Bashford Manor Stakes: One Hundred and Sixteen Nominations for Two-Year-Olds Feature of Kentucky Racing., Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-22

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BASHFORD MANOR STAKES One Hundred and Sixteen Nominations for Two-Year-Olds Feature of Kentucky Racing. LOriSYILLK. Ky., April 21.— Kentucky racegoers will have an opportuni:y :o soc some fif the prospective 6tars of to twe-year old division of 192 i when the JV.ftJO nnsh-ford Manor Stakes is decided at ChurchJH Downs. This spring fixture has been run ■BMMflty since 19U2 and numbers amoag Its •srtrtom such as Oiseau, Worth, Kittle Nrphew, Harrv Kelly. Kscoba, Birty KH!/, Uiried VaiIo and Black Gold, the Louisiana D»by vVctvr of this year, and a well faceted candidate for the coming Kentucky Derby. For the 1924 running of this stake lit nominations were received,, including- a HOT her of entries from piomine.nt «*s£-irn stabies. The candidates and entries for the B«*h-ford Manor are as foIowB: RASHFORD MANOR STAKR*-$., 000 Add *1. Tor 2 year old co.t* :in l r MtaS*, By *n**z-tptirFB of 0 each; 00 additional i„ »u»;; $.-,.000 added, of which in SkCor.d. hB«:0 to IUM, fourth to save slake. Wintiora of a a-reepsvil.- * to carry 3 pound*; or Ito r *#-p*t*kcjv. 5 !• "in-ii extra. Maidens »!ovre« 5 panada, .».«-eerrtancea to be named thro«c» tie estVy box the day before the HMi at uwil time of closinjj. Four and a Us If tari.«*aav Anderson .t Kendle — .Viinihi.ator, U. c, by Dick Vtm- nell— Alice Baird. AmDrsoa and Kendle— Surprise, br. c. ay Ditfc Fln- ndl— Octavo. Appelate. W. ■_ — Toomuoli, eh. c. tiy T5s» M.ib* „t - I-idy Moonet. Appleali. W. K. — Ocean Current, br. f, by Sea Kins — Maidenhair. And ley Farm Stable — Ilobson. ch. c, by Sir Martin —One Star. Aaitef Stable — Star Sweeper. cIl c, by Kir Master -I«ady S vee|v Maker. A. -Infante, ch. s. by Kin? Corin-ArmrUa. Rclair Eft UllWli, ch. c, by Omar Khayyam — I.i IX-livorancc. Bianchj 4 Williamson — Rumell Cave, b. c, by Libyan Sands — Beth Miller. Bradley. T. C. — Garr, b. c, by Teter Qohace — Kllora. Breckinriiiee, Desha— Beipre, ch. c, by lUandot — Ijttonia. Itrm-n. J. I, — Thats the Time, ch. c, by S*ar Master — 8maj Hrute, W. S. — Rockarden, b. e, by St Koct — A rden Itose. Ca:ndc!i. i. N.— Pas Seul, b. c, bry Llxht RiU»de— One Step. Camden. .1. N.- Karachi, b. c, by Ught Drigade — Madras. Camden. J. N*. — Rolirar Pond, U. c. by Lght Itri- fdo- -Medaena.. immIcii. J. N. — Calciubour, br. c, by Ufht Crbr*Je — Involved. Camden. J. N. — Lucifer, b. c, by Light Brigade — locidi. Camden. J. N. — Brown colt, by 1/ight BrisaJ* — Aisace. Caakay. W. E— Id o Mine, b. c, by Tondibearer —Sly Wii;k. Clth.n. 1*. T. — Millirm, br. c, by Hnoiv -7ora id.1. rail. P. T. — Baall»ec, b. e, by TmuT» «» — Israr. Cliinn. I". T. — Alexander Moore, b. g. af Trout bee It - Ixitta Creed. Cincinnati Ktrble — Little Jimmy, ch. c, by FriwJo — ioma. Cincinnati Stable- Captain Schneller, ch, c, by Delhi — Mineral. Cincinnati Stable — Louis Rubcnstein, br. c, by Delhi— INtti. Clark. Robert S.