Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-01

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Entries and Past Performances PIMLICO THURSDAY, MAY 1 WEATHER. CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1922. no matter where it finished. In case where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 74460 IS FITIST INDEX OF 1924. 78128 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL Racing starts at 230 p. m. Chicago time 2:30. ® Stiuerlor mud runner. x Coo.1 mil. I ruur.er. :|: Fnlr mud runnel. M Maidens Mpprentic* illonniice. b Blinkers. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Aurora Au Belmont Park BP Blue Bonnets BB Bowie Bo Churchill Downs CD Columbus Co Connaught Park CP Conneaut Lake CL Dade Park DP Devonshire Do Dorval Do Duf f erin Du Empire Em Fair Grounds FG Fort Erie FE Hamilton Hm Havre de Grace HG Hawthorne Hw Havana Ht Huntington Hu Jamaica Ja Jefferson Park. JP Kenilworth Ke Kempton Park KP King Edward Ki Latonia La Laurel Lu Lexington Lx Maple Heights MH Marlboro Mb Mobile Mo Mount Royal MR Omaha Om Pimlica Pm Reno Re Saratoga Sa j Tanforan Ta I Thornclif f e Th Tijuana Ti Toledo To Windsor Wi Woodbine Wo First Race— 1-2 Mile. Interogative lurse. Burse ,500. 2 year -olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Track record: May 1, !■■ 11% I 114. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt Han. 78502 Brimrose 112. .7.0 78611 Harlan Bo 107 :49ft 115.745 78615* Baibara Frielchie 111 113 :54% 112. .745 78525 Kitty French .11C102 :50 112. 740 78401 Creat MoineiusHG HI :51 I1S..TM 78615 Judge Fuller 1 15. 730 Storm King .... 118 Crumple Ill Master Crump ... 118 1 in la ml 115 Coldpiece ....... 118 Colden Spire .... 115 Wiser 112 False Face 115 Second Race— 2 Miles. Inaugural Steeplechase. lurse ,000. 4-year olds aud upward. Allowances. 75399* Roi Craig 8 144:1:700 75379 bSea Master 5 149. .«!." 73035* bParluys 5 139. .690 75419 Ethereal Blue M 4 134..61MJ 7S554 Lollipop 5 139 . . 690 75008 Birate Cold 8 14MX4M 64975* bllouyhuhnm S 144. .MB 69569* Jimmy Boy Mi . 14 M1..4SB 75379 Vox Bopuli II 8 144.. 025 70519 Alice yuickthorn lM 6 137. a«0 78266 Henry Dattaaf .. 1 M4..4H 74817 Hernard M ... 5 139. 6M Knight of Green- ane 8 144 Third Race— 1 1-16 Miles, lurse ,300. I year olds nnd upward. Claiming. Track record: May 10. 1922 1 :44ts —3—107. 1,78620 bNiglit Raider .Ke 110 1:45% 6 10S.K725 At or Over Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. ?d. 3d. Schuttinger. A. 26 107 69 18 10 11 McAtee. L. 25 105 499 125 86 81 Marriner. W 21 100 28 6 1 4 Walls, P 19 104 9S1 187 145 146 Abel, A 17 101 466 77 62 65 Karnes. E 17 IDS 622 107 72 73 Burke. J. H 17 110 163 28 23 13 ling. I~ 17 H8 310 53 37 ■ Bobinson. 0 17 116 99 17 11 6 Sm.dlw.KxI. ■ 17 113 396 67 68 4a Stirling. D 16 111 214 35 38 22 A-e. f 16 98 527 84 55 72 Marinclli. B 16 104 519 81 65 64 Mangan. Q M 104 162 26 21 19 Bawson, J. J 15 95 351 51 45 56 Hileruan. ■ II 114 215 32 30 24 Howard. II 15 84 229 35 31 33 Morris. L 15 B- 200 31 25 26 Jakaaaa, a M 117 161 23 20 Ml 111 ■■!■. ■ 14 112 427 59 SI 55 Stevens K 14 MB 725 100 101 119 Walls. C. 14 112 242 XI 32 29 Wallace. J IS HH 1.155 138 144 1SJ mill F 18 106 519 69 88 *3 l-.el! ■ 12 113 209 25 24 32 ..ltiletti. F 12 107 319 38 44 52 Wilson. T 12 9S 845 102 103 97 Komaiielli. R 12 105 259 31 35 29 Ambrose. E 11 103 152 16 20 tt 7S621 bold Faithful. .Mil "91:47 8 10« T»». 78557 Bosa Yeta 4 107.715 78617 •Blueinondale Ml. Hi! 10O 1:50 i»v 8 8*. .718 78061 Bounce Hv 112 1:47% .. 111X710 78380 "Sea Monarch ..Wo 90 1:l*JSs 6 113.705 78286 Sam Smith |M.. 8 94. 700 72814 Bufus Ml 3 102.700 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Second Running Jennings Handicap. ,000 Added. 3-year olds and upward. Track record: Nov. 6. 1922 4:11—8—128. 75441- Coshawk Bl 125 111% 4 119..H00 75455 Indian Trail ..CD 102 1:11% 4 105/795 75555 Wortlimore ...Ui IIS 1:13 3 107/795 75442* Big Blaze Sa 112 1:11% 3 10S-.795 75631 l oid Baltimore II. A.j 118 1:12% I 109 -795 -78677 Beaatar Stanlaf M» 1:13 3 108.790 78593 Colden Rule .Hw 107 1:12*4] 4 112x790 78473 Shuffle Along .151" 107 1:11% 4 110v790 75442 Sun Flag Sa 122 1:12 3 108-790 75440- Suispero Sa 114 1:11% 3 103x790 75311 D.ogene.s BB 127 1:12% 3 109.785 73591* oniixa Im 108 1:11% 4 103x785 75630 Strut Miss Lizzie Im 93 1:12% 3 97. 780 78676 Wellfin.ier ...Pai MB 1:18 8 1 OS 780 78528 Batsman BB 102 1:12% 3 99 • 7!5 72724* Valudor Im 107 1 :l:i 4 B»7 74* 785C92 Roland iMi Bo 115 1 :17%m 3 9« . .760 78676 W hamplain la 113 1:11% 8 MS X 788 75226 filial J Lu 112 1:13 S MS. .798 71165 bU.nna Care ...Im 110 1:11% 7 113 750 78677 Sarko HO MB 112% S MB. .738 78676 Digit HG 93 1:13% 3 102-750 Fifth Race— 1-2 Mile. Burse 1.300. 2 -year olds, t laiming. Track record: May 1. 1922 -47% — 2—114. 78308 NIC.IIT SHADE Bo 10-4 49 104x725 78378* Foyle Bo 109 :49% 103. .713 78424 Arbitration MHQ 110 :4» 107.. 715 78539* Bother Bo 113 :49% 105.715 78567* Iarinai henee Belle Bo 10", :49% 99X710 78615 Cheri M Bo 102 :50% 97. 710 78373 I,ena Wood .MiBol07 :49% 97. 705 78553 Starmatia iMl .. 100. 705 Caffney I-iss ... 100 •Orange Pekoe ... 105 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. Men -hatits Handicap. Purse .00J. 3-year olds and upward. Track record: May 2. 1923 1:37%- 4— 110. 7S678 Wilderness ...Pin 126 1:38% 4 ISBXBSS 78474 Exterminator .Lu 132 1:40 9 1260795 78503 Martingale -i 126 1:37% 4 120x790 75311 Diogenes Im 122 1 41 % S US. .TBS 78556 Wilkes -Barre ..Wo 1 3 1 : ,. 4 MBX7SS 78605 Wune tirass . . . BP 111 il 36% .".110.790 78593 Colden Sphere. FE 123 1:33% S 108x73". 78529 bFairway Sa 112 1.37% 7 105X730 73553 •Spic and Span... 3 106. 770 Seventh Race — 3-4 Mile. Hill Top Purse. Purse ."00. 8 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Tra.k record: Nov. 6. 1922-1:11—5—128. 78569 l.Lion dOr Ti 123 1:12 8 122*750 78569 Frank C. BP 110 1:11 4 109X745 78591 Mainmast Pm 101 1,11% 8 114 74". 73619: •Jewell V. D...HC 107 1:12% 5 112X740 75401 Wraith Wo 87 1:12, 0 109X740 78674 Captain to tigari Sa 106 1:13 4 107X735 7861C5 Arendal K« IBS 1 .12% 4 107X73-" 75130 MeK.una Pm US 1:13 8 Bi9.730 i 747763,bBepr;sal Ja 119 1:12 6 109. .730 ; 78E88 Faith HC 100 1:12% 4 SB..7S8 I 78588; Julia M FC 98 1:13% 3 90X730 75438 Wra. khorn M I M 103 1 : 14 % 3 102 . .725 | 74101 Braak All M| .. 3 95. 725 78588 Seths Lemon. Wo 107 1:12 4 109x725 •Dixie Smith 3 KK2 I Cross Girl a 92...., PIMLICO JOCKKV PKIKKXTAGKS. From January 1, litli.i, to April - 4, 11 U4, inclusive-. At or Over Jockey. PC. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d 3d. flialmers. J 11 101 604 63 87 54 Fields. G 11 105 673 75 86 91 Schwartz. M 11 112 155 17 16 20 Ja.kson. C 10 109 282 27 36 33 Holmes. II 09 102 97 9 4 5 Madeira. 1* 09 107 37 8 8 Milner. W 09 102 366 34 33 54 Accardy. A 03 100 US 13 18 22 Allen, C 03 105 26 2 0 1 Williams, S 0.3 S3 :t3 3 5 3 Shanks. J OS 96 96 3 10 14 Cor»y. Q 07 107 ls." 13 9 16 Bose. C 07 MS 394 34 43 43 Shilh.-k. II 07 MB 207 20 30 41 Bobbins, E 06 100 31 2 0 5 Bowan. J 06 112 164 10 20 13 Ward, la SB ■ 76 4 3 2 Wakoff. H 04 104 73 3 5 5 M.Taggarr. J 03 109 126 4 13 19 Bon 1. i, tyj «J1 53 i 5 o Huff. N 02 107 43 1 6 2 Uylaud. J 02 102 47 1 4 6 r.iiuso. M 100 10 0 0 Cliurch. II 100 10 0 0 Watson, G 107 9 0 0 0 Ii.lion. la 106 22 0 0 1 Bodney. 1 100 12 0 0 S Smallwood, J. C. 100 5 0 0 0 i i DA PC "- BBBl». Inlerogative InMf, 2-year-oldx. Maidens. Special Ir.4 SI ItmOt- WeiKlitN. May 1. 1922 47 -5 2 111. li.dex Course Di*t Time Tck Odds Wt St *» Str Fin Jockejs Started Order of Finish PRIMROSE., b. f, 2 M 112 Ey Ultimus— June Rose, by Myram. Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon . Breeder W. H. Miller. 7859i H.detFce 41 f 53 fast • 111 S 3 2* I* B MrineKi -.» SingleFoot. Sombre. Cjmkhana 7H553 II deli ce 4j f 5J fast 43-10 110 3 2 2* 2* B Mrinelli 7 M Goo-.e. Imagufn, Sl.andEasy HARLAN, b. c. 2 BtTJ 115 By Jim Gaffney— Katriona. by WooUthorpe. Trainer, H. Rites. Owner. J. E. Griffith. Breeder J. E. Griffith. 78511 H.dHice 44f :5i%good 2 116 • 1 4* 4*| C Robson 9 Cloiidland. Topnite. Earla Baby 78331 Bowie 1-3 4S fast 6-5 10$ J 3 3* 3i J McTagt 6 Barney ;oogle. Bother. Foolscap BARBARA FRIETCHIE, b. f. 8 112 By Pennant— Gentlewoman, by Sain. no Trainer. W. Inriae. Owner, E. F. Whitney. Breeder. Short Grass Stud. 78615 H.deCFco 41 f 54%tai,l ti 113 J I L» I1 E Scobie 3 TripLtly, JohnFElearer, Chert KITTY FRENCH, b. f, 2 M 112 By Wormleighton— Country Froud, by Deceiver. Trainer, G. R. Bryson. Owner, E. K. Brysori. Breeder, L. A. Lyne. 18525 HdeGce 41 f 6: %slop 75 107 8 7 It* IV* J McTag tl4 Perm. Wove. Do or Die. Tiiggcr 18424 H.deGce 1-2 4SV*st 81f 102 10 12 10 S:3 . 