Daily Racing Form Charts: United Hunts, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-01

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* — , ■ UNITED HUNTS HEW YORK. V. T.. H.OHDAY, APBXL 28. 18t4 Belmont Park. S«oond and last day. United Hants Racing Association. Spring Mretinr of 2 days. Weather dear. Steward* representing Hunt* omtnittro and Tlie Joekey Hub, Henry W. Bull. H. S. rage and Joseph K. Itarii. Judges, C. Corneulsen. C. 1. fits herald and W. U lowrn. Starter, Mars t assuly. Seervtary, li. A. Buck. Racine atarta at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p m. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinker*. Tig- rTQaR* 0 rtmarr RACE— 1-« atile. May 14. l»l*-4B%-4t— 89. Pursa 8500. 2 year olds . f OUia Maidens and winners of one race. Allowance*. Net rains to winner 50: second , SIM; third, 854 Index Homes AWtPPSt 14 % % Sir Kin Jockeys Owner* O H C P 8 - TS442*TOCNG MARTIN w 115 J 2 1*1 1« H ThurberJ K Madden fl-6 l-« 1-7 out— HI.1K K1DGK w 115 6 t 3« 2« 2* C KummerJ K Madden tl-6 1-6 M out— 78602 MOnKT w 112 X 1 24 3»» 3» K Igere G D Widener 8 8 7 7-5 2-6 78S78 HKI.KN CONDON w 112 4 4 4« 4* 4«« S Lowe D D Douglas 15 IS 15 4 6-5 78602 BATTI.KDORK w 115 6 6 6» 6* 5» D Connllyl.ilane Stable 20 20 26 6 2 78602 OUSntB w 112 16 666J Dryden J K Madden fl-6 1-6 1-7 out— t* oupled H J. B. Madden entry. Time. 45 /s. Track fast. Winner Ch. e, by Sir Martin His Sister, by Incle trained by W. S. Wnlker; bred by Mr. J. K. Madden Wen! to post at 2:4«. At post 3 minnte*. Start cond and slow for all but CT.ISTER. Won easily: second and third driving. YOCNG MAKTIN broke quickly, raced straight and true. disponed of bis opposition withont effort, and was in lipnd at tlie finish. 1:1. 1 K KIIM.K closed cround without urging [ and had no trouble in disposing of KOSKRKRKY. The latter outbroke her field and had no excuses. HKI.KN UNBOX was always outrun. BATTl-KOOKK broke slowly. CUSTER wheeled when the break -aaie and was left. She closed an immense cap wl.cn Mrciightcncd out. Scratched 7Sti02 Rolli king. 112; In the Bag. US; 7S602 Contentment. 113; Cant Say No. 11.V, 7SG02 Clear View. 115; 7Sfi02»Senor. 115; I.inrork, 11?; Wracklane. 115; Clenn Ksss, 112: Poeket Mouse, i 115: Carrier. 115; White Wings. 112; Sandhurst. 115; 7S002 Charlie Anderson. 115; Al brST, 115. 1 f7Q£if f SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 4, 19*0— l:17Vi —4—119. Purse S500. 3-year-4 00* " olds and upward Claiming. Net value to winner 5350 second, 00; third, 860. Index Horse* AWtPPSt K V4 T» Sir Kin Jo k -ys Owners O ■ 43 1* ■ 75370 SISTER SUE wb 4 105 3 1 It 1» 1» 1« A Hunt R P Smith Jr 1-2 1-2 5-20out— 78603 CORK BUI WB 4 117 J 2 3 3 2*2»JD MneyK. Williams 3 3 11-51-3 out HEBRIDES W4 116 13 2«*2»3 3 C Ralls J M Balfe t IS B 2 out Time, 24. 