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AL GERNS SPECIALS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Loniarille — For Sale — Eiler A Goodman. 227 4th St. HURRAH! AGAIN WE WOK YESTERDAYS AL GERN S 0 SPECIAL Golden Rule, .10-, Won I tell you from one end of the country to the other they are Shouting for Al Gem And small wonder: he has made them WIN EVERY DAY ! You simply got to string along with AL GEEK and get prospective TODAYS AL GERNS LONG SHOT Goes in the 6th Race Here is one that should be a real long shot. Has worked sensationally and they are out to win today. Her* is your hance. ask vour newsdealer for AL GERNS SPECIALS 11, MAILED ORE WEEK. . AddreM AL GERN 440 SOUTH DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO. XXL, RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION so you will get AL GERN S NEXT 0 SPECIAL, which goes Wednesday. GET BUSY. Wire, if necessary. REMEMBER YOU GET EOUR 0 SPECIALS FOR . A£* PREDETERMINED j£» TURF PROFITS *» The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally 4A __ known as "easy for player — hard for l* er." Has Mood the ACID TEST for .** tn many jfsrs r oulU not spend many «* thousand* of dollars per annum advrr-** tising water as rough s rui — and con- * M tlnue in business. Sold on installment 4- pa ments paid from your profits. Abso-v lately EKEE. lOO page racing manual,.** •*■ review, sworn teatimonale. etc. Investi .- gate today and make your Bookie obey. ** Public Rriatloas Manager 4/k mm 8. E. AKTHIR _ /j?V| and•* lu !• !• Tow son. Md. ST «$ | % 1 1 t $ t 1 1 t tip? Pay From Your Profits The Master Key System of playing the races will be mailed you for one week s trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the seal* of play. For particulars m :l this ad. with your name and address to J. K. WILLIS. 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Beach. Fla. M0DE6T .60 WON Waa Yesterday s Best. This makes 7 winners out of last 13. Oat the boat. We never misrepresent. — Daily at All Hewatands— NATIONAL 0. X. RACING LETTER 411 Baltimore BIdg. Chicago, HI. ■■nanaanaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna-nnnn J TODAYS FSEE CODE. H PU w£m IFDHV H t 17 1 I N /l. Ill trl 1 Havre— Michigan-Pink-House-Sun HI Hn« IL llUII 1 IJ JM jaJ == jtmt rsr-r L «« ukc.0OT,DEMT *■ Kfi3iiiiM ! ™„,» 1462 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Dandybrush . 7.70- Won .00 daily— 0.00 weekly Did you get that ene. DID YOU? Yeu would if you had GARS WEEKLY, a* A aVI "%7 SW T ¥ Tt?r CAN YOU USE LOOK. LAST WEEKS LONG SHOTS: an! s-b-iww mm ■■■■_. ■ aM««««« a atom**. .***.«» aj a w-k r n. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS? WM Sto« . . J19.1042 W« Of course vou can. So can I, and I guess anybody can. But And we told you distinctly that he would win the _, _ . ., mmm , I not to that. But how would like to harford handicap on the opening day. am going promise you you make ,000 today? Gratidfl .... S13.40-S2 W#fl Well, that is what I believe you can make on a small invest ment if you take advantage of todays horse, which I expect to ! NtfllCy McKay 9.40- WOO PaY the limit. I have spared no expense to make todays propo- sition as safe as possible. A 5.00 flat play past thirteen racing SpOt Cash . . 1.40- WOII days netted my followers about Tony Bean . .40- Won ,662.50 which should convince even the most skeptical that my service He ForeiiJaKJr . S5.10-S2 WOT stands in a class by itself. I positively believe that I have more clients in And many, many other winnera. Get wARS WEEKLY if you want winners, thata all. «9T aaanaa, llAI W ALL f O CTDUCT-a« 1 IVlULli 1 flaJS. than any other man in this business. If Wall Street can listen » ■ 1 to me with profit, so can you. I did it again yesterday. AlinOUDCeilieilt Yesterday s Horse: ■■ *?"££!? BUCK POND I avert 4.40- WON And I expect todays proposition to be just as good. Tomorrow , I have something extra special. J-T-j •--TSSlZILSZI NOTE.