1 land 13 WilburC. Wlihd. We-tor. Crimp 18225 Bowio 1-2 49tt»lov 74 108 3 8 91 8" F Murphy 12 H.Wfroy. Fojle. PachenecB lc 78176 Bowie 1-2 49Vast 14 110 2 2 2| 3» K Murphy 12 Sombre. BillWinfrcy. AuntAggie 76142 F.Grnds l-« 36 good 15 115 5 M 6» L Morris 1» sT*jOaW»ll. Nightshade. P— II. 16809 F.Grnds 3-8 35Vnud 60 113 4 7» S° L Morris 12 Kvclyn, Mabel C . Night Shad. GREAT MOMENTS, V c, 2 M 115 By Colin— Melting Momer.ls. by Lemberg. Trainer. J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. Breeder. E. B. McLean. 18401 H.deGce 1-2 48 Vast 1C US 10 10 10= H" E Bell 11 Kdisto. FJirly Baby. Cloudland JUDGE FULLER, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Great Sport— Magr.ola. by Fugleman. Trainer, J. Boden. Owner. Triple Springs Farm Stable. Bred in England by Mrs. Edward. 78615 H.deGce 41 f 54Vast It 116 3 6 4» 5: J McTag t 8 TripLightly. llbaFrc, JnF.Klr Firs; «lart for the following: STORM KING. blk. c. 2 M 115 By Madrigalian— Prodigy, by Light Brigade. Trainer, M. Brady. Owner, J. E. Davis. Breeder. J. E. Davis. CRUMPLE, b. c. 2 M 115 By Ed Crump— Eliza G., by Invergarry. Trainer, J. Hastings. Owner, K. E. Hitt. Breeder, K. E. Hitt. MASTER CRUMP, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Ed Crump— Mattinata. by Thrush. Trailer. J. Hastings. Owner, X. E. Hitt. Breeder, K. E. Hitt. FINLAND, b. c, 2 M 115 By The Finn— Romania, by Peep o Day. Breeder. White and Gainett. GOLDPIECE. ch. c, 2 M 115 By Golden Broom— Substitute, by Stalwart. Trainer, R. A. Smith. Owner, W. M. Jeffords. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. GOLDEN SPIRE, ch. c. 2 M 115 By Golden Broom— Glory maid, by Glorifier. Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner, W. M. Jeffords. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. WISER, br. f, 2 M 112 By Sweep — Experience, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer. W. H. Brooks. Owner, S. Ross. Breeder. E. C. Christian. FALSE FACE. br. c, 2 M 115 By Sweep — Masqne. by Disguise. Trainer, C. H. Shilling. Owner, G. A. Cochran. Breeder. G. A. Cochran. 0»t/-l DA PC — Mites*. Inangrural Steeplechase. 4-year-oi«lM anil upward. Al-CllU HAUL Iowa nee*. ROI CRAIG, b. g. 8 144 By Roi Herode — Candacraig, by Orme. Trainer. H. Smith. Owner, R. Pending. Bred in England by G. D. Widener 1.3391 Pimliro 3 G:01Ssgood 16-3 152 5 1 3" P* B Harris 5 Paskadale. Houdini. The Trout 15308 Pimlico 2 1-4 4:20 fast 14-5 140 lit* 1*1 B Harris I : Faskadnlc. DoubleTip. Lettern 7485K laurel 2m 3:53 fast 2-5 146 6 1 1» 1» II Hayims K GoldFoyle, CrestHill. Chuckle 14736 I-aurel 2 3 and2Vast £5-10 154 3 4 21 2" B Haynes 12 Briganna. Cold Foyle. Dandy 14153 Woodne Ab I 4:01Vast 12 150 3 1 1* 1* I! Haynes 7 HjllTiai. s,*a Monarch. Noms 13515 Belmont Ab2 3:57 fast 3-5 149 2 1 I V V Towers 5 T TUpwIllI . JimCoffth. Groui SEA MASTER, b. g. 5 149 By Seahorse II. — Teacher, by Greenan. Trainer. William Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmev. 7537! Pimlico 2 1-2 f.rOSVkslow 23-10 138 6 4 1«* !• N Kenndy 8 Huonorn. Briganna. Flying Frog 15308 1inilico 2 1-4 4:20 fast 6 5 139 6 6 7" 7" C Mergler 8 RoiCraig. Faskadale. Dble Tip 14940 Laurel 2 4:00 slop 2 138 8 6 4" 4« C Mergler 8 Damask. Duettiste, Musty 74465 Laurel 2 3:56 fast 27-10 142 4 2 21 2 N Kenn dy C Ross John. Leiterman. .1 Coffth 12988 .Saratoga Ab 1 4:20Vast 4 135 3 1 1» 1*1 C Mergler 0 Smangha. Ran page, IIldLight PARLAYS, ch. g, 5 139 By Trojan— Robinctta, by Fair Play. Formerly ran as Corse Pay ton. Breeder, J. T. Gwathmey. Trainer. J. H. Lewis. Owner, J. E. Widener. 73035 Saratoga Ab 1 4:24Vast 3 134 1 3 2* 2" B Kleeger 5 VoxPopuli II.. Re«arf, R. Garcon 71517 Aqueduct Ab21 5:04 slop 20 132 3 6 6« 6" J Pierce 6 OurBoots. Bullseic. laskH-uie 71281 Aquedui t Ab I 4:12Vast 7 132 2 6 6 62» J Pierce 6 Grenadier, Bullscye. Soumangha 70775 Belmont Ab I 3:54 fast 18-5 132 1 1 l1 1» J Pierce 7 Trcviscot. Ixtterman. Jigger 70267 l.elmont Ab 2 4:09 fast 9-10 130 6 4 5 6" R Oilbert Sweepnu nt. Peccant, oinique 4.9.37S Pimlico 2 4:02 fast 31-10 137 6 Fell. W Mohey 10 Brig.C.nernl. Treviscot, Chuckle 65263 Aqueduct 11-8 1:51 Vast 41 112 6 5 5 52 G W Carl! I Violinist. Recount. Coaler 65053 Belmont 1 lOslop 8 112 4 2 2* 1" G W Carll 9 Highspeed, UriilitStar, Csiflit ETHEREAL BLUE. br. f, 4 134 By Wrack— The Welkin, by Contract. Trainer. J. H. Lewis. Owner. J. E. Widener. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 75419 Pimlico 2 3 55 fast 7-6 137 5 Ran out.C Jones 6 AutnBelis. St.Lawrce, R kRass 74640 Laurel 2 3:57 Vast 4 130 3 1 I15 l2* C Jones 5 Graylette. P.on Garcon. Penllvn 73371 Belmont Ab 2 4 01 fast 12 130 4. Lost rider I Burgess 7 Pirate Cold, Grouch, KateODay 11235 Aqueduct ll:44Vlop 30 106 7 3 7 9" A Collins U SprdKaglc, Highlland. Cooncan 70557 Bclmnt 2-4 MC 1.13mud 15 96 6 8 8« 7» W Milner I Semel. Lady Hose, Valentia LOLLIPOP, ch. g, 5 139 By Ultimatum— Colleen, by Celt. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner. S. Ross. Breeder. S. Ross. 78554 H.deGce Ab 2 4:19 fast 10 136 7 3 L.rider C Smoot 8 Byng, Gold Foyle, Vicaire 18425 H.deGce Ab2 4:19 fast 6 139 5 4 P 3- W MameylOThe Trout. Gold Foyle, Corfie 75458 Pimlico 2 4:06Vsslop 7 136 4 6 41 5:" O Diamnd G Huonora. Itriganna. Minata 75253 Pimlico 2 3:59fast 10 141 10 Fell. A Campblll Dandy. Flying Frog. The Trout 74736 Laurel 2 3:52*irast 5 147 6 7 71 7"! ; Barrett 12 Itriganna. Hoi Craig, Gold Foyle 74515 Laurel Ab 2 3:35%fast 61 143 8 3 2» 21 I Barrett 10 Bed Clover. Beck. Flying Frog 74287 Laurel 2 3:57 fast 8 136 7 Fell. A Campbl 8 TheTiout. It. Clover. V.Populill. 74096 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:17riifast 6 137 4 2 I* 1» A Campb 1 C CreslHill. V.Populill., J.Cofoth PIRATE GOLD. br. g. 5 144 By Rock View— Gold, by Golden Garter. Trainer. V. Powers. Owner, Green tree Stable. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 75008 Laurel 2 ?■ :."i9mud 4 149 2 4 44 i* B Haynes • Faskadale. Itriganna. Chnckle 74605 Laurel 2 3:56V,fast 51 141 7 Fell. B Haynes 9 Musty. Double Tip, The Trout 74211 Woodne Ab 2 4:03-V.slow 7-5 142 1 3 11 l1 B Haynes 0 Mereiirius. H. Chances. Clgardic 73551 Belmor.t Ab 2 3:53?jfast 13-10 147 4 2 f 2» B Haynrs C, Ix»lli|M p. VoxPopulill.. Roulette 73371 Belmont Ab 2 4:01 fast 2-3 142 111*** B Haynes 7 Grouch. Kate ODay. Melun 71477 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:14?s.fast 3 110 7 4 4" 4" R MeanderlO Lrmsin. W.ofCtoman, Cniebert HOUYHNHNM. ch. g. 6 144 By Huon— Bobbinet, by Inverness. Trainer, J. T. Kermath. Owner, R. B. Strassburger:. Brooder. Madden and Hitchcock. 64975 B Bnnets 21 5:00 fast 21-10 141 3 2 3= 3;1 A Sims 7 Dandy. Courteous. Minata 64757 P. Con ts Ab 21 I OSV.fwst 6 136 6 2 2* 2 A Simms 7 Overmatch. Lieut. Seas, Dandy • 4150 Saratoga Ab 2 4:297r.good 9-10 144 3 1 Is t* B Haynes 3 Sea Monarch. Grenadier 64045 S.ir.iCK.i Ab 2 4:23 hvy 6 136 3 4 4* 3"! B Haynes 7 Soumangha. Lj lie. Comique 62715 y«ni dui t Ab 2 4 162tgood 41 144 2 3 31 37 W Jones | Faunus. Grenadier, Uoecreek 62607 B P. nnets Ab 2 4 04 fast 2 1531 1 t I** I** B Haynes 5 Overmatch, Minata. ButcherBoy 62301 BC nnets Ab2 4:06 fast 3 147 2 8 I 3 I Veitch Jr 3 Blighty II. Houyhn!imn JIMMY BOY. br. g. 12 141 By Goodrich— Judith Campbell, by Esher. Trainer. L. Feustel. Owner. R. Belmont. Breeder, J. W. Colt. 69569 In lints Ab3if s 41 fast 3 Kf 21 Belmont 5 II. Banking. FlashyJake. Sheila VOX POPULI II.. ch. g. 8 144 By Voter— Spumante. by Polymelua. Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. Owner. Dosoris Stable. Bred in France by J. Sanford. 75379 Pimlico I l-t .. niislow 34 139 7 6 L. rider B KTger 8 Sea Master. Huonora, Briganna 75253 Pimlico 2 3:59V.,iast 39 141 4 7 7 7;J B Kleeger 12 Dandy, Flying Frog. The Trout 74736 1-aurel 2 3 :523sfast 28 141 10 9 81 8° B Kleeger 12 Uriganna. Uoi Craig. Gold Foyle 74515 laurel Ab 2 3 .V.fast 6 137 10 7 6« C« B KleegerlO Bed Clover, Lollipop. Beck 74287 Laurel 2 3:37 fast 11 137 6 6 4 3 B Kleeger 8 The Trout. Bed Clover. Shoal 74096 Aqueduct Ab 2 4 :17fast 7 138 1 1 3 31 M OCon r C Lollipop, Crest Hill, J. Coffroth ALICE QUICKTHORN. ch. m. 6 137 By Minter— Fethema Bog. by Favonian. M Owner. B. J. Barrett. Bred in England by R. Espinosse. 