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Latest Training Gallops 119 LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 15 —Todays training gallops here included the following: CHURCHILL DOWKS. Weather clear ; track good-Three -Eighths Mile. 452 Bob s Mary ...37 117 Moms Boy ...35% Balboa 35% My Destiny ...37% 110-Bolivar Bond .36% 117 New Moon ...36% 116 Blue Nose 35% 114 Sizzle 36% 114-Certain 38% 115 Star Beek 35% 114-Delsan 37% 117-Star Girl 36 117-Fantoche 37 109-The Bunt ...36% 117-Gorget 36 117-Tiok Tock 37% 117 Infinite 35% 351 -Teds Plum ...36% 117 Kit 36 117-Vanity Fair ..38 115 Miss Kmmert. .36% 117-WiU huroom ..38 114-Modna 36 Half Mile, Atornin 49% 115 Federalist 49%"" Annihilator ...40% 114 First Light ..61 117-A. Blue Sown. 48% Fairy Master .50 112 Allie Ochs 50% 102 Goshawk 49% 117 -Brother John ..50% 117 Jouett 51% 117-Braedalhane ...47% 109-I.ucky Drift ..48% lltt-Broomiola 49% 100 Midnight Uose 50% 117 Bel pre 48% 114 Napoo 51% 107-Baltic 51 114-1epper Day ...50 Cuptn Martin 50 114 Quoin 51 113 Ed lendleton .53 Special 48% 69 E rely n 50 The Count ....49% 115-Flow. of Love 48% 117-We»o 49% 112 Fare. andelatiaa 49% Five-Eighths Mile. 114-Delhi Girl ...1:04 114 rost Dispoh 1:03% 116-East Bonnet 1:03% HO Step Along .1:06% 434-La Derniert 1:05% 114-Willow Tree 1:04 firlfl?"" •••104 117-Will Land ..1:03% 117-Motinero 1:01% Three -Quarters Mil*.. 428 Befuddle ...1:16% 60 Miss Americal:l»% 445-Betty Beall .1:16% 115 Possible 1 17% H5"!"hterlc,der 1:lft% 65 O. harming 117% 116Fancy Free 1:17% 116-Kinkey 1-16% m-nats Pp ...1:17% lir.Rarokin .....iw lltVl. "• 1:17% 117-Snnny Sue ...1:17% Vi7 t *7 •1:18 "** M«M sters 1:18% 117 Krishna ...1:16% 117 Shindy 115% llo Kitty Jim ..1:15 111 Tip Toe Inn. .1:18% 117-Lon. Smoke 1:16% 115 Vera Vennie 11«% 114Lamp Ward 1:16% 117-W. Throogh 1:15% Seven-Eighths Mile, "JL*Teen L31 116Miss Mi«ebiefl:30 115-Miss Meise ..1:29% 116 Prime Tii Tiil:29% One Mile. 116AtU Boy n.l:43% 117 I.iege 146 117 Blotter 1:43% 46 Nuvaka .. 142% Conqnerant ..1:49% 117 Haider 1:43% Mile and an Eighth. HOBraeadale ...1:54% 110 Mad Plar ..154% 115-Baffling 1:57% 113 Tborndale ...158 117 Cannon Shot 1:54 Bracadale and Mad Play galloped easily together. Cannon Shot did a good work. * ICeeUnaed oo twelfth pagej Latest Training Operations I Continued from second page. y DOUGLAS PARK. Three -Eighths Kile. 107-Rapid Day ...36 103 PethsTreasnre 39% Half Mile. 107-Attornev 49f, 105-King Nadi 51 Blanche L. ...51% 117 Quail 49% Hidden Money 52 4 13-Quash 51 Vs Kentucky Rose 50% 99-Rebate 50% Five -Eighths Mile. Ill -Barracuda ...1:05 117 Post Haste ..1:05 435-Inquisition ..1:04% Three-Quarters Mile. 101 -Attractive ...1:16% 116-Jobn Q. Kelly 1 :22% 11»V BxtraEdition 1:18% 117 -Lugs 1:19% 53-Uood Time ..1:22% 315-Sngamook ...1:19% One Mile. 70-Broth*lyEove 1:4S% 116-Ihistabmit ...1:53 117-Best Pal ...1:51 113-John Finn ..1:49 334-By Cosh 1:50% 117-Llewellyn ...1:46% i NEW YORK, N. Y., May IS, — Todays training gallops over the New York tracks follow : JAMAICA Weather clear ; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 