Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-01

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Latest Training Gallops . - [ i 1 , 1 - . f 1 104 L,EXlNC.TON. Ky. April 19— The following workouts took place here Tuesday Kven-ing: LEXINGTON. Weather clear ; track good — Three -Eichths Mile. Traymore 3».V, Half Mile. 98 Stepaloa£ i i 98 Son of Tromp ..48 Fire -Eichths Mile. 9T-Happ7 Top ..1:03 Seven-Eighths MUe. SportyMcGee 1 :30si One MUe. 99-P.est Pal 1:42% 445 Just David ..1:45% Mile and a Quarter. 99 Chacolet 2 05S I.EXINC.TON. Ky.. April 30 —The following are the training gallops of the morning: Weather cloudy; track sloppy; "dogs" up — Three -Eicfeths Mile. 87-P.en Franklin ..37 1 01 Mary P. Gdnor3S% MS shsttsC reek ..X7 Marry O 8S% 100-Great Water* . .3S*j 101 -Polynesia 37 97-Mit 3S 100-Kural Route . . 3.V6 Half Mile. 102-Afternoon Tea ." 2% Marquette r»3Vs 99 Cupbearer .V % 103 Queer M % 99 Forffn Relatns : H*i ion 4SVi 99-George Rose ..52 100 WhoKnowsMe .53-ri 1 i w Eighths MUe. 101 Fretwell l:0fi-7i 102-Runelise 1:04£ Three -Quarters Mile. 9S -Amtnlika - . 1 !W% 9S-Jakie Hay .1:23% 102 AliioRlueGn 1 :1B% 102 Kit 1 ;24 102-RuRler 1:20% 102 Moms Bo .1:23% 102 Dream Maker 1:23 99 Moonraker ,.l:tT% M-Galusha 1:21% 282-Runchief ... 1:19V, 102 Harry B. .1:20 101 Sister Josolla 1 :19f, 102 Isamsn 1 :22% 102 Starbeok 1 2H 102-Infinite 1:22 99 S.Iish I:M% 100 JupiU-r 1:18 63-Sds of Plse 1:23% Oim Mile. 87 Connter* 1:40% 101 Plentyeoos .1:53% OS-Gst of Honor 1 46% 103 Paris Maid ..1:.V. 103 Hopeless ....1:45% 102 Pay man 1 :.",«% 99-Hcone!- 1:51 99 Rinkey 1 :" 0% 102 J. G. Denuy 1 :jO% 4f.l St:n Spot 1:48 103 Opulent 1 :." 2 102 Stump Jr. ...1:51 Rural Koute ditl a fast work. Solisa did an extra good move over a sloppy track. Alice Ulue Clown worked impressively. Hopeless worked a good mile. Reputation showed exceptional mud run-I ning ability. NEW YORK. N. Y.. April 30— The following are todays gallops over the New York tracks : JAMAICA. Weather cloudy ; track muddy — Three -Eichths MUe. Dorothy R. Sims 40% 79 Hidden Jewel ..37% 100 Delhi Roy 3S 99 Despair 37% 96 Gnome Gill 3S Nirholas 3S% Gold Reater .39% ■ Old Broadway . .39% Half MUe. 100 Flying Devil ..54% 98 Swinging 50% Mother Goose .50% ©-WrC. Whitehd 53 49 Master Charlie 52% Five -Eichths Mite. 89 Br"t lishU .1:05% 97 lady Roes .1:02 97-Gontentment 1:07 9S Maurie tohen 1:09 97-Hoirri 1 :03% 70 Protocol 1 :07 102 II. T. Watersl:01% 100 Peter King ..1:06% 100 Kg of Ffne 1:06% 52 Royal Chlie 1:03% 100 Lord Granite 1 :OT 431 Trite 1:07% Three -Quarters MUe. 103 Miss Star 1:1S% 39 Prce of fria 1:22 103 Olynthus 1:22 One Mite. 79 Anniversary .1:52 103 Insulate 1:52% 102-Kverbold 1:52 102 Slieveeonard 1 :4S 102 Horologe 1:51 No workouts of consequence were recorded on the muddy track. AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy ; track muddy — Three -Eighths MUe. 102 Abu B. Ahdem 36 102 Prince Regent. 39 Half Mite. 97 Aga Khan .55 96 Manna 51% 432 Cork Kim 54% 9? Pituton 52 102 Friday 13th .49% SOesr Point ..55 102 Maiw 52 Three -Quarters Mite. Advice 1:24% 416 Moonshine ..1:24 434 H. fommil.Tl 24 Matador 1:17 401 ll.mfl.Mir 1:17 Seven -Eighths Mite. 401-Ix nverne ...1.33% Samaritan ..1:33% 410 Red Skin ...1:33% One MUe. 102 I Jt. Smoke .1:49 102 Diversity ...1:5» REI.MONT PARK Weather cloudy; track muddy — Three -Eighths Mite. Aeyra 39% Ml Jacqueline Jnln3» 315 Arcadia M Laplander ...41% Barb Wire ... 259 100-Xellie Grey ...41% l.cth Page ■ 98 Simeon 41% 80 -Cuban Belle . :»:» IK Shanghai 2.0 99 t loudlaud M !»«-Sea Tide M% 103 Historian 39 1W Time I-ock 42 102-llouruiore i~*% Volcano 37% Five -Eichths Mite. Firmament .1:02% 96 Julia M 1 02% Finland 107 Sea Name ..102% Three -Quarters Mile. 98-Polycarp 1:17% 102 Sun Atidieneel 22 102-Suncar 1:22 98 SK-dge 1.21 No fast works noted on the sloppy track today. A

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Local Identifier: drf1924050101_12_3
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