g. • 115 By Colin — Domino Noire, by Kingston. Trainer. J. P. Polk. Own?r, J. P. Polk. Breeder. N. S. Schwartz. 78196 Bowie 61fl:?2Vast 15 117 7 5 51 "| J Wallace 11 Sweepstake*. Julia M. Bneado 77."»B4 FCC nds 3-4 3 :H hvy 5 110 4 4 4 4" L McDott 4 Lor.Marccllia. Rnby, Hld.Jewel 77255 Illrml.i 24 1 ItTLftHl 36-5 120 6 2 2» 4*1 J H BurkelO ilWlllli, Fifty Fifty 77185 FCrnds 3-4 116 hvy 9 3 US 3 1 P 1 J R Burl;el2 P.Micou, Fiftj Fifty, Slip y Elm 7708:5 FGrnds 1 1-16 l:49Va*t 31 116 1 5 3i 3» E Tool 7 HarryB., Ssofllsure, WpsmcI! 77006 Kiirnls 2 ll:15V»vy 11-5 111 3 1 1* U J Heupcl 7 Mrlatj Boo: • Sjiort. Simplicity 76986 FCrnds til lillny 16-5 1U 2 3 3* 2i J Chalm rslO Gu.nnr, Se.|i;e1. Felicitous 7G733 3-4 l:14*4slow 7 118 3 1 11 2 C O.Vah y 9 Kingsclcre. Attilia. Coral Reet STAR COURT, ch. g, 7 108 By Star Shoot— Courtmaid. by Prince Royal. Trainer, G. C. Brenton. Owner, G. C. Brenton. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 73501 Timonm Ab6Jf 1:26-V.hy 7-10 US II ■ Hileman 7 Bali. Neapolitan. Alluring 73428 Timonm 2 4 1 21 hvy 31-10 120 ]■ A Allen I J. sepliino C, EdithK., Primitive .3333 Timonm I 4 I tJeTafaat 11-10 117 2" ■ Hileman S Koy.iUharlic. A ost3, WarVictor 70867 DC-tin T-f ,,Tr%fMt 1S-5 112 2-J ■ Taplin SKoistoier. Kingling II.. F.Shann 70796 Iftf.-nn Ab 5-8 1:01 Vast 14-5 115 7* K Taplin 7 Monr.on. Druid Hill. Acosta 70674 Ij ffTin Al 5 S LOUVsmud 8-5 110 1» E Taplin Service Flag. Bogart, Fleer FIFTY-FIFTY, blk. g. 5 115 By Lough Foyle— Haversack, by Martinet Trainer, T. J. Shannon. Owner. J. J. Hertz. Breeder. S. Ross. 78265 Bowie H t l:22good 8-3 116 11 7 3 2-J J Wallace IS Bucado, Venizeloa, C.en. Cadorna 78228 Bowie ;si:.".«smul 33 5 IIS 6 3 1* 1» J Wallace in Warng. CJ.Cgmile. St. Michael 78161 Bowie 61 f 1:23 muil 33-5 113 12 8 6* 5*1 J Wallace IS Biff Bang. TimesUp. Agg.Papa 77871 Ii ITm— ::-4 1 20 113 7 8 6i t*J Wallace 1.1 Vacuum, lajgs. longboat 77759 Jefferson 3-4 LHVast 2 111 7 8 8" 7*J A Accardy 14 Dr. .Toe. Good Time. Huidee 77606 lCinds 1 I 1 HTtaUJ 31 112 8 3 3* 4*1 L McDottlO Little Alfred. Anticipate. Ettahe 77495 FGrnds 2-4 114igood 6 106 6 6 5» 5* A Accardy 9 Stargo, BaulMicnu, Dumbfounder 77364 F.Grnds 2-4 1 :12Vast 6 107 10 9 9» 7«i A AccardylO Arrowhead. l"lMicou, D.Bolling VENIZELOS. b. h. 5 116 By Plaudit— Lady Clara, by RequitaL Trainer, J, H. Tevis. Owner, J. H. Tevis. Breeder. E. L. Davis. 78265 Bowia Ci f l:22*»good 19 116 5 3 21 3*1 F Collettil.S Bucado. Fifty Fifty. Gen. Cada 78161 Howie 61 f 1:23 mud 13 111 7 2 31 4»i H Howard!:. BiffBang. TimesLp. Agg.Papa 77846 Jefferson S-4 1 HVast 20 118 10 11 13 13" J H Birkel.1 Avispa. Poor Sport. Day due 77608 FCrnds Til ITMIm 12 111 3 2 6* ,JF Th dyke 7 CuVnnr. Stargo. Sling 77195 FCrnds 2-4 1 14Bgood 7 114 9 5 7 8 L Lang 9 Stargo. PaulMicou. Dumbfounder 77445 P.Gr nds 3-4 l:14*imud 8-5 102 1 2 ll B I Parke 7 Caligula. Piedmont. Far East 77321 FCrmls C-4 l.HVdow 10 103 3 1 If V F Thdyl;e 11 Sagamore, Hysteria, Se iuel ROTAL CHARLIE, b. g, 5 112 By Charles 0 Malley— Captive Princess, by Captiva- Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner. A. SwenkeL tion. Bred in England by W. A. Wallis 78265 Bowie 61 t l:22Seot.d 71 113 I 5 4i 6" J McTagtlS l.ucado. Fifty Fifty. Veniielos 7HI97 i:.«i- lm70y 1 IJifast 7 112 I 1 l4 1» C Lang 10 Our Birthday. Servitor, Antilles 78161 Bowt« C, 1 ?.. mud CI 111 8 10 101 10» C Lang 13 BiffBang, TimesLp, Agg.Iapa 77ti5: Id 1 1-16 1.48 Vast 11-5 10S 7 5 51 5T I Parke 12 La Orb. Pete Koy. Ceorgu 77499 Ktiinda 11-16 119 good I 110 4 1 11 5s I Parke ft FredKinney. Widgeon. F Kmbry 77347 Illimla 1 1-15 1 4$%g—4 41 110 8 3 3 3» L McDottll Normal. Majority. St. Paul 77197 ltlrinlb 1 1-16 l:47»iK5od S 114 5 2 4« 4» I Parke 8 Gem. Normal, I irklevington ARENDAL. b. g, 4 106 By Plaudit or Star Shoot— Pvrope. by Sir Wilfred. Trainer, W. M. Martin. Owner. S. N. Holman. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 78264 B*Wla 61 f l:22*jgood :.i 111 6 2 2"t 21 F Murphy 10 Sea Sand. Poppve, Cote dOr 78193 BoWta ■ f 1:22 Vast 22 111 7 3 3» 4« F Murphv • SciS.-uid, Wluil.boise. QkTime 77841 .1. -fferson K| C 1.09 good 15 120 5 9 10l 10° D Ml rgb r 14 St. Maurice, Dv Ityan, JoImJoseph 77407 l«; I -I 1 :i:Vast 30 33 1 9 9 93» D Mcrglcr 9 Traaatete. Swe.-pskcs, Hon. Man 71064 1 .. ton 2-4 1:12 Vast 2 112 5 2 2| 2« J Ie ic . Eastei I.elN, Hob. Shea. Isosceles 7:1948 I.exton S-4 1 :Hhvy 29 ] H 7 5 W i»M rev |C B Certain, Donees, ,l n 73774 Ixulon "I l:i:;good 19 107 1 3 21 1*1 J Pevic 9 Ceitain. Donges, King Charming ".3192 DeVafciM C i U3Vast 13 104 12 1* li J Pevic TWewVeli Tony Sue. Airagosa WESSIE B.. b. m. 5 103 By King James— Australina. by Montana. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78265 Bowie 61 f 1.22**good 131 104 13 10 61 il H Holm s 1.. Bucado, Fifty-Fifty, Venizelos 77448 ICrnds lmTOy I :47 mud 10 10316 S 5l .r.» H Holmes ti oral Keef, Al Stebler. Superbum 77190 ICrnds I 1 t I TTKwSJT 7 110 1 4 3" 3» A Abel 5 LdWrack. Horn, lul.y. Hickory 77083 r.Oratda I 1 16 l:4*%Caa* M 104 7 3 4» 4=1 V Lee 7 HarryB., S-of ITsure, CareFrec 7»i840 l.Criiils 1 :M6 2:0::«vdow 41 100 3 3 41 10;: A Abel 10 St.Donard, Gondolier. Superbum 76700 1 Urn. Is 11-S15S hvv 4 101 5 1 I* 1* A Abel 8 Duke John. Pete ?oy. Torsida 70018 ICrnds 1 I 16 1 47Vast 30 103 7 8 8 J " H Holmes S Wapiti. BygoneOays, Brunsell 76192 lefftil— I ! -16 l:53«5hvy 7 105 1 4 l | 4J A Abel 5 M.Ware, Lit.Ammie. BelleAmie 70024,.n 1 1 !6 1 5o"t.s1ow 6 98 6 5 5* 4* L Lang 6 TanSon. Majority, ywassamo THE PERUVIAN, ch. h, 5 108 By Hesperus— Rural Delivery, by Mortlake. Trainer. J. W. Reams. Owner. J. W. Kearns. Breeder. A. K. Macomber. 