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i — ■ .00 ONE DAY— 0.00 SIX DAYS ARGO SERVICE 145 WEST 41ST STREET PHONE BRYANT 7984 NEW YORK, If. T. Yesterdays Special: THE REAPER 7.20- WON May 14th: May 5th: GREAT JAZ L20- Won WORTHMORE 4.90-32 Won May 13th: May 3rd: DR. CHARLES WELLS... $ S.40- 2nd MINUS $ 6.10- Won May 12th: May 2nd: LEATHERWOOD Lost LE VIGNEMALK 5.40- Won May 10th: May 1st: CHILIIOWEE $ 8.10- Won BARBARA FRIETCHIF..$ 9.40- Won May 9th: April 30th: FLYING FUR 1.80-*2 Won RECIIABITE 2.30- Won May 8th: April 29th: EXCUSE ME S1L10-S2 Won SETHS FLOWER $ 7.20-S3 Won May 7th: April 28th: WESSIE B 5.10- Won LEONARD G 2.50- Won May 6th: April 26th: SETHS FLOWER $ 5.90- Won BLUE MOON 1.00- Won ,590.00 NET PROFIT ON 0 PLAY after deducting losers and cost of the above service since April 26. If yon are looking for a lire one each day, wire your subscription for one week and we will put you on our preferred list. A LIVE BIRD GOES FOR US TODAY AND EVERY DAY! And we advise you to rush your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Do Not Hesitate to Send Subscription for One Week .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY v i C "THEMAN W CAN MAKE YOU WJNJ SOLD ON • NEWSSTANDS* AND "SPECIAL" Yesterdays "SPECIAL" Mists My 0.50, .30- 2nd SURE WAS "BAD LUCK." We got BEAT yesterday, as this one shonld have WON, bnt we will SURE make np for this TODAY. MT DID YOU EVER BEAT T 10-1 SHOT IF YOTT DID— or DID NOT— YOU have the chance ta RT! AT a. W 10-1 SHOT TODAY Why, IF YOU ONLY KNEW what "I KNOW" of this one yon would be satisfied to pay 00 for this one today. W- THIS ONLY COSTS WORTH 00 YOTJ nerex will FOBGIVE YOURSELF if yon let this on* set away from YOU today. S TODAYS SPECIAL MUST WIN At "BIO PRICE." IF IT DONT, jnst mail yonr sheet to US and we will mail YOU TREE" OUR NEXT TWO "SPECIALS" I Thats how SURE we are this will WIN today at "GOOD ODDS." so dont let stop YOU from "CLEANING UP." iBF" You Cannot Beat 7 Races a Day •W But You Can Beat One Race! a Day Wand- Jack Field Gives One Horse! a Day And Mr. Field is always at the TRACK getting , the "REAL STUFF" for his ARMY OF FOLLOWERS. RUSH to your NEWSDEALER now and set "JACK FIELD." BOTH 51 and "SPECIAL" and you will "CLEAN UP" on BOTH today. Bold everywhere Racing Form sold ; also mailed to yon 5 weekly for both SPECIALS. S5W Chicago Readers, Attention!! Call at out office from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and read our "WIRES" that we got direct from the track daily from JACK FIELD, who is always at the track. "EVERYBODY IS WELCOME" FIELD PUB. CO., Room 32 phone Harrison 0248 39 W. Adams St., Chicago, DL LOUISVILLE READERS, ATTENTION! Dont go to the track today without first stopping at EILER and GOODMANS store, 227 S. 4th, and got JACK FIELD SPECIALS every day. SOLD ALL OTHER CITIES ALSO. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO Win the Derby 10 TO 1 OB BETTER An offer giving you a chance to play the American classic. This year the greatest of all. THE GOLDEN JUBILEE DERBY SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1924 This horse has been carefully prepared and is working sensationally. Backed by a group of the smartest men in the business. This INFORMATION IS UNQUESTIONABLE Play when the conditions are right and with confidence. If you want to be IN on a reliabls proposition, DONT DELAY. This horse should win. TERMS— ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS In advance by Western Union or Postal. Care of Western Union or Postal. JUDSON SMITH LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY NOTE — All subscriptions mast be on hand not later than 10 oclock morninr of the race and will be filed in order of receiving. Wires sent out accordingly. I reserve the right to refund money account of over-subscription of territory. SHIELDS KNOWN TO TURFMEN FOR A GENERATION STRICTLY ONE HORSE DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY— .00 DAILY Yesterdays .00 Track Wire: Startle .10- Won Wednesdays .00 Track Wire: Repeater 2.70- Won THE KIND THAT MAKE THE LAYERS WEEP BIG MONEY HORSE TODAY And it is right on my .00 Daily Track Wire to-day. I have personally watched this one in her private workouts and I know something today. Nuff said. Dont miss todays .00 Track Wire or you will never forgive yourself. TERMS .00. 00 FREE SPECIAL goes today and it will be given free to all weekly subscribers. My past record should convince you that I handle nothing bnt winners. TERMS — 0.00 KEEKLY six racing days. MY RECORD PAST TEN DAYS: Repeater 2.70- Won Nellie Morse ...6.20- Won Spot Cash 2.20- Won Flying Fur 1.80- Won Extreme .80- Won Auntie Miliin .50- Won Kirklevington . .8.80- Won Parmachenee Belle .80- Won Rapid Day . . . .1.30- Won Earla Baby . . . .4.30- Won AND MANY OTHERS 0.00 Occasional Goes Today This one goes for the "WISE DOUGH," and the stable has this one primed and ready for a winning race today. Terms, 0.00 and a winner for your money. SIX WINNING OCCASIONALS, 0.00. MP PREDETERMINED ££» TURF PROFITS «*• . The MIRACLE SYSTEM is nationally «» known as "easy for player— hard for layer." Has stood tbo ACID TEST for .** •* many years. We could not spend many v» thousands of dollars per annum adver-**■. tising water as rough syrup— and con- «• tlnuo in business. Sold on installment .payments paid from your profits. Abso-«* lutely FREE, lOO page racing manual, « 4* review, sworn teatimonals. etc. Investi- gate today and make your Bookie obey. ** Public Relations Manager -aft ■» 8. E. ARTHlR — Xja, B*X 40 R. Y. To « son. Md. /iPv «*"* II « J ****** jib*" WHO WILL WIN DERBY ? I feel very confident that I have the winner of Saturdays coveted prize. Wire name at once. joe Mccarty SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad., with your name and address to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach, Fla. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. ■ f PERFECT SQUARE DICE Made by expert mechanics from thoroughly seasoned hard stock, guaranteed to be true to within ens one-thousandth of an inch, having- all sides fiat, corners sharp and finish perfect. Made in either red, green or white in any size. 6-8 size, razor edge .40 per pair 3-4 size, razor sdga .50 per pair B. C. WILLS and CO. 222 West Congress St., Detroit, Mich.