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OAHJT RACING FORM HAVRE DE GRACE Copyright, 1924, by Daily Racing Form Publishing Company. HAVRE DE GRACE. MD.. MONDAY, APRIL 21. 1924. «H Mile. Fifth day. Harford Agricultural and Brcedeis" Association. Spring Meeting of 13 days. Weather cloudy. Steward representing M;iryl:ind Racing Commission George Ilrown. Jr. Delegate at I-arge, Carlos M. do Garmriiitis. Stewards. ;.-orge Brown. Jr., B:ker Waters and H. P. Conkling. Judges. H. J. Morris, Joseph Mclennan and J. 1. Turner. Starter, James Milton. Raring Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and "eight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. fQEr-i "g FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. April 27. 1921— 53*s— 2— 119. Purse ,200. 2 year -4 Ollll olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPrSt |f *4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78IT03 I.Mtni.AND w 116 9 7 7» 4 ?."■ I1 ■ Ambrse J S Cosdn 1455-100 78401 ToPPANITK w 116 S * 31 2» l"t 21 L McAtee H I* Whitney 195-100 78HM KAUI.A BABY w 116 3 1 l«k 1 Il W R RomIli L Campbell V75-100 78.1.11 • HARLAN w 116 4 2 2» 3 4s 4» C Robson J K Griffith 195-100 78401 SHANGHAI w 116 1 1 4 ft j:i 5 J Shanks J S Cosden + 7X401 Sl.ATi: w 116 1 % 8* 7 7 6" K Barnes I Boss 7900-W 7H401 BATTI. F.MAN w 116 5 6 6* 8* O* 7 F I-ee J W Bean 9!*55-100 78401 SAM QBBNBT wb 116 2 5 5»* 6» 8» S« I. Morris K K Bryson K255-100 PftUNCB HAMPTOX w 116 6 9 9 9 9 9 ■ Scobie Kenton Stable 3475-100 tCoupled as J. S. Cosden entry. Time. 23S. 48%. 55%. Track good. mntnels paid J. S Cosden entry. 1 It straight. 70 place. .00 show; Toppanite, .30 [line. .70 show; Farla Baby. 30 show. Equivalent linking odds J. S. Cosden entry. 455 to 100 straight. 85 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Toppanite. 05 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show, K:irhi Baby. 65 to 100 show. Winner B. c. by Wrack-Fairy Bay, by Radium .trained by W. Garth; bred by Messrs. Arthur P.. Hancock and Fdward F. Simmsl. Went to post at 2:42. At | ost 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Win easily; second and third driving. » I/OlItLAM began slowly, but steadily impiovcd his position and, coming fast through the str-tch. took the lead and won going away. TOPPANITK ran well and took the lead in the stretch, but swerved :ind eaus -d LABIA BABY to ease up in the last sixteenth. The latter set a fast pace, but was in close quarters in the final eighth and had to be pulled up. UAULAN ran well. Scratched 7H470 Seaman. 118. C — — fyOpT-j «~ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. rApril 16. 1921— 1:11%— 5— 130. Purse ,200. 3-year-4 Ot M. Jmi olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt If 4 *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 77911 DAN BULLING w 5 110 7 12 71 4»* 5J 1* K Barnes S Cooch tH85-100 78380 TIDINOS w G 105 12 1 1*11*11*121 P Walls K P Summerfield 325-loo 74565MHMP.LK w 3 89 10 2 2 2» 2* 3 H Howard K Saun.lerson 2930-10 78265 DH IF IHK VYwb 7 M 3 10 10=10 6| 4* ■ Ambrse W B MMg|«T 1985-1 *DOCGHNUT mlMB 4 :, 5 1 71 5* W Marn-r A K Alexandra . 78402 -VACriM w 4 109 9 3 4" 3 t«k 6»k A Sharpe J MrMillen 115-100 »MH,MABH MAXIM wb 7 104J S 7 9»k 81 9« 7| H Shiliick S Taylor 175 100 75777 JOSKril BBANT w 5 108 1 11 G»* 9| 81 S»* F Stevena I, Williams S720-1C0 73385 IVKNAI. JOY wb 7 101 11 S 8« 7J 10» 9» J Shirks J C! Cremen MSMM 73987*i:UASS BAND wb 4 103 6 6 3 * 6l 41 10 J W*tl*M H RFTicIc t 75687 SdlTH " w 5 113 4 5 12* 12* 11 11 J J II Burke J M Black t 75730 THIC CAFF w 4 103 5 9 lit 111 12i 121 C Allen J J Farrell Jr 11035-100 78380-ADMIKKlt wb 4 106 2 13 13 13 13 13 W Milner C A Coylo 1230-100 tMutuel field. Time. 23, 46%. 