782:10 Bowie 1 1 ! 2 :00Vrtud 13 ! « .", 4 61 5* E Atkinson I BiffBng, KrVySujiy, TlieForner 78IXO Bowie lniTy l:4.»Sfast 24 110 1 1 1» 1» ■ Atksonll Normal. I onl Wrack. High Gear 77648 l ;rnds 3-4 1:14 fast 12 112 2 10 9! 9"! G Rose 13 Patrician. Haidee, Mcintosh 77196 FC.imls 1 1-16 1 !7Hgood 8 111 5 6 61 P» G Rose 7 TdHiieur. Col. Baker, Stumpjr 76964 lGrnds I 4 l 165mud 6 113 1 6 41 ?.* G Hose 13 Fifty Fifty. Sea Wolf. ILPdner 70701 FGrmls 2-4 1 :15*thvy 8 110 5 6 6* 6J1 Q P.ose 11 Carnarvon. FarEast. DanBolling 75730 Bowie H f : ..Vast C7-10 116 6 6 5s 6»i C H Milieri:! 1 icaiey. Sea Sand. Coral Keef 75228 It—He ■ 3-4 l:14-imud 4 109 4 4 4i 2* C Lang 11 Finality, MaryMaxim, Mabel K. ALADDIN, br. g. 4 106 By Dick Finnell— Viola Vail, by Jean Bercaud. Trainer. G. Peterson. Owner, W. A. Rosen. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 77803 Jefferson 1 1 16 1 :4S fast .10 105 5 7 91 9» O Thorn n 13 TanSon, Ks.arpolette. ItvIDuck 775:18 1Gi 2-4 1:14 Vast 20 108 4 5 3" :sl D Metwlef 12 Exchange. Billy Klair. Jou Jon 76528 I-Gi nds 1 1 16 1 :4SHslow 20 99 5 8 8 8=« F Th dyke S SogthAroon. TonyBeau. Kaftles 76461 IGrtids lm70y l:45Vast 16", 105 1 1 2| 3: Q Corey B Baffles, Fly. Devil. Beverwvc k 76104 letter— 3-4 l:13*r.good 7 107 5 I 3 ;,• D Mergler 9 Idle Thoughts. I.ugs. Knot iras.s SSStl .1. ff, rson 5Wl:09hvy 8 107 4 5 8 S» D Merrier B RojcDick. Beglardon, Antonia 70268 J. ffeison 3 4 1:18 hvy 7 105 9 o 6* 2« D Mergb r 10 Splicity, Valentia, Becomdatn MARIE MAXIM, br. m, 7 103 By Golden Maxim— Mary Reardon. by Peep oDay. Trainer. F. Matson. Owner, S. Taylor. Breeder C. D. Riv. 78196 Bowie H t" l:2-Vast B 116 10 10 10* 10= W Jonlanll Sweepstakes. J;diaM.. CareFree 75734 Bowie 1 1 16 1 51V»at 3 101 1 1 1* 1» H Howardl2 War Fox. Sling. Sea Monarch 75649 Bowie t| f l:22hssIow 01-10 1071 1 1 1* -* F CollettI13 Poor S|K rt, Haidee, Lads Ixive 75404 lMnlico 2-4 1 :14 *gooa 16 M 8 6 7 10»1 B Marin 11:13 Hid. Jewel, f ist.Bflll. ValenUa 75282 PtsattCO 2-4 1:1. Vast Mf 112 2 2 2= 2* H ThurberlL Noel. l.o. h Ayr. Kliinegold 715t5 .laniai i ImTOy 1 :44Vast 5 10813 3 5* 5* F Colletti 7 Mas.|iierado. Zealot. Eastlndian 74358 Jamaica 3-4 1:12 last CO 107 1 1 3J 6«1 A Collins t DimnicMlale. .alantman, Ioe 72083 Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 6 107 1 4 31 4=i F Col bttilO Lady Bom-. Marionette, Jyntee 71025 AMi.du.t 3 4 112-Vast 100 119 4 6 7 7*1 F Colletti 7 M.nyl-atri.i.i. Mi-.-Stai. Avisack WEST PITTSTON. b. f. 4 96 By Sweep— Santa Maria, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. J. Boden. Owner, Triple Springs Farm Stable. Breeder. P. T. Chinn. 78228 Bowie 7s1:23Vmud I M 7 10 10: U:! H BowaiwlS Fifty Fifty. Warn g. C.J.Cgmile 75781 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :..4Sniud 11 9114 11 7l 8" H Howardl5 oral Beef. Col. Whaln. F.Monroe 75735 Bowie 1 1 16 1 .2 fast 6 93 7 2 3 Z*l II Howard 11* Ettahe. Widow Bedotte, Toodles 75616 Bowie 1 1-16 1:51 Vast 4J 96 8 3 4* G* H Howaid10 Bouen. D. and Drakes. Zouave 75096 laurel 1 lt.good 15 107 9 4 41 4T1 H Howard12 Insulate. May Buddy. Simoon 73460 B linnets 1 IS 1", Vast 1 94 « 1 I»| 4J H Howard S The lockmeiider. Uoyden. Ajom 73110 "n. night lm70y 1 .46 Vast 31 S9 4 1 1* 1» H Howard 9 Mouette. Tantalus, StraiglitShot BRIGHT LIGHTS, ch. g. 8 108 By Peter Quince— Blaze o Gold, by St. Florlaa. Trainer. F. A. Alexander. Owner, J. F. McCauley. Breeder. W. S. Threlkeld. 78265 Bowie 61 f 1 :-2Vrood M 110 4 12 13 i:i«A Accardy 1.1 Bucado. Fifty Fifty. Venizelos 78178 Bowie 7 S 1:31 fast 7f 110 9 12 ll1 10" R Bom « •11113 C ostigan, M Jumbo, D.of t.Vy 77805 .1. ffeison 2 -4 1:15 fast ; 106 6 9 9 9* A Accardy ft El Astro, Whalebe, Idle Tilts 77739 Jefferson 2-4 1:13Vast 30 111 8 S 8 8" R Bomclli S Caligula, Kings, lere. Whalebone 66305 Ab I 4 1 : 10 Vast 7 118 2 4 31 37 L Fator M Viglitboaf. Ting-a-Ling, Bsquire 65804 Je— aire 3 4 1.12Vast 4| US 6 4 4- 4i E Martz M /aienti.i. BkejawC. Transient ARDELLA. b. f. 4 101 By Marathon— Delia Mack, by The Commoner. Trainer. L. G. Bedwell. Owner, Kenton Stable. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. 74526 Th iiffe 1 l:41Vast 8 94 I 1 f 8* M Gariett 12 Auaprisa. Ten Can. Tribune 74375 Hi. line | 31-.". MB 31 5 4" S| i Fields 12 Bengore. War lank. Beljoy 71120 W in.. Im7iy 1 4f 103 3 M 10 10 M Garrett ID feraseteae*, Iuffl.all. KUesmar 73766 Dorval 9 1 I ;.V- st 31-30 KB 12 2* 2" M Garrett ."• Sun Biae. Pravoa, l.nol 73631 Dorval 2-4 1:13 fast 13 5 99 S 41 2: M Garrett B Coral Keef. Juan. ill, Assume 73534 DorvaJ 3-4 l:U%alOW 7 100 ■ 7 7 6 M Garrett s Dr C. Wells, JoellaJ., Ch. Sponsor 73497 B B nnets 7-S l:27*islow 1 103 2 2 l| :.*! M Garrett 8 V Bjaaeeajea, Ladslxive, Dancer CAVENDISH, b. g. 6 103 By The Curragh— Isir.*e. by Isidor. Trainer. T. Lynn. Owner. E. K. Bryson. Breedt r. J. Santord. 