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— J TIJUANA TIJUANA. MEXICO, THURSDAY. APRIL 10. 1924. tl Mile. One hundred and Seventeenth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather clear. Stewards. Francis Nelson. J. W. Cof froth and L. J. Rose. Placing Judges, M. N. Macfarlan and J. S. Rothert. Starter. Marsliall Cassidy. Racing Secretary, M. N. Macfarlan. Racing starts at 1:50 p. m Chicago time. 3:50 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. 789QQ FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. May 12. 1916— 47«»— 2—123. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. 4 and+d%J*y Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 20; second. 20; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77750 PUBLISHER w 112 9 8 61 2* D J Smith R Spreckels 70 100 77091 RCNDARK w 113 3 4 3» 11 2 P Martins C B Irwin 14070 -IM 78l67JMOCNT SHASTA w 115 2 2 1» 21 3!1 E Fator Brown Shasta Farm Stb 2940 100 78206 HOME RUN w 109 3 6 2» 41 41 K H gland A A Baroni 11200-100 78 167 = DIXIE BOY W 115 7 5 10 5l S] J Glass W K Applegato BS SB 78135 SEA GOD w 109 6 9 S 6l 6*1 F J Baker W J Jenkins 20040-100 UP AND AT EM w IIS 5 7 51 Sl 7* J Butwell International Stable t780-100 I 78167 YOORFIXR w 115 4 2 4* 7* 8» A Coilins A B Spreckels 520-104 77923 RUBY MARSH w 109 10 10 9 9« 9« U Creery A L Briggs 47000-10* 78167 ALADA CHIC A w 115 1 1 7" 10 10 O Clark Hollywood Stable f tMutuel field. Time. 24, 50. Track slow. mutuels paid -Publisher. .40 straight. .60 place. .00 show; Rundark. 4.00 place, 5 00 siiow; Mount Shasta. .80 show. Equivalent hooking odds Publisher. 70 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Rundark, 000 to 100 place. 650 to 100 show; Mount Shasta. 140 to 100 show. Winner — B. c, by War Cry — Simonda, by St. Avonicus trained by H. T. Griffin; bred by Mr. Rudolph Spreckels I. Went to peat at 1:49. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PUBLISHER overcame much interference soon after the start and, getting clear after rounding the last turn, finished with a rush and easily passed RUNDARK in the final sixteenth to win going away. RUNDARK showed a good order of speed but, after taking the bad, readily succumbed to th-winners challenge. MOUNT SHASTA set the early pace and did his liest. IIOMK RUN tired badly and ran out through the final eighth. DIXIE BOY suffered from early interference and ran a good race. IP AND AT EM bolted to the outside ston after the start, forcing PUBLISHER and DIXIK BOY out with him. Snatched 78206 Solimente. 112: 7S133 Altoquiver. 112. Overweight Rundaik. 1 pound. rT O Oi"k/ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 19. 1924T:04~S— 4— 106. Purse f600" 3-7ear. • OOW olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second. 20: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vi •% Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78185 BMDBB was 11 118 10 1 UJ 1-1 U 1» A Collins T Coffey t---OO 78207 CHROME w 7 118 3 6 B 2» 2*i 2!| J Butwell R Connor JIM- 77290 CANOOROBA W S IB 5 5 5 4*1 4» 35i J Maiben ■ Owens BS-SM 78207»SIR JOHN JR. WW 6 113 11 4 31 3« 3l 41 G Cooper B W Gates + 78169-SKYEN SEAS wsn 6 113 2 11 11* 101 81 5* K Hglzni W Smith 2040-100 77772*Si:A BEATi wsb 11 :13 6 8 6* 6* 5 1 61 M Fr v J Wilson "" t 78207PLANTAGENET 12 11:. 7 10 91 8* 61 7*1 W McK.:t W Wright .