48, 1:13%, 1 2»H- Track fast. Winner B f. by Jack Atkin Bessie Simpson, by Deceiver trained by J. S. Healy; bred by Mr. Ilal Price Headley. Went to |H.st at 3:18. At posl 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BISTKK SIK was rated along under slight restraint on the outside in the first furlong. She went bbsMBbI the leaders with a rush, drew away ino a long lead and was in hand at the end. CORK KIJI tutgamed 11KHKI DCS in the final drive The l:itter went prominently from the break. Scratched 7KG07 Forest Flower. 10t ; IsW.i Ralco. 121: 78fi07 Colando. 127: 78003 T. J IVndergast. 126. 7»**aiT Ijidy Argos. Ill: 7W.07 Dolly C.affner. 103; 7St;«3 Simeon, 11G; 7SC07 White Bock, 116; 7SU13 War Victor. 126: 7S*05 San Dinias. 113; 7SG07 Cue ltack. 103. ■TQjQO"! THIRD RACE — About 2 Miles. Purso 51.000. Biltmore Steenlechase . 4-year-olds and 4 OUlil upward. Allowances. Net Talue to winner 8700; second, 00; third, 08. Index Horses A WtPP St 3 6 9 12 Kin Jockeys Owners O 11 C P S QCICKSA.ND w 4 131 5 2 1» 2*» 2" 1" 1" J Pierce Middle N F Stb 6-5 3-2 7-5 1-2 1-6 75458iHli»NOUA w 8 160 6 3 6 «• 3 ° 2" ?" W l.ra! .1 McK Bowman 6 8 8 3 7-5 7SG0G SON-O-CNC w 4 13S| 4 1 3« V 4™ 3 » 2* W HoWnlGreentree Stable 4 7 7 2 1 78606 DttfTKT SHORE srs 12 149 1 5 4* 6 6 4 4 C Brown G Brooke III 30 30 30 13 5 7X606 HKTH.VNT w 4 131 3 6 2 1 1 • Fell. W CollinsF S Von Sta.de 6-5 11-53-2 3-6 1-4 78606 DOUBLET ws 13 146 2 4 5* 5» 5| I . rider. W McNrE E Marshall 8 » 10 4 2 Time, 3:55. Track fast Winner Ch. f. by Sandy Hock Aqua Viva, by Rabelais trained by W. OConnor; bred by Mr. V. R. niichcock. Went io post at 3:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. QIICKSAN1 jumped well and racing in pursuit of BKTHANY throughout, closed with good courage when called upon ami was eased up when BKTHANY fell. HIONORA was outrun in the early racing, but closed some gr- i:nd in the final mile. SON-O-INC was always outrun and wm tiring at the end. DISTANT SHOCK had no excuses. BKTHANY fell at tbe twelfth fence. DOLBI.KT lo t bis rider at the tenth fence. Scratched 7331C Black Fox. 154: 7S006 1-oeliiel II.. 149: IMS1 Bar Gold. 141: 66«70, Wyndover, 146; 78G06 Klincr Johnson. 146: 7S604 Shawn a Glanna. 149; 7K606 Carabinier. 147; 78606 Kane Lady. 144. TS606 i onnicbort. 139; 78606 Korge Ahead, 141; 78600 Ben Tasker, 136; 78604 Trayeen Trisough, 157; 78604 Corbc 147. Overweight Son o-rnc. 2Vs pound*. TfifiOO FOURTH RACE— 3-4 MUe. Sept. 4 1823— l:105i —4— 12*. Purse 8500. 3-year-olds , 4 OUOm and upward Allowances. Nat Talue to winner S350; second. 8100; third, 850. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi 14 % Str Kin Jockeys Owner* O II C P S 78«»5 l.ANIi:s w 9 125 1 1 P 2» 2* 1» K Iegere O D Widener 2 2* 2 1-3 out 75442-1. ADY BKI.I.E wb 3 101 2 t 1« 1 ll 2« J CallahnW R Coe 1-2 1-2 1-2 out— 1 75778 iKtUtKST UKK wb 4 123 5 3 5 5 5 3" S KullmanR T Wilson ■ 15 15 3 1 75745 HIGH PBINCE w 4 180 3 4 4* 4« 4J 4« T OHirx P I P Randolph 30 40 40 10 4 78605 OYP8T KING w 3 106 4 5 2 3» 3« 5 H ThurberJ E Madden 15 20 15 3 1 Time. 23K, 46%. 