71489 Ab 1 4:01 Vast I l.l 4 13 3* HOXeil 5 Filing Irog, Dandy, Keltie 71403 Ham ton Al. I 1 07-.good I 143 2 1 3* 1* H ONeill 4 Noiuis. Keltie. McDoran 71294 llamton Al. S IBIkCaat 12 137 1 1 1* 31 H ONeil 0 Jim » ofiroth, Noinis, Wh. Satin 70560 "onnght At 2 2.53 good 7 139 1 1 V t*| H ONeill 5 Hal. Chances. J offroth. Keltit 7043K "t .night Al 2 "....Wist 4 147 1 3 3 ■ L rid.H O Nil 7 Barnabas. N..mis. Daddv 70216 V dtune Ab 2 4. 16 Vast CI 147 2 2 2 V H ONeill 11 The idosius. Nomis. Barnabaa ROSA TETA. ch. f. 4 101 By Sandbar— Hannah Louire. by Yellow Tail. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner. Mrs. K. Smart. Breeder. Oak Hill Farm. 78196 BOWie H f 1 .22 Vast ."If 106 tj 6 6* 5 F Lee 11 llejlieolaiie .IilliaM.. CareFree 75712 Bowie 1 116 I B fast M 1 .9 6 9 91 10" 1" TaIor 14 Juecreek. Sedgef ,.|J. Bii|ee 75282 PimttCO 2-4 ;:!:Sfast M 110 11 11 W !•• J M.T.igtl: Keel, Mane M.ixi.ii, Loch Ayr 74822 3 IS 1 "IHfast 12 107 1 4 7 1 l»J G P.abin B Sog.Aroon. ...ndeh.T. Itctetnllll 74687 l.aurH 3 4 1 !3Vast 6-5 11110 7 5:1 ".• IS MarinelU 10 Umuhain. Sea-Wolf. TlieFenian 74568 1 .iirel ! 4 1 P.Vast :1 105 3 7 7* V A Clavr R "ghjoidan. MabelK.. !. Wells 74416 I.iurel 2-4 1 l"Vast 9 117 2 a 5* B* G Babin 10 Jiiiiou, Suppliant. Dear Maria HEAVY ARTILLERY, b. g. 5 108 By Light Biigade— Heliosis, by Star Shoot. Trainer. C. R- Richards. Owner. C. R. Richards*. Breeder. J. N. Camden. 78178 Bowie 7 I 1 "1 fast 27 107 7 7 12* 12»» G Hose 1.1 C Co ligan. M limbo. D of t.Vy 75130 Laurel 1 t I t!7 1 » 9 10 Lame. A ltoaih lt Bucado K » all lull ie. Canifl.ige 74904 Laurel lm7 y ! 4.".V.Iop 14 108 5 8 8 B»* B LoejCR 8 8«ew«aacM. T.KoKtall. N Bailer 7452:! rhcliffe 5 f 1*7 fast S 105 C 4 «*| 3*| K ErickanlJ BaftVe, Knightiiood. Vaita 71472 Thcllffe r.i I roisfast 10 113 3 1 ll l1 K En. ksn 7 Mus.see.i, r.Prltsceea, Xbajf Be* 74377 Th Iiffe 3-4 1:11 fast »9 105 7 3 21 2J J Wooda 7 Wlial. Imne. BaBeU*. Knighihd 74152 Wood ne I l-M 1 47 fast 9 98 3 2 21 2« M Garrett J La u: pus, Wild Flower, Tricks iiL ninr 1 lil«* anil 70 ar«l». Marllioro Iurxc 2-yenr-old anil u;iuanl. rlM nMUL Allonanern. 4 April lO, 1D1D 1:4." 1-5 4 107. » GOLDEN BILLOWS, b. f. 4 104 By Golden Maxim— Billows, by Cunard. Trainer. F. A. Tansor. Owner, F. A. Tansorl. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 7S229 Bowie lin7y ; 4.»-.,im;d 17 -10 104 1 2 11 l|W Milner .". Iam.-r. K M k Bottom. Zama. 78166 Bowie 3m70y 1 IB mud 19 30 91 1 1 Ill* L Fisher B Bi erw.k. F/.jSnzv. Fly Deril 77586 IGinds 1 1 16 1 T.0 hvy 7-:0 108 3 2 2» 1« B Brening s f Sne».7y. M Were, i.sear|x.let la 77543 Crieis 1 1-16 I ljfast 21 l.O 4 1 lk 11 B Breiung 1» St. Donard, Stomp Jr. ISui ad I 77497 r*.Gl eds lm7a 1 4 good M « 3 4 4* 4» ■ Blind I BoRcatcII., I. Granite. B.ISoltom | 77147 CGinds 1 m 7 ■ v i . ..mud ll 107 1 1 Ill* ■ Blind 8 LdWrack. St Donard. GondoK.r 77344 I .ii, .Is I I IllUflli 10 110 10 9 1| 2 E Blind 3» liuliy. Lugs. Boor S|H.rt EAGER, br. c, 4 107 By Fair Play— Ardent, by Broomstick. Trainer. H. Smith. Owner. R. Pending1!. Eiceder. C. Clay. 78229 Bowie lm7r - l ISmu.l 4 5 1«*» I 1 2» 2*1 H Shilli. ■!; 5 li.l. uBillow .. KkBottom. Zama 78179 Bowie I-B 1 :■ fa.-,t C MS 1 1 1 IJ H Shilli. k B Despair. Sog Aroon. Tend.Setli 75809 Bowie 61 f 1 .-H-mud 15 94 9 10 6 4» It li.-,,.. 11 Noel. Frederi. ktown, Hid lew . 75742 Bowie f 1 -! 11 106 6 9 i»"B| F Hernde/l.: Kim k Bntlom. l.oanda. Jolly 75629 Bowia 6* f 1.20 Vast 33 11:10 7 6* 7 ■• F llemd-ll .pe. olando. • urn S.iu LLEWELLYN, b. h. 6 101 By Luke McLuke— Agnes Virginia, by Sir Dixoa. Trainer, W. M. Martin. Owner. S. N. Holman. Breeders. J. 0. and G. H. Keen*. 78266 Bowie ln.Tlv 1 47tigi..i.t _ !•-• 6 5 5* "," I M. rgl. r 7 Kama. Selling Sun. Itpixruian 77975 letter— 1 1 16 l-JB mud 9 5 110 3 3 2* 2* F Murphy 7 B Aroon, Win TakeAII. Olleniy ; 7793. J. II- rs. n 1 1 16 1 ~.";.hw 4 103 3 1 3" 3"k D Merl-r B Dustabout, Kaiiia. Baira.uda 77847 leffereon 1 l M l IT%fael 3 BBS 1 4 5| ll D .M.rci.r B Tab .dilouVur. laeerelee, LilyM 77843 Jefferson 1 1 I 1 .6igood 3 309 5 5 2" 21 I Mergier 7 i;d.iray. Calcutta. W.TakcAII 77783 Jefferson 1 1 40fast 15 111 7 6 4" 3« F Murphy 7 Sympathy. MissKorte. IlliicVore 77718 l.Grnds 1 3 16 1 ;9Vast BJ 98 9 7 71 6*1 D Mcrglcr 9 FlintStone, SeUingSun. Thimble SHAMROCK, blk. e. 4 103 By Reck View— Tuscan Red. by William Ruf u». Trainer. W. J. Cahill. Owner, T. W. OBrien Breeder, C. T. Grayson. 78242 Bowie 61 f r2Pr,slow 27 N I 4 3» 3*1 W Milner 5 Reparatn, LdGrlte, T.Wltehet 78194 Bowie 51 f LOSVaat 22 98 6 6 6* 4« "W Milner 6 GoodTTa. J.F.OHara. HldJewel 77674 l.Grnds 1 1-1S l:48 4faat 7 102 3 1 31 3» W Milner 7 MissMeise. It. Arrow. W takeAll 77578 ldinds 3m70y ! ID .mu.l 4-8 104 2 3 5» 6" W Milner 7 Sympathy, W TakeAll. BddGy 77520 FGrnds lm70y 145 fast 12 104 2 3 2» 2« W Milner 8 LilyM.. Llewellyn, WinnerT.All 77323 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :48*islow 5 102 2 2 3»» 3» "W Milner 4 SettingSun, Isosceles. Buddugie 77152 FGrnds ltn70y LHVaat 10 102 4 3 4 7" W Milner 9 Sweepv. Oui Oul, Llewellyn 75778 Bowie 1 1-16 1 ::.l-Vnwd 9 97 4 4 4» 3*1 W Milner 5 Forest lA re, Solisa. Wilkes Barre 75663 Bowie Olfl.l good 86 981 S 8 8 7« W Milner 8 Tester. HiddenJewel. Chanipln 75631 Bowie 2-4 1:13 Vast 109 103 4 8 10 9* W Milner 10 Stanwix. Pandowdy, Cyclops JUST. br. f. 3 M 87 By Dalhousie— Justly, by Mithra. Trainer. A. G. Weston. Owner. T. Clyde. Breeder. T. Clyde. 