— Shark, b. c, by Wrack— Beude Melton. Clay. T. J. and. O. II.— Balboa, ch. c. by BalbK— Betty Da I me. Collins, R W — Lee O. Cotner. h. c, by Last Coin or Hiirh Time--Precious Peart Combs. Rrowncll — K.I Moro. ch. g, by Manager Wa.te — -La Monlasrne. Combs. L B — Peter Patter, ch. c, by Peter Q:::.nce - Ionssette. Coyne, P. — Singlehand. b. e, by HnnbrMre — Oesnva. Coyne, P. — The Smasher, b. c, by Golden Mr .vim — Brij;htstone. Crotlnvmt. W. T.— Modesta, b. c, by Ralph— Bonnie Kate. Cundiff, M. G. ch. On — Trajmore, e, by Sweep — Munition. Diebel, Charles — Red Squirrel, ch. c, by Flying Squirrel- Janice Rolierta. Doyle. Cum L— Billy Ollara. b. c. by Mint— Marr I»oyIe. Rverton, Mac — Friend, ch. c. by Frizzle — Grace Cole. Fair Acre Farm— Mr. Biltmore, ch. c, by Frizzle — Kathryn Kruter. FerctiKon. A. L. — Return, br. c, by Huon — Mary LsBaa Gardner. H. P. — Tliomas Tiatt. br. e, by Witt Star *IL — Brown Bess. Gardner, II. P. — Romany Rye, b. c, by The Manager — Fleeting Fashion. Cralmer. F. M. — Step Along, ch. c, by Fncle — Jvabel. Hrant. J. D — Frightful, eh. c. by Frizzle— Spit-ful. Green tree Stable — Hurry Scurry, b. c, by V index — Miss Rooney. Creentree Stab!" — Bucko, b. c, bv .Tohrew-nfish. Hall. .7. A. Billy Skidd, ch. c. by Flying Squirrel — Nina Sims. Haueock, A. 15. — Gaffuey, ch. c, by Jim Gaffu*y — I oIly Higgins. HatKock. A. B. -Kublnl Khan, ch. c, by 0-nar K hay y: am -Nell McGce. Ha rued Bnia. i Joue*— iJpecial, ch. c, by Alrwcot — Amelita. Headley. Hal Price — Stipremus, b. c, by Cltinius— Mandy Hamilton. ILadlcy. Hal Price — Pyroot, ch. c, by Uncle — lorlia Swett. Headley. Hal Price — hestnut colt, by tTHtaaai Bu.-y Lass. Headley. Hal Price — Brown gelding, by Uaon — Min- Toy. Htipii. W. I - Brier Hill. br. g. by High Time— Mailtos,. Itelie. Iuternational Stable— Mark Master, br. c, by Luke M.I. like — Yiituilla. Internationa; Stable- Supervisor, b. c, by Bezant — Rogue. International Stable -Geo. K. Allen, b. c. by Zeus — Squcdaddle. Johnson. Frederick — Amir, br. g, by Brown Prince II. — Round the WoilL Johnson. Frederick — Ben Franklin, br. c, by Ambassador IV. — Primula II. Johnson. Frederick - Quatrain, ch. c, by Omar Khayyam--Bonnie Mary. Kaiser. A. A.- -Captain Hal, blk. c, by Black Toney - -Wavering. Kenton Stable--Prince Hampton, br. e, by Hillh.i:i:ii- ton Polly J. Laff.» n. Polk--Cup Bearer, ch. c, by The Finn — Mae Tuft. Ixiffooti, Polk— Foreign Relations, b. c, by Sweep- - 1 he Baioness. I«eona Farm — New Moon, b. c, by Flittergold — Harvest Moon II. UtM Farm Our Buddy, b. c, by Tlieo. Cook - June Bus. ba«M Farm Tick Toek, b. e, by Hourlesa — Seemly. I Uvingstoii. Jefferson- -George I»e Mar, ch. c, by Colonel ennie Little Bit. i:. B Like ijddie, cli. c, by I»ugU Foyle — Harlem Ijss. Jf.Millen, J. Wheatjn, b. c. by Meridian Sweet Fenvcr*. MarsliaU. R. P. Bill Shaffer, b. c, by Smoke Bmm - Morning Hoiit . Milam. J. C— Daiiouoca, ch. c, by l"ltimus--Sweet Day. Mi!aiu and. Bnckinridge - -Kentucky Cardinal, ch. c, ay North Star III. lucrative. Moore, C. V. - Broken Glas,s, b. g, by McCee Mirror. M.. re, »". V — Battle On, b. c, by Sweep On Biddy MH e. Mohier, ;. G -Abund .yiee, b. %. by Tony Bonero What* Iieft. Muse. W. Y.