117-Bonaparte 35% Ill-Miss Cameo — 29 30-Ed Tliorp 39 110 -Profit 40% 89-Good Times -.41 Half Mile. 117-AragoTi 47% 101-King of FortuneSO 117-Baby Lane 50 117-Lester Doctor 52% 112 Bert Hanlon ..54% 116-Le Roi 50% Fred Taral 55 3 17-Irfidy Boss 50 115 Eearnaught ...48% 107 Mawrcoron 49 118-Fast Mail 48% 116-Monna Vauna 50% 118-;ala Night ...48% 117-Old Broadway 51 117-GoIdbeater 51 103-Iolo Star 55 117-Gold Trap 52% 117-Stony Point ...50% Eivf-Eighths Mile. 116-Cant Say Kol:02% 114-Little Tal ...1:03% Ill-Contentment 1:02% 118 My Thoughts 1:02% 117-Delhi Boy ...1:03% 110 Price Hill ...1:09 117-Goldmawr ...1:01 119-Sleiveconard .1:06 Three-Quarters Mile. 114-A. Mrone 11.1:16% 114-Peter King ..1:14 117-Lfrd Granite 1:16% 115-Pathan 1:18% 117-Ijttle Neta ..1:22 117-Tiine Expose 1:14 117-McAnliffe ...1:16% 117-TraviaU 1:19 107-Mac Lir 1:20 Ill-Veto 121% One Mile. US-Blanc Seing .1:44 118-MarceHine ...1:44% 117-Flax 1:44% 117-Rock Bottom 1:51% Milo and ax Eighth. 117 Rialto 1:54 Aragon showed good speed. Anna Marrone IL was under restraint. Peter King ran welL Time Exposure showed good speed in his gallops. Blanc Seing had an easy gallop. Rialto did a fine work weLL y i AQIEDUCT. Weather clear ; track fast — Half Mile. 114-Arcadia BP% 117-Maxie 50 109 Cork Elm H Young April ..51% Escolane 51% Fire-Eighths Mile. i 117-Cydonia 1:22 110 Last Reveillel :23 1 109 Indian Trail. 1:14% Shilo 1:18 f 1 1H Irene Swney.l:17 107-Worthmora ..1:14% 114- Jeroboam ...1:21% | Sev3n-Eighths Mile. | 117-Aga Khan ..1:28% US-Vulnad 1:31% l 107 Flame 1:29% 118-Woodlake ...1:31% | One Mile. i 114-Delmar 1:44 1 17 Sunsini 1:47 103-Feysun 1:47 117-Sun Altos ..1:47 Mile and an Eighth. 110 Tettifogger .1:59% I BELMONT PARK Weather clear; track good— i Three -Eighths Mile. Auld Lg Syne. 37% 117-Kings Ransom. 38 . 117-Beaux Art ...36% 111 -Laplander 38% 109 loudiand 37% Pastille 3J% ross Wire ...37% Play Hour 3M; 107-Ii*gram :!9 96-Royal Girl ...SB* Felix 38% 1 17-Rollicking 35% J 116-Kaddist 37% 195-Shanghai 38% 117-High View ...35% W Telle— 37% 110-Irish Marine ..37% 116-Trip Lightly ..36% 113- Imagination ...37% 117- Warrenton 36% Half Mile. 100-Armorse 51% 117-Lyrea 49 117-Chink 49 117-Marbler 4S Cannister 49 1l7-.edana 47% 110 Catalan 51% 117 Pixola 49 ■ 93-Ducky 54 117-Repartee 4S% ! finable 39% Roseherry 49% lllllirtation 54 109-Swopo tt% 114-Glister 53% 114 Senor 49 117;HighbinUer ...49 109 Wheeler 53% 109-KeIly 54 114-Wonder Light .49 Kirkfield 53 Zero Hour ... 49H lC9-Uttle Jeff ...54 Five -Eighths Milo. 109 -Borderland ..1:04 117-Plough Boy .1:00% Three -Quarters Mile. 115-Cath. Marne.117% 118 King Ss Seall:19% lir-Cum Sah ...118% 114-Pat Casey ..1:19 110-Hante 1:18% 115-Pepp 1:17 Jl-*-I °t 1:17 107-Salaeia 1:22 390 Gold. Armor. 1:17% 115-St. Allan ..1:17 115-Jac. Julian ..1:26% 117-Upsal 1 Jl Seven-Eighths Mile. 117-Beau Nash ..1:34% One Mile. 117-AthelsUn ...1.44% 117-Forest Lore .1:44% 114-Broomfield ..1:44% Chink ar.d Highbinder worked together. Nedana showed improvement. Plough Boy showed a good speed test Athelstan looks and acts good. Forest Lore and Broomfleld worked together.