-• f 75207MOTHER BUNCH w 4 105 8 7 7* 71 7*1 S* O Clai.c J Gadbout r 78083 DI.NN.V FASH w 7 ill 4 12 12 12 10* 91 L Oil f P E Foreman 31*1-100 78092 CAPON w 6 113 12 2 81 9* 9* 10"* w MMtors O Kdi.son t 78207 LADY MARAC ws 5 111 19 10» 11* 11* 11* D Jon"* J Agoa t 69078 WILL O T. WISP w 6 121 9 3 B S 12 12 P Mi-tiiiz Vaughn and Waits B4S-M4 iMutuel field. Time. 24i. 49«i. 1:03. lOOS- Track slow. m-ituels paid Emden. field. .40 straight. .40 place. .20 show; Chrome, .60 place, .82.20 show; Candorosa. .20 show. Kquivalent booking odds Emden. field. 220 to 100 straight, 20 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Chrome, 30 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show: andonisa, 10 to 100 shrw. Winner- B. g, by Broomstick--Miss Hamburg, by Hamburg trained by T. Coffey; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to i ost at 2:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. EMDEN began fast from the oatside and. showing the most speed, won all the way. but tired when Hearing the end and barely lasted long enough. CHROME finished with a rush and would have won in the next stride. CANDOROSA made up ground and finished close up. SIR JOHN JR. lir.-d. SKVEN SEAS closed a big gap in the last quarter. Scratched — 782771 Ella Waldo. Ill: 77815 Pink Tennv. Ill; 7794S Dclancev, 118; 78278 Irish Rey. Kj SUM Trulaue. 113; IBM Galway. 113. ■7QOA1 HIRD RACE— 5 1-2 FurlongT Jan. 19, 19841764 «s— 4— 108. Purse 06._ 3 -yeaT-4 OOvl olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second. 20: third. 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt i 3 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Sirt 78284 •LABBTBBT ws 110 3 2 V 2J 3* 1* .1 Smith C Sawyer :»-100 VSltt**A. LESTER w IM 3 4 l1 1 11 21 W Molters N-al A Bartholomew 140-WO- Vatl**BOOBBRANO wsb 104 7 1 21 2 2 3« A Franco L Kaplan SBS-SB 78125*HKI.KN COOK w.s 1» 6 7 4» 4* 4J 41 M Frey C B Irwin SB SB 78216*IR1SH BUZZER ws 99 1 3 5 15* 51 5* C Corbett Allen A Wilkerson IB SB 78219 WIKI JACK ws 107 4 5 8 6* 6 6 J Maiben G Stewart USS-SB 78111,COLIJSION 94 5 6 7 7= 7* 7» G Cooi er P. Spreckels 4290-100 •EVA ACKLEY w 100 2 3 6 3 8 8 D Jones S W Marchbank B3S-SM Time. 24. 4SS. 101. l*Bs. Track slow. mutuels paid Lam-te.Jt, .iJ0 straight, $;t.S J place. .40 show; A. I/e-t.-r. .20 place. . SO show; It-omerang. .60 show. Equivalent booking o.|.|- Limsledt. BB to 10O -traight. 90 to place. 70 to MS show; A. Letter. 60 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Boomerang. 230 to 100 how. Wii:ner-Ch. g, by Dr. I.eggo Breslau, by Inele ttiined bv C. Iuett; bred bv Mr. A.lo!;,!i P.. Spreck.-;, Went to post at .! 38. At post 10 minutes. Start god and sl.iw. AVon easily; second and third driving. LAMSTBDT, a forward contender from the start, saved ground when turning for home an 1 finished fast and. c;iichuig A. LESTER tiring, passed linn quickly to win going away. A I.KSTKU set a good pace, but tired in the final eighth. ROOM BRAN, ran well throughout. IIKLEN COOK made up ground from a -low txginnng. IRISH BUZZER and WIKI JACK had uy mishaps. Overweight— Irish Ruxzer. 3 pounds. rr O OY-O-FOURTH RACE— S-S Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4—107. ~run«~t609. 3-year-olds an 1 4 OOUal upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second. 20; third. 