1:12*4. Track fast. Winner Ch g. by I.langibby Southern Belle, by Ayrshire trained by A. J. Joyner; bred in Ireland 1 by Mr. J J Matter. Went to post at 4:15. At post 1 minute. Start go ~d and slow. Won driving; second and third the - same. LANDS was nursed along under reslraint in the early racing, saved ground rounding the far turn and. moving up on the outside of LiADY RKI.IJ£ in the stretch run. outgamed her in the final drive. Igere sat still all the way. LADY BELLE, displaying high early speed, drew asray into an easy lead, but falU-ted at the end and stopped as if shrrt. KORK8T UlKK was outrun in the first part, but closed . with a belated rush and just got up. HIGH lBI.NCK bad no excuses. GYPSY KING broke slowly and moved up to the leaders with a rush, but falterrd after going a half mile. Scratched 7Si»7 White Kock. 110; 78005 Dolcmite. X;-. 78004 » ortie. 112; Nellie Cough. 105; 78607 f King Albert. 125; 78605 Negrina. 101. 7KC05 Klash Ro k. 96; 78005 I»ricemaker. 10G; 78607 Moon Dream. 81: 78tair, MediUlor. i6: 7S605 Squander. 110: 78005 Saint Illiers, 120; 78806 The Vintner, 96; 78605 Wild Aster. 96; 78604 Shining Bachelor, llli; 78606 Bethany. 105. ■■FOOO FIFTH RACE — About 2 1-2 Miles Timber Course. Master cf Foxhounds Association 1 4 OUtiO Steeplechase. Purse S500 and Plate, value S350. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances Net value to wiener 8350 and plate; second, 2100; third, 850. Inex Horses A WtPP St 8 12 23 30 Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P I 69255 OHMKAD w 12 158 4 1 2" ♦«• 11 1*| *«• Mr BkeGdG Brooke UI 2 2| 2 7-101-4 74858 M NT DEFIANCE w 8 152 5 4 1» l»2"2:J:»Mr HurtonP Talmage 8 10 10 3 7-5 BAD NEWS w 9 150 6 2 3" S" 3"3,e 3 Mr A IVisT C Ka-stman 4 6 6 2 4-5 75369 1KKI.ANDS BEST w 8 161 1 5 4" 4" 4le»4,i,R out Mr PceJ Almy Jr 1 8-5 7-5 1-2 1-5 DISTAKK w 153 2 3 5" 5 5 P up. Mr Kurse J H Alexandre IS 20 8 BJ 6-5 BLACK SERPENT w 9 155 3 6 6 Pulled up Mr D.nnllJ H Bonnell 15 30 30 10 5 Time, 8:06*4. Track fast. Winner Br. g. by Filigrane Miss Kleischmann, by St. Maxim trained by II. King; bred by Mr. J. Forsytiiel. Went to post at 4:42. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. OBMKAI followed the early pace cut out by MOUNT DEFIANCE. He went to the front when called ui* n anil, jumping well, wen with speed iu reserve. He pulled up lame. JIOIST DKKIA.NCK allowed :i csmI .ffort. He lmtibled badl.v at several jumps, but came again under punishment at the end. | BAD MEWI went well throughout. IRELANDS BEST was always outrun and refnsed at the twenty- , first Jump, but c.inie on again and then r.-fu-ed at the twenty ninth jump, after which he was pulled up. DISTAKK and BlasVCS SKRIENT were outrun anil pulled up. Scrsiched i«t»5ti9JHard Banking. 152; TSSSeThe Coniet, 152; 70O03 Jidgie,, 152; 75360 Pagebrook. 152; Granite. 155. Overweights Mount Defiance. 5 pounds; Otmead. 11; Irelands Best. •; Distaff, 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050101/drf1924050101_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1924050101_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800