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DAILY RACING FORM wSmm ***, bombek 11$ Kntrred ■■ lecond rUn matter, April X 18**. at the pott-office at ChJcaxo, niinola, under Act of March S. 187t. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH COTJM CHICAGO, ELL. U7-160 EAST ttad ST.. HEW TOHK CITT, H. T. 60 XICHMOHD 8THEET, EAST, TOHOHTO, OHT. •W. J. HcHarray, Pmklishar sad Oeaaral aUaagw. Daily During Winter Ifontha. Dally Except Monday Balance of the Tear. A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph 8CB8CBIPTI0.N BT riBST-CLASS MAIL.: May to November. inclnaaTe t 4-«0 per month December to April, lnclnatre 9 5-00 per month IATABLK XN ADVANCE. BACK KlUBEUS BY MAIL,, 15 CKITTS EACH. TKLKFHONZ 2087 HARB1SCN. Tor business and circulation purpose* only. This telephone ha» no connection with the news er editorial departments and cannot be need to communicate with them. To be considered and answered, all qnerlea to Daily Racine Form most be sent orcr the foil name and with the address of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. 76460 is first index of 1924