0. Index Horsea AWtlPSt U . ~t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt — — , .# 77070 IOKTKK ELLA W» ? 98 3 4 2* 1» 1* ll G Cooper Hollywood Stable MS-SB 78221 TooTERS w C 97 3 ."1 31 3* 21 D Jones Strito .* Valntine BS-SM 782511,PUEBlJ WW TBS I I 41 2l 21 3* M Frey Mra V Manale SB -SB 78-!08TWIN FOX w 3 97 2 I 3 4 4* 41 O Clark AV C STflUM BO-SB 77970 SIKHIM WS 8 SB 6 7 7* 7* 5« 5* J Smith A W Divton BS-SB 78184,JOI.I.Y SAIIvOR wk 4 104 7 8 3 3 61 6» D Brown Mrs R ■ Neal 471 -BS 78093 i OKN UTTER ws 10 104 4 S 61 51 7*1 7i L reery C Sawyer "iTO-lX 77946 KING BELLE w 10 102 5 2 1 1 6* 8 8 C Corbett C B Irwin 1530 li» Time. 24. 49--,. 103. Track slow. mntuels paid Porter Flla. .80 straight, .20 place, .80 show; Tooters, $.3 80 place. .60 show; Pueblo. .20 show lipiivalent b-xiking .slds Porter Ella. 240 to 100 straight, 60 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show; Tooters, 90 to 100 place. 130 o 100 show: Pueblo. 110 to 100 show. Winner Br. f. by Jack Atkin Ryola, by Mexican trained by T. J. Ogle; bred by Messrs. White and Garnet! . Went to post at I 11. At post 1 minute. Start gocd and slow. Won easing up; second and third driving. PORTKIt KIJ.A passed KING BK1.LK. with a rush after rounding the far turn and. drawing away into a loug lead, won easing up. TOOTERS made a game finish and outstayed PUKBIjO. The latter tired after racing in closest but unavailing pursuit of the winner to the last eighth. TWIN FOX raced forwardly to the half mile. KINO BUI set the early pace, but pulled up lame. Overweights Pueblo. 1 pound, lvin Fox. 2. I ~~" ADDITIONAL CHARTS OX TKMTU PAGE. TIJUANA Continued from third pnge. 78QAQ FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mils. Fob. 28, 1924— 1:11%— 4— 128. Purs* 00. 4-yes.r-olds 4 uOUO ard upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second, 20; third. 0. Iodei ll.irs.-s AWtTPSt Vi Vi Sir Km Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 779«5»NAN McKlNNY wb 5 113 IT 1» ■ 1 1*J Wood Drumhellor 380 100 782I7*M AltCKT WH1TK w I 109 5 4i 4* V 2* C Oorbett C W Carroll V.90-1O0 78222 MISS KMMA O. w 5 113 T 1 til 51 5J :tl J Maiben J V Durkeo 4." O-100 i 7*1. 17 MISS FKYKR w 4 111 C 3 2« 2» » 41 ; Abel W ■ Hunter 320-100 78254 "HOBINGA ws 5 109 3 5 3» B*J 4* :." M Kroy J Z Sharp 2890-100 782.V7*VKI. llIR w 4 106 8 3 S «4 «* 6* W McKht A M Cray 4560 100 77946*KTTA 1». w 4 106 2 S 7* 7 7 7 J Connors T Huey 54000-100 7805V CLOCK STKG w 4 111 4 4 5k Lost ri.ler D .lone* San Diego Stable 150-100 Time. 24. 48%. 114*5. Track slow. muttiels paid Nan McKinncy. i!0 t-traigiit, S6.20 place. .40 show; Margaret White, 9.f 0 pla.-. SO -how; Miss Emma O.. 20 show. Equivalent !h kini; odds Nan M. Kinn.-y. 3SO to 100 straight. 210 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show: Margaret White. SSO to 100 place. 390 to 100 l;ow; Miss Kmma «!.. 210 to 100 show. Winner Cii. in, by Leonid Kate Dormau. by Modred trained by I. I*. Cannon; br.-d by Mr. C. B. Pamela Went to post at 3:37. At post 1 minute. Start cood and slow. Won driving; second and third Hh same NAN McKINNEY was away somewhat slowly, hut rushed into the lead after racing ■ quarter and. standing a hard drive. outMayed If AUOAKET WHITS. The latter gained steadily after turning for home and finished fast and .lose up. MISS KMMA .. closed a gap. MISS FRYKR and tfOBINGA tire l. MEUHDIIt was forced to pull up when CLOCK STOt KINO stumbled. The latter was caught in a jam and unseated her rider. rOOA 4 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. fMarch 10. 