-A11 subscribers who received my night letter dated and get this no* special SATURDAY. Sunday will please take notice this horse goes today. I have received the final O. K. and my chief docker assures me that he RllcM RhqM considers it one of the safest propositions we have ever handled. llUOlle liUOllo Safety first and preservation of principal is my motto. Give me a weeks trial and if I cant make you a winner then take my so ou wiu «et it in time. advice and What I have been for others 5im spe iai. last week was: save your money. doing | _. . *or years can ° *or y°u ate0- D° n°t wait for me to have a n *1 tA i? A 4*1 W Mying I/€VlI . . 4.0U-»- If M losing streak, but start at once and let me put you on my winning spfcim week BFFORi •• list. He who hesitates is lost. Wire your subscription by West- ernUl"°n°r Postal Telegraph- Jewell Y. D. . 8.10- Wo. I J mmm """" "" "~ ™ mmmmmmm "™™™"™ — "* ammmm — " So by all means RUSH this SUBSCRIPTION right now to ™me™ri|i»,SLr IIjITlIa. T mIa VlVJlJLl EAHLE Blll.UIi BROADWAY AT . 2D STREET M:tl VONk, M. Y. »1ar»aBx JvllU I iiLiIV lLivl 1 1/ Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," was the first to fail to live up calvert BriLDiNG to expectations in the last six transactions, as the five preceding broadway at 4isT street "Harvey Transactions," all WON. Failure was no doubt due to the NEW YORK CITY treacherous track conditions, which still existed yesterday and was also TELEPHONE— BRYA T 4*33 ... , .. . . ,_. __,.__,,. . responsible for the postponement of Saturday s transaction. FOUR DAYS MOnt Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation, simply await- AND THEN THE . , , , .. ,;.. mg ,avorable start,ng condrt,ons- THIRD SENSATIONAL EVENT THE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed early to avoid oversub- "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" scription, as all "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. WHICH TAKES PLACE aaaaw aaa m. aaj -» W a. a. a. aaaaaa aa a*. aaaaa m. SATURDAY, APRIL 26TH, AT QPFPf A I NOTIPF t HAVRE DE GRACE kjl 1-iVl/A.I-i llV-f 1 IVlli • The only two Eive Hundred Dollar "Schuyler Invest- . , . .. , -.. ■ ■• • i ■ • ■ •■■ menu offered this year 1924 were as follows: Close attention is directed to my advertisement which will appear Listen Dearie ..0.10- Won in these columns tomorrow. Watch for full details. Saturday. April 12. at Bowie. telephones-circle 2591. 2592, 2593 and 5749 Barn Dollar . . .2.20- Won Tuesday. March 11. at Tijuana. THE HUNDRED DOLLAR — ■ — SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" f s Keleased since Apr.l 1. have j-aid as follows: important notice to s. o. service subscribers Moon Magic . . .8.30- Won Hidden Jewel . . 3.30- Won 0lir Next 0 0ne Horse Special Goes Wednesday Warnina 3.10- Won tmi» ■■*■«■■ fio one H«PSe s„eci«i „*»-. A.J. Buja .30- Won dan boiling 1.7042 won Freezy Sneezy . ..20- Won Nothine Sent 0ut Today With one cring horse, which was suhjected to the | i °,,r *10 S|ic«*ial»s MWM of oiu- home only. All oar Specials lil. ,1 in advance with ItncinK Form. interference finishing non -controllable occurrence— — j "cond We Do Not Have Them Everyday, But Wait for Right Spots THE THIRD AND NEXT GREAT EXCEPTIONAL ! . . . _ , "" _. . . OPPORTUNITY IS SAFEGUARDED LIKE Last weeUn «10 One Horae Specials were : Monday, A. J. „ 1$ I .1 . » ;..:o- ! THE EAGLE SAFEGUARDS ITS YOUNG *wUiu *2 W»» I Tneadaj. Our Special I.oat : WedneMday. otliinK went out; Ifcurs- " " °*»»« daj jHABKI. K., ! I t.oo-.f -i, Won; Friday, Nothing; Rent ont. can you stand prosperity? Tomorrow, Wednesdays 0 Horse Special ARE YOU READY TO PARTICIPATE! . .... , . . All the money won in Koinjc riulit hack on iomorroHa home, slraichl. i * rrwc nminirn MIT.,C FIYE HUNDRED DOLLARS adTance Terms: in e h-,e he Kreate»t eoufldence in thin connection and unless .rr..n horae win* at M» to 1 or better, Mubacrtbem will receive our next two The Schuyler Investments" are like "Sterling on ft l O One Horae Npeclala IKKK. Order early and play late in protect Silver — the Stamp of Distinction. price. We expect to receive -O to 1 on tomorrows edneada k » One Horae Special. Dont mlaa It. "Wire f-lO at once by wratem I nion """ ___________________ — — — — -_— — no 1oNtal here. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form s- °- service Jamaica, n. y. I DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. -