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-— — . , Latest Training Operations 100 LKXINOTON. Ky.. April 26.— Todays training gallops here included the following: LEXINGTON. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy ; "dogs up" — ■ Three -Eighths Mile. 98-Rad Luck |gji 98 Little Jimmie .38% 9.1 : resit Waters 39% 9T Slipnway 37% ke-ky Cardinal 37% 97 Waponoca ...37% Half Mile. A. Rlaekjaek .53% 97 My Valet ".2% 9S Aflnoem Tea ...12% Midnht Rose .51% 9S Rattle Creek ..83 67 Mary I ear .....12 9."-Clois1er 52% 95 Our Puddle ...Til! .13 Charles Henry . .52% Lose Thorn ....".1% ■S-Csi. Wacner ...52% Kivier.-i .11% 97 -Da re S:iy .".2% Rural Route ..."1% 9 .-Klor.ibHl i .....".1% 97-Sweotum -12% 97 -Fair Vision ...52% 98 I he Radjrcr ...49V. Hub aid Pudd.52 T. Thoughts . ..13 Mi 98-Little Visitor .49 97-Vo!t 01 ■S-White Gold . . .10% Five-Eighths Mile. 97 Dizzier 1:01 300 Tetie 1:06 Pure I ee- ...1:0.1% Three-Quarters Mile. 97-Anntie May .1:21 Kitty Jim ...1:19% 97-Rallot Krusli. 1:2.1% 97 Klaxon 1:2.1% 97 -Hr. Blossom.. 1:23% 99 I on. Smoke. .1:22 97 -Corinth 1:20 97 Medina 1:20 97 Dingo 1:2.1 97 Our Option .1:23% 97 D. of Peaee.l:19% 97-Pr. Politii i ml :2 i 424-Jaek Frost ..1:22 97-San Vincenti. 1 :21% One Mile. 9« Amity Claim. 1:49 441 Quinine 1:50 97-Run. Railey..l:5l 31.1 VuaTer 1:50 95-Kire Roy ...1:45% 97-Repeatrr ...l:4,s% 97-Mcdina 1:52% 98 Sympathy ...1:49% 413-Napoo 148% 97 W. Knows Mel :49 Mi Fire Ueiy worked a good mile. Little Visitors work is worthy of note. Kitty Jim ran well in the going. Dazzler did a good gallop. HAVRE OK CRACK. Md.. April 2C— Todays gallops here included the following : HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear : track fast— Three-Eighths Mile. 96-C.J.Craigmile .39 97-Miraele Man ..40 89-Flying Devil ..38 9.1 Majority 39 96-McAuliffc 37% 95 Tropl Water .38 Half Mile. 92-Lord Granite .49 90 Knobhie 52 88 Leaside 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 91-Fifty Fifty .1:0.1 87-Porm,t Wave. 1:03% 97-French Lady. 1:03 10.1 Rosie H 1:02% 96-H. Thoughts. 1:0.1 93 St. Quentin .1:05% 84-Jacque-s 1:C4% Three-Quarters Mile. 99 Gray Gables .1:17% 98-Veto 1:23 98 Marble 1:16% 9C Wilkes-Rre 1:16 97-Swingalong .1:14% 9l-Yan. Princess. 1:14% 260 Tenons Bon .1:18 One Mile. 91-Bloomingdale 1:4.1 9S Margin 1:45 95-Rlue Hawk .1:44 90 Peter Piper .1:45% 84-Oote dOr ....1:46 8.1 Redbrand ...1:45 96 -Dr. Ch. Wellsl :43 96 Roy. Crown.. 1:47 98-Flirtation ...1:43 98-Sen. Norris .1:4.1 90 Hcir-at Law 1:43% 97 Star Court .1:4.1 93 I/lherwood ..1:43% 88 Tricks 1:4.1% 97-Lnnetta. 1:42 93 -Vigil 1:46 Mile and an Eighth. 99 Modest 1:58% 98 -Wilderness ..2:01% 95-Wrangle 2:02 Swingalong showed speed. Yankee Princess seems at her best ; galloped easily. Marble was under restraint. NEW YORK. N. Y., April 26.— Todays training gallops over the New Ye rk tracks included the following : JAMAICA. Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 434-Avisack ■ 3S6 Joe Mrene H..Sg% 77-Ri!l Winf re . . .36% TT IsSSTf Do: to: . .39 98 Delhi Roy 38 M. »S Pa than 38% 85 Insulate 36% 98 Thorndale 37 Half Mile. C9-Charlnet 54 98 L Eclair 49% Coo Star 5.1 97-Marjorie C. . . .49 Cant Say No. .49 Mer Vinia . . .49 Chiimpieno! ...H Monna Vamia ~ i4z Fatt Mail ...53 98 1rine-e Hill ....ri3 Gale Night ...11% 98 Wildrake 50 Le Roi 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 97-Atherstone . l:02 /» 97 Kg of F,tunol:10% ft IfStT Iane . . 