1923— 1:42%— 6— 118. Purae 00. 4 Otl ""i 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second, 20; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPISt % % *i Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78II5»«AINZKL wb a 104 8 9 4* 31 3» 1= 1« D .lonea R L Baker 640-100 7H209:TKNNILKK wb I 111 7 5 3| 2 1» 1| 2* L Creery J Pidgeon 400-100 7R258*MISS IAllJE w 4 103 5 I Ik Ik ■ r,»| T.| A Franco J ■ Bees 1160-100 78184*MAKY IX K w 4 95 6 4 5 5* 4k 4- 4 K Hgland M P William* tlO2O-10O IHwWOI PUSS w 4 100 12 10 11J 82 S| S* . « M Frey G McNeill t 78215 iROHKY ALLN wb 7 106 1 1 2k 4| B* 5j »;k o Clark L T Whitchill 120-100 78153KI.ACK PAT w 106 4 7 d « 7«k7lJ74 G Abel W See 910 100 78284*THEBKSA w6 99 10 U 12 12 12 9; 8*4 G Cooper Carney and Oisen f 78111 McCROAN ws 8 106 I 2 ?1 7k 64 6k 9J R McHugh ■ H Servier" t 78112 M1STAKK w 8 111 3 11 9»Mlk 11* W! 10* a* j Baker Sullivan and. OBrien 4860-100 78174VKSPER IJKI.ES wb 4 100 9 6 7l 9* 91 ll1 at* C Corbett Brumbaugh A Adrian 2130-100 782 !« BKSSIK YOING w 5 109 11 S 101 10k 10k :2 12 E Fator W ■ Hunter t tMutuel field. Time. 24%. 49%. 1 14. 1:42%. 1:46%. Track slow. mutuels paid Caunzei, 4.80 straight, .20 place, CO show; Tennilee. 40 place. 40 show; Mms Paige. $«i fiO show. Equivalent l ooking odds- Caunzrl. 040 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Tennilee. 120 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Miss Paige, 230 to 100 show. Winner Br. in. by Cunard Zelda, by Pentecost trained by A. J. Donahue; bred by Mr. R. H. San ford Went to post at 4:01. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. tACNZKL was saved until rounding the Ia»t turn, where she was called on and. finishing fast under hard riding, outstayed TKNNILKB in the last strides. Hie latter raced into the lead when turning for home and mad.- a game finish when challenged. MISS PAIGK, after setting and fcrcing the pace, gave way in the final eighth. MARY DOR raced fairly well. BOBBY ALUM quit badly. ■Scratched MM Sample. 100; MM l*reservalor. 97; 77902 J. Rufus. 101; 732SS Careen. 108. Overw-ights Miss Paige, 3 pounds Poor Puss, 5. Complete ilnirtx of Tlfuann races «orr not nvallnWIe at the hour of going to pre**, lint -.» ill be pultliMlted in tomorrows isajne. The following is a suui-mary of the retuaiuins races: SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Kile. Home. Jockey Wt. Straight. Place. Show. TMK AKAnCANIAN K. Kator 107 .20 .60 .20 POI.I.Y WALK 1. Jones 103 4.30 3.00 LOKCU Ml LION . France-M-o 103 2.80 Time. 1:12. Track alow. Also ran My Reverie. Be Frank and Tracer. EIGHTH RACE— 1 1 16 Miles. Horse. Jockey. Wt. Straight. Place. Show. MISS tlVIRR T . Jonea 100 $ 4.SO .40 .60 WYLIK J. Abel 106 5 00 3 60 WMMOM PK1NCK F. J. Baker Ill 3.00 Time, 1:48%. Track alow. Also ran Paralcadonr II., Call Ford. May Pro -.per. Mary Jane Baker and Piedra. NINTH RACE — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Ilorae. Jockey. Wt. Straight. Place. Show. FORT HCRCHn.L A. Francesco 116 .40 .20 .40 DICK TKRPIN J. Class 115 2.80 3.20 CKDRIC F. J. Baker 112 5.20 Time. 55. Track slow. Also Ran Faber, Dr. McArthur, Frank S.. Tubby A. and The Almoner.