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Daily Racing Form Handicaps LEXINGTON The horses which seem best In Mondays races are: Lexington, Ky., April 2C, IMi. 1— DUST FLOWER, Polynesia, Glyn. 2— Rothermel, Rural Route, Midnight Rose. 3_Fire Boy, Norseland. Telescope. 4— Anna M Humphrey, Volt, Dudley. 5— IJewellyn, Sympathy. Precious Lula. 6 — Mary Dear, Timely Thoughts, Brown Trout. 7— Jouett, Repeater, Sea Court. J. Ix Dempsey. Mew York Handicap. 1— Diadem. Glyn, Allie Ochs, Bullet Proof. 2 — No selections. 3 — Telescope, Bush Buck, Fire Boy, Amity Claim. 4 — PEGASUS. Volt, Anna M. Humphrey, Easter Bells. and— Sympathy, Llewellyn, George Kuffan, Precious Lula. 6 — Mary Dear, Fuo, Brown Trout, Little Gipsy. 7 — Repeater, Flying Prince, Darnley, British Liner. Chicago Handicap. 1 — Glyn, Dust Flower, Bullet Proof, Exchange. 2 — Bothermel, Kitty Pat, Pepperette, Spider. 3 — Amity Claim, Telescope, Bush Buck, Snow Maiden. 4 — EASTER BELLS, Anna M. Humphrey, Pegasus, Possible. 5 — Precious Lula, Rib Grass, Llewellyn, Sympathy. 6 — Mary Dear, Brown Trout, Fuo, Little Gipsy. 7— Jouett, Repeater, Tan Son, Sea Court. Observers Handicap. 1 — Glyn, Dust Flower, Bullet Proof, John Hosher. 2 — Miss Jennie, Rothermel, Midnight Rose, Spider. 3 — Bush Buck, Fire Boy, Amity Claim, Telescope. 4 — EASTER BELLS, Pegasus. Anna M Humphrey, Dudley. 5 — Precious Lula, Rib Grass, Llewellyn, George Kuffan. 6 — Mary Dear, Brown Trout, Little Gipsy, Sam MengeL 7 — Tan Son, Jouett, Repeater, Young Adam. Consensus of Handicaps. 1— Glyn, Dust Flower, Diadem, Bullet Proof. 2 — Rothermel, Miss Jennie, Spider, Midnight i Rose. 3 — Fire Boy, Telescope, Amity Claim, Bush Buck. 4 — Easter Bolls, Anna M. Humphrey, Pegasus, Dudley. 5 — Precious Lula, Llewellyn, Sympathy, Rib Grass. 6— MARY DEAR, Brown Trout. Little Gipsy, Fuo. 7 — Jouett, Repeater, Tan Son, Flying Prince. HAVRE DE GRACE The horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Havre de Grace, Ml, April 26, 1*24. 1 — Barbara Frietchie, Harlan, Trip Lightly. i 2 Arendal. — Sagamore, Poe, 3— Bluemondale, Ebb Tide. Hazy Dawn. 4 — Heir-at-Law, Modest. Sarko. 6— MINTO II., Jewell V. D., Clansman. 6— Roseate, Irish Pat, North Wales. 7 — Leaside, Royal Crown, Old Faithful. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1— Harlan, Cheri, Barbara Frietchie, Gold Crump. 2 — Arendal, Round Robin. Sagamore. Poe. 3— Hazy Dawn, Ebb Tide. Bluemondale, Sun-shot. 4 — Modest, Sarko, Heir-at-Law, Leonard G. 6— MINTO II., Simoon, Jewell V. D, Soggarth Aroon. 6— Little Ammie, East Indian, Night Raider, High Gear. 7— Hickory, Old Faithful, Doughnut, Royal Crown. Chicago Handicap. 1 — Harlan, Cheri, Starmatia, Black Climber. 2 — Sagamore, Arendal, Dr. Charles Wells, Sea-Wolf. 3 — Hazy Dawn, Ebb Tide, Bluemondale, Sun-shot. 4— HEIR-AT-LAW, Leonard G.. Sarko, Modest. 5 — Jewell V. D., Minto II., Clansman, Clough-jordan. 6 — Night Raider, Little Ammie, May Roberts, Irish Pat 7 — Hickory, Attorney Muir, Bolster, Old Faithful. Observers Handicap. 