— Our Boy, ch. c, by Berrilldon— Belle I Roberts. Newtondale Stable — Legation, br. c, by Ambassador1 IV. — Sumptuous. Newtondale Stable— Red Pennant, ch. c, by Pennant ] — America. Newtondale Stable— Lincoln, br. g, by Under Fire — Olivia Israel. Parrish, J. W.— Down Town, ch. c, by F.scoba — CoimiD Martha. Parrish, J. W. — Winter Street, ch. c, by Under Fire — Cositip Avenue. Perkins. W.— Mad Boy, b. c, by Madman— Queen Wolf. Perkins. W — The Badger, ch. c. by Star Master— Bagdadine. Perkins, W.— Oil Burner, b. c, by Alvescot— Cheerful. Perkins, W.— Pacier, ch. c. by Psieine*— Bell Cow. Peikins and Friekle--Corpus Juris, ch. c, by Peter j Quince — I.ois Cavanagh. Perkins and McCauliffe— Romp, ch. c, by Sir John Johnson -A. M. J. Perkins and Scott Thundergod, b. c, by Peter Quince ! —Miss McNeill. Reeves. W. V.— Foxmore, br. c, by Moss Fox -Lis- ] more. Resess, J. B.— Fairfax, b. e, by Dick Welles— Pea hblow. Rcs[m ms, J. R. —Chestnut colt, by Colonel Yennie — I leetahelle. Riedinger and Hastings -Caractus, ch. c. by Great ! Britain Oreen. Robson, It. D. — Tea Tray, ch. c, by Tea Caddy -I Mai foil. Rosseter, J. II.--Don Eduardo, br. c, by Disguise — j Donna Winifreda. Southland Stable — Baltic, ch. c, by Whisk Broom j II. Hansa. Southland Stable Beggar, b. c, by Johren -Baksheesh. Spencer, Jesse— Pander Pete, b. c, by Peter Pan — Ornery. Steele, o. s. High Roller, br. c. by Juso;a *au Bout — Millinery. Tri State Stable Captain Donan, blk. c, by Moss Fox- Ocatwai ;iri. Yiau. Mrs. L. — Alloy, br. c, by Jim Gaffney — ! Golding. Viau, Mrs. I,.-- Afris, ch. c, by Omar Khayyam — i Bonnie Tests. Watts, G. and Sons Quince King, ch. c, by Peter j Quince Lucille Morois. Watts. G. and Sons— Qatar* Bud, b. c, by Peter Quince Maeve. Whitney. H. P. The Count, ch. c, by Peter Pan — Marchess II. Whitney, H. P.- -Reminder, br. C, by CMrlC Re- | meiiibrance. Whitney, H. 1*.- Mauzana, ch. c. by Broomstick — j Manz.iriita. Whitney, H. P.- -Arno, b. c. by Peter Pan Florence. Whitn-y. H. P.— Barrage, b. c, by Tli lerer - Sweepaway. Whitney, H. P. lawless, ch. c, by Peter Pan — Ruth Law. Whitney. II. P. Baafaaa, br. c, by Whisk Broom II. Dendera. Whitney, H. P. Brown colt, by Johren-Sandria. • Wiedemann. Carl— Sir Charles, br. c, by Peter Pan — Chulita. Wie lemaiin. Carl Gamester, cli. c, by North Star III. - Plucky Hen. Williams Bros. Reputation, b. c, by Hilarious— I Paris Queen. I

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Local Identifier: drf1924042201_10_3
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