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announcing HARVEY AMES THESPORTING LEADERS EABtE BLDZZTT "~* Mm dllCl O Lirpriow JLCIll/lvFII Unexpected developments one hour before post time of the race caused the withdrawal of yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" in the ■»*•••■■« p--. * «» m.T j J J J For Sale Today 25 Cents at All Newsstands interest of all concerned. Everything that can be done to safeguard the investments of "Harvey Transactions" is and the involved is done, expense strictly a q T f/i ¥3 A /TC ** *51v» rAfjt-0 secondary matter with us. Chlick Fllll of "Live Racing Info* Tnis office has positive assurance of a "Harvey Transaction" starting 2 Big Features TODAY AlltOlHatic Long Shot SeleCtOr ! This horse has been sPecia,,y prepared for the opening day at; ° Pimlico and should add additional lustre to the record of winning "Har- First time ever published. veX Transactions." Terms, 00, should be telegraphed to assure proper listing. A Everywhere they are talking about this "SYSTEM." Already it has ;nvestment on every «Harvey Transaction" from April 14th up picked two winners since it came off the press. Tnesday it picked: to and including yesterday April 30, shows a clear profit of MEXICAN TEA 2.20- WON I 820 I NORMANA 2.50- WON • * ■ _ . , , after deduction of losses and cost of the information. „ I tell you« here is the „ SYSTEM „——_—. that players have been This office recognizes no competition. It has imitators, but no SEARCHING YEARS FOR HERE IT IS competitors. Borrowed phrases, directly copied from our previous „ _ ., , M . ._ advertisements, are responsible for the question often put to this office. And the second feature is the whether we are connected in any way with anyone in this line of busi- T? ** IVyf 4- D J-* " ness. The answer is emphatically NO. The reason we do the largest business of its kind in the United, OWNERS and TRAINEES, you MUST have these RATINGS or your equip- States is because we have proved conclusively that a record such as ment for placing horses is not complete. made tne above profit possible is without parallel. R ACINC PI IRI IP TELEPHONES: Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749. You must have these RATINGS to TELL YOU WHEN and WHEN NOT /l f J 1 1 Ytf ffW ffWVW V% to play. Kush right now to your newsdealer and ASK FOR 1 1/1 if W .P.P if iV ■■!"■■ mWW TJini "wjl I fin Sllftrt 111 GT I PUnPr liniV / ■ I Pllfc 35 Cents at AM Newsstands Sold on all Newsstands— % and SPECIALS " I Tmi/Ymm ?/» I *T AGAIN WESCLEANED UPS J £ OKI 1 Oil OO I Yesterday » -Stable Tip - Special— My Tuesdays ADV. FREE CODE would be WW UDI A XlJklfll J uetroit |f Q||vraf riayers, PlaXr#f,C Attention A •HfnllfiTl . I another good one like HANDY BRUSH, And JACK FIELD advised to -Plnng-e. Win Only" t3TT0 !2 WON anJ „ WA, Yesterdays For sale at these stands ota. vuxj- only: Tuesday s free code: Wo ad,ised Tou on our ad yesterday to -Paruy mfpvir" A 1H¥ HPT"" A both »nd ■ "SP*""*!*" yesterday, and was I lYI H /L 1 1 £ T I p Z nBJ»t ? And our followers won a fortune by doing ATA,A-*A aVAVXaVA * A AXTB. laaiily ThMlrr emstand, Cadillac ■■— ■ „ I said, to parlay both and specials yester day. Day after day Jack Fields army of followers Triangle N c« nntand, Grisuold and Lafayette. sH f f* Osf d* O 17 "" cleaninK up easy money- CsKDuTATI lor Hale at Kay PHWIs, Fifth and Mne Sts., and Willi,. *P 1 £i*£*Jmty£i W Oil 9™ AflOUlCr PrODHDlB LEXINGTON For Male at IC.-inst. ins. Corner Main and Linse Sts. . , , , . ,■._■■_ T.„ . 