1 — Cheri, Harlan, John F. Kleaver, Starmatia. 2 — Sagamore, Arendal, Round Robin, Marie Maxim. 3 — Bluemondale, Sunshot, Ebb Tide, Trap-stick. 4 — Heir-at-Law, Leonard G., Modest, Sarko. 5— MINTO II., Jewell V. D., Clansman, Simoon. 6 — Little Ammie, Irish Pat, Night Raider, May Roberts. 7 — Leaside, Doughnut, Hickory, Old Faithful. Consensus of Handicaps. 1— Harlan, Barbara Frietchie, Cheri, Starmatia. 2 — Sagamore, Arendal, Round Robin, Poe. 3 — Blue Moon, Hazy Dawn, Bluemondale, Ebb Tide. 4 — He:r-at-Law, Mcdest, Sarko, Leonard G. 5— MINTO U., Jewell V. D., Clansman, Simoon. 6 — Little Ammie, Roseate, Night Raider, May Roberts. 7 — Leaside, Hickory, Old Faithful, Royal Crown. COLUMBUS The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Columbus, Ohio, April 2«, 1»24. 1 — Honest Mose, Millie G, Billy Welch. 2 — Wee Toddler, Havana Electric, Queen of the Spa. 3 — Barberry, The Plainsman, Carpathian. 4 — Barbara Palmer. Gay Boy II., Far East. 5— CHIEF SPONSOR, Lorena Marcellia, Topango. 6 — Uncle Velo, Avispa, Mock Orange. 7— Vendor, H. a Basch, Scraps. F. H. Sproule. Hew York Handicap. 1 — Millie G., Lady Haldeman, Honest Mose, Huey. 2— Wee Toddler, Queen of the Spa, Hubbub, Lloyd George. 3— Stella Maris, Melvina, The Tlainsman, H inkle. 4— Far East, Sun Brae, Gay Boy II., Barbara Palmer. 5— LORENA MARCELLIA, Topango, Sundial II., Ailsie Vernor. 6 — Avispa, Mock Orange, Bob Baker, Ossa- leen. 7— She Devil, Dewitt, Vendor, H. C. Basch. Chicago Handicap. 1 — Honest Mose, Lady Haldeman, Dora Lutz, Millie G. 2— Havana Electric, Wee Toddler, Whispering, Queen of the Spa. 3— Barberry, Fear, Stella Maris, The Plainsman. 4 — GAY BOY II., Sun Brae, Maude Harvey, Claymore. 5 — Chief Sponsor, Topango, Iorena Marcellia, Lady Rose. 0 — Avispa, Mock Orange, Uncle Velo, Bob Baker. 7 — Vendor, She Devil, Torsida, Scraps. Observers Handicap. 1 — Lady Haldeman, Honest Mose, Millie G., Huey. 2 — Carrie Moore, Wee Toddler, Havana Electric, Queen of the Spa. 3 — Barberry, Fear, The Plainsman, Stella Maris. 4_SUN BRAE, Gay Boy II., Far East, Barbara Palmer. 5 — Lorena Marcellia, Chief Sponsor, Topango, Lady Rose. 6 — Avispa, Mock Orange, Bob Baker, Uncle Velo. 7— Vendor, Dewitt, She Devil, H. C. Basch. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 — Honest Mcse, Millie G., Lady Haldeman, Huey. 2 — Wee Toddler, Havana Electric, Carrie Moore, Queen of the Spa. 3 — Barberry, Stella Maris, The Plainsman, Fear. 4 — Barbara Palmer, Far East, Gay Boy II., Sun Brae. 5 — Chief Sponsor, Lorena Marcellia. Topango, Lady Rose. 6 — Avispa, Uncle Velo, Mock Orange, Bob Baker. 7— VENDOR, She Devil, IL S. Basch, Dewitt. UNITED HUNTS The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Belmont Park, Long Island, IT. Y., April 26, 1984. 1 — No selections. 2 — Forest Flower. Sister Sue. Ralco. Colando. 3 — Huonora. Lochiel II., Doublet, Bar Gold. 4 — KING ALBERT, Lanius, Forest Lore, Lady Belle. 5 — Hard Banking, The Comet, Jidgie, Page-brook. C. J. Connor.