70519 "naught Ab 2 iP-Jast 9 132 6 S 6" 5-3 O Diamnd 6 Tnspero, WrackGrass, Briganna HENRY DATTNER. br. g. 4 M 146 By Watervale— Alice Dale, by Allan-a-Dale. Trainer, J. P. Smith. Owner, Mrs. H. Dattner. Breeder. J. S. Wiggins. 7826G Bowie lm70y l:47%C*od 98 103 7 7 7 V* G Rose 7 Kama. Setting Sun. Opperman 75281 Pimlico 2 3:59 fast 9-10 140 2 2 •*• lJ C Mergler 4 To: Notch. BenTasker, St.Lawce 75225 Pimlico 2 4 01 mud 8-5 135 3 1 t* 2» C Mergler 9 Mercurius. Irish Jig. Aut. Bells 74817 Laurel 2 3 55 fast 9 133 6 2 2» 21 A Wliams 7 Damask. IrishJig. Hap.Chances 74640 1-aurel 2 3 67S..fast 1-5 133 1 Ran out. W Hunt 6 EtherIBlue. Craylette, B. Garcon 74369 1-aurei 2 SSVan 13-5 133 4 2 2" 21 J Pierce 7 Dan. Boone, Mercurius. Grouch 74102 HdeC.ce Ab2 4:04fast 18 133 2 2 21#»2" A Sims 6 Gold Foyle, Dist.Shore. Nouns 73896 II deG ce Ab 2 4 11 mud 30 110 7 9 V 9" J D Mney 6 Beck, Thane. Craylette HERRIARD. ch. g, 5 M 139 By Rol Herode — Watersplash, by Lavoco. Trainer. F. W. White. Owner. W. A. Read. Bred in England by W. H. Savill. 74817 Laur. : 2 :. 35 fast 68 147 3 6 6* 6" L Cheyne 7 Damask. Hen. Dattner, Irish Jig KNIGHT OF GREENANE, b. g, I 144 By The White Knight— Soldiers Daughter, by M General Symons. Trainer, V. Powers. Owner, Greentree Stable. Bred in England by Mrs. C J. Carroll. First Start. *%_,! n«pr 1 1-1G tlex. rt-year-old« auil upward. Claimins. May 10, OIU tlttOu 1! 1:44 2.-T* :t 107. NIGHT RAIDER, ch. g. 6 108 By Whisk Broom II.— Fly by Night II.. by Pttel Trainer. G. W. Campbell. Owner, G. W. Campbells Pan. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 78G20 II daOce 1 1-1 I tt%tmm 91 99 6 1 1 1* W Milner 10 LittleAnmiic. Kechbite, Roseate 78452 lid. Gee I 1-6 2,M%elU|l 6 105 4 6 6" 5* W Milner 7 Overtake. CotedOr. Bud. Kean 18384 Bowie 1 1-8 1:59 fast 7-10 100 6 4 2»* l1 L Ing 9 Bowsprit. Tromn, Thornliedge 1831: Bowie 1 1-8 1 59% fast 41 103 6 2 21 2" L Lang 30 Day Lilly. Tody. Hiekorv 78240 Howie lm70 1 5.* low 6 96 4 3 21 21 H Howard 8 OB thdav, B.fromllome. Spugs 75653 Bowie 11-1G15J slow 17 110 6 7 S« 7*1 J McTagtl2 Ilunholdt, WarFox, Ettahe OLD FAITHFUL, b. g. 6 108 Bv Horron— Srr.irr. by Carnage. Trainer. G W. Campbell. Owner. G. W. Foreman. Breeders. M. Young and J. B. Gorham. 78621 II . I sGce ll-itmtmM 41 109 6 9 71 5J| O Rose 11 Ilieko-y. AttyMuir. RoyalCroun 78573 II sMTed 1 3-16 2 00goofl 8 111 5 6 6» 541 F Sharpe 7 Royal Duck. Guelph, FreezySay 78531 II deCce 1 1-8 156HsIop 12 112 6 « 41 2» J H Burkel.l Siiperbiun. Rupee. AtfneyMuir 781.31 H.dc43*C6 1 3-1G VO*- slop 10 112 5 4 4« 4: K Sharpe .". Oi.elph. Fiosty Iiv. Majority 7833G Bowie 1 1 -•_ t:4t%taat 37-10 100 6 4 21 | |D Mergh r 7 Hickory, Tody. Bolster 78290 Bowie 1 3-15 I H«ifast 11 102 4 7 6"* 4»i W Vilner 8 Humboldt. Overtake. Bolster 78198 Bowie 1 1-8 1 T.9fast 13 108 5 6 6l 5= J ■ Scobie 10 Majority. Tody. FlyiDg Devil 7797G J.ffeison 1 1-v 1 SMB*JKsl 20 108 8 7 7l 6» II Stutts 9 LdWraek. Dunibfounder. KentL 77GSO I.Otmls 1 3 15 IOlgood 18-5 104 6 Bled. D Merglerll Huonec, The Archer. Gondolier • 77540 ICrmls I 1-3 ttfiftf— I 12 98 4 3 2| 2 D Mergler 9 Brunei!. Irish Pat, FreezySneeiy 77479 FGri.ds 118 1:57 slow 1-5 109 1 2 2» 1» H Stuttn 7 Our Biithday. Pete Foy. Chaplet ROSA VETA. ch. f, 4 107 By Sandbar — Hannah Louise, by Yellow Tail. Tiainer. M. Smart. Ownfr. Mrs. K. Smart. Breeder. Oak Hill Farm. 78557 Hdi; e 1 1-8 1 :53%fast 18 109 6 6 6« 6* E Barnes 7 Miiri.boldt Tt*J**sa, Marvld BMe 78617 H.de«ice 1 1-16 l:47Msgood 29f 110 10 2 3» Jl K Barnes 11 RoyceRoola, SsFlowr, FtyBov 78196 Bowie 61 f 1 r.Vast 31f 106 5 6 6* 6« K Lee 11 Sweepstakes, JuliaM., CareFree 75712 Bowie 1 1-IC 1 :.2 fast 8f 109 6 9 91 10" C Taylor 14 Ouecreek. Sedgef.eld. Rupee 75282 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 Vast H f HO 11 11 10» 8* J McTagtP. No«l. Marie Maxim. Ixx-h Ayr 74822 Laurel 1 1-8 1 :521,tast 12 107 1 4 7| 7*| Q Babin 8 Sog.Aroon. Gondolier. Belphrisia 74667 I-iur. 1 1-4 1 13*: fast -5 114 10 7 6 1 1* B Marinelli 10 Uuinham. Sea-Wolf. TheFeniao 1 BLUEMONDALE, br. c. 3 M 89 By Ormondale— Lou Blue, by Ogden. Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner, J. Arthur. Breeder, H. Jones. 78617 HdeCVe lm7y 1 45t.fa.st 13 112 4 1 4 61 A Abel 10 BtOOSa field. Sunshot. HazvDawn , 78530 U.tWOeO 1 1-IC l:49Sslop 117 100 4 2 2» 3«J A Abel 6 Attilia, Cuelnli. Valor 78448 lid. Gee 3-4 1:lGVdop 128 lit 8 6 1* l A Abel 11 loppliant. ;old Bug. Handsome , 78365 Bowie 61 f 1:09Vast 23f 116 12 » t 10*1 G Walls 13 Just. Haughty l.-uH . Conscript 76563 FGr nds lm70y 1 47«»,fast 30 87 7 7 l 7" G Noel 8 Tulane. Fleeting, l.er.dita 76386 Jefferson 1-4 1:15 good 60 »» » • «» 9« P Grosser 10 Welcome. Bigwig, MissFortune , 76020 Jefferson 6| f 1 :10*tslow 15 115 9 » 9 811 ■ Scobie » Ti I I p. Bi.glei. BarU-rry 76631 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast 12f 112 14 15 10 11". I Wallace II Buck. U kulla. Lap deBnante , 76123 Itonia 3-4 1:13Hgood 7 115 7 8 11 11" K Scobie II Horga-i. Miildiaugh. alvin 74769 Latonia 61 f l.o;fast 9f 112 9 12 8 8" ■ Scobie 12 Wong i.ok. ■tatty, Blue Whit* 1 BOUNCE, ch. g, 5 110 By Bard of Hope— Elasticity, by Aeronaut. Trainer. H. I. Kennedy. Owner. Mrs. H. J. Kennedv. Breeder. K. N. Giluin. 78061 Havana 11-2 2:36 good 15 106 7 4 4« 6* K Woodk 12 Flyingpriner HillinanC Hnen 1 77967 Havana 1 1-4 2 10% mud 12 109 « 7 «• «" A Yerrat 8 Ilillmaii C . ;randson, M.Librty ■ 77S26 Havana 1 1-1 1 :M fast 10 167 4 9 »• t1* F WocBlklO llalu. Sniwrior. S|K rtiboT 97767 Havana 11-16 1:47 fast 16 113 4 4 4« 4| K WoodklOKye Bright. Superior. Halu 77681 Havana 11-16 1:49 fast 16 110 T T 1* 6*1 A Yerrat 9 Grandson. Superior. Acoeta 77131 Havana 11-16 1:48 fast 12 110 10 10 10 HO* A Yerrat 12 Fincaxtle. Approval Cap. Adams t 17286 Havana 1 1 16 IS*, good 4 112 * 4 6« 4*| A Yerrat 7 Nig. Cabin Creek. Fanuie Nail SEA MONARCH, ch. g. 6 113 Bv Seahorse II.— Mollie Richards, by Star Shoot. Trainer. T. J. Donahue. Owner, Mrs. T. J. Donahue. Breeder. J. T. Gwathmey. 78380 Howie »:; f l:2o%fast 17 108 8 10 85 8" W Milner 10 Sweepstakes, SeaSand. Warning- 78288 Howie 7-8 1 ::8%fast 67 105 9 6 51 5! H Hre"ningll Jewell V. I., Despair. Julia M. 75813 Howie 1 IS L:00%mud 16f 104 9 1 1» l1 W Milner U TheForeigner, WessieB . Toodles 317S4 Howie 1 1-16 1 :."lfast 41 107 7 5 V 43 T Finn 12 Marie Maxim. War lox. Sling 7." 687 Bowie I t-1 1 :,9%fast 5 108 3 4 31 21 W Milner HI Majority. Austral. Bowsprit 75G31 Howie 1 3-1G LOCHfast 18 107 7 6 4 5» W Miln"r 1 1 Anaprisa, Bonfire, Old Faithful 755G3 Mlborn lni70 I 56 good 12 102 6 1 I*-1* W Milner 7 Old Timer. Rekal.. Kl Jesmar 75420 Pimlico 1 1-1 l:BftfMt 11 120 6 6 7 S" D Levistn 8 N. Wales, P.y Jiminy, N. Raider SAM SMITH, b. c. 3 M 94 By George Smith— Nethersole, by Tournament. Trainer. F. Harrington. Owner. W. H. Snyder. Breeder. W. C. Patterson. 7828ft Bowie t* f 1 :22.fast 31f 1"0 Lost rid. r. D Mergler II JkScot. Ilklel. " Finn. FarKast 73103 Saratoga 6| f 1 :0CVifat,t 20 110 11 9 10,; ! J L Fator 11 Ormesvale. BrCr:i s. R.andRye 12829 Saratoga 51 f 1 :07 fast 20 112 14 10 9J 9i M Garner 14 Convent, Mitau. Apology 72309 Kmpiro 51 f 1 :08Vifa«t 30 1091 9 7 6" 6*1 C Ponce 12 Simeon. MaryAgnes. Lit. Thistle 72087 Kmpire i| f LOTfast 15 112 19 9 61 7»4 F ColletUll Sligo, Marv Agne-. Henry J. 71994 Empire 51fl:09%fast 12 10218 8 81 V C Taylor 9 Furor, Cnrley. Damage 71814 Empire 51 f 1 :073andiast 25 100 6 6 611 6» C Taylor 10 Soubrctte. Furor, Little Thistle RUFUS, b. e. 3 M 102 By Ed Crump— Ruth Strickland, by Ciar. Trainer. J. Hastings. Owner. Mrs. K. E. Hitt. Bieeder. Mrs. K. E. Hitt. I 72811 Saratoga 5J f 1:07 fast 100 115 4 13 13 13" J CorcornlG H.T. Waters, Baparte. Hrmore • 1 , , , , 1 1 ■ t Al DA PC "— I Mile. Jen 11 iii as Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Nov. fill nttOU « 1J2*J 1:11 Z 128. GOSHAWK, blk. c. 4 119 By Whisk Broom II.— Dovelet, by Peter Pan. Trainer. C. H. Shilli-e. Owner, G. A. Cochran. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 75441 Pimlico 3-4 LllVast 1-2 107 1 1 2- 21 F Hstings 7 Avisack, ■ Msssm lull . B. Beall 75256 Pimlico 3 4 l:12%ant 6 127 1 1 lJ 2" T McTagt 4 Bunting. G. Thatcher. S.s Alley 73346 Belmont 3-4 MC LlOSfcfast 2 125 2 2 3i 5*1 C Kummer ." Fair Phantom, Runviso. Dunlin 73008 Saratoga 3-4 1:ll%fast 1 133 2 2 2» 2=1 C Kummer 0 Fair Phantom. Bigheart, Dongee 726G9 Saratoga 3-4 l:ll%fast 2-5 119 1 1 Is l1 C Kummer 8 Wellfinder, Ddlock, Diniesdale INDIAN TRAIL, b. c. 4 105 By Delhi— Galaxy, by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. V. Walsh. Owner. J. S. Ward. Breeders. Gallaher Bros. 75455 Churchill 3-4 l:ll%fast 28 107 4 3 4 4* G W Croll 7 Ardacious. Dr Hickman. Pegasus 75160 Ijitonia 3 4 111%fast 10 110 5 3 4= 4JJ E Pool 6 Best Love, Sweetheart. Pegasus 75092 Iatonia 3 4 1:13%hvy 8-5 10S 3 2 P 1" E Pool I Pindar Peel. Best Pal. Pegasus 74690 Latonia 3 4 1:11 fast 20f 111 9 11 9- 1071 11 J Hmkel2 Dr.IIkman. Ten-I.e . Sw theart 74510 latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 15 112 9 2 P 77 D Connllv «» Pegasus. Ten ! ••. llerenoii 74412 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 2 113 5 6 4: 4;1 D Connlly « Pegasus, A.BIucGovvn. Tend Seth 74111 Lexgton 3-4 1 :13%mud 41 109 2 3 21 2s D Connlly 1 Sweetheart, Ten I,ee. Marv. May 73175 Saratoga 3-4 I lUfclJ 4 111 4 2 21 1" L McAtee 4 F. Phantom, Silk Tassel. Biases WORTHMORE, ch. c, 3 1C7 By Thunderer— Lady Moonet, by Dick Welles. Trainer. W. V. WaBh. Owner. J. S. Ward. Bieeder. W. E. Walsh. 75555 Churchill 1 1 :37%fast 1-3 122 7 3 51 8,: F Smitn 10 W.Cnselr. MadPlay. Chilhowee 75435 Churchill 7 8 1:25 fast 21 120 1 1 21 41 J D M*neyl2 Glide. Lord Martin. Chilhowee 74112 Lexgton FCl:ll%mud 21 122 1 2 11 1IW Kelsay 12 Sa.vno. Black Col. I. Sun Flag 73906 Uxton %i f 1:0? hvy 2 US 1 1 2» 2* W Kelsay 4 BlackCold. Beau. Agnes. Ojiaver 73687 Lexgton 51 f 10 !%fast 6 111 2 2 1» P W Kels.ay 5 Black Gold. Alchemy. Shindy 71714 Latonia 51 f 1 :09 hvy 1 118 1 1 P 2°" W Kelsay 5 Chilhowee, Valley Light. Shindy 71642 Latonia Mf l:fast 2.-10 107 1 1 11 l| W Kelsay 7 BlkGold, Chilhowte. Delectable 71425 Latonia 3-4 1:12%good 28-5 118 4 1 2 4*1 W Kelsay 12 W.Csel or. BlackGol.. Befuddle 71172 Latonia 6-8 69 fast 11-5 117 5 1 2» 2= W Kelsay 11 WiseCnsellor. Hunter. BkCold 71034 Latonia 5-8 1 :00%f ast 3-5 115 4 2 l1 1" W Kelsay I Will Land. Hunter. Paloina 67877 F.Grnds 3-8 34%fast 2 106 1 I* * W Kelsay 11 Edna V.. Black Gold. Bamra BIG BLAZE, b. e, 1 108 By Campfire — Queen of the Hills, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer. G. R. Tompkins. Owner. Glen Riddle Farm. Breeder. R. H. McC Potter. 75442 Pimlico 1 1 :39%fast 7 117 4 3 3 P E Legere IS S.Norris. I.jRelle. ll.T.Watera 75132 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 14-5 11C 4 I 4»» In* E Sande !i Modest. Aga Khan. Gonfalon 75039 Launl 1 1 :42mud 2 MB I 1 l» If J Callahan 8 MintBriar. Tm nberi v. ChiCurry 74670 Laurel 3-4 l:12%fast 5 103 5 4 3* 5"* J Callahan 7 Ilildnr. Silk Tassel. Reparation 73823 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fetast 2 112 9 4 P 22 C Kummetl.t I.ordBaltimorell.. Rinkey. Briee 73221 Saratoga 3-4 1 :12£good 30 130 6 11 P 9rl A Schtgrlo Diogenes. Brncadale. Sunspero 72957 Saratoga 3-4 1:12 fafct 7-5 117 1 2 4: 4*1 C Lang 0 Elvina, Sunspero, Befuddle LORD BALTMORE II., ch. c, 3 109 By Trap Rock— Federal Girl, by Ult:mus. Trainer. Win. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 75631 Bowie 3-4 l:13%fast 7 100 7 1 81 10,J B MrincllilO Stannix. Pandowdy. Cyclops 75590 Bowie 61 f 1 OHfast 61 120 3 1 2- 3J C Lang 7 T. Exposure. Eagiet. Donaghee 75442 Pimlico 1 I.P%tos4 7 112 6 10 12 12" C Lang 13 S.Ntrris. Ijidylielle. Bigltlase 75311 Pimlico 1 1 :39%fast 24 119 2 5 6 1315 C Lang 10 Beau Butler. Rustic. Aga Khan 75132 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 8 120 1 1 6s 65J C Lang 0 Big Blaze. Modest. Aga Khan. 74983 laurel 3-4 1 :14%good 1 123 1 1 l1 11 C Lang 7 Ltherwood. Snppiant. Col West 74696 Laurel 61 f 1:06 fast 2 98 4 5 5 5« J Callahan ." Heeltaps. Billv Kellv, Couiixi 73823 H.deGVe 3-4 l:13%fast 4 114 2 2 l2 l1 C Lang 13 BigBlaze. Rinkev. Briee 73671 Belmont 3-4 1:10%fast 15 124 7 18 19! 16" C Lang 19 St. James, Fluvanna, Sun Pal SENATOR NORRIS, br. c, 3 108 By Cudgel — Cypher Code, by Disguise. Trainer, H. G. Bedwell. Owner, Kenton Stable. Breeder, H. G. Bed well. 7867 7 Seo todays chart. 78473 H.deGce 3-4 l:14%hvy 9 110 1 5 51 2" E Scobie G LdGrsnite. Swgalong. Sh Along 75442 Pimlico 1 l:39%fast 15 112 10 6 61 1» B Mrinelli!3 LyBelle. BigBlaze. II T Waters 75311 Pimlico 1 l:39%fast 14 122 4 4 51 6"i J Butwell 1ft BeauButler. Ru tie. Aga Khan 75190 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast 6f 120 3 1 11 l1 J Butwell 11 Pepp, Memento, II ir at Law 74816 Iaurel 51 f l:07%fast 31 115 7 5 51 5J J Chlmersll Beau Nash, B.Belued. Diiector 74474 Thcliffe 61 f 1.07%fast 1 1C6 4 4 2= 2"t G Corey S Ombrnge. Al Hotfoot. Impissible 74376 Thcliffe 6| f l:08 sfast 1-2 103 6 2 21 33 G Fields 10 Saiko, Onibrage, Impossible GOLDEN RULE, b. c, 4 112 By Wrack— Golding. by Flint Rock. Trainer. H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. L. Ross. Breeder. Mrs. L. Viau. 78593 H.doGt e 1 1-16 1:45 fast 4 113 1 1 Is l1 P Walls 7 Klondyke. Gonfalon. Sarko 78514 H.deGce lm70y lgood 3 108 1 1 l2 l2 P Walls 7 G donBillows. MintoII.. Sg Sun 75382 Pimlico lm70y 1:45 mud 8 104 5 2 22 221 B Marinelli 6 Reparation, Transom. Simsini 75342 Pimlico 11-16 1:46 good 6 105 6 2 3* 45J C Lang 1 Wilkes Bane. MissCrina. Failh 75285 Pimlico 1 1-4 2:06Hfast 3 106 7 9 10 10 • C. Babin 10 Homestretch. Gadfly. T. Minutes 75195 Pimlico 11-8 1:52 fast 5 110 4 2 21 2» C Lang I ShnfAlonc. II Prime W.-Barre 751G3 Laurel 1 1-4 2:04 fast 19 96 10 9 10 10« S WliamalO Rialto. Dunlin, My Dear SHUFFLE ALONG, br. g, 4 110 By Luke McLuke— Black Brocade, by Neil Gow. Trainer. J. W. Healy. Owner. A. C. Bostwick. Breeders. J. O. and G H. Keene. 78473 H.deGce 3-1 l:14shvy 2 117 3 1 11 4J F Stevens G I. dCranite. Sen.Norris. Sgalong 78404 H.deGce 3-4 1:12 fast 10 114 2 1 l1 2» F Stevens 11 FlintSe. Swingtr. Newllampre 75593 Bowio 1 1-8 l:56%fast 16 114 1 1 3 7"! E Kummer 9 King S.s Seal. Dunlin. Fgstaff 75439 Pimlico lm70y 1 -43%fast 9-10 123 4 1 2l 5*1 E Kummer ft MissCerina. SettingSim. Cvclops 75313 Pimlico lm70y l:42«4faat 6-5 110 2 1 I1 1" E Kummer » Kxodus. G.Thateher. Reparation 75195 Pimlico 11-8 1:52 fast 1-2 106 3 1 Is Is E Kummer 5 Col. Rule. H. Prince, Wilk. Barre 74930 Belmont 1 1-16 1 :46»tslop 4-5 111 1 1 l2 2? K Kummer 3 Simsini. Uoonrnaker 74739 Laurel 1 l:38Vtfaat 11-10 119 4 1 l2 l| E Kummer 7 Reparation. S. Thistle. Transom SUN FLAG, b. c, 3 108 Bv Sun Briar— Private Flig, by Hamburg;. Trainer. C. H. Shilling. Owner. G. A. Cochran. Breed?r. W. S. Kilmer. 75442 Pimlico 1 1 :29%fast 9 115 I 4 63 :,» G Babin 1.1 S.Norris. I.ady Belle. Big Blaie 75355 Pimlico 3-4 1:13%mud 2| 119 5 3 3» P E Sande 7 Runningwild. II. T. Waters, Briee 75311 Pimlico ll:39%fast 9 119 13 12 13" 15" L Fator 11 Beau Butler. Rustic. Aga Khan 74931 Belmont 3-4 MC 1:12 slop 2 110 2 2 1" 1"* L Fator s NellieMorse, Fahan. Rinkey 74112 Lexgton FC l:ll%mud 6f 12! 9 9 52 4rl E Sande 1: Uorthir.ore. Sayno. Bla k tiold 73671 Belmont 3-4 1 :K%fast 7 119 15 11 12110" C KummerlP St.Iaines. Fluvanna, Sun P..I 73348 Belmont 51f MC 1 :04fast 13-5 112 1 3 3s 3i C Kummer 8 II. Thoughts, Lidkin. Swingalong 73221 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%good 6-5 115 8 6 5l 6aJ C Kummerl,". Diogenes. P.racadale. Sunspero 72992 Saratoga 61 f 1 :06%fast 1 115 2 2 11 1* C Kuminerl2 Bracadale. BonnieOmar. Goldmr 72725 Saratoga 3-4 l:ll?kfast 12 122 2 2 21 21 C Kummer 8 St. James. Diogenes. Husky 72672 Saratoga 61 f l:06Hfast 9-5 115 3 11 2" C KummorlS Klondike. Fly By, II. T. Waters 72522 Saratoga 3-4 l:!2fast 7 112 4 3 3 il C KummerlO St. James, Mino, Gold Bug SUNSPERO. b. e. 8 103 By Sun Briar— Espero, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. C. H. Shilling. Owner. G. A. Cochran. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 75440 Pimlico 1 l:39Hfasi 24 112 2 1 21 2 F Collottil2 Stanwix. Mr. Mutt, Mad Play 75311 Pimlico 1 l:39*fast 9 119 3 2 3» 8«J A Johnson 1ft Bean Butler. Rustic, Aga KhaaW 74112 Uxgton FC l:ll*4mud 5f 122 8 8 41 6*1 F Hstings!. Worthu.ore. Sayno, Black Cold I 73671 Belmont 3-4 l:10*fcfaat 7 117 14 10 81 II" C Turn r St.Janies, Fluvanna, Sun Pal 73553 Belmont 7-8 l:24*fcfast 6 119 4 2 2« 32 C Kummer ! Sarazen, Aga Khan. S. and SpaBlj 7 3221 Saratoga 3-4 l:12**Kood 6-5 122 5 3 31 32 J Callahanl". Dio-enes, Bracadale, St. JamelM 73105 Saratoga 8-4 l:ll%fast 3-5 114 3 2 l|l|C Kummer .". Sun Pal. Aga Khan, Tester | 72957 Saratoga 3-4 1:12 fast 3 113 6 4 31 2 C Kuiiinur I Elvina. Befuddle. Big Blaze 72892 Saratoga 61 f l:0;5»fast 31 115 1 1 1* 1» C Kummerll JanetBlair, Stanwix, Smu.ng DIOGENES, ch. c, 3 109 By Ballot— Smoky Lamp, by Plaudit. ,• Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner. Mrs. W. M. Jeffcrds. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. I 75311 Pimlico 1 1 :39%fast 11 122 14 13 11 10" C Robsonlft Beau Butler. Rustic. Aga Kliasl 73671 Belmont S-4 1 :10«*fast 10 127 5 9 9 8*1 A Johnsonl! St.Janies. Fluvanna. Sun Pal 73221 Saratoga 3-4 l:12good 10 115 2 4 4 in C Ponce |3 Bracadale. Sunspero, St. Jamea 72725 Saratoga 3-4 LIPkifast 15 122 7 6 52 321 L Fator 8 St. James. Sun Flag, Huskv 71418 Aqueduct 3-4 1 LHfast 3-2 115 1 2 2 3 L Morria ft TMnute. I.dBtiniorell. . T.WMd 71201 Aqueduct 6 8 69 4fast 1-3 115 4 2 2 1 L Morris 12 Marie Maitin. Huskv. Check 70986 Aqueduct 6-S 1 :00:»ifast 1-2 115 6 4 32 3| L Morris 12 Infinite. Rustic. Huon Pine COMIXA, br. f, 4 108 By Colin— The Mi x II.. by Irish Lad. Trainer. J. F. Schorr. Owser. E. B. McLean. Breeder. E. E. McLean. 78591 HdeC.ce 3-4 LllVast 6 106 7 3 21 3J L McAtee 12 Macln. Newllpshire, Wellfder 78404 H.deGce 3-4 1:12 fast 4f 100 I 3 P| 61 F I ee 11 FlintSe, Sliuffl. Atig. Swingng 75312 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast 15 106 5 2 21 621 T Finn 1 Chan plain. Wellfind-r. Keylanie 75196 Pimlico 3-4 1:ll%fast 5 108 2 1 21 22 L McAtee ft Hildur. ChauipUiin lilueiiont 75131 Laurel 3-4 l:12%fast 4 105 3 2 2* 21 L McAtee ft Wellfinder. llildr.r Blazes 74696 Iaurel 61 f 1:06 fast 9 107 3 1 U 3 L McAtee I Heiltaps, Billy Kellv. Oceanic 74467 I-aurel 3-4 1:12Vast 6 109 2 3 3» 4SJ C Lang .".Silk Tassel. Hildur. Reparation 74290 Laurel 3-4 LllVast 30 100 1 2 4" tl J Callahan 8 S.sAlley, SilkTasl, N.Hpahire I STRUT MISS LIZZIE, ch. f, 3 97 By Everest— Molly Reach, by Out of Reach. Trainer. C. H. Douglass. Owner. S. H. Dudley. Breeders. A. E Hundley and Son. 75630 Bowie 3-4 1:13Vast 10 112 S 9 6 1 5«1 C Lang 9 I -opar less. Exploit. Mar.Martin 175441 Pimlico 3-4 LllVast 13 *3 5 3 3" 3« G Bond 7 Avisack. Goshawk. Betty Beall I 75011 Laurel 1 l:4tftmud 11 91 4 4 4 4* G Bond 4 Maxima*-. Sun Thistle. Rialto I 74861 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast • 112 3 3 3* 3«| P Walls 4 Sunayr MissWhisk. Remnant I 74607 Laurel 1-4 l:12Vast 31-10 112 2 6 7 7| G Babin I Sunny Sal Cockney, Jimaon 74516 Laurel 61 f 1:07 Vaat » 112 3 1 1 1» P Walls 9 OffColor. K Ransom. V.Princeea WELLFINDER. ch. g. 6 108 By Broomstick— Wonder, by Disguise. Trainer. R. I. Miller. Owner, Mrs. R. I. Miller. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 78676 See todays chart. 78591 H deG cc 3-4 LllVast 18 19 1 2 4» 4 | J Smwodl2 Ma lean. Newllpshire. Con.ua 75809 Bowie 61 f 121%mud 11 111 2 4 5« 6» J Small wd 11 Nod, FredericktoM n, 1 1. d Jewel 75744 Bowie 61 f 1 : 20 Vast 10 104 1 4 6 4» J Smwod ft Braeadale. Stanwix. Cliamplain 75663 Bowie 61 f 1:21 good 16 109 1 7 7» 6« F Thdvke 8 Tester. Hidden Jew. I Champln 75631 Bowie 3 4 l:13Vast 20 114 1 2 2 4»| F ThdykelO Stanwix, Pandowdv. Cv. lo|.a 75591 Bowie 61 f 1:20 Vast 12 111 1 4 41 6i F listings S Aisack, Tester. Mercury BATSMAN, ch. c, 3 99 By Hourless— Bridlewise. by Tracery. Trainer. E. W. Fox. Owner, Crown Point Stable. Breeder. Nurterv Stud. 78528 H.deGce 3-4 1 15Vs.slop 41 Ml « « 6" T Wilson ft L.C.ranite, Heel a-.s. Dominique 75683 Bowie 61 f 1 20 Vast 16 112 3 4 9 9" E Ambrose 9 Miss Whisk. Exploit. Sarko 75612 Bowie 61 f 1 :07 fast 10 118 2 6 6 7»1 ■ AmbroseI3 M. Whisk. A.Ben Alidem. Maclean 75340 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 good 14-5 117 111 l| E Ambrose! 1 AB.Ahdein. B Omar. B Ruchan 75129 Laurel 3 4 LllVast 66 110 1 2 2"» 2» E Ambrosclii l-ealherwood. Huskv Jimaon 75009 laurel 6 8 LOOHmud 9 108 6 4 4* 41 E Kummer 3 T Exposure. Y.Pneeas. Cmkney 74939 laurel 3-4 1 15 slop I 115 1 1 1 1« E Ambrose 7 AgaKhan, Suppliant. Warreutoa 74816 laurel II f 1 :07 Vast 37-10 115 2 2 2k 41 E Ambrosell Benu Nash. B.llelovid. Director 73761 Aqueduct 6 8 1:01 fast 10 107 8 t 8 7 E Legtre 9 II. Domino. Raljl-anc. Hmorette VALADOR. ch. c, * 107 By Short Grass— Cheer, by Plaudit. Trainer. T. Koran. Owner. W. L. 8. Martin. BT«"le Short Grass Stud. "5724 Saratoga 1 1 ZI%fa.nl 11-5 115 6 5 4 3«J J Callahan « TenMinutcs. S. Quest, Swpstnkes 72621 Saratoga 1 l:37«Afast 15 112 2 6 41 3* J Callahan 9 Rialto, Shuffle Along, roily Ann "2523 Saratoga 1 3 16 1 : 944fast .J 111 2 6 7 8" J Callahan S Martingale. Moonruker. Dunlin 7*467 Saratoga 1 1 .39*4good 6-5 113 3 3 3» 2»* J Callahan ■ Glentilt. Sun.sini. Body Guard 71095 Aqueduct 1 1 16 l:45%faat 4-5 111 4 2 2» 2| J Callahan 6 AnttiinnltelM. Hyperion, Pketer 70816 IVImnnt I 1 It 1 NXfMI 4-5 110 1 1 ll 1*1 J Callahan 3 Hyperion, Hell Gate 70693 Belmont 1 1:41 mud 6 10S 4 2 21 1J .1 Callahan 9 Aut. Bells, Doiigligan. A.Amcrn •16594 Pimlico 3 4 1:12 fast 13 107 7 • and« iJ J Callahan lu Boys Believe Mo, Crochet, Rigel ROLAND, b. e, 3 M 90 By Sweep — Taplola, by The Commoner. Trainer. R. I. Miller. Owner, Mrs. R. I. Miller. Breeder. H. F. Sinclair. 78569 11 deGce 54 f l:06Hfirood S3 104 4 2 1 2* J Stnwoii 7 l.ion dOr. KingsRam, FrankG. 75775 Howie 3-1 l:15%mud 76 115 8 8 6* 6 7 D Stirling 10 Director. Sledge. Geld Bng T568I H. wie 3-4 l:14«i,fast 64 116 6 8 8 S** G Bubin 9 Maxie. Catalan, Gold Bug 7 16:59 laurel r.J f 1 :06%fast T;13 115 7 12 12,012* J Chalniersl.1 T.Kxposurt-, Pris Rulcy. R.Nash 74563 Laurel CJ f 1 :08 fast 400 115 12 12 12 ll11 J Chain. ersl2 Whiskalg. II -at Law. Supplnt 73036 Saratoga . i f 1 06 fast 15 110 15 15 15 15* L Fator 15 Appellate. Squires, Hucn Tine 72989 Saratoga 51 f 1 :06%f aat 20 1C6 11 13 13 11* L Fator 15 Suul -ail . Postillion, PhoebeSnoT CHAMPLALN, b. h, 5 108 By Rapid Water— Bettic Rercaud. by Jean Bereand. Trainer. J. H. Statler. Owner. J. H. Stotler. Breeder, G. W. J. Bissell. 78676 Baa todays chart. 78591 11 d-Gco 3-4 ItlUfaat 16 104 8 8 a1 5»J G Fields 12 Maclean. NewIIpshire, Comixa 78528 Il.dcGVo 3-4 1 15Vvdop 16 112 5 5 41 4*| L Morris ft L Granite, Heeltaps. Dominique 78404 H.diGc" 1-41:11 fast 34 108 1 10 10« 9" ■ Scobie 11 FlintSe, Shuf ric.Vug. Swingng 75778 Howie 1 1 16 1:5Imud 6 119 2 2 21 V* Q Habin ■ Ko:cstI.ore. Solisa, Shamrock 75744 Howie 6 f 1 :20 %fast 6 107 2 2 21 31 H Thomas • Bracadale. Stanwix. Wc. Hinder 75663 Bowie. 61 f 1 :2I good 11 108 6 3 3* ft* B Marinclli 8 Tester, Hidd. n.Iewel. Pandowdy 7 5631 Howia 3-4 l:13Vifaat 23 114 9 9 9* 8»J C Lang 10 Stanwix, random dy, Cyclops COCKNET. ch. c, 3 102 By Grest Britain— LAvenir. by Rabelais. Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner. Mrs. W. M. Jeffords. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. 75226 Iimlico 3 4 1 :13*4mud 8 117 1 4 4« 4i C Robson 6 Gonfalon, Aga Khan. Sunayr 75009 laurel | 8 1 OOmud 4 113 4 3 S* £»1 G Rabin 9 T. Exposure, Y.Pncesa, Batsman 7477* laurel 34 113 fast 9-5 112 3 2 2»* 2nk o Habin 7 Gonfalon, Modest, Sunmagne 74607 Laurel 3-4 1 :12«*fast 4 110 5 3 3n* 2* L McAtce S Si.nny Sal. Jimson. Ruddy Lieut 72623 Saratoga 3 4 1 12«4fast 4 115 8 6 7* 6» C Kummer 8 Parasol, Blvina, Big Blase 71633 Aqueduct E -ft 1 :00 fast 6-5 118 3 3 3» 2J L Morris ft Baby I.ane. Polynesia. Anna 71421 Aqueduct 5-8 69ast 13 10 116 1 5 31 2* L Morris 8 Donnelly, Check. McAuliffe DINNA CARE, ch. g. 7 113 By Superman— Dinawiek, by ChUdwlck. Trainer. G. R. Tompkins. Owner, Glen Riddle Farm. Breeder, H. T. Oznard. 71165 Aqueduct 11:37 fast 10 111 5 5 4l 51 C Kummer 8 Zcv, Dunlin. Nedna 70200 Belmont 11:38 fast 20 107 7 5 4* 2« S Pullman 7 Grey Uig. F.xodus, Carefnl • 9655 Iimlico 1 1-16 1 :4.VHfast 7 110J 1 3 2»* 3» A Johnson 6 Hunting. Kxodus, June Grasa «:9580 Pfillra ::-4 1 llfast 11-10 111 3 1 lak » G Kummer 1 Cliamplain. Ilildur. Exodus 69152 H deG ce 3 4 1:12?ifast 8-5 114 S 2 1» 1» C Kummer 8 Lion dOr. Itroomster, regasns SARKO. br. c. 3 103 By Voorhees— Egeria. by Ethelbert. Trainer. H. G. Bed well. Owner, Kenton Stable. Breeder, A. B. Spreckels. 78677 Set todays chart. 78618 H doGcs lm70y l:43%fast 6 110 3 3 3» 3«i E Scobie 5I ronardG.. Modest. Heir at-Law 78593 II deCVo 11-16 1:45 fast 7 107 2 4 4 14"G Fields 7 Golden Rule. Kl mlyke, Gonfan 78515 H.leGce lmTOy l:14I4good 13-5 ftM I 1 23 21 E Scobie 4 Modest. Suppliant, A. J. Hnja 78172 KilPdre 3-4 l:15%hvy 1-2 HI 1 2 21 2»- 1 7 BcoMa 4 VkeeHcess. HuonPine, ftmfld 78403 H.4aO*oa 3-4 l:12Sfa»t ■ 1«8 1 2 ft* I" ■ Scobie 6 Margin. Donngiiee, KingsKanni 75743 Howie 3-4 1 :13-fast 11 104 5 1 I1 l* i Fields 8 Tester. Donagliee, II. T. Waters 756K3 Howio ft f l:20%fast 16 112 5 5 41 S*| H Mariiulli 9 M.WIiisk. l.xploit. MarieMartin 75662 Howio 61 f l:21Vs*ow 22 105 4 3 31 t*| H Marinelli I Itiacadale. HT Waters, Tr.Top 75612 Howie 51 f 1:07 fast 13 108 7 4 4* 4» J CorcoranlS M.WIiisk. A HeaAhdeia. Maclean DIGIT, b. c. 3 102 By Ultimas — Miss Valens. by Valena. Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner, Seagram Stable. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 78676 Se.. todays chart. 78591 BLtftaCPea 3-4 111%fast 16 98 9 4 10 12» T Wilson 12 Maclean. NewIIpshire, Comixa 71172 I.atonia f. S 59 fast 12 119 6 5 8» S5 J H Burkell WieCVellor, Wthmoie. Hunter 70703 I-itonia 5 S 1 :01r islow 3-5 114 3 1 l*|l*|J H Hurko ft Orilll. Col. Jilmore, Hob Tail 70208 Chqi.hill 41 f Eft* fast 7-10 115 1 1 Ill2 A .lohison 6 K:i: 1 Pool, Dob Tail. Sarah Day 70012 hurt hill 41 f 53 fast 46 122 6 2 I» 3«| J H Hurke 9 HlackC.old. TS. Jordan, R.Caliill 69766 Lexgton 41 f :6H,hvy 4-5 US 1 1 U 1» C Ponce 8 S. Kliaabeli. Welcome. Sp. Hose 69697 Lexgton 12 47.fast * 122 4 t ft* l*ft W Kelsay 7 Edna V., ISlack Gold, RlackSatin nth RAPF 1-3 M,, 2- car-olda. Claiming. May 1, lf 2 47 3-5 2 NIGHT SHADE, b. f. 2 104 By Campfire— Montrosa, by Plaudit. Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner. R. T. Wilaon. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 78308 Howie 1 2 :49 fast 9f 104 9 1 tft 1* ■ Mrinoll.ll H Ilarrar, Parm Belle. R.Wfrey 78239 Howio 1 2 50 slow Sf 11! 8 5 :V «* H Hell 8 Hotlier, T.jdUenesor, P.nicellrar 7 7971 Jefferson 1-2 49mud 10 109 11 11 ll1 ll« H Mrinellil3 M.timigle. Hrnlrout, Lit Jim my 77617 FGrnds 31 f 41=ifast lfi-5 115 5 4» 4«1 J Wallace 13 P.rnTrout, HellelL. Lit.Iinmi 77254 FGrnils 31 f 42 fast 11-5 115 4 11 2s J CorcoranlS leor Kose. Span Name. MillieG. 76942 F.Grnds 2-8 36 good 31 115 4 21 2* H StutLs 10 ItytJoogle, DeanlL, D.E.Stewart FOTLE. b. f, 2 103 By Lough Foyle— Ectelle H.. by Sir Dixon. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner, J. P. Mayberry. BreeHer w. Garth. 78378 Howie 1-2 49 fast 1 1C9 3 1 1| 2* Ii Lang 8 nillWinfrey, Pmneer.elle. Roli 78262 Paaiia l-ft 495bgoo.l 6-5 106 4 1 ll 1* L I-ang 12 Kumonin. Roller. Helen Condn 78225 Lowie 12 4JSslow 11-5 102 1 1 1- 2! J Shanks IS H.W frey. I inaclieneeBle, Eft ARBITRATION", b. g, 2 M 107 By Ultimatum— Beth Stanley, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner, S. Rosa. Breeder. S. Ross. 78124 Ifdeiice 12 4SVfast 22 110 6 6 6* 5-J E Harnes 13 Wilburf Wlihd Westor. Crimp 78160 Howie 1 2 :50Hmud 25 117 5 6 6 6*1 S McLane 8 MoonMaic, llankrupt, Roller BOTHER, b. f. 2 105 By Trap Rock — Annoyance, by Meddler. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner, R. Parr. Breeder, P. M. Walker. 78539 H.leG.a 41 f 54 fast 8-5 110 5 S 21 3» J Shanks 7 Sonbre. Kdisto. Seaman 78470 JI.leG co 41 f 56*jhvy 2-5 114 5 3 2n* 4S1 J Shanks I ISernicellrar, Gkliana, CloudVd 78331 Howie 1-2 48 fast 37-10 US 13 2 ft* E Ambrose 6 HarneyCo igle. Harlan. Foolscap 782.59 H.wio 12 50 slow 13 10 113 4 1 1» l4 J Shanks 8 TodRenesor. Ilnicell rar, Brage 78192 Howie 1-2 4Tt4fast 13 111 5 4 4 1 Cl C Lang 8 SingleFt, BarneyGle, Vanidoso PARMACHENEE BELLE, b. f. 1 99 By Troutbeck— Lucy Jackson, by Rock View. ■ Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner. E. F. Whitney. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78567 H deGce 41 f 51good 31 110 4 I 3» 3J L Lang 13 Crimp, Shanghai. Kumonin 7H378 i:owie 1-2 49 fast U 105 1 6 6* 3» J Dawson ■ BillWinfrcy. Koyle, Roller 78308 Howie 1 2 :49 fast M 104 5 5 4» 3» 11 Failar.dll N tShade. Bern Harr, li.Wfrey 78225 Howie 12 4! .slow 61 111 7 4 51 3« H Calhanl2 Bill Winfrey. Foyle. Effort 77198 Havana 3 8 37Vslow 7-5 112 3 3» 31 G Wliams S as. Ann, Rosita, Thats t. Time 77063 Havana 3-8 37 »hvy 4-5 113 3 31 3»l T Hrothcrs 8 Wanderlust. C.ymkliana. Rosita 76928 Havana 2 8 36*£iiiud 1-2 113 6 6» 4!1 F Wood ck 9 Wr kanna. Gymkhana. Cas.Anne CHERI. b. f. 2 ■ 97 By Old Koenig— Trout Fly. by Charles Edward. Trainer G. R. Brysen. Owner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder, E. C. Griffith. 78615 HdeGVe 41 f 54*.fast 7 113 6 3 31 4« T, Morris S Trip Lightly. I.liaKre. JnF.KTr 78567 11 .deGce 41 f 5l?ig.od llf 109 3 1 11 6i L Morris 13 Crimp. ShinRhii, Perm e Belle 78447 11 d.-Gco 1-2 4J.si p 25 115 I 8 8» «■ I, Munis 9 Swingin-,. Hejei ted. Sea Tide 78378 How." 1-2 49 fast 57 102 7 7 7» 7"1 J Leylin-l ft BillWinfrey, Foyle. PnineeBellc 782452 Howio 12 49*s£ood 30 111 6 3 61 6i J Lreylantll2 Foyle, Kumonin, Roller LENA WOOD. ch. f, 2 CM 97 By Honeywood — Lenore, by Sempronius. Trainer. P. M. Bur. h. Owner, Nevada Stock Farm. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 78378 Howie 1-2 49 fast 52 107 2 2 2" 5« F Io S BillWinfrey. Foyle. PmneeBelle 78176 H.wie 1-2 43Vast 14 109 9 8 8 ft** F Lee 12 Sombre. BillWinfrey, K.French STARMATIA. b. f. 2 M 100 By Sarmatiar. — Stellata, by Star Shoot. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. Whitney. Breeder, E. F. Whitney. 78553 11 ftaOea 41 f 53 fast 36 115 5 5 5* 5" G Walls 7 M. Goose, Primrose, Imagination First «fsrt for the following: GAFFNEY LASS, b. i, t M lftft By Jim Gaff ney— Bandana JXI., by Meddler. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. ORANGE PEKOE, ch. c. 2 M 105 By Tea Caddy— LAvenir, by Rabelais. Trainer, R. A. Smith. Owner, W. M. Jeffordi. Breeder, W. M. Jeffords, riL. DA PIT * H1«». Merchants Handicap. .".-year-olds and upward. May Dili nAUt Z, 91A 1:37 3-5 1 HO. WILDERNESS, ch. c. 4 126 By Campfire — Genesta. by Broomstick. . Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner. R. T. Wilaon. Briedcr. R. T. Wilson. 78678 •.• todays chart. 72890 S.ratou-a. 1 14 2 04 fast 3 120 3 2 2 1» B Marmlli ft Flagstaff, Rialto. Gen. Thatcher 72792 Saratoga 11.38 fast 9-5 126 6 6 8l 7* B MannHill Cherry Pie. I nlidy. The Clown 72590 Baratasa 1141 hvy 21 112 2 3 1» 1»* H Marinlli 4 Lit tleChief, Brinstorm. Knobbie 69191 H. !••;■ M 1 1 16 l:47andmud 1-2 118 2 1 ll ll J Hutwell ft BarbnryP.iisli. Tliet |..mi. Dunlin 69109 11 AaGca 3-4 1 l-V.faat 14-6 103 3 1 1» 1« E Bell 7 Blazes. Cliamplain, Snnference 66609 Iimlico ft-4 1:11%I»1 9 120 3 4 4« 4» J Hutwell 7 Hunliii, Little Celt, Bluemont 65959 laurel 3-4 1 LiV-mud k 5 m 5 4 21 1 H Man. Ilil3 Dunlin. Scribble. Carol EXTERMINATOR, ch. g. 9 126 By McGee— Fair Empress, by Jim Oora. Trainer. H. McDaniel. Owner. W. S. Kilmer. Pre»c r F. D. K"ight. 78171 ll.l..e 11-16 1 tayivy 1 125 5 6 6» 5| A Johnson C Spot Cash. FltStone, N.npshire1 I 78428 H.deGca lm70y 1 44 fast 12 W7 1 1 1* 1J P Walla ft .0!. Sphere. Set Sun. Sog.Aroon j 1 78123 Tijuana 1 1 - 4 2 Of.fast SS 130 1 6 ft* 41 A J 1 or. IS Kunt.ir. Oaarty. CI erry Tree I j 77438 Tiju.in.i lmTOy 1 44-Vfast 1 3 113 1 2 I* t* A Jnhin :, Pravrcarga, VanPatrii V. P. Wale «i!»492 Hi: - Hn70y 1 :4.".stmud U-M 132 1 2 2 2» A Johns-ui :. .hii kvale. P.Jaaca, P.al v Grand ! 69349 H.«VOea 1 1 16 1 aV%fa*t 4:. Bft 1 4 ■ :»* L UcAtaa I Pawtlaaaa, k Phantom, Ir.Kiai •Btftl 11 "ICce 3-t 1 1"- mud 37 1 Bl 6 • 4* 3 K Sind- ft Ma at a, Careful, arinandale I «,ti7l8 li-rl:.o 2 1 4 I i I.fast To 1 i ft 4 4" J*1 H Martelli ft apt. Ah ,„k. PanlJone, Exodlla MIH I.aurl 1 1 4 2:04Hfast 9-10 132 5 4 4 4»1 A Juhn.-on S Oceanic. Lkyllour. Paraxon II ! MARTINGALE, b. c, 4 120 By Martinet— Lady Irma, by Sempronius. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner. J. 8. Cosden. Breeder A. B. Hancock. 78593 ll.!«:Ve 11 -It. 1:4ft f.i.st 13-10 US ft 5 fij f. - ■ AnibrV- 7 Golden Itule. Kl.ndyke, Gonfan 78473 h ftaOoa 3-4 1 14«thvy 0 tU 6 6 6 5J K Barnes 0 LdGranilc, S.n.Norris, Sgalon- 72523 ftarataaa I ft-ftft 1 JHftlaat 11-5 126 1 1 i» v BSuaa ft Maaaaiiti. n— lla. Ilwiin nk 71126 l.c .111. 1 1 1 I 1 3-go.Hl 3 118 2 2 31 ;|i Kiinun r ft Tliet I..H n. Ilapaltaa, IaMeiiior 111 1 71165 A iu..luct 1117 fast ?i M8 I J 5"" 7;«C Turner 8 Zct. Dunlin, edna j 71059 .|i-.ioct 1 1 37-.fa»t 9-i 126 1 2 2« 2 JO Kum.ner 7 Little Celt, Cherry Pie. Carol 70736 l- i 1 ..nl 1 3 a 2.19 good 4 1 .6 I 2 51 5"C Kunme r S/ev. hi. k lie. Rialto j 70269 Beta***! 1 1.37Hfast i IIS 6 2 2« 21 C Kmni..r 7 Zev, Barbiry Bush, Mc enger I DIOGENES, ch. c. 3 113 By Ballot — Smoky Lamp, by P.audit. Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner, Mrs. W. M. Jeffords. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. 75311 PlaaM a 1 ldftHCaat 11 12214 tft 11 10" C fttaVaetaW Bean Butler. ;:ust:c. Aga Khan 73671 H-lniont 3-4 1 lOfast 10 127 6 9 9 »| A I«Iumm19 St. James. ! 1 ... 1 ruia. Sun Pal 73221 Sural. ga ft-4 1 IfUfaal 10 115 2 4 4l 1» C Ponca 15 Bracadale. ftaaapiW. St. James 72725 B«l .t.ga 3-4 l:ll*«Caat 15 122 7 6 5» 3 1 L Fator 8 SL Jan.o. H .11 Kl-. ■■akf 71418 ..|ii.-.lu.t ft-4 112Va.it 3-2 115 1 2 2 31 L Moins ft TVmute. LdP. t.i o;el I . T.Wld 71201 A.|U duct 5-8 iJfu-Ht 1-3 115 4 2 2« ll L Morns IS Marie Martin. Husky. Check 70986 A11. -.Iu t 5-X 1 M%CMI 3-2 115 • 4 S« 31 L Morns 12 Infinite, Rustic. Huon Pine WILKES-BARRE, ch. c, 4 105 By Ballot— Triad, by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. Boden. Owner. Trinle Sprlnfa Farm. Breeder J. W. Parrish. 78556 11 I-. •••■ lin70y 1:44 fast 11 HI 14 3" 3"! H M*ritelll 0 Nautical. M.nto II.. Hazy Dawa 78333 ISouii 3-4 114 fast 29 110 2 5 5 :»" II Howard •" I.dCrit.-. .dl.iue*. J F Hilars 78194 Howie r.J f 1 08Hfast 15 112 4 6 6 6* H HoWir.l • G. d I "s. J I ullara. Ili.llew.l! 75778 Howie 1 1 16 1 51mud Hi 104 1 5 6 4*1 1! How ud ". Forest! or". 8oli«a, Sliaiuroi k ! 75342 Ptaalttta 1 1-16 1 46 Rood 8 99 8 3 1»» :• F NatlBCl S Miss eriin. liilh. Golden Itrfle I 751*5 Iimlico 1 1 8 1 .2 fa*t 4| 104 1 J 3 4* J Callahan .". Shuf .Al.m.v ! 1 d Itule. II Prince 74984 I-aund 1 1 40%«jood 1! 5 103 2 1 P| ft* J nllahan ". S.ttinc Sun It.nter. Gadfly 74820 Ijiurel lmTOy UfttWkUl 12 100 4 5 4 | 4J1 11 Howard i TranM ui. leu Minutes, Thimble | I JUNE GRASS, b. h, 5 lift By Short Grass — Comaora, by The Cammaaar. Trainer. C. H. Shilling-. Owner, Mrs. C. H. ShiUing. Breeder*, Short Grass Stud. 78605 In. Hunts 3-4 LIHrfcfast 5 123 C 4 4» 4«» D Hnrn 7 Lanloa, Ormesvale. Cherry Pta ".5 424 Pimlico 2-4 l:12%faat 11-5 111 S ft 4» 4»J F irstlngs 7 Mainmast, Flintstone. A. Patriae 75258 Pimli.-o 3-4 1:12 fast 5 110 2 2 11 ll F Hatinsa C Wellfinder. Dimesdale, Cooofaa 73529 H» lmont 1 1:37 fast 3 116 1 1 2» 4» C Kummer 6 Behconl, Autumn Bells. Sunslnl .3010 Saratoga 7 3 1 :2:5Sfaat 6 120 1 1 2» 1« C Kummer 5 Dry Moon, Frank G.. Coetiran 72865 Saratosa 1 1.37Haat 8 114 1 2 1* 1« C Kummer 7 ListenDoarie, A. Patriae. IinetU GOLDEN SPHERE, ch. h. 6 103 By Oliver Goldsmith — Sphere of Influence, by Celiac. Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner. Seagram Stable. Bred in England by Sir W. Cooke. 78593 H.deGce 1 1-16 1 45 fast 81 107 5 7 7 7« T Wilson 7 Golden Rule. Klondyke. Gonfaa 78529 II deGce lmTOy llfitisiop 4-5 103 1 1 1» 1» T Wilson 4 Opperman, Clansman, Fairway 78428 H.l.Ceo lmTOy 1 44 fast 31 103 3 3 2* 21 T Wilson 5 Extermtor, SM.Sun. Sog.Arooa 71151 Woodne 1 1 16 1 : ." Vast 13-10 110 5 5 51 4*1 T Wilaon I N.Hpshiro. SoItCoes. Clansmaa 74070 Woodne lmTOy 143-Jfast 6 106 1 2 4» 2 i T Wilson 10 John Paul Jones, Koioany, Lilt 71179 Daryal 1 1 16 146 fast 19 5 108 1 9 10* 11* T Wilson 12 Baby Grand, Planet, Wil. Barre 70956 Dorval 1 IS 154 fast 3 111 1 3 2i 2 T Wilson 4 BabvGrnnd, Yorkist. Span Main 70521 "naught 3-4 1 12*sfast 4 112 4 3 3» 3* D Stirling 8 E Rbacher, Mnmast. Auymooa FAIR WAT, br. g. 7 105 By Bryn Ma wr— Justly, by Mithra. Trainer. J. W. Healy. Owner. A. C. Eestwlek. Breeder. T. Clyde. 78529 II dec.ee lmTOy l:46Sslop ft*, lift 4 4 4 4» F Stevens 4 Col. Sphere. Oprman, Clansmaa* 78428 ILdeGca lmTOy 1:44 fast 50 107 2 5 5 5,T F Stevens I Exterm tor. Go! Sphere. Set.Saa 75651 Howio 11-16 1:50 slow 13 107 2 S 5 6« M Fator .". Opermn, BillyWatts, Jac Jullaa 75225 Pimllea 2 401 mud 11 150 S Fell. W Keatins 9 Mcrcurius, H.Dattner, Irish Jig 74369 laurel 2 3:~.SVast 7 147 5 6 5* 54* W Keating 7 D.Boone, II Dattner, Men uriue 74003 Woodne Ab 2 1:06 fast 37-10 154 2 Fell. AV Keating « "Isardie. Span. Maize. Mercura 73319 K.Bnnets Ab 2 4 tljfast 18-6 150 5 4 4 4" C Ireland ft Nomis, SpanisliMai/.e. ooluardie 72165 Kenilwh 1 1-16 1 :46ifast 16 112 6 8 6 6«1 G Fields 8 Clansman. Lunetta. Fantoche 72064 Kenihvh lm70y l:43»jfa3t C 115 5 7 71 6«1 F Stevens 10 Ang. Maid, Make lp. Sailing B. SPIC AND SPAN. b. c. 3 106 By Whisk Broom II.— Sub Rosa, by Disguise. Trainer, C. H. Shilling. Owner. G. A. Cochran. Breeder, P. M. Burch. 73553 Belmont T-8 1 ;ifast 6 112 2 3 3 4S1 C Turner 9 Sara sen. Asa Khan. Sunspero 73221 Saratoga 3-4 1 :!2good 6-5 115 11 3 81 10*1 C Turner It DhftNai, Bracadale. Sunspere 72866 Saratoga ft] f 1 05*sfaat 21 113 4 3 3« l1 C Kummer 9 Bracadale, Bontnud. B liuthanaa 70905 Aqueduct 5-8 59 fast 7 108 1 2 U ll C Turner » Donnelly, L.BmoreIl. P.I eopot4 I j 1 I j ! I ! 1 j j I I ! | I 7 th DA PC ::"4 aaUiftJ. Hill Top Pnrsf. I,-* ear-olds and upward. ilaintins. fill nHUt Nov. G, 192 1:11 5 12S. LION DOR. ch. h, ft 122 By Heno— Aile dOr. by Capt. Hancock, Trainer. H. McDaniel. Owner. J. K. L. Ross. Breeder. Belair Stud. 78569 H.deGce 51 f l:06*4*;oo4 1-1 IS I 1 2» J P Walls 7 Roland. Kingsllansom. FrankG. 78541 H.deGce 2-4 l:13feia*t 12-5 117 5 3 21 2» P Walls 7 Caligula, IluonPine, Clooghjoa 78426 H.deGce 3-4 l:12%fast 3-J 124 4 3 4« 4«1 P Walls S Caligula, JewellV.D., GoodTimea 70399 "naught 3 4 113 faat 2-5 122 1 1 1»» 2» A Claver 5 D. John. B.Drmond, Anonymous 70046 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 good 1 124 3 3 31 4»J A Claver 14 IlighCost. J. I. OHara. Procyoa C9581 Iimlico 3-4 l:12fcfaet M 111 1 1 ft* 2* A Claver 7 Flagstaff, Keparation. Be.lsolaf 69525 H .lo;ce 3-4 1 :13fcfaat 3-5 HI i 1 1« 1» A Claver 5 Opperman. Welfind-i. San. Heal 69452 H.deGce 3 4 l:12Hfaat 61 114 3 1 2» 2» A Claver 8 Dinna Care, P.roonibter, Pegasus FRANK G.. ch. c. 4 109 By TJltimus— Sweet Day, by Peep oDay. Trainer. J. W. Murphv. Owner. Mrs. J. W. Murphy. Breeder, H P. Headley. 78569 HleCce 51 f l:06good 12-6 110 IS 3l 41 A Accardy T Lien dOr. Roland. KinssRanm 78211 Howie, ft| f 1 : S .-.,i w 5 108 8 2 11 2» A Accard 12 IliddeiiJcwel. Apex. TopSgeant 77934 Jefferson 51 f 1 M9 hvy 4 105 2 1 l*» ft* J Grunsen ft Baffles. LM.ircellia, Bu-kPond 71104 H .deGce 1-4 11 J Vast 9-10 114 4 1 1«» 5J E Harnes 6 Faith. Seths Lemon. Mabel K. 73938 H.deGce ft-4 l:l.smud 1 110 3 1 U 2» J Corcoran 9 S.sLemon. Hid. Jewell. IidyBost 73628 Helmnt ft-4 MC l:llfxst 7-5 120 3 2 ll H J Callahan 5 Gaiantman. Overtake. Marionte 73315 Belmont 6J f 1:19 fast 4-5 115 2 1 Is If T McTagt 7 Pietrus, AmtrPatiiae. LyRose MAINMAST, ch. h, 6 114 By Superman— Masthead, by Hastings. Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. Whitney. breeder. H. T. Oxnaru. 78591 H deGce 3-4 1 :ll*sfast 27 109 12 12 91 8«J G Walls 12 Ma. lean, NewHpshire, Comixa 7R404 If .deGce 3-4 1:12 fast 16 107 11 11 11 ll» B Mrinellill 1lintSe. SlitiffleAi U. Swacng 75124 Iimlico 3-4 l:125fast 5 107 4 2 1» ll B Mrinelli 7 Flintstone, A. Patriae. JuneGrasa 75343 Iimlico 3-4 1 :12*sgood 115 112 4 2 ft* 1* B Marinelli S Hid. Jewel. KxcuscMe, Frcdtowa 75196 Iimlico 3-4 1:llHfast 10 114 Left at post. E Smwod • Ilildur, Comixa, Chan plain 74373 I-iurel 3-4 1:13 fast 2 120 2 5 4» 4» J Chalmers 7 May Blossom. Hid. Jewel. Apex 74197 H.deGoa ft-4 l:12fast 3-2 121 6 2 1* 2» B Marinelli 7 Wellfinder. M.BIosm. I. therwd 74114 H.ttetTea 3-4 1:llrast 6 117 5 5 5 iC I-inn ft Sally sAlley, « ha 111 pit in, Comixa 73822 H.deGce 3-4 l:13Hfast 16-S 109 S 1 ft* ft* ■ Smwod * Wellfinder, Iithrop, Caladium JEWELL V. D., ch. m, 5 112 By The Manager— Chilla, by Alvescot. Trairer, P. Reuter. Owner, T. T. Mott. Breeder. C. Vau Dusen. 78619 H.deGce lmTOy 1 43*fcfast 1 106 1 2 1| !* J Shanks ft Wrmio. Flvinu-Kur. Cloughida 78426 HI. -ice ft-4 1:12 fast 11 107 3 2 2» 21 J Chlners I Caligula. Cood Tin es. I, on dOr 78288 Bowie 7-ft 1 :2Sfast 8 113 5 1 Ill" J Chlm.r.sll Deafadr, Julia M. Attilia 75780 Howj. 1 1-16 l:52.5mud 9 112 8 4 1* 8" M Fator 10 Seduefield. WhaleW.ne. KH.vil 75562 Marlboro 1 1:49 good 16-5 110 3 1 6« 5» C Jackson ft ltd. Walts, Catelree, KingAlbert 75481 Marlboro 61fl:2Tssmud 13-10 112 1 3 2* 4 D Stirling 6 Can-Free. K Albert, 1 ..Costiiraa 75134 laurel 1 1 16 1 :48«ifast 41 108 1 1 1» 1*1 A Roach ft Pis Sw:iin. .l-ntilt. Ntltnder 75074 I-aurel ft 1-16 1:51 slew 5 109 1 7 8 8» A Roach ft ThelU all. Sedg.-f ield. I.Sv. .111 74944 Laurel 1 1-4 2:09/sslop 5 105 1 1 2* 2* E I.egere 7 RojceUools, O. Faithful, O.Ti nef WRAITH, br. g, 6 109 By Malamont— The Spirit, by Yankee. Trainer, J. W. Dayton. Owner, J. W. Dayton. Breeder. N. Macfarlane. 75404 Iimlico 3-4 l:14 *good 25f 107 4 3 2* 4»J F Lee 13 Hid. Jewel. Li t. Dearie, Valentia 75100 l.aur.-l 3-4 1 : 1 4 good 62 103 6 5 11 11" F Lee 11 Hid Jewel Fi d-: . ktn. Olande 73380 H linnets 51 f 1 :06fast 5 114 2 1 3l 3«i J Rowan 6 Hiadema. Joella .!.. Mtiskallonge 73294 H I in nets 3-4 l:.3fast 3 117 7 5 6» 4* J Howan 7 TeteiPiper, Dr. C. Wells. JoellaJ. 72797 K-nilwh 3-4 1:HVast 31-10 111 2 4 4» 6* E Scobie 11 Brnnswi. k. Meiniiv. sp.edyGirl 72676 FortLrie 3-4 lSgood 13-5 112 3 1 ft* 1* J Mooney 8 SethsLinon, Jacjucs. Wcstwood CAPTAIN COsTIGAN, ch. g, 4 107 By Vandergrift— Bastante. by Oddfellow. Trainer, E, J. Furman, Owner, J. M. Collins. Breeders, Kcene tt Black. 78674 See todays chart. 78588 H. deGce t I 1 IDtfaaTt 61f 104 4 5 61 6*| C Allen 11 Flax, Hidden Jewel. Julia M. 78449 11 deGce ft-4 ll.Vslop 14 107 5 51 4*1 W Milner 13 Fifty Kv. Hidden.ll. Mabel K j 78243 Bowie lmTOy 1 SIVlow 51 106 2 1 1* 1* W Milner I Mizar. High Gear. King John. 78178 Bowie T-Slll fast S 99 5 1 P* 1* *J* Milner 13 M Jumbo. Droft.Vy. HtyFina I 77781 J. fferson 1 1-16 1 IS.fast 30 110 8 2 4» 8»l J Walace 12 Dtnnbfinler. Bepenter, Wat. Girl 177538 IGrnds ft-4 LllVfast 20 100 9 12 9l ft*| O Cooper 12 Exchange. Billy Klair. Jou Job 177452 F Grnda 3-4 LlHhvy 6 113 9 4 41 6»i M Schwt/13 Colonel Winn. Mcintosh. Stamp 77148 FC.rnda 3-4 l:14faat 6 110 6 6 31 21 E Pool 12 Bock Bottom, Stamp, Sword 76878 F.Grnda 3-4 l:14*£slow 8 105 10 9 4"* ft* J Wallace 11 Paul Micou, Jou Jou. Felicitous ARENDAL, b. g, 4 107 Bv Plaudit or Star Shoot— Pvrope. by Sir Wilfred, Trainer. G. W. Campbell. Owner, G. W. Campbell. Biceder. J. E. Madden. 78616 If deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 4 110 6 3 31 3-i J Wallace 14 Mary Rose. Poe. Marie Maxina 78540 H.deGce 3-4 1:14Vfast 21 104 4 1 1* 2" W Miln r 1 4 S.igan ore. obhani. Marble 78402 H deGce 3-4 1 i:fast 61 111 5 2 2» 3*1 W M ilner 1 1 Mabel K . Vacuum. R nfin.-78366 Howie 7-8 l:-Sfast 1 107 4 1 1 1* V Mur-.hy 13 Mar.vMaxim. Antilles, Duke John 78332 Howie 61fl:21fast 8 108 4 2 31 2*1 F Murphy 8 LtenDearie. Tidings. Simplicity 78264 Howie 61 f l:22Hgood 36 111 6 3 2°* 2 F Murphy 10 Sea Sand, Poppye. » ote d Or 78193 Howie 61 f t:2t%feai 22 111 7 3 3» 4« F Muriihy ft SeaSand. Whalebone, gkl ime 77841 Jefferson 61 f 1 :09 good 15 120 5 9 10 10 • D Mergler 14 St. Maurice, DyRyan. JohnJosepa 77407 FGrnds 3-4 1 :13fast 30 S3 1 9 9 9*» D Merglor ft Translate, Sweepskes, Hon Ma a McKENNA. b. g. 6 103 By Macdonald II.— Double Six, by Domino. Trainer, W. Brooks. Owner, W. P. Burch. Bred in France bv C. H. Mackay. 75130 Laurel 3-4 1 :13Vsfast 31-10 110 8 4 51 ." S Mcl.ane 10 Bucado. RoyalCh.-rlie. amflage 74417 laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 1 110 8 5 6l ."41 S McLane 9 Chjoi.lan. Dr.C. Wells. IdyBose 74056 H IcGce 51 f LOoifast 9 107 6 2 1 4» S M.I.ane 7Comia, W. Ilfinder, Sun Juest *.."H98 H.4eGea ft] f 107 mid 17-10 104 2 2 2* 4«i B Marin. .li 4 Heeltaps. St. Henry, YkecPnnS 69546 Iimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 7-10 112 111**.1 B Mcl.ane 6 Pietrus, Lady Boss, S.s I nion .15528 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 fast 2 100 5 1 1« 1J S Mcl.ane ft Champln. T.Witchet, Min. Man C5396 H.d.Gce 51 f 1:07 faat 15 102 I 1 l1 2» S McLane 7 SecdThghts. Wellfder, Blazes REPRISAL, br. g, 6 109 By Helmet— Bachelor Girl, by Broomstick. Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner. Mrs. W. M. Jeffords. Breeder. C. A. Clay. 74776 Laurel 3-4 1 13-r.fast 7 109 9 3 2 2*1 C Taylor 13 Camouflage. Sagamore. MabelK. 74568 Laurel ft-4 l:U%UMt 7-5 107 6 4 6* 6*1 C Taylor 8 "ghjordan. MnlM-IK., I. C. Wells 74197 H.l-Gce ft-4 l:12»afast 18-5 111 4 4 3* i»J L McAtee 7 Wellfder. Mnmast, M. Blossom 73527 Belmont 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 10 115 7 11" 54| C Lang 11 Pietrus. Onus. Prince Regent 73068 Saratoga 3-4 1:11 fast 10 100 4 8 8 8» C Taylor 8 Himdale. List. Dearie. SilkTassel 72019 Kmpire Ab 3-4 1 OSHfast 15 100 5 6 6* 9" C Taylor 9 Rocket. Dry Moon. Good Time* 71872 Empire Ab 2-4 1.10%fast 3 116 5 7 4 9»J C Taylor 11 Swpstakes, Pietrus, Marionetta FAITH, b. f, 4 09 By Fair Play— Sanicula, by Santry. Trainer. R. I. Miller. Owner, Mrs. R. I. Miller. Breeder, P. T. Chinn. 78588 If d.-Gce 3-4 113nfast 5f 100 7 13 131 13* J Smwodl5 Flax, Hidden Jewel, Julia M. 75592 Bowie lmTOy 1 :46=r,fast 37 95 5 6 6« 614 W Milner 7 Reparation, Moonraker, For.Uire 75443 Iimlico I 1-16 1:41 fast 35 98 2 5 6" Sl f Th.lj keftt Jac. Julian, List Dearie. S Aroora 75381 Iimlico 1 l-ft 1 Cmud tft 106 1 6 6 6" M Fator ft Horologe. Wrangle. Jac] Julisa 75342 Iimlico 1116 1:45 good 46 90 7 6 4i 3*1 W Milner 8 Wilkes Barre. M.Cerin. .Rule 74737 Laurel 3-4 1 :12*ifast IS 99 6 7 7 l»| J Chalmers 7 LeathwJ. Bluellawk. "hjordaa 74517 Laurel 3-4 1:12Vfa3t 10 103 4 4 4 4" J SmwooJ 4 Heeltaps. Silk Tas.sell. S. Thistle JULIA M.. ch. f, 3 90 By Theo. Coak— Dum Dum. hy Yinkee. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 178588 If deG ea 3-4 LIT .fast Tl 1 2 8 2 31 L Iang 15 Flax, ll.dden Jewel. Mabel K. 178555 H deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 17-5 103 10 6 5* 2» L Lane It Barleycorn, llax. Humble 78426 Hd.Gce 2 4 1 .12-_fa.st 20 90 2 5 5* 5* L Lang ft Caligula. JewellV.D.. .oodTitnea |78288 Howio 7-» l:2ft%f ast 14-5 95 1 3 3«» 3* L Lang 11 Jewell V. I. Despair. Attilia 78196 Howie ft f 1 :22Hfa.st 12-7 97 1 4 41 2 L Iing 11 Sweepstakes, are Ki-e Bucade 77801 Jefl-rson 3-4 1 ltjfast 41 100 5 4 4 3* G W Crollll Lady Rose. longboat. 1 lo-o 77710 F.Grnda 3-4 1 14?.fast 31 102 7 7 4 5| L Lang 12 ElAstro. Missbtune. Sw aataafeM 77609 F Gi nils ft-4 MHhvy 16 5 105 8 6 T* 7"» L Lang 9 Frederi.ktow 11. Anne. V. Venaie 77235 KCrtids 3 4 1:11 fast 21 104 2 4 21 1*» L Lang 8Ererglade. Priilcge. Gee WRACKHORN. b. e. 3 M 102 By Wrack— Nora Langhorne. by Fatherless. Trainer. T. Moran. Owner, W L. S. MartinL Breedei. H. Hancock. 75438 Piaaltce 5-4 l:13*ifaat 9f 101 11 11 10 9» J Ca!lah:in12 M .Domino, I.Thghts. ITigcrness 75251 Iimlico r.l f 1 .iT.-,tast 29 104 7 9 9 Sl J Callahan!. 1 F. Flower. I 1 lioughts, Iarthema 175034 Laurel 51 f 1 Uv-.-mid 21 112 5 5 5« 5SJ J Callahan I 1*1 law 11*1— III. B.Om.ir, Stiartaa hlftftft Laur. 1 2-4 1 1".:,good 14 lftft 2 5 ..* ft* J CallahaiilO Fehrah. Fre.lericktow n. Rags 7 1819 I.aur-1 3 4 |:H last 150 Mft 7 8 8 8* J Callahan 3 Whetstone. Tiu.eKxpose, liu.sky BRUSH ALL, br. f. 3 M 95 By Everest— Top All. by Top Gallant. Trainer. C. H. Donelm- Owner. S. H. Dudlsyl. Breeders. A. E. Hundley ft Sons. 71101 H. I. ice Tl f 1 0T: .fast 7f 114 13 11 11*11»W Brown 13 Whetstone. Memento, Ebb Tide 73384 Tim.in m :.-i 1 17-Vn.st 4Jf ftft 8 10 101 10» W Brown 11 ISIkArt. P l.imjra. SnowMaiden 73895 li deGce f, 8 1 :02 mud 7-5 97 3 W Brown 7 Boot Strips. Grandpa. Alliiniig 73329 Timonm 3-4 LIT fast 8 105 2* Wllbert 7 Freed Call, I.adyAbhot t. Stevens 72626 Port Erie 5-S l:.i.:;raud 9 11.". 5 4 5 B*| T Wilson 7 Briar Sweet. p|ay On. Tea c.sy 72488 Ham ton i -ft 1 : 1 fast. 22 1jHI 4 4 5» 5« E Scobie 8 Drumstick. Ai gumeiilal. Sarko ".2451 Haii.on ft| f l.jSVust 24 105 T 4 41 iJP Walls 9 Metson. Ch. Archce. Star Cloudy SETH S LEMON, ch g. 4 139 By Seth— Lemon Girl, by Madstone. Trainer. H. G. Bedwei". Owner Kenton Stablel. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 78588 PI deG ■ -I 1 ll.fast Sif 101 II 9 lft| aft* H Church 15 Flax, Hidden Jewel. Julia M. 78541 H deGce :-»l I3*4i*aat 29 97 4 4 «» 6« II Ihunn 7 Caligula. Lion dOr. Huon Pine 78449 II. lei,, o ft-4 1 ..".VsL.p 115 112 9* E Scobie |ft Fifty Fy. HiddenJl, Maliel K 75809 B»wle 6 f 1 21Vmud 5f 108 3 9 11 11** F Coll-ttill No»l, Fredt-n. ktown. Hid Jew. I 174427 Thcliffa 3 t 1 IftHtaat 23-10 107 3 3 31 2* G Field.s ft LastOne, l.P.tVHara, Bui Proof |7I296 Tli . ltffe CI f 1 ...fast 11-5 110 2 2 3 3»| D Stirling 7 ListOne. J. F Ollara. Remnaiit J71104 11 .1 Gee 3-4 1 1 Vast 1 109 5 3 2 2«* B Marielli 6 Faith. Maliel W., I.ady Bkjai 73938 H.H..e 24 1 Vimud 30 110 2 4 2«* 1 E Barn,-s 9 Frank*;.. Hid. Jewel, lidy Boss T2897 K niiw h 7-S 1 24fast T 105 3 S 7 TT| W Fronk 7 Best Love. Barracuda. Jim. Daw First «t.irt for the following: DIXIE SMITH, br. c. 3 SI 102 By George Smith— Coy Maid, by Kingatoa. Tra.ner. J. I. Smith. Ow.cr, Estate of H. H. Hewitt. Breeder, H. H. Hewitt. CROSS GIRL. br. f . 3 M 92 By Trap Rock— Crosspatch. by Hastings. Trainer, M. Smart. Owner, 3. Rosa. Breeder, S. Ro-s.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924050101/drf1924050101_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1924050101_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800