78226 Bowie 61 f 1 :22Vslow 4 111 I 3 21 V F ColtilttiKl GoF n. Altissimo, BethleheraStl 71735 Laurel 51 f 1 07 Vast 49 115 11 10 71 4*1 A Allen 12 DearMaria. P.Kuley, B.l.eloyed 74693 Laurel 2 4 1:13Vast 1 113 3 5 6* 5*| W Lllley S Gonfalon. Suppliant, Warrantee 74563 Laurel H f 1 .08 fast 168 112 1 5 61 4*i W Lilley IS Whiskalg. II -at -Law. Supplnt 72525 Saratoga BJ f 1 06Vast 30 113 5 6 6* 9" A Allen 10 Husky. Blind Flay, Billy Todd TJ.L. DA PC * 1-1G Mile*. 3-year-oltU and upward. I laiiniiu. 4. Nov. 115, w 111 nHUC IDin 1:48 4 114S. FREEZY SNEEZY, b. m. 5 103 By Lovetie— Frosty, by Bockton. Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthnr. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 78230 Bowie llSJOOVnud 2 104 7 3 31 2» L Lang 8 Biff Bang. The Fgner. Humbt 78166 Bowie 3m70y 1 : 0 mud 31-16 91 5 4 3» 3« L Lang 0 G. Billows. Bev.rwyck. Fly.Deyil 77804 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:35Sfaat 13-5 100 3 4 3* 3*1 B Brening 5 Good Night, East Indti, Ashld 77762 Jefferson 11-8 1:53 faat 6 103 4 5 61 3| B Brening 6 FannielSean. East Indian, LilyM. 77586 F.Grnda 1116 1:50 hvy 8 104 2 4 1* 2» L Lang B G Billows. M Ware. Escarp »lette 77540 FGrnds 1 1-2 2:35Vaat 8 87 6 4 6l 4*1 L Lang 9 Brunell. Old Faithful. Irish Pat 77324 F Grnds 1 1-16 l:49«islow 13-5 93 4 3 3* 3* L Lang 8 Peciuot, Baffles. Flying Devil GUELPH. b. g, 6 103 By Sardanapale — Padoua II., by Ajaz. Trainer. J. Boden. Owner, Triple Springs Farm Stable. Bred in France by J. Sanford. 78268 Bowie 1 1-16 1:51 Osgood 13-5 108 3 4 W- B*| H Howai.l 7 Tr.tjanus, Tendei Seth. T Forgnr 75747 Bowie 1 1-2 2:39 Vast 9-5 110 4 1 l1 2» H Howard 7 D.andDkes, O. Faithful, S l ond 75685 Bowie 1 1-16 1 SOVaat 13 135 16 11 11* 9" C Robsonlll King Albert, Care Free. Simoon 75666 Bowie 3m70y 1 4SSgood 13 107 7 7 5 5*1 R Costello 7 TopSergeant, Paddle. Peddler 75594 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :50Vaat 10 102 4 5 51 4* R CostellollT. Sergeant. Vennie. LidyMyra 75464 Iimlico 1 12 2:37 slop 10 108 2 3 2» 1* G Fields 8 B.Stone. T. Sergeant. Bplirizonia AGGRAVATLNG PAPA. b. g, 3 95 By Flitlergold— Blue Fox. by Waterboy. Trainer. G. E. Phillips. Owner, J. E. McMillin. Breeder. H. Waterson. 78267 Bowie lm70yl:19 good 7 107 2 5 2« 2 W Milner 11 Anne. Seth~Flower 78161 Bowie 61 f 1:23 mud 42 98 11 6 4* 3-1 W Milner IS BiffBang, Times Up. Venizeloa 77936 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:JlV»vy 8 96 10 8 Sl 8*3 G W Crollll leuuot. Our Star. S. rvitor 77869 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:49 Vast 12 116 6 2 8J J| F Sharpe I Dohson. SethsFlower, Waiikulla 77259 FGrnds lm70y 1:4. Vast 15 98 3 9 8l 811 D Mergier 11 Telescope, Anne. Wong Bok 77103 F.Grnds lm70y 1:46 fast 12 100 3 2 3» 5:J G Fields 12 Flying Fur. Fausto. 1eggy O. 70860 FGrnds ImTOy LliVast 10 104 5 6 T* 7*1 E Blini 11 Deronda. Waukulla. Despard FLYING DEVIL, b. g. 4 106 3y Wrack— Sanci. by Eolus. Trainer. F. J. Kearns. Owner, S. Goorh. Breeder. A B Hancock. 78198 Bowio 1 1-S 1 :."9Vast 41 105 4 4 3"* B| B Breniii;10 Majority. Tody, Bolster 78166 Bowie lm70y 1 :.0 mud 7 103 2 5 31* 4T J Wallace B G. Billows, Beverwyck, FV.ySry 77447 l.Grnds 3m70y 1 :46r,mud 6 110 4 5 5* 5" A Accardy B G. Billows. LdWrack, St.Donard 77324 l.Grnds 1 1-16 1 49 sslow 31 102 5 4 4« ilD M.rgler « Iennot. Baffles. Fmezy Sneezy 77258 F.Grnds 1 1 16 I:47%C»at 12 105 6 6 5* 5*1 H Stutts *. Isosceles, Kock Bottom. Ie.juot 76987 FGrnds lm70y 1 :47V vy 15 102 5 5 4* 3* D Mergier 8 TonyBeau. Col Boy. TlieKollCall 76813 FGrnds 1 1-16 l:50Vnud 15 100 I 3 2* 2»* D Mergier 7 Dustabout. TonyBeau. J .l.Jonea KING JOHN. b. g. 9 111 By Sir John Johnson— DeTiltree. by Too Gailan:. Trainer, M. Foster. Owner, J. T. Buckley. Breeder, J. E. Mad.J.en. 78243 Bowie 3m70y 1 51Vdow 9 116 6 3 41 4* 1 McTagt S-apt. Cost igan, Mizar. HigliGear 77893 Jeff.-rson 1 1-16 1 : "-.mud 12 113 8 6 51 7" J Owens 10 Normal. Pennar.o. Smarty 77521 ICrnds 1 1-8 1 :5lVaat 12 113 3 10 9 S" J Heupel 12 S.of Pleasure. G.M di:;lr. Kuree 77319 FGrnds 11-16 1:48 fast 6 117 4 3 41 4*1.1 H"upel it Alard. Ben.Iita. Walnut Hall 77048 FCrnds 1 1-8 1 55 Vast 13-10 114 4 4 9» 9»J J Corcoran 10 Insulate, Repeater, Tingling 76879 FGrnds lm70y 1 465islow 2 113 5 2 Ill* J Walla, e 10 Georgette, Duke John. Anaprisa 76774 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :18*igood 8 106 1 4 4* 3* J Wallace | Beverwyck, Kup-e. Kunquol 75460 Pimlico 1 1-16 1.43*yjlop 5 116 3 1 li 2l E Smvv odll Lads Love. Valentia, Majority KIRAH, ch. m, 7 101 By Astronomer — Mary Greenwood, by Falsetto. Trainer, T. E. Crist. Owner, T. E. Crist. Breeder. K. P. Shipp. 78286 See todays chart. 78243 Bowie lm70y 1 :51Vlow 20 306 5 4 31 5=1 F Lee 8 Capt.Costigan. Mizar. HigliGear 77841 Jefferson el f 1 .09 good 20 115 11 2 11*11,:L McDottl 4 St. Maurice, Dy K an. JohnJosepa 77627 FCrnds 3-4 1 14good 30 103 6 7 71 8U D Jones 11 Poor Sport, Kapid Day, Stamp 77577 F.Grnda 3-4 1 Hgood 30 100 4 8 8l S" D Jones 12 IVmglinut. KoyalDick, Jn.loseph 77057 F.Grnda 3-4 1:14 fast 15 101 6 4 10" 95J I Parke 11 oral Keef. Guvnor. Daydue 76837 F.Grnda 3-4 1:15 slow 15 106 12 11 11* 11* F Lee 12 Best* don, Gr nGold, DaulSolling CORAL REEF. b. g. 4 113 By Pebbles— Capra. by Ballot. Trainer. J. W. Kearns. Owner, J. W. Kearns. Breeder. J. Butler. 78245 Bowie 1 1-4 2:1 lslow 22 113 3 3 ;". 