1:13%. Track good. mctuels paid Dan Boiling, field, 1.70 straight. 10 place, .40 show; Tidings, SO place, .00 show: llnmble. 5.80 show. Equivalent hooking odd*- Dan Boiling, field. 14*5 to 100 straight. 355 to 100 place, 220 to 100 show; Tidings, 140 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Humble. 090 to 100 show. Winner B. g. by Sea King-Oat. by Ogilen trained by F. J. Kearns; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to i ost at 3:19. At post 3 minutes Stait good and slow. Won driving, second third the same. DAN BULLING moved up steadily on the outside and. finishing gamely, wore TIDINGS down in the final s:teenth. TIDINGS set a fast pace and saved ground on the turns, but tired near the end. 1IISII11.K raced well al| the way. ItRKAM OK THE VAIJJiY was hard ridden and going fast at the finish. VACUUM was eased up when beaten. Scratched 73187 Fort Bliss. 105; 7X309 Barleycorn. 92: 77395 Sligo. 95; 75592 Faith. 100: 77871 Honor Man. 110; SlGl St. Jnentin. 105; 77759 Itcund Kobin. 111. Overweights Dan Boiling. 2 [tounds; Dream of the Valley. 3; Marie Maxim. 1%, Venal Joy. 1. ryOKT-g O THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 16, 1921— 1:06%— 3— 108. Purse ,200. 3-4 OO lO year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi v. Odds Strt 77934 BUCK POND w 108 3 3 1*1 1* U 1 .! H Burke B Maginnis ti-0 -100 77672 LK ATI I KB WOOD w 114 8 1 3»* 3* 2* 2* C Robson Freeport Stable 315-100 75807 MEH7TY wb 106 10 « U 2 3* 3* H Howard W J Howard 2425-100 78426 FLAX w 108 17 7«k 71 5 4* C Watson Mrs J A Coburn 7740-100 77912 iMNVICTtS w 116 J 9 8« 6» C« 5«* J Shanks Mrs D R McDaniel + 78241«MISS DOMINO wb 111 7 8 5l 4* 4nk G* J Dawson D Able 120-100 74149 TOSCANKLI.I w 108 4 4 4i 51 71 7» T Wilson Seagram Stable H755-100 78448*DB. MAYKB w 10X .2 10 10 81 91 8»k w M.ingn H ■ Bilson 2Hf.5-10O 78379 MICH ADO w 100 2 5 9 94 8 Sl J Chalrars ■ Gumniell ls35-100 78427*BI.ACK ART w 101 6 2 6-M01 10 10» W Milner T Clyd-» 1330-100 76267 KBONY BKI.LE w 1161 5 11 ll,»ll",ll"ll* J Rowan Mrs A Swenko 2765-100 NIIW RIVAL w 111 11 12 12 12 12 12 E Bell J Johnson t tMutuel field. Time. 23. 47. 1:00%. 1:07%. Track good. mutuels paid — Ruck Pond. fielJ. 4.40 straight, 00 place. 90 show; I*at . .60 place. 80 show; I eputy. 20 show. Equivalent bo king odds-- Buck Pond, field. 620 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; leather-wood. 130 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show; Deputy. 310 to 100 show. Winner- B. g. by Peter Quince— Hester R.. by Plaudit .trained by A. S. Woodliffe; bred by Messrs. Railey A Nn.kols Went to p— j, at 3:52. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Ill K POMB took the lead quickly, withstood repeated challenges and held I.F.ATHKHWOOD safe through the una I drive. LKATIIKRWOOB vave.l gn,iiud when entering the stretch and made a game linish. DKPITY shi we.1 speed in the early racing and ran out on the stretch turn, but came again at the end. FLAX finished gamely. MISS DOMINO ran poorly. Scratched 78449 Lieutenant Faricll, 107; 7S427-Leonard G., 100; 78305 Thoruasine. 106; 75648 Dusk 105; 75708 Spartan, 103. Overweiuht Ebony Belle. 1% pounds. rTOEI-i A FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 28. 1918— 1:42%-4— 132. Delaware 4 0«J A ± Handicap. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upwaxd. Net value to winner 800- second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Index Horses . AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 75382-GOI.DKN RFLK wb 4 108 1 1 1» 1* 1» p 1» P Walls J K L Ross 396-iou 7831 I MIOLMN BILS wb 4 100 I 3 2« 2l 2-» 2» 2J J Wallace P A T.insor 8C0-100 7262-J MINTO II. w 10 109 2 1 4* 3« 3 3* 3» E ArabrM Longn-lge Stable 1515-100 78428 SETTING SUN wb 4 106 4 7 7 6* 41 41 4 F Stevena K K Bryson 75-100 783S4BAMA wb 6 106 C C 6 5 6 6» 5* F Lee C A Coyle 155-100 78179 THIMBLE wb 6 102 5 4 6» 7 7 7 6» C Allen R J Murphy "836-100 784503 REDSTONE w 5 92 7 5 3» 41 5» 5» 7 L Lang Seagram Stable 900-100 Time, 23%, 49. 114, 1:39%, 1:43%. Track good. mntnels paid Gold, n Rule. 10 straight. .30 place, 90 show; Golden Billows. .30 place .10 allow; Minto II . .50 show. Equivalent looking odds Golden Rule. 305 to 100 straight. 165 to 100 place. 145 to 100 show; G Iden Billows. 265 to 100 place. Ui to 100 show. Minto II.. 275 to 100 show. Winner- It. c. by Wrack Golding, by Flint Rock ttrained by H. McDaniel; bred by Mrs Louise Viaui. Went to post at 4 26. At post 1 minute. Start g-o.l and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. GOLDEN RILE took the lead at once and easily won all the way. GOIJIEN BILLOWS, under sli-at restraint in the early running, finished gam. ly. MINTO II. raced prcimucnily all the way. SETTING SUN finished gamely. KAMA ran poorly. Scratched 741 16Flowerf ill. 90 ryOfr-j f*T FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 28, 1918— 1 42%— 4— 132. Susquehanna 4 OtiltJ Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 000 second 00; third, 50; fcurth, 0. Index Horse* AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78427 M DKST ws 109 1 2 3« 3« 2* fsft || p Walls I B M. !.• in 80-100 78472-sABKO w 109 4 3 || 1 I" 1" 2» ■ S. obie Kenton Siable 265-100 78448 islPPLTANT w 106 3 4 :** .* V ja ja W Lm ■ !■ Whitney 5-100 78450A. J. BLJA w 109 214 t 4 4 4 J Wallace J f Welch 1110-100 Time. 24%. 49. 1 14. 1:40*,, 1:44%. Track good. mntnels paid- Modest. 60 straight. ."K place; Saiko. si» bJmv; no show mntnels sold. Riutvil. nt booking .xlds— 80 to 100 straight. 25 to 100 place; Sarko. 40 to 100 place. Winnei 0k. c, by Colin— Shyness, by His Majesty trained by J. F. Schorr; bred by Mr. E. B. MWini W.nt t.. post at 4 56. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the I 1 same MODEST followed the leaders under restraint to the -Ilarter. WfctN he tnovd up fast and took the lead, but was ridden out. SARKO set a good pace m. |,r restraint and finished well when challenged. 81PP1.IANT tinl after going thiee quarters. A. J. BlJA finished pulled up. Scrati tied 75431 Nancy I ingli. rue. 109 rQtr-g f* SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 28. 1918— 1 42%— 4— 132. Purse ,200. 4 OtllU 3-year-olds and upward. Majdena. Claiming. Net value to winner 00 second 1 00; thud, 00. Index Horsoa AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 76129 RUE STB1.AK w 2 IOC 5 5 6«* 5 2« 2» 1» J Wallace J MMillen 9bKKW 71738-KBB TIDE w 3 101 13 4 3»M Ill* 2* J Shanks K V Whitney MMN 78263 KECHABITE w 4 114 3 10 7 10 sj C J J halmrs K iumm-ll t6S5-100 -.8l77MO:DP.KAND w i 109 1 1 2* 2» 3 3 4» C Allen T Clyde 4650-100 78367BETHI.KM SL ws 3 96 7 11 9* 4* 51 6» 5» L Iing OC Denny f 78430*POED1K wb 3 991 2 U 8» 6* 6 7 »; W Milner K B .ipra, ♦ 78:i0»MtA«;S wb 3 96 4 2 4« V 4| 5 7-a S Will mi W H Post 6265-100 78263 PoEI.Y LUTON w 3 96 M 9 13 f % 81 B» J Dawson | Nuckobt 1820-100 7836 *BELLK OF FlH wb 3 96 » 14 12«*11« 11» 11» 91 11 Howard J II Shreve ♦ MMHBBJCBVl w Z 106 U 6 V 7 H 91 101 K LO* Nevada Mock Farm .Stb 685-100 71914 OFF SPRING w 3 106 12 7 141 12-* 10 tOS 111 P Walls E B McLean 965-100 TRANSACTING w 3 106 15 8 10 HU 14 12» 121 T Wilson Woodlawn Stable 11555-lOt 78452 BUDDUGIE wb 4 114 6 15 111 13-» 13* B* 13 A Abel J Arthur f 78448 STEVENS w I 108 14 B 15 15 15 14 14* E Ambrse V J BoyU 450-109 69267 ONTARIO wb 4 114 8 3 1 9»kl2« 15 15 L Morris J H Stotler t tMutuel field. JCouidcd as Woodlawn Stable and J. II. Stotler entry. Time, 24. 49. 1 15, 1:41. 1 45% Traek food. mutuels paid— Blue Streak. O20 straight, 0 10 place. .30 show; Ebb Tide, 20 place, 20 show; Recbahite, field. .60 show. Equivalent booking odds Blue Streak. 910 to 100 straight. 405 to 100 place, 165 to 100 show; Ebb Tide. 160 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Uechabite. field. 80 to 100 show. Winner B c. by Wrack -Vistula III., by Flint Rock trained by G. E. Phillips; bred by Mr. H. W. Maxwell Went to |Mst at 5:26. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. P.I.lE BTBJEAK, under slight restraint for the three-quarters. t« ok the lead after a mild drive in the stretch and won going away. EBB TIDE look the lead and drew away on the last turn, but tired in the last eighth. KF.CIIABITE finished gamely and outstayed REDBRAND. The latter tired. Scratched 78177 -Trapsti-k. 106. Overweights Poedie. 3% | onnd«; Stevens. 2. PTOfr-i **Jf SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-1$ Miles. Sept. 18, 1980—1:44%— 3— 138. Purse ,200. 3-4 OcJ» JL 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 75101 iKOVCK RoOLS wb 8 109 1 1 Ik 1 1» 1« ll F Sharp© Pastime Stablo 165-100 78453SETHS FL0WBB w 3 98 8 7 9» fi» 3* 21 2« J Wallace J P Polk MS-MI 78196 BOBA YKTA wb 4 110 7 10 4»* 31 2» 3 31 E Barnea Mrs K Smart .2385-100 78 Ml FROSTY BOY wsb 3 99111 S 11 9i 8* 51 41 F Lee Peterson t 78402*BiNFIRE wb 4 104 4 5 2* 5» 4i 4 5« J Dawson R K P.Ci BBi-BS I 78405-UMINIST wb 4 109 2 2 6" 4" 51 6 6» K Bell W J Salmon JS.-100 78383 TIPPITY WITET wb 9 11:! 6 4 6» 8l 7 81 71 J Burke L T Bauer 1055-100 74964 "AKBAGOSA w 4 101 3 3 8* 7»* 6"k 7» S1 J Shanks J A Johnson 10620-100 78448 TIME w .: 87 10 9 7* 10 10 9» 9» S WiUms Longri.lgo Stable t 78449MACQCES wb 6 104 5 6 31 2h 9J 10* 10* H Howard W S Murray 4800-100 77874STOCK PIN ws 5 106 9 11 10»*11 11 11 11 A Accardy O J Grau 39180-100 tMutuel field. Time. 24%. 49%. 1:14. 1:40%. 1:47%. Track good. mutuels paid Royce K.xils. 30 straight, .90 place, .90 show; Seths Flower, St 40 plai-e, .00 show; Rosa Yeta. field. 20 show. F iuivalent liooking 1 dds Royce Roots. 165 to 100 straight. 95 to 100 place. 95 to 100 show; Seths Flower. 220 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Rosa Yeta. field. 210 to 10O show Winner B. g, by Salvation— Saintolat. by Sain trained by O. B. Akers; bred by Messrs. Iawrence Sl Corns! ock. Went to post at 6:01. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ROYCE BOOU V ok the lead at the start and was never menaced SETHS FUIWF.R gained st tidily and finished fast and gamely. ROSA YETA tired in the stretch drive. FROSTY BOY c!» ed a big gap. LCMINTST was very poorly ridden. Scratched - »78429Dandybrush. 99; 78263 Dancing Fool. 103; 78471 Col. Whallen 105; 78429 Kirah. 95: 78452 Night Raider. 104; 78400 Royal Duck. 116; 78430 Bowsprit. 105; 78286 I aside. 100; 7SOS Serbian, 100. Overweights Rosa Yeta. 2 pounds; Frosty Roy, 1%; Arragosa, 2; Time. 1; Stock Pin, 2.