1 01 97-Miss Cameo . 1 :01 t 97-Rgs Ruchanl :H 97 Peter King .1:01 97-Ronar :irt« ...1:01% 98 Sthern Cross! 11% Gi-ne Austin 1:10 88 Tairayce C. ..l:Mi- 380-Joe ihrn- 11.1:07 97 The World . .1 :0O K Three-Quarters Mile. 94-Arigor. 1:15 97-Miss Star ...1:18% 97-Deronda 1:16% 98-Skirmish ... 1:19% 1 98-Hephaistos ..1:17% 98 Wynne wood 1:23 97-LaIly 1:1*% 97-Water Giil .1:20 I Seven -Eighths Mile. 82 Felicitous ...1:40 One Mile. 76-Anne 1 :4S 87 Top Sergeant 1 .48 97 Edw-ard Gray 1:43% Marjorie C. and Mer Vinia worked on evert terms. Miss Cameo has her speed. Atherstone was under restraint The World and Bonaparte worked together. Southern Cre ss is training well. Arragon was not fully extended. Lally seems fresh a"nd ge e d. Miss Star did a fine galleip handily. Edward Gray worked fast AQCEDUCT. Weather clear ; trae-k fast— Three-Eighths Mile. 98 Forest Fire ...37% Ten Strike 37% Half Mile. 98-Fpysun 47 434 Vulrain Park. 51% 371 Carmeneita ...50% 97 -Vulrain QBSCS .51% Prince LsSBStd.41 98 Vexation 48% 98 Royal Airman.. 48% Three -Quarters Mile. 400 Relmon 1:14% 9S Monday Mngl 14 Vulnad 1:15 98 Timeless 1:17 98 Dry Moon ...1:15% 98 Woodlake ...1;15% Seven -Eighths Mile. 98-The Poet ...1:29 One Mile. 98-Fullon 1:48% 9.8 Prince Jamesl :4!» 98 Flash Rork..l:48 98 Ieddler 1:41% 98-Flannel Shirt. 1:41% 98 Pettifogger .1:44% 97 Ou.e-ro s 1:47% 98 Sunsiui 1:45 BELMONT PARK Main Course Weather clear ; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 96 Rattle Field ...37% North Pole ...37% Coventray 47% 98 Prieemaker ...35% Ifcinge-rems 37% 98 Prime Minister 38% 98 Enslaved 35% Pedagogue 36% Follies 37% 421-It-solution 42 401 Intrepid 42 342 Reliable 42 Irving Cup ...37% Star Rright ...38% 315 Modo 43 Silver Fos 36% Morganatic . . .37% Voltaire 35% Half Mile. Adriano; le 42% 98 Nellie Gray ..48 462 -Com poser 52 9s Outline 47% 97 1;. Whittington.4S% 454 Omega 49fc 462 Director 52 463 Pepp 49% Golden Star ...51% 97 Peanut 48% 396 lucky Strike .49% 98 See It Throuj;h49» 433 I.eiseh 48% 9 Stimulus 47 H I/idkin 49 462 Tiday 52 98 I.ady Diana ...47% 98 The Vintner ..49% 96 Miss Ke-iuiey. .48% 98 W.ld Aster ...49% Five -Eighths Mile. 95 Rovvman 1:03 Star Tegraml :03% Rob. Randit . 1 :03% Swojie 1 04% D.iily Smile. .1:03% Ten Rest ...1:03% 98 Diagram 1:10 Wheeler 1:06 96 Exd Ruler ..1:03 Three -Quarters Mile. 98-IUIIy Warren. 1:1.1% Radiane-y 115% 404 Dot 1:20 98-Runningwild .1:15 98 Forest Lore .1:16% 97 Sky Seraper .1:19 Uuvanna 1:1.1% 97 Silaeia 11»% 9S-High Prince .1:16 96 Skirmisher .1:17 98 Little Celt ..1:12% 97 St. Martin ..1:17% 98 Missionary ..1:1.1% 9S Silk Tassel .1:19% Mira 1:15% SS-gt. James ...1:13% •IS Mm,, 1:16 Ml gssdj Hsll b 1 111 Marhler 1:19% 97 Thumlerbolt .1:15% 96 l" e Hamlet. 1:1.1% Ipsal 1:14 97 Parasol 1:14% Seven -Eighths Mile. Fly. Prince.. 1:28% 98Ijieky Play .1:8% 98-How Fair ..1:28% 98 Pat "as«-y ...1:C1 98-IIands I"p ...1:29 41 Rojal Miss.. 1:20 98 -Jac. Julian ..1:3:1% 419 Stand Fast ..1:33 One Mile. 98-Apprehension 1:42% 9 Ordinance ...1:48 98-Revy 1:42% 434 Pas-port 1:45 98-Catalan 1:52 Solid Mark ..1:32 98 Dante 1:52 Mils and an Ei.hth. St Lady RpH" 2:02 lolyearp 2:02 98 Mad Hatter .1:55 Mad Hatter is training well. Lue-ky llay and How Fair ran togethe-r. Salacia and larasjl worked in ce-mpany. Ipsal wot keel well. Kt. James showed splendiel speed in bis gallop. Little Celt loe ks anel acts gocel.