7" E Atkson 7 Lead Wrack, Normal, Hickory 78196 Bowie 61 f l:22Vast 14 113 4 1 1" 6* E Atksonll Sweepstakes. JuliaM.. Carerree 77386 FGrnds 1 1-16 1:50 hvy 15 109 6 1 51 6* D Mergier B G. Billows. F. Sneezy, Marg.Waie 77448 FGrnds lm70v 1 :471-smud 8 109 3 1 1» 1" J Wallace S AlStehler, Superbum. Fr. Monroe 77344 F.Grnds 34 1:14good 6 111 2 5 81 6*1 F Th.Lkelo Kuhy. Golden Billows, I.ugs 77314 r.Grnds S-4 1:14 Vast 7 115 4 2 2* 2* F ThMyke IS Brookdale, Sp.vKlui, Anticipare 77185 F.Grnds 3-4 1:16 hvy 13 113 10 8 61 6"L Lang 12 CareFree. P IMicou, Fifty Fifty LOVELINESS, ch. m, 6 101 By Charles Edward — Spanish Maid, by Diaeulse. Trainer, J. D. Misick. Owner. Mrs. J. D. Misick. Breeders. J. 0. A G. H. Keene. 78227 Bowie 7-S 1:30 mud Sf 107 6 9 91 S2 F Lee 12 Autiiity, Hkleir.vFnn, P.Ieyca 77348 FCrnds 11-16 1:50 good 12 107 1 4 t 5 L McDcttl.3 Juno. Sword. Movnon BaOPt 77153 F.Grnds 11-16 1:48 fast 15 105 2 5 llMl" J Heupel 12 Dr.Whitehst, Widgeon. K Crown 77082 F.Grnds 1 1:41 faat 12 104 5 3 4» 6* F Lee 9 Attilia. Marg Ware. WatcrGirl 76780 F.Grnds 1m70y 1 :485mud 12 99 9 8 9 91* D Mergier 9 Margaret Ware. Our Star. Juno 76024 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50*sslow 13-5 103 5 4 41 h" J Pevic 8 TanSon, Majority, Waywassame RUPEE, ch. g. 4 113 By Delhi— by Mordant. Trainer. E. Wilkinson. Owner. T. Haskos. Breeder. P. T. Chinn. 78264 Bowie 61 f l:22Sgood 14 111 7 10 S* 7i L I-mg 11 Sea Sand. Arendal, Foppye 77721 FCrnds 1 1-16 1:48 Vast 8 112 3 3 1» 1» G Breningl2 Bendita, Insulate. Dr. Whitehst 77587 l.Grnds 1 1-8 1 :.76Shvy 7 112 8 7 81 814 W Lilley 10 Normal. Kepeater, Scare Crow 7752! FCrnds 1 1 8 1 5lVast 12 11315 1 21 3*1 W Lilley 12 S.ofPlsure. GoidNit. Waltllall 77476 ICrnds 1 1-16 1:50 slow 5 113 2 3 8* 3* W Lilley 9 Scare Crow, Six Pence. Smarty 77389 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :47Sfast 5 110 2 2 41 4*1 L Lang 10 Sands of Pleasure. BenJita. Kork 77345 F.Grnds 3-4 l:I4!;gt od 26 111 8 8 8 5 1 B Brening s Kv.liange. Lidy Kose. Kindred 17 104 F.Grnds 1 3 16 2:02 fast 8 106 6 5 3« 2* F Lee 8 Koyal Dink, Tan Son. Duonec 77010 F.Grnds 11-8 1:59 hvy 2 107 2 1 l1 ll F Lee S K. Crown. Bla.kolia. Lit. Ainmie 76965 F.Grnda 2-4 l:15Hmud 50 104 4 4 4 4" W Harvey 4 I..Marcelli.i. "ghjordan. W.Mnn BEVERWYCK. ch. c, 4 106 By Sir John Johnson— Reveille II., by Irish Lad. Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner. J. R. SkinkerL Breeder. F. J. Nolan. 78230 Bowie 1 1-8 J:iO-,mud 7 103 6 7 7* 7;» H Howard 8 BiffBng, lr/ySnzy. TlieForner 78166 Bowie lm70y 3 :.". mud 15 »0 3 2 21 2* II Howard 6 G. Billows, FrzySn /.y. Fly. Devil 77868 Jefferson 3-4 1:14 faat 12 116 11 8 71 7*1 C Kobsonl.". Hvergl tde. Dreamer, Stake Me 7 7762 Jefferson 1 1-8 1:55 faat 15 107 5 1 21 5*1 D Mergier 8 F.Bean. Kastlndiati. IrzySiizy 77498 FCrnds 1 1-16 1:48 good 15 96 4 2 21 5" D Mergier 8 Isosceles, Brunell. Gondolier 77453 FCrnds 3-4 l:15V»vy 12 112 8 7 8 8* L Lang S HiddenJewel. Guvnor, BiffBang SERBIAN, ch. g. 8 101 By Ivan the Terrible— Arline. by The Commoner. Trainer. J. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. J. Phillips. Bieedei. C. C. Patrick. 78287 See todays chart. 78197 Bowie lm70y 1 :49Vast 61 107 9 Ran out. J Dawson 10 RoyalChe, OurBirthy, Servitor 78181 Bowie 11-16 1:53 fast 27-10f 100 5 4 Q 2* J Dawson 13 Mizar, Mom, Bowsprit 77500 ICrnds 11-16 1:49 good 20 107 12 2 9 10* G Fields 12 Waywassanio, M.i.kOrange. Tex 77452 F. Grnds 2-4 l:15hvy 20 103 13 12 12* 10" T Rodney 13 Colonel Winn. Mi Intosli. Stamp 77348 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 "0 good 30 101 2 2 81 9»| T Rodney 13 Juno. Sword. Monr.on Elder 76969 FGrnds 1 1 16 1 :50 Vnud 40 107 4 3 4 7* T Rodney B B.fBaWl, Cur Events. Grgette 76837 FCrnds 3-4 1:35 slow 60 105 5 10 10* 10" T Rodney 12 Begl don, GruGold, DanBolling | ; C4U DAPfT 1 1-S Miles. 7»-yes«r-oI«ls and upward. Claiming. ov. 17 , Din nAUt iDi7 — i:5G — :; — «4. TODY. ch. m. 6 103 By Bard of Hope — Telie Doe, by Cyclades. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. Owner, G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. W. P. Burch. 78198 Bowie 1 1-8 l:39Vaat 7 96 6 I 2l l» W Harve 10 Majority. Flying Bevil. P.. lster 78165 Bowie 1 1 -16 1 .52 -.mud 3 10811 6 8* 8" E Scobie 13 Huinlit. 1 heKorgnr. i.IClliday 77742 Jefferson 11-16 1:18 fast 8 100 2 3 4l 2| W llar ey 10 Km arpolette. Richelieu. Stump 77389 FGrnds 1 1-16 1:47 Vaat 15 116 5 7 8* 7*1 J Wallace 10 Sands ..f Pleasure. BenUita. Kork 77260 F.Grnda 1 1-S 1:55 faat 3 101 2 7 7l 7*11 Parke 10 LordWra. k, Wal.IIall. Siiperbuia 76989 FGrnds 1 1 16 1:53 hvy 3-2 102 7 2 11 U I Parke 7 Smarty. SmartGiiy. SethNFIower 70611 FCrnds I 1-8 1 53Vast 4 103 4 2 4i 3* F I,ee S Kamkin. St .Donard. Broth I.ove NIGHT RAIDER, ch. g. 6 103 By Whisk Broom II— Fly by Night II., by Petel Trainer. G. W. Campbell. Owner. G. W. Foreman. Pan. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 78240 Bowie lni7oy I ntlm 5 .6 4 I 21 21 H Howard 8 O.Bthday, B.fromllome. Spuga 75653 Bowie 11-16 1:52 slow 17 110 5 7 S* 7"! J McTagtl2 lluniholdt. WarFov, Ettahe 75614 Bowie lm70y 1 49 fast 37 96 13 15 14* 14" W Milner 15 Cooncau, Belplirizonia. Biipce 75420 riaalll ■ 1 IS 1 »fmtK 31 10214 5 4* 4«1 E Faulsth 8 N.Wales, By.liminy, Mi.Maxita 75257 Pimlico 1 1-8 1:53 Vast 10 103 4 3 3 4»1 P Walls IS Billy Walts. Guelph. Anaprisa 75134 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :4SVast 19 103 8 6 414iG Bose B JewIVD. Fas. Swain. Clentilt 75074 laurel 11-36 1:51 slow 25 101 8 8 7s 7" H Farland B The K Call. Sedgefield, I.Swain REKAB, br. g, 6 103 By Dick Finnell— Sandringham Belle, by Sandring- ham. Trainer, M. Grant. Owner, M. Grant. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78231 Bow la 1 1-16 I 5l* 12f 106 S 11 12* 11" G Bond 13 Overtake. Whalebone. Day Lilly 78178 Bowie 7-8 1:31 fast 7f 101 8 8 61 V G Bond 13 C Costigan, M Jumbo. D.of t.Vy 75781 Bowie 1 1-16 1 54Vnud 4if 106 5 4 81 9" C Taylor 15 Corallteef. Col. Whaln. I. Monroe 75713 Bowie 1 2-16 2 " 75 104 4 5 8* S" W Brown 11 Dell.-ihm, WlioCares. T.Forei ,-ner 75611 Bowie 61 f 1 LlVast 39 109 5 8 8* 7»| W Brown 13 Moll Kos.II., Jyntee, U.oft.Vley 75563 lm70y 1:56 Kood 8-5 110 2 2 3* 3* F WdstcK 7 SeaMonarch. Old Timer, ITIJesmar 75543 Maria era ImTOy |e*aaAaoj 8J 110 1 1 Ill* H Holmes •. El Jcsnur, Sir I.eonid. S. P.reexe DAY LILLY, br. m. 6 98 By Olarabala— Orange Lilly, by William the Third. Trainer, J. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. J. Phillips. Breeder. R. T. Wuson. j 78291 Se* todays hart. 78231 Bowie 1 1-16 1 5l,mu.l 8 101 1 4 3 2 J Dawson 13 Overtake. Whalebone My-tic 77806 .1. ffeison 1 1 16 1 lOVast 8-5 105 1 3 43 4«1 G Fields 15 Attorney. Trooper, Rep 77763 J. ff.-rson 1 3 16 . 02Vast 3 2 104 8 4 4 551 J Wallace 12 BuddieKean, Bowsprit. Attorney 77713 F.Grnda 1 1 S 1 ..IVist 6 103 3 3 3" 4* J Wallace 8 Duml.f nder. PeteFoy. IrisbPat 74.841 FGrnds 1 1 16 1 5:-r.s!ow 4 103 4 4 3 21 J Wallace 10 Smarty, Stump Jr . Smart Guy 76734 li;rnds 2-1 1 Cslow 40 100 6 9 9 8"J T Rodney 11 P.amra. Antonia. Guvnor WAYWASSAMO. ch. g. 4 110 By Dick Finnell— Helene. by Hermis. Trainer. J. A. Gibson. Owner, J. A. Gibson. Breeders. J. D. Carr A Bro. 77721 IGrn.N 11 16 1 8s%faal 10 112 12 11 12 11" J Corrornl2 Kui ee. Bendita, Iu-ulate 77500 FGrnds 1 1-16 1:48 good 4 10S 8 1 1* 1 J Coicoranl2 Mock Orange. Tex. Our Betsy 77412 F.Grnda 1116 119 fast 12 104 12 11 B* 3*1 1 CorcoranL". Cash. Foster Embry, Bowsprit 77218 FCr imIs 1 l-M 1 llfast 12 110 12 7 6* 4« I Martin 12 II. fr.Home, Secrety. JakeBerg-r 76814 F.i.r nds 1 Is 1 ..! 4 108 3 8 7* 7» ■ Martin B Bolster. Ba-tille. Hickory 76500 FCrnds 1 1 16 1 :.:i»mud 20 110 6 4 5* 4" I. Martin •! Tan Son. Tingling. Sling 70233 leffetaoa 1 1-16 1 51 hy 20 1 61 6 6 6« 6*» E Martin 7 Freezy Sneezy. Smarty. Bastille 76131 Jefferaoo 1 M I "fi5hvy 10 107 3 5 5 4" ■ Martin 5 Bastille, St. Donard. GraaiiTree 7602 4 J.ff.rsou 11-181 BHfcalOW 12 103 4 3 3* 2T ■ Martin « TanSon. Majority. Wes«ieB. 75272 Hunt t.n lni7.v 146ilast i 103 Cft B Ilifford 7 . ru sM:i ,.!. JohnMorrill. Haiuaa OWASCO. b. g. 4 103 By Dick Finnell— Queens Maid, by Ogden. Trainer. W. Durnan. Owner, W. Durnanl. Breeder, J. H. Rosseter. 78214 Bowia 1 1-1 J 17 slow SI 101 5 1 l| 2 II Howard B ElJeamar. AttyMuir. HluluRo* 77762. .I.ff.rson 1 3-16 *:82%faat IS 10$ :2 B 11 10" D Mergier 12 BuddieKean. Bowsprit, Attorney i77ii30 IGinds 1 :: 16 : 01*%good 50 » S li M 10" F Thdykell Huonec, The Anher. Gondolier 76028 .Iff.rson 1 1 M l»*r,good .1 105 6 6 6 6=» I Parke 0 Scare Crow. Flying Devil. Cash 757 48 Bowie 1 1 2 2 40Sfast C 91 1 4 3" 1» L I.ang 7 Majority, Trajanus. Kouen. 75687 Bowie llSl:.".9Vast 12f 105 7 8 61 5» T Finn 13 Majority. Sea Monarch. Austral 75034 B..wie 1 3-16 J .06 Vast 8f 107 14 8 12 12" F HstingsM Anaprisa. Bonfire. Old Faithful 75595 Bowie 1 1-8 1 :..»Vnst * "8 » 10 W 9*1 F Colletti 14 Irish Pat. Magician. Aahland 75359 Iimlico 1 1 8 1 :55Hmud 18 991 S 8 8 6" F IFstlngs 8 ISelphrizonla, Guelph, Blar Stone H1CX0BT. b. h. 5 119 By Prince Hermw-Lou Hazel, by King Regent. Trainer. W. A. Crawford. Owner. Hamilton Stable . Breoder. G. L. Blackford. 78245 Bowie 1 1-4 2:14%slow 24 104 6 4 3* 3« W Milner 7 Ix rd Wrack. Normal. Majority. 78180 Bowio ImTOy l:43iifast 13f 106 8 8 Si 7 W Milner 11 Ttid. rn n. Normal. LdWrack 77540 F.Grnds 1 1-2 2:35%fast 30 »2 7 9 8 1 8*3 B Hrenins 9 Bruncll. Old Faithful. Irish Tat 77476 FGrnds 1 1-11 1:60 Blow 10 110 9 8 7l 7*1 .1 Chalmrs J* Scarp Crow, Six Pence. Rupee 77390 FGrnds 11-16 1:4 fast 12 109 11 7 6 7« J Chlmersl2 P.Micou. BrWhitehst. Repeater 77839 K.Grnds 1 1-4 2:094fast 31 104 9 3 1» l1 B Mrinellill Dustproof. Attorney, Irish Tat BT. GERMAIN b. g, 7 103 By Sea King— Queen Dixon, by Sir Dixon. i Trainer. F. Holman. Owner. F. Holman. Breeder. J. £. Madden. 78240 Howie lm70y 1 :52%slo v 20 106 6 6 6* 6i A Abel • O.Rthday. NtRaidcr. B.f.IIome 7S181 Bowie 11-16 1:63 fast 6 105 7 12 13 13* A Abel IS Mizar. Serbian. Mom 73939 ll.dcCce lm70y 1 MOX.mud 6 111 2 6 41 4"J ■ Smwodlx St.Bonard. BlffBaag. Sea Wolf 71075 Porv.U lm70y 1 :44»%fast 7 114 10 9 9» 81" J Rowan 10 Rouen. M. .I.Baker. Feigned Zeal 70826 H.H nnets 1 1:41 fast 10 108 7 8 41 4« I Wilson I StarRealin. Km DoepSinker 70752 R.Bnnrts 1 3 16 2:05mud 19-5 115 4 3 21 2» A Roach ft Wylie. Austral. Kttahe 70359 "nauKlit lm70y 1:46 fast 8 101 1 C 6 6° J Chalmers 6 Joauuina. Despair. Sandy Real BUCKWHEAT, ch. f. 4 93 By Spanish Prince II.— Wheat-ear. by St. Frusquin. Trainer. E. S. Wallace. Owner. W. E. Martini. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. 