9A 1 CDADT A V £ And we surely CLEANED I P. Another JU"1 1 AKLAI b LKVELAND For Kale at O. C. ScbroederVi, US Kast Superior Are. Qne today /l /»wi l ST. I. M I! 1 or sale at Win. Laser*. 711 Market St., and 4IO Washington St. UOCS ™ 1 0u2V 3l L6XlI15l0n TODAYS FREE CODE: _, , ** uvauiiwu I.OI ISVII.I.K For »ale at Filer A. .ood mans, 227 Fonrth St. .v 7°D . ff* ,,w*y from T°n tod,y T - _., ■---»*** — - - then y»u «»ay *s well „ "quit playing em," as you ean k.»SA5 ,Tv-„, -. .. H........W.. 5.„~. .... ... «...., 8... :.---. $ cim 9 $ ACAIN „T0OAY„ DAMON For male at Cuplirals, 12f Sonlh JefTernon St. » rush to our Newsdealer and be sure yon ret both Jack Fields %l and Specials and parlay TOLEDO For wale at St. Clair Vinsslaml, front of old I*o»t Office. TTs l TnTWT them both, "win only," today, and you will dean I I l/w I I ll up If ?ou don * Q0 Uu* you LeTer wlU fOTKlTO OMAHA For Hale at Meyer* .enssliad 1 1 1 h and Farnunt. JL M. WW V/X yourself. FTFT.D PUB. CO. FKII. For «ale Mt Halls Clsar Store, 702 State St. TUESDAYS FREE OCCASIONAL WON 39 W. ADAMS STREET, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. NOTICE—JACK FIELD sold eTerywbere. Also COVINGTON For »ale at Gordons Pharmacy, 4th and Scott Sts. mailed to you weekly or 5 weekly for both l "DIANArOLIS For sale at Mar Marcus, 37 North Illinois St. ™ | I "V k "T SOME OF OUK AGENTS— M *J mJ aV X LOUISVILLE— Ge to ETLEK A GOODMAN Stor», 227 --— - - .. AKKO -r„«»- For — sale - at ■-.." Schuarda Newmtand, Main St. ■» isssmA . A 8 4th gt t «™. ■»■ COMMBIS— For sale at L. Cohens. 13 East State St. ANATUTD rCICDDATEI. DETsWITSuS"? £ch£. lad shbynStf~ll , AWU 1 HIM ULfcDKA 1 W AI1LWA1 KKF-For sale at Klrhy Hotel at, ■ ■. 432 Fast Water St. "Sg!l STtJSSLSJStS!. GRAND RAPIDS For sale at Inland Nesvs, Canipau Sqnare. /fcf flfif* 1 CIAkT A I mrr — UllASIUNAL rKLE . c . ¥ , , oporhng Leader s jB! I **$ 1493914939 I J9L This ad is intended important for a reliable man who is in- WfK ▼» lUT n UdlS * n USlIy i 25 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Su laW l,¥vr,"T,r,f*»»IliTWl,V Lmk terestcd in stnrtly bona fide information coming db rRtUt I tRMllNtD sWJ from a »urcand that will be aiiultei Htw iprlkaat . . . , , CHANGES FOR THE „ „ •ho*1 bli «ponsibility. Rush n8»t now to your newsdealer and II M,IH?5.rii?F,TS isWaaaaMflV iJaSTJitiSu lunyouiiERESAiniiN lAutomatic Long Shot Selector M I Z~?z5£ SISa JaTV5 1. £SSK5St£L5a,,«JfSt k,,ow what x am ta!kine ;ibo"t- ■-• ris,,t lexingTOn-b 93. ZL rood; . », . - 1" ,e.":S wTcouW ISmLS «. »»»««» -« to your MRtah. and ASK fur extra rood; J 113. R 111. S 136. MARYLAND- Ihoiisand* of dollnr* per annum adtcc- AA 101- extra pood. NEW YORK— AAA 110, BBB •* tioine water as rough «.j rup — and run- • ==r?==r===!===?= / A DC Tl A IT V 79, EEE ■* •* psnul.VidTrom your proft.""1 ** NflTIPF Uflli aj 1/ AIL I APPLY THIS •*» lutcly KEK. lOOpace racinc manual, M I1UIIV/L a» review, sworn teatimonals. etc. Intesli J h»ve made a oircct connection with reliable i 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS to the SPORTING LEADERS NEW SYSTEM in Sate today and make your Bookie obey. w parties. The play required being: too larre for m- the new f today— th* "AUTOMATIQ r9. Fnbl.e p„kii. Rriatl*.. s vi.... ,«. to carry alcne. I desire two others to join in this ■ * ±jmj .j.ij Maaacer 4r LONG SHOT SELECTOR." rrt pogltion. A thoroueL inve.tiration innud. Ref- sfo B»xtt iLF. To« o„. mj. jjl "aace. reounad. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form ■ — = 9Land mt.%%3 wOrm FLNDLEY ST. C1NC1NKATI. OHIO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT , CHICAGO. ILL ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM