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PLENTY HORSES FOR OMAHA Manager Chas. L. Trimble on Way to Derby Tells of Prospects for Ak-Sar-Ben Meeting. Mr. Edward Peterson chairman of the Nebraska State Racing Commission, Mr. Gould Dietz, president, and Chas. I* Trimble, secretary-manager of the Ak-Sar-Ben Exhibition Co., under whose auspices racing is conducted at Omaha, Neb., passed through Chicago on their way to Louisville, Ky., to witness the decision of the Kentucky Derby. Mr. Trimble was enthusiastic over the prospects of the coming meeting at Omaha, which opens on Saturday, May 31. This will j bo Govenors Day and the chief executive of j Nebraska, the Honorable Charles Bryan, a brother of the famous William Jennings Bryan, will be the guest of honor. "We expect to have 650 horses available for our spring meeting," said manager Trimble in discussing the meeting. "We were I obliged to erect 120 more stables to accommodate the horses, coming to Omaha. We ! have had more requests for reservations this j spring than in any previous year. In addition to the large increase numerically, the quality of the horses to race at Ak-Sar-Ben is superior to former years and the outlook for some interesting and high-class racing is indeed bright." The following is a list of owners and the ni:mber of hoises in their strings that will race at Omaha : Number of Number of Owner. Horses. Owner. Horses. Jones Stk F. Stable. 12 Dr. It. A. I-ovell 4 Kneed and McClaiu. . . .11 K. K. Sterrett 5 Williams Bros 12 It. ltipley .". S. T. Uaxter 7 F. K. Irwin 3 J. II. McCoole 2 B. Broadfoot 2 Z. K. McGregor 4 L. Mbsou 4 Minitower Stable ...10 Ceorse Drumlieller. . .11 ;. W. Crippen 4 Muth and Forsha 7 Dr. Wm. II. Walker. 5 W. 0. Weant 10 Scoville Stable 5 J. Clausen 4 J. S. Kindschcr 3 1,. T. Whitehill 4 Neal and Bartholomew. « II. V. MeConnell 5 Dr. J. A. Blaekwell. 0 F. K. Doyle C 0. B. Irwin 28 C. Sawyer 10 Col. K. L. Baker 12 A. K. Smith 4 J. H. and. ;. 1*. Keene. 0 O. P. Burn 12 B. Williams 4 L. Cassity 4 1. Tuilett 7 A. J. Campbell 4 r. Borland 7 Kalph Oiff in 4