78231 Howie 1 1-16 1 :5t4..mud 12f 100 11 10 10: 9*1 J Chalmrs U Overtake Whaleltone. Day Lilly 78181 Howie 11-16 1:53 fast 27-10f 102 4 6 H 11" J Chlmersl.1 Mizar. Serbian, Mom 74004 Woodne 1 1-8 l:04 -tfa8t 10 103 6 1 21 3»J Q Fields 7 Hyanpoui, Skeer Face. Tribune 73641 Dufferin . 61 f 1 -JCfast 17-10 109 1» W Taylor 6 LilacTinic. Sir I eonid. Reformer 73566 Dufferin €4 f 1:27 slow 61 108 |*| McDott 8 Reformer, Ray L., Arragosa 75252 Dev shire 3-4 1:14 fast 8 10112 9 7 il II Holmes 13 Crest. Roy. Amelias., Skeer Face 73117 Pfvshire 2-4 1:14 fast 12 110 7 6 61 21 F Stevens 11 Poppye. Amelia S.. Artisan 72594 FortKrie 3 4 |:M|M 26 108 9 7 74 7* F Stevens 9 Patchwork. Stone Age. Athanna 71423 Latonia 3 4 l:12«*good 19-if 93 11 11 11 ll» R Yelton 12 Certain. Lugs. Re Good ROYAL CROWN, ch. g. 4 105 By King James— Queen, by Goidcreit. Owner. H. B Murdock. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78268 Howie 1 1-16 1 :51good 1C 106 6 5 6« 53 F Vn Tk 7 Trajanus. Tender Seth. fiuelph 77153 F.Gr mis 1 1-16 1:48 fast 13-5 101 5 3 21 2 I Parke 12 Dr. Wliitehurst. Widgeon. Cash 77084 FC.rnds 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 5 107 6 6 41 21 D Mergler 7 Six Pence. Piedmont. Cash 77010 FCrnds 1 1-8 1 69 hvy 6 105 4 2 21 2l D Mergler 8 Rupee. RIackolia, Little Ammie 76969 FCrnds 1 1-16 1 :50«4mud 31 102 6 6 61 4« F Lee 9 S.ofPsure. Cur. Events. Grgette 76739 1 3-16 2:C6,vslow 6 103 4 1 21 21 I Parke 7 RoyalDuck. Attorney, Wtllall 76619 1 1 8 i:.4*ifast 16-5 IOC 5 3 3 4B1 I Parke 7 Ashland, Neddam. Pete Foy ATTORNEY MUIB. br. g. 9 103 By Stalwart— San Andrts. by Quicklime. Trainer. G. C. Mi!ton. Owner. G. C. Milton. Breeder. J. D. Neet. 78244 How... 11-12:17 slow 6 101 7 6 41 3! W Harvev 8 El Jesmar. Owasco. Hnlulu Bov 781HI Bowie 11-16 1:5" fast 27 107 12 11 81 «»J L Lang 13 Mizar. Serbian, Mom 76251 Jefferson 1 12 2:44 hvy 30 106 5 6 5 6" A Abel 5 Richelieu. Lord Wrack. Bastille 75595 Howie 1 1 S 1 :.9fast 6f 103 13 11 ll1 87 C Lang 14 Irish Pat, Magician. Ashland 73112 Cnaught 11-10 1:47 fast 9 104 8 8 8 6*1 L Ward 8 RingRose. RIk. Hackle. Magician 73080 0 naught 1 1 16 1 4SSslow 9 99 5 5 P lJ L Ward 7 Rouen. Pirate McGee, Jacquerie 7+h DA PC • ,-S Mil—I 3-jear-olds and upward. Claim ins. Not. 27, /III nttUC l!li: 1:50 i !4. NORMAL, b. g. 6 110 By Plaudit— The Nurse, by Tankse. Trainer. P. Reuter. Owner, H. P. Stearns. Breeder. J. E. MaC.len. 78245 Howie 1 1-4 2:14»islow 4 106 2 1 21 2" H Farland 7 Lord Wrack, Hickorv. Majority. 78180 Howie ImTOy 1 :4*1fcf«St 31-10 116 6 2 S« 2» B Mrinellill ThePeruvn, LdWrack. II Gear 77893 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 51-smud 2 116 1 1 l1 1JI Parke 10 Pormareo, Smartv. Good Time 77720 FCrnds 1 IS 1:54 fast 10 110 6 4 8* $■ J Corcorn !» Alard. Ramkin. Fannie Bean 77675 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :4SVast I 111 7 3 3l 31 J CorcoranlO Bueado. Tan Son. Colonel Winn 77587 FC.rnds 1 1-S 1 :56**rivy 12 109 9 1 1* 1* J CorcoranlO Repeater. Scarecrow. F.Monroe 77476 FCrnds 1 1-16 1:50 slow 18-6 114 17 6* 651 J Corcoran » Scare row. Six Pence, Rnpee 77347 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :49,igood 8-5 110 9 1 U 1" J Corcoranll Majority. RoyalCharlie, St.Paul DOUGHNUT, br. g, 6 110 By Sweep— Fascination, by Buck Massie. Trainer. A. E. Alexandra. Owner. Mrs. A. E. Alexandra . Breeder. E. C. Christian. 77976 Jefferson 1 1-8 1 :59%mu.l 25 111 3 8 8 S=» J Wallace 9 LMWrack. Dumbfounder. KentL. 77932 J.ff.rson C-4 1 :15%hvy 26 124 6 9 10 10«W Lilley 10 Vacuum, Simplicity. Lady Rose 77872 Jefferson 1 1-S 1:56 fast 4 110 2 7 6" »:* A Accardy 9 Majority. Vitamin. Attorney 77741 Jeff.rson 1 1 16 1 :47%fast 2 108 3 2 11 1 I Parke 7 Dumbfounder, Rustem. M.Ware 77710 FCnds 3-4 1 14fast 15 108 5 6 6"* 4*J J Grun sonl2 ElAstro. MissFtnne, Swpctakes 77577 FGrnds 2-4 1 :14*sgood 7 107 2 2 l1 ll J Grunsenl2 RoyalDick, JohnJoseph, Vacuum BCARE CROW. b. g. 4 110 By Half Rock— O. Co. Ee, by Jim Crow. Trainer. W. V. Casey. Owner. W. V. Casey. Breeder. D. W. Scott. 78245 Howie 1 1-4 2:14slow 12 105 7 5 6* C:H Shillick 7 I* rd Wrack. Normal, Hickorv 78180 Howie lm70y 149%fast 13f 111 2 5 Sl ;.«! L Lang 11 ThePeruvn. Normal, I/dWrack 77872 Jeff, rson 1 1-S 1:56 fast 15 105 6 S 81 7*1 D Randell 9 Majoritv. Vitamin Attorney 77784 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :4Sfast 40 111 4 8 61 6| D Ran.kll 12 Dumbfnder. Repeater, Wat. Girl 77587 FCrnds 1 1-S 1 £ft%ft*rjr 7 112 2 5 6" 3" G Fields 10 Normal. Repeater. FrankMonroe 77476 FCrnds 11-16 1:50 slow 16 112 6 6 2» f G Fields 9 Six Pence. Rupee. Smarty 77390 FCrnds 1 1-16 1:49 fast 20 106 7 9 71 65 E Blind 12 P.Micou. Dr.WhitelTst, Repeater MYSTIC, ch. g, 5 103 By Magic II.— Sobrane. by Polymelus. Trainer. G. W. Campbell. Owner, G. W. Foreman!. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 78231 Howie 1 1-16 1 :5«i..mud 18-5 94 4 2 41 43 L 13 Overtake. Whalebone. Day Lilly 78181 Howie 11-16 1:52 fast 27-10f 97 10 9 10; 9 W Harvey 13 Mizar. Serbian, Mom 4.9156 Howie 1 1-16 l:52Vtfast 6 105 6 7 7" 7G Mein I Wrangler. IadsLove BlaeBrnsh 69141 Howie 1 1-8 1 59Sfast 12 112 3 6 6 6° J Zoeller 6 Moun Rose II.. EtUhe, Ashland 4i9108 Howie 11-16 1:52 fast 16 103 7 6 6« 4»i G Mein 8 O.lfthdav. Ettahe. T CPkmder 4-9062 Howie lm70 lM%fka| 6 103 3 7 7 7:G Mein 7 WhoCares, Ashland, St.Germain 69046 B*wi« 1 110 l:;.2 „fast 11-5 110 5 7 7 6-« G Mein 7 Moody. Service Star, Warlike FROSTY BOY. ch. c. 3 85 By Master Robert— Frostilla. by Uncle. iTrainer. G. Peterson. Owner, G. Peterson. Breeder. C. B. Head. 78267 Bowta taZ«rl:49 good 7f 107 3 6 6J •*] H 11 Anne. AggtingPapa. Woodldy 78193 H..wie H f l:22%tmat 13 99 5 9 61 V L Iint; r Irtllli, Whalebone, QkTime 77587 FUrnds 11-8 1 WfhlJ 6 99 1 3 3» .r;;D Mergler 10 Norn ■ 1. Repeater. Scare Crow 77476 FCrnds 1116 1:50 slow 6 102 3 2 41 fl D M.