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[ =| CHAS. RAYMOND f I f |f JN OUT TO WIN TODAY I IIPmTV IPtTV HfnTTlOr "l:,t Is :1" ,n0J v:l " he" »l»proarh those JLlll/flJ ajfVll J llfUUillg iii the know. That is how I get them. Short ._,_,_. , , _ _ . . ., and sweet and to lite point. "The Turf Wizard of Four Countries A r.i-«i REAL r .x .. v ln. RAYMOND ■«»■« LONG SHOT TODAY ■-- 1452 BROADWAY NEW YOMK CITT , One that « ill rilOW dds of 10-1 AT I.KAST. .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKXY Th" spot is 1 ,rf" * and n" I:-lltr ■*• *■ track oondiUona may be, this one will go, ~~ and will be out to WIN ONLY. HP 1 y / If Some recent winners at Bowie nnv llnp HnrP bucado .io-won O VilV IIUIOC lUliaj GOLDEN BILLOWS .50— WON MAJORITY .00— WON at Bowie should win in a gallop, barring ac- GOLDEN BILLOWS |HtwoK Ut-N- .10— WON cidents. Do not hesiUte. Mit send in your ,™llMLK; ,. . I | A consistent winning n matter hew small ; subscription at once and go the limit, as is b.U.r than an oc.asional ,,,ng sh t lhat ; this one should pay !just puts you up alt.a i f1 r ;l ,ia . th.-n you ; wait a week or two before another conies 20-1 TODAY -m r— . handle the BEST and have successfully beat than at Bowie Yesterdays One Horse: for the past two seasons. Steady winnings r i /t i r- 1 r tt r nanii ou wial find an investment. Superbum 5.1Q- WON , Term$: , day. 6 Wires for 0. Wednesdays One Horse: OTHK! V«*ICK1 NOTICE! l uring my 1-mg career many have actually rianpfl Fnnl Sift Rfi-9 WfllM begged me to send them an occasional wire, uanc y ruui o.ou q *i wum ,h;it is s,mifthirii. ,.xtraordinary, something Tuesdays One Horse: lhat onIy conus a,on OI1,e in il f,,r miRht. Well, I in ready now to take care of a Cn Costin S12.80-S2 WON sr1, ct,d .f,w °*£ unIy play %vhtn such up- v ■• vuuu w* ■" u ♦•- ■■wi« nortuniiK s prevail. Mondavs One Horse: SATURDAY IS THE DAY And I EmJ very fortanmn to bo in a posi-FiftV-Flftv 7 0-9 WON ti,m to ■•■*" • proposition like this. Th. riliy Tilly . $/.OU WUm lelp6MC eorerln, a transaction su.h as this y,m *-OW is * •J"«-ptionaHy high and. thcre- My thirty years of experience as owner, j . . . . . . fore, I am forced to Bet my t«i!: i:? at $.".0 for sport writer, etc., and editor of pub- * racine 6 v .».■ w j this one horse and no propositions accepted. I lications puts me in a posiUon to obtain hig-h- j ,.-,,. Inust bo virtd blfore v, n,,n Saturday. class information. Wire your subscription— ! This is for those that appre* i.ite the Best same old price — by Western Union or Postal ■*■-* CHAS. RAYMOND l-- — -J K »om 3s, 206 Itroatlwaj, .KW VOKK CITY Ihone Cortlandt 3307 Pay From Your Profits concerning a discovery that will open " the eyes of _, , _ - . ... .... . . ... I The „ Master Key System of playing the races system players will be sent without charge or obli- wiU be maiied you for one weeks trial. Mo gation. Those interested in system play will find charge unless it shows an average profit of it to their advantage to address at least |10 a day on the scale of play. For particulais mail this ad. with your name T L,. K" Jand.. BIB.B.LIM MAPTTnT »nd address to J. K. WILLIS. 225 Tlartieth St Mlaml B;ach FU 62 EAST 34TH ST. NEW YORK CITY | ..mb mmmmm | Bowie Getaway Special Transaction STARTS TUESDAY, APRIL 15th This transartion In being enxlneered by one of the oldest niul smartest operators in the grante. The horse was prepared by as elever a horseman as erer trained a thoronghbred and was kept under cover with this transaction in lew. The race has been wisely selected and a very good price is expected. 