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COLUMBUS COXXTsfBTJS. Ohio, Saturday. April 26, 1984. — BeuJuh Park cue milei. Seventh day. Capital Olty Racing Association. Spring Meeting of 19 4aya- Weather clear. Presiding Judge. Joseph A. Murphy. Associate Judge, W R Norvell. Racing Secretary, W. R. Not vi-! I Assistant Racing Secretary, C. Stands. Starter. I/ester Dean. Racing starts at 2:03 p. m. Chicago time 1:00. ,7RriQl FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong*. April iOUVit 23. 1983— 1:05«4— 7— 104. Purse 00. 8-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to win/icr 75: second. 5; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind norse. Wt. Fia. Jockey. Straight. 77933 Uttsa Andy 108 1" C Greenwd 8H8-SMJ 78521 "Dungs Rock 112 2» C Taylor 400-100 T8563* Melbourne 93 S» H Hay 310-100 7*05« I lllustratar 98 4 J Majestic 710-193 70r X« ■• K - - up 102 51 H Farlaad 510-100 78158 Cloporta 83 6* O Atwell 680-100 77877 Oaesur 109 71 T Bonham tTIO-100 77961 Jean M lville 98 SI W Martin 1340-100 78* 3S Josie M. 107 91 R Holloway 1 78409 Billv Bern 111 101 O Dyson t 78456 Mike Morsey 101 El D McAufTe 1870-100 tMutuel field. Time. 1:18%. Track fast. mutuels paid Eittie Andy. 8.60 straight. 6 40 plan-. 1.40 show; Dangerous Bock, .40 place. 14.40 show: Melbourne. .00 show. Biuivulent hooking odds -Eittie Andy. 2830 to J0O straight. 1720 to 100 place. 620 to 100 show: Dangerous Rock. 170 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show; Melbourne. MB to 100 show. Winner Woodland Stock Farm Stables b. g. 4. by Towton Field Ocean Queen, by Cunard trained by C S. Wilson: bred by Messrs. llaner and Cross. Went to i ost st 2:01- At post 2 minutes. Start gaod and sluw. Won driving, second and third the same Scratched 7S057 Quiet. 104; 78046 Carpathian, 109; tBSBB Fame. 108; 78562 Evening Stories, 102; 78546 Bojul. It-H. Overweights- Eittie Andy. 4 pounds: Cloporte, 2; Jean Mehille. 2; Billy Bern, 2: Mike Morrissey. 3. 7 2 RQC SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Ang. 21, l u v if * 1923—1 :02— 2— 108. Purse £600. 3-yaar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value b# winner 50; second, 00; third, £53. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockry. Straight. 78378 Old Sinner 11* 1* C Gross 140-100 78517M:;.bvlonlaJB 109 2» W Martin 1030-100 78547 -Jack Pot 109 and F GTl-100 785S4»/.amer 108 41 C Greenwd 2:170-100 78521 Nizam 109 51 J P.yrne 11350-100 78533 "Glow Chow 119 61 T Bonham 1620-100 78562»Att»o 113 7" J Winans MB8-181 78561 "Ink 100 8l D McAuliffo 570-100 78549 Char. Summy 113 91 A Roach 1710-100 78482 EUa- Time 107 10" O Atwell t 78521 Sky Mnn 109 ID K Pauley t 78549-Bosy Bob 109 12 C Taylor U50-100 tMutuel field. Time. 1:02*4- Track fast. 82 mutuels paid -Old Sinn-r. B4.8B rtiatgwt, 80 place. 20 show: Itabylonian, place, .60 show; feck Pot. 00 show. Equivalent liooking odds Old Sinner. 140 to 100 straight. 90 to UK place. CO to BH -diow; Babylonian 230 to 100 place, ISO to 100 show; Jack Pot. 100 to 100 show. Winner Jones Stock Farm Stalles h. g. 7. by T-mi iromp Ei Sinaloa, by ErapefW of N- rfolk trained by B. A. Jones, bred by Mr. Edward Ceb-rianl. Went to po-it at 2 34. At post 2 minutes. Mart good and slow for all bnt Bu.-y Bob. Won easily; becond and third driving. Hcrat-lnd 7BB84 * Ballynew. 113: 78029 Ot Em. 10W; 7847 Effie Randall, 102. 7S 43 Uipsy Eight, 107. Overweights- Zainer. 4 pound-; Chow Chow. 3. 78 iowui 5Q7 THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mils. Aug. 21, i523_i;02— 2— 1CS. Puns JGOO. 3- yaar-olds and upward. Claimi-g. Met value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. J e key. Straight. 