-rfler 9 Sere Crow, Six Pence Rupee 77103 FCrnds lrr.70y 1:46 fast 8 103 9 7 41 6J F I -e 12 Firing Fur. Fausto. Teggy O 77015 FCr rids :. -4 1 :144,fast 12 109 11 10 9 9" D Jones 11 NorseCd. Q. Charming. TimesUp 76918 F.tirnds lm70y 1 46*.good 6 5 106 7 1 V Ill Parke II Xanthos. Great Northern. Dnelnia 76860 FCrnds lm7vy l:46fast 7 9S 6 6 4» 6*| D Jones 11 Deronda. Waukulla, Despard POEDIE. b. f. 3 M 85 By Escoba— Nepera. by Star Shoot. Trainer. M. Hackett. Owner, F. P. Capra. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 78263 Bowie lm7«y 1 .".Osgood lOf 9S 11 Lost rider W Milnill Dane. Fool. Beth. SCI. Pol Lgton 78226 lL.wi. 6i f 1 :22Sslow 17f 11112 12 12- 12" W Milner 13 Co Foin. Altissimo Just 75729 BMTil 7-S 1 29%fast 87 96 11 12 M* W « H HowardlU y. kTime, W Lvnch Hands Up 75648 Howie 5J f 1 :09islow 21 f 106 3 7 91 10° B MrinellilL Bess .tierslirl, FloBrown Stevens 75518 Mlboro Ab5: f l:13*sslow 14 95 2 4 4 3= W Milner 8 Bona. North Breeze. Bashdon ASHLAND, b. g. 6 113 By Honeywood — Busy Bee, by First Tenor. Trainer. G. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillen. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 78165 Bowie 1 1-16 l:52*mud llf 112 8 7 9« 5 F Sharpe IS Humirt. TheForgnr. O Bthday 7.937 J.-ff. rso-.i 1 1-16 l.dVJivy 15 110 11 8 6» 6° F Sharpe 13 Al Stebler. El Jesmar Smarty 77804 Jcffenoa 1 1 2 2:i.Sfast 15 101 5 3 4 4" C W "oil 5 GoodN t, Eastlndn Freezy Sxy 77721 F.Ci nds 1 1 16 1 :4SV8fast 20 109 11 12 71 Sl T Rodney IT Rupee, Bendita Insulate 77588 FCr i.ds 1 1-S 1 57Vfchvy 6 109 10 7 7» 7*1 F Sharpe 11 Soviet, Tulane, Honolulu Boy 77049 1 1 8 1 ::.5Vfcfast 13-5 105 6 1 21 3*1 F Ie 11 Royal Duck, Bastille Bolster 76619 FCrnds 1 1 8 1 .vtHfust 7 107 3 2 2 li F Lee 7 Neddam. Pete Foy. Royal Crown DUC DE MORNY. br. g 6 108 By King James— Hortenso IX. by Trontbeck. Trainer, G. C. Milton. Owner, F. P. RobieL Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78268 Howl- 1 1-16 1 f.K-jgood 16 104 6 7 7 7" W Miln r 7 Trajanus. Tender Seth Guelph 78198 Bowie 1 1 S 1 :..9 Vast 8 Ml 8 9 ! 10" T Finn 10 Majoritv Tody Flying Devil 78166 Howie ImTOy lf.O mud 6 98 6 6 6 6»° F Lee 6 G. Billows Bererwvck FxySzy 75667 Howie 1 1-16 1 62good 5f 105 10 2 JJ l T Finn 10 Whalebone. Soviet" Ashland 75615 Bowie 1 1-1C :..L f;.st 29 105 10 2 1» 1» T Finn 12 Who Cares. Majoritv Toodles ,5073 Laurel lm70y i :49fcslow 33 105 2 8 8 9» G Rose 12 K. of the Hr. Bonfire. El Jesmar ,5010 laurel 11-16 1:50 mud 14f 113 12 11 10111* G Babin 12 F.Monroe Cote dOr. M Maxim 74904 Laurel lm70y 1 45*islop 19 111 7 6 6 6=« L Smwod 8 Sedgefield. T.RoIlCall. N. Raider COMME CI. ch. g. 8 108 Bv Astronomer— Keep Still, by St. Blaise. Trainer W. E. Martin. Owner. Mrs. W. E. Martin. Breeder. S. Bedford. 78228 Howi- 1-tl mtnad 27 115 12 12 13 131 J ChalmrsK! Fiftv -Fifty, Warn g C J Cgmile .5748 How,. 1 1 2 2 4 -tfast 41 101 4 6 6 6i M Fator 7 Owasco. Majority. Trajanus .5714 Howie 1 3 16 : 9 109 2 1 ll 3s M Fator 9 SirLeonid, O. Faithful RylDnck 75654 How,. 1 1 16 1 .Mslow 25 1161 6 8 7 6* J Chalmers10 Who Cares. Insulate Fornovo .5634 Howie 1 3-16 2:06V»fast 10 107 11 10 91 ! 1 M Fator 14 Anaprisa. Bonfire. Old Faithful .5314 Plmlico 1 1 2 2 3T. fast 29 110 4 8 7« 6*1 C Taylor 11 Guelph. Billy Watts. Irish Pat 7513j Laurel llSi:54Vast 9 100 11 8 5»* 4« 11 Farlandl3 Day Lilly, Rupee, Bendita GOURMAND, b. g 8 103 By Braxted— Festive Agnes, by Jaquemart. Trainer. J. Phillips. Owner. Mrs. J. P. Phillips. Bred in England by Messrs. Brice. ,8-64 Bowie t] f l:22%good 1SS 105 2 9 10 10=T Rodnev 10 Sea Sand Arendal Poppve 73899 H.deGce 1 1-4 2 llmud 8 106 5 8 8 8" F Thdyke • T.RoIlCall. Fitzru. Col Whallen !-;!,J,,;Vc l!i*255?! 5 "! " » »" J "•»»«• • • f.cld. Smarty. Invigorator .0.00 Lat..n,a 1181:o4Hslow 41 107 4 6 7" I Parke 11 JakeRerger. Cukamo. WillowTree C9881 Map H ts 1148 mud 9 1W 2* J McCoy 6 Ten .Seth. Elemental Tail Maid 96.0 Map irts 1 l:3SVast 22 100 9 » W Martin 9 Harmonious G.Kuffan Ten Seth 6543 fKfM 116 1:59 fast 4f 107 11 11 1213?C Lang 14 Daiitzic. BrassTacks, BckBetty WIDOW BEDOTTE. b. m. 10 103 By Ildrim— Annus Luctu». by Darid Garrick Trainer. E. Trueman. Owner. E. Tnieman. . Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livinrston .822K Howie 7-Sl:29mu.l 62 105 11 11 12 12" H Farlandir, Fiftv -Fiftv, Warng C J Ccmile 78180 Howie lm70y 1 49fast 40 101 7 10 11 11* F Lee 11 ThePeruvn. Normal LdWrack °*,e 1 JJ" 1 MHmud 12 11113 10 1 H 10 -D Stirling 15 CoralReef. Col. Whaln. F.Monroe -«£l .5.35 Howie 1 1 16 1 :,2 fast Slf 98 8 8 U 2 R Pierce 12 Kttahe. Toodles. Honorable 75«a3 Howie 11-16 1:52 slow 61 106 8 10 101 11 « C Taylor 1? Humboldt. WarFox Ettahe 75522 Mlboro Ab 7-S 1 :33Hslow 1-5 112 3 4 6 6" C OMah y 7 MissFilley, PrinreWelles Tricks

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