1 sincerely believe that this transaction will prove to be one of the most successful operations of the season and best I ever handled. Start with me today; subscribe for this transaction for which 1 had intended to charge flliO.Oll, bnt believing: a player often feels skeptical about the real quality of information lief ore he cares to invest a largre sum, I want to meet my subscribers more than half way by wiring; this horse for the nominal sum of fZO.OO. M information is hiehly dependable and of a private nature, not obtainable through ordinary public channels. Nine winners and one loser out of a total of ten transactions in five days, has proved to a skeptical racing public the value of the YINCKNT MBatl l K. This is a record for the doubting; ones to investigate. SF.A SAM. JM.«M -: AWE. f6..tO-«2: 4APTACV I ■■■ ! fiM. f I ■ — Ml !■•»■» WRACK. Sl. »-*::: SKA SAND, .2 -*: : MAJORITY. ■.»■ f«| BAGKat, #1.r.4 -#a; LORD GRANITE, y.JMI-Kty; GOLDK.X llll.l.dtts, f«.80-S2. Slint.itii straight piny on each shows profit of 9R2.OO7t.O0. All the above horses are positively the only transactions released by nic and «lul filed with the Daily Itacing Form. Xo better proof of the reliability of the VINCENT SERVKE can be presented than my wonderful record above. Remember, no guessing, no handicapping and no system, but strictly bona fide stable information. Start with us today and join the winning crowd by subscribing to our regular daily or weekly service. My terms are: $."t.OO daily. #20.00 weekly, strictly in advance and lift other proposition accepted. City subscribers call and see who you arc dealing vtithi out of town, wire by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. IAMES VINCENT SERVICE SUITE lOlS, 220-224 WEST 42nd STREET EW YORK. ITT SCHUYLffi w mm C TJftg WHO CAN MAKli YOt TIVJ Iflljll] MauufJLLmU ™ ""H ™ nWwnWwnWIP BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET NEW YORE CITY SOLD all newsstands, and SIEi IALS. TELEPHONE— BRYANT «3 _ — __ S" Read Em and Weep Yesterdays Distinctive ANOTHER "CLEAN UP" "SCHLY1.KR INVESTMENT" YESTERDAYS "ADV" SPF.l IAL lA/ARnlliMP t1Q 1fl *0 A/finl HUMBOLDT WON— 2.00-.00 VVHnlilliU . . . . $ IO. IU- 4 «- wwUll JACK FIELD advised to "IMunarc. Win Only" ! as HE KNEW ail about "Hi M BO IDT." , . .... .IWMO ELSE GAYE THIS ONE V CHANCE A prominent business man, ivho liad just j yfstfrii v I heard the result of last Tuesdays "SCIIUY-, x a "CTRAIPHT flAY" iShSrrsss,i irHmT we -cleaned up- JKWMU HUMt won, turned to one of | Tlnirs laT,s HUMBOLDT WON- *li.0O : lus friends, saying: Here is an adviser that i Wednesdays ANNE WON— MJI shows the safest way to reach financial in-J Tuesdays REPARATION WO — *.".. • dependence. I wish I had started subscribing , Tuesdays *- Special Also WON. , . . . , . . I Mondays Special— BIFF BANC for Ins information when I was beginning my | WON *10 10 career." Then he went on to say: "The j Mondays Special— WON ALSO. reason why more people dont accumulate |p YOU PAID ,000 A DAY large funds from turf investments is not j you couldnt get any better than "Jack that they do not intend to be careful with Field" andives ou "every day." ... .. . , .. „ , You Cant Keep a "Good Man" Down. their money-U is because they haven t found Do you know why Jack FiHd ..,,uts .Km the best turf information adviser to get the .Over" Day after Day? Because -he is always utmost income from the money they invest"! at the Track, getting the "Real Stuff" which j he Wires to this office. THOUSANDS ARE GETTING RICH It is no longer necessary for the inex- Jack Fields "Army of Followers" are get-perienced turf investor to experiment for «£■ ?HICHER and RICHER* Day hy Day , .. — . - , . following "Jack 1 teld Jo and Specials himself. Subscribe for the ,„ next Schuyler "jj; Day " ! Investment" ANOTHER "CLEAN UP" W TODAY Boys here is your chance to $"lean l"j $ Oil i 1 • again Today as Both and Sp. ials will .VillirfMV JIT flfiWlP I,:,v "B,S Price" and Both considered the UUIU1UUJ ttl WTT1V "Goods" by the Stable. "Be Sure" You get Both V» and "Jack It w ill save you worry and enable you to Field" Specials Today front your Newsdealer. concentrate your entire energies on develop-iHurrv or ou win Set shut out as the Xews- dealer sells out fast because Everyone knows ;„., ,-„„.. ...~ k„o;.c„ business. iing your own "The Best" I NOTICE— Jack Field sold everywhere Rac- ■ jing Form sold. Can be mailed to vou The Schuyler Investments are i plain sealed envelope 5 weekly for both t like "Sterling" on Silver— |and nJml *? S U Field Publishing Co. tu The e* of * r» *• *■ Stamp Distinction Room 32, 39 w. Adams St, ihkago. NEWSDEALERS WANTED— "Big ITofits" JACK LYONS thesportingieader Jlmericals Created JportVaper " 5 COLUMBUS CIRCLE " new york city 25CENTS* FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS OFF TO A FLYING START /=mT Again AL GERN ™ VmMI Yesterdays Special teas April 10 Tvdf* S0 D0NAGHZE. won. Tuea- JEWELL V. D. 8.10- WON; W lays Spccal won "d WPiSPv Monday s Special won. r,1J !3k TOA Get TODAYS SPECIAL r.BH. ~ a« ..,«.. RAMA .10-S2 WON SfVMand - *- neUnd to- Capt. Costigan 2.80- WON __ m IeTtoainC0RKrR aU BIFF BANG.7.40- W0n| vJHSSimSSSSSm, April 5 And holier p. this one comes to me ItKIl HOT, J AS. F. OHARA. ..10- 2ND so n,,d r 0 tOBs,,era,,on f:,il ,o ot ,he .... NEW EDITION* FOR SALE TODAV. April 4 HORSE LOST - Berns Special Won Again! Apr|j 3 YESTEKDAYS AL GERNS SPEC IAL: BIFF BANG .30- WON donaghee .20— won TCESDAVS AL GERNS SPKI TALS: Boys, this kind of information will get the fK] Acpn */;on OKirN ! money anywhere. When you deal with me KEiTSLV K l ou are dealinff with a man of fifteen years LORD WRACK WON o" experience in obtaining real information. MONDVYS L JKRNS SPLIT l • ; Nothing sensational but consistent golden billows. .50— won Fortify yourself against losses 8WEiEWAki»OKB5||wb« Subscribe immediately »•* * y«« *nhi mm * Terms within reach of everybody !TIiat. JTC"*!™ AL ?ERN * J That • all e can tell yon, and he Mire , to :et 0 daily or 0 for six days todays rush your order today AlGerns 0 Special Given Free — Primed and ALL SET for a sensational WANTED race. Here Is yonr chance. For this one, to hear by telephone or telepTaph from reliable ASK your newsdealer for party willing to make investment for information «i coming from owner campaigning string of horses ML UtKlNJ PPDMC O CDCOIAI OrtLIALb O who expects to win with one from his stable Friday. at all newsstands everywhere. April 11, and one on Saturday. April 12. at LIMIT ODDS. Full advice can be secured on agreement ~ "" —— ~ ~ ~ ,~— --~ — — — —— l" ~" wuuu"VI?M£™Lrn"° "* ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM Subscribe for Daily Racing Form ZSZSSfEmlESfS.