78546 Hansorlat HO ll C Taylor ttb-M 784K»**Eit. Pointer 1"3 -J H l-.irland 440-100 78485 Ob-rilivet 109 31 W Martin 1250-100 77922 W-e D»ar 97 4« J Majestic 14T0-100 78489 Sweet Cookie 110 51 W Franklin tl220-100 77900 IS..SH 1 u t.l W Taylor 3u50-100 ] 77994 Awning 104 71 J Pas 2:20-100 78848 I.o alty 109 8 C Greenwd 3530-100 787BlUplcehuab IjJ » 11 UoUoway f 78135 llena 107 101 J Gruneisen t 78387 Kinsman 110 11» T Bonham 1330-100 785 4 7 Aunt Deda 108 El W Smith 380-100 tMutuel field. Time. 1:02%. Track fast. mutnels paid -Humorist. .80 straight, .80 place. $:: 20 show: Eittie Pointer, .80 place, .80 ; show: ilenlivet, J6.60 show. Einivalent booking odds Humorist, 190 to 100 j straight. 90 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Eittie Pointer. 140 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Glenlivet, | 230 lo 100 show. Winner W. irants b. g, 5, by Prince Ahmed — The I ark. by Ihek Welles trained by W. Grant; bred by Mr. J. K. U Ross. Went to post at 3:04. At post 2 minntes. Start good and slow for all but Aunt Deda. Won easily; . second and third driving. 1 Bcfatetkea 78546-Carrie Moore, 102; 78029 Whispering, 107; 65501,Runmic, 109; 75222 Cappy Ricks, i 109. Overweights numorist. 1 pound; Eittie Pointer. 1; Wee Dear, 1; Sweet Cookie, 3; Kinsman, 1; Aunt | Deda, 1. 78 iu«s0u 5QR FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 23 1923— 1: 06 Vi— 7— 104. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 8460; second, 00; third, 850. Eq. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78486 Nancy McKylll 1» E Aron 320-100 78564 Times Up 108 2» W Martin 470-100 78062 Bluo Hill 115 31 D Fro6S*tte 210-100 78550 Aunt Jane 105 4» D Randell 750-100 78563 "Judge Hickn 104 5» O Atwell 450-100 78535 Chestnut Girl 103 6 H Farland 1020-100 Time, 1:C95b. Track fast. mutuels i aid Nancy McKay, .40 straight, 00 place, $.:.00 show; Times Up, .80 place. .40 show: Blue Hill, .0J show. Equivalent bikini; odds Nancy McKay. 320 4o MB straight. 100 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; T.rnos Ip. 140 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Blue Hill. 50 to 100 show. Winner Missouri Stables br. f. by Jack At-kin — Sans Qcac, by Rock Sand trained by O. Johnson: bred by Messrs. White and t;arnett. Went to post at 3:40. At post 1 minute. Start go m1 and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. — 78599 FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Aug. 30. I 1923—1:50—5—113 . Purse 00. 3- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to I winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. I Eq. Odds 1 led norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 78457 IE o. E Northl05 1J W Dellow 9S1-100 78536 M.ank 104 2" II Farland 510-100 785 1!» •Smart Guy 104 3» D McAuliffe 150-100 785.",7 Sandy H. 105 41 R Pauley 930-100 78562 Rachel D. 108 51 W Smith 500-100 78565 Tomahol 104 61 W Taylor 670-100 78565 Felix M. 109 7 D Frogutte 1150-100 Tune 1:52*5. Track fast. mtitmls aaM Harp of the North. 1. CO straight. .80 place, 8B.B8 show: Lank, .40 place, .40 show: Smart liiy. .S0 show. Einivalent booking aBBa Harp of the North. !»S| to 100 straight. ::! to IBB place. ISO to 100 show; I/ank. 170 lo 100 place; 70 to 10U show; Smart Bay, 4d to loo show. Winner Frozen North Stables h. g, 6. by Bard of BatM Mamie K.. by Peep oDav traimd bv . K. Emn. rt; bred ! V Mr. P. M. W.Ik.; I Went to |*st at 4:10. At post 2 minutes. Start goo 1 and slow. Won driving; second and third the ■aaaa. Scratched 78579 Jacquerie. 107; 785«0 Baa Oal-li. 102; JBBBB* Farewell Taps, 102; 77142: Zc tetic 102. Overweights- Harp of the North, 1 aawaa: Sandv H. 1. Rachel ! ., 1. 7 " ft fiOO SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Aug. 20. 1923—1:50—5—113. Purse 00. 4- yoar-olcs and upward. Claiming. Not value to wiuner J450; second, 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 7856? Glenn 109 U F Seremba 300-100 78538 Tulsa 104 21 D McAuffe 1J10-100 78538 rampar 112 3« C Gross L;0-100 78290 O, Vashingtonl05 4l A Kroger 3720-100 78537 Zuluhind 99 5 K Noo 2400-100 78537 Nig 102 6» J Paz 610-100 7 85115 ■Smart Alex 104 71 W Martin 52U-10O 77850 Dark Hill 104 »» J Byrne 1300-100 78437 D. Bother Me 103 9 W Taylor 2100-100 Tim*. 1:51%. Track fast mutuels paid Glenn. .00 straight, .80 j place. 20 chow; Tulaa, 89.80 place, 85.41 show; I Tamper. .00 show. J Equivalent booking odds -Glenn. 300 to 100 -tiaight. 140 to 100 place. 88 to 100 sho.v; Tulsa. ."90 to 188 place, 170 to 100 show; Tamper. 50 to • 100 show. Winner Cv E. Davisons b. g. 8. by Magellan — OaataaJa, ly FlariaH n. tsaiaai by ". B. Davison: I bred in France by Mr. T. P. Thorne. Went to t ost at 4:40. At post 1 minute. Start go J and slow. Wou driving, second and third the sail e. Scratched 7.VJS0 Ardito. 104; 78580 Verdi Loon. 97 Overweight -Ceorge Washington, 1 pound. 78601 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 21. 1923—1:48—6—115. Bakoo J I Temple Dokk Purse. Pursa 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 15: second. 15; third. 0. Eq. Odd-Inl. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 78l83*Tinglintr 101 ft H Hay 1291-100 78552 Jou Jou 8M 21 C Gross 210-100 78552-Iirate McGee 10.1 8* W Martin SOO-IO*1 78524 R.-dwood 107 4 R Pauley 1310-100 I 74959 Murray 113 8 E Aron 370-100 78519 Graco Dherty 109 6 C Taylor 1380-100 7852.VCaptn Adams 108 7 J Byrne G10-100 Time, 1:48 equal traik record. Track fast 83 n utveN paid Tingling. 7. SO straight; .20 place. SSJ9I show; Jou Jou, .60 place, .20 sho.v: Pirate McOee. f 3.00 show. Eiuival-nt booking odds--Tingling. 1290 to 10: straight. 310 to 100 place. 160 to 100 show; Jou Jou 130 to KM place. 60 to 100 show; Pirate McOee 50 to 100 show. Winner J. B. McGinns ch. g, 6, by Dalhousie— Tinker, by Handspring trained by J. B. McGinn; bred by Mr. T. Clyde. Went to pot at 5 09. At post 1 minute. Start and slow. Won driving; second and thin! I he sn me. Scratched— 784S8 Eoey Kate. 104; 7S564 Fin-ca-tle, 108; 78550» Vennie. Ill; 78552 Boy From Iloue. Ill; 7S579 Encle Vclo. 103. Overweight — Grace Daugherty. 3 pounds. 7 8 6 0 1 1£ EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April /2 30, 1923—1:14—6—112. Purse J600. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 75320»Hoover 112 1* D Randell 750-100 78026 Pilades 99 T* J Paz 890-100 78563* Bed Weed 100 3* D McAuliffe 400-100 784 80 Overstep 109 4» O Atwell 1070-100 78548 Without 104 5» D Froggtte 1230-100 78565 Rog HI 6» p Hunt 990-100 78551-MaLineo Idol 117 7 W Martin EW-100 Time. 1:15%. Track fast. mutuels paid -Hoover, 7.00 straight, 0.00 place. 40 show; Pilades. 0.00 place, .60 show; Red W«ed. .80 | how. Einivalent booking odds* — noover, 750 to 100 straight. 400 to 100 place. 270 to 100 show; Pilades, 430 to 100 place, IBB to 100 show; Red Weed. 90 to 100 show. Winner M. H. Jordans ch. g. 7. by Hilarious — Ethel Scruggs, by Fonso trained by M. IE Jordan; bred by Messrs. J. and H. Barnett. Went to poet at 5:46. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Scratched -78521 Momentum. 106: 78576 Mr. : Reck. 10B: 78575 Kendall. 109; 78051 Full o Fun. 117: 78577 My Error, 101. Overweights—Red Weed. 2 pounds; Without, 1. *