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■■■■■■■■■8J2JQH8JBBB8J8J8J8JBJBB1B1B1II81 Annual Racing Form VOLUME IL ft Now on Sale at this Office No Advance in Price — 0 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Mi HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. Complete details of yesterdays anniversary "Harvey Transaction" as well as the charts of the race are unavailable at this time, but will appear in the next issue. Several "Harvey Transactions" now in preparation simply awaiting favorable starting conditions. This office has just been informed that one may start tomorrow, Monday. Subscription, 00, must be telegraphed early to avoid oversubscription. TELEPHONES— CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 g Mr. Player: i READ Bugle Advertisement On Page 1 5 This Paper — — Square Deal *?%** %** A "IU X«*81%%* Let me prove to you that my Square Deal Racing Investments are equal to any racing Suite 212, 1350 Broadway NEW YORK CITT information costing 5 to 00 cash. I am DISTINCTIVE KENTUCKY INFORMATION on the ground and know that every Square 0.00 pay* for one winner. »£0 pays for 6 winners. Deal Investment is a safe one. TERMS : For each winner I send you wire me day after — - - - , _ . . „ . . Yesterday s opening; Kentucky Special race what you think right of your winnings. Remit me to prepay first telegrams. Send Vat T 11 correct aildress for telegrams. Five specially lVIlTV I ■ OXPll fitted Square Deal Investments now ready w :it Lexington. An extra good investment for d*Q f C0 117/1tT Saturday, May 3rd. «pO«»/U"«pZ If UW 1J w §L* yV/l||lO °"r track men havs l eon in Kentucky for tha llvll V T lllld Pa,t tliree months and are in a position this year SAVOY HOTEU LEX,NGTON. KY.| ZXUZl IZ T "" ""r "" " " ~" ■— ■ MONDAYS HORSE illf%r iv#ai8"7 1S aS flt a* * iB hurna::1y P°ss:b!a to condition ***4 ifciJr a horse and has baon pointed with the winning of "THE PAKLAY KING" this one race in view and will be a big price. No bull— just winners W« have the 0. K. that Monday i3 the day. Wire your subscription at once and win yourself FRIDAYS PARLAY 1 * b»* B8l Monday at Lexington. IsslBB8M8BB88BBBBBMilMBBlBMIM8B FAIRWAY .30- WON I Remember, when you do business with the KEN- ROYAL DTJCK 2.20- WON 1 TTJCKY TURF BUREAU you must get a winner 1 for your money, as a loser is not counted against ■■■■■■■i" - yjur subscription. FIGURE IT OUT, BOYS 0 Pays for su «*■■» sent out Saturday. . Nothing tiiv *1000 on .„. t~ for m j v I live right at the track and only send P* Mondays horse, parlays when I feel sure prices and hones WINNER are right. Next Parlay Goes Monday wiciTiuiiriu terms- WISE MEN ncr USE Must Win at 15 to 1 or next free. Wire 0 by Western Union. f v R. RETEY Advane. j jur rinpip gj3 QUEENS. LONG ISLAND NEW YORK r Oorn ■ 1Uj VrlltVLlli Leather U-— Boobs and Suckers — -— — — — — — Guess rVljf TO 4 I CVCTTM Think this over and you will follow THE CIRCLE MI A B IllllK A I YI 1* 111 as [t !eads t0 winners and profit/. The greatest ril/lllIlinLl UlUlLilll handicap ever published, which. wh3n followed. I results in winners. No progression or bunk. Will The Employed Mans Sheet-Anchor give comparative figures of all contesting horsea; also "classed" list of aged horses. WUm U,OVAi.UU P. 0. Box 731 Nashville. Teno. In 1923 on a 0 Straight Flat Be* "The Thorobreds Home" .. B..,.W£Nsp!L9?»o cpiu. LEXINGTON RACES ™l«£»t COLJ.J.SCHREINER Americas Premier tlorker. A flat b t on the nose system. No progression. Requires amazingly small capital. Not an index Thirty years experience as docker, system. Not necorsary to obtain odds or results , YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU race by race. Easily played in the books. Every .15 fOR ANY TEN DAYS system horse is a positive factor before race time every day. THE FINEST AND SAFEST SYSTEM Ru*n yonr subscription. Dont fail to send youf EVER DEVISED BY HUMAN INGENUITY. For address. From me you get track conditions. No full particulars and tabulated actual past results scratched horses, but fit horses. My many clients address I wil1 Toucn f°r ray marvelous success at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire one or two horses •"■5? at n oclock. Telegraph TUFT AH MID A I PHMDAAIV InC. MUlVHnrXL OUIVIrHIl I remittances or remit by express order in letter. Propositions not considered. Strictly cash only. 306 STEWARD BUILDING BALTIMORE. MD. PHOE 1X H0TEL LEXIMJ TO , KV. Order Your Form advertise in racing form Pssxlr IVTsxiOT DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. DOOK .LN OXrV • **» PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 157-158 EAST SSad ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 60 RICHMOND 8TREET, EAST, TORONTO, 0NT.