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CHICAGOANS AT THE DERBY ! - Between 10,000 and 15,000 Going to Louisville for Big Eace — j List of Boxholdexs. Chicago win send the largest delegation to the Kentucky Derby of any city outside of the Blue Grass State- It is estimated that ■between 10.000 and 15,000 persons will journey from here to Louisville to witness the fiftieth running of Kentuckys noted race. By Tail and motor the red blooded sport loving citizens of Chicago are now and will continue today to wend their way to historic Churchill J «.wns, where on Saturday they will form of the attendance of 50,000 or more that Will witness the celebration of the golden jubilee of one of Americas most popular and famous horse races. Here is the list of Chicagoans who are among the boiholders for Saturdays big race: lrfrs. James It. Baker Gillwrt E. Kef bier Charles A. Baumruck Thomas F. Keeley I Fred Becson Roy I». Keene C. G. Betzhoover llarry S. Knei . Hoiulix Hear Kuffer •Joseph K. Bidwill, Jr.. Fdward Lawler Week Billings »tto W. Lebmann It. W. Binghum Kdward J. Leiimann JI. . Binyoii F.rcman N. Leopold Tratik J. JJirk Albert II. Ixieb W. K. Blachcy Benjamin W. Lord •3 lin 1». Meet George Lafferty Jtohert F. Black ■• 0. Maher -Arm in W. r.rand Jehn H. McGeary ilhilip Brand Fred MeNally ,-Geon?e K. Brennan Tbomas M. McHule ■JA. K. Butin E. J. OBrien, Jr_ Ut. a Caldwell J. Oberfe.der K J. Ourr L. C Patterson ••Thomas T. Cavanagh S. Peabody •James II. Channon Theodore A. Peterson -3ohn J. CeepaUe A. D. lMamoudon [p. I - Crooks W. A. Pullman John Cunningham H. I. Kolnon iJIarry K. Curran John .. Schank "W. A. Curley Calvin O. Smith Josopli B. David 11. L. Spark* Beeeee 11. Donnelley L. Wont Stein !»«• I* Salle Assembly 25 Holly Stover It M. Kastman A. W. StnuiH K. W. Kverett Silas H. Strawn Charles T. Kssig ti. II. Swift a V. Fah.-y U. F. Swift. Jr. Alfred K. Foreman A. B. Swift W. W. Garrison W. E. Swift Walter G. Gibbons John J. Shechan J. Y. Gould M. J. Tennes Quin Hall Bay P. Tennes "V. A. Hewitt John It. Thompson Frank L. Hood Carroll A. Teller "Will H. Howell H. C. Vauder Voort John Hertz Ralph Van VecUten John M. Haskett E. L Vaughn Illinois Athletic Club A. .1. Weinsheimer J.ihn Irwin Charles M. Woodman John O. Jenks Charles A. Wriglit m. H. Joachim Harvey T. Woodruff O. Cromwell Jones S. U. Zuckerman Ja trick H. Joyce The following from Chicago have boxes in the grandstand section.: Cl. U A horn H. R. Kurrie Joseph H. BidwiU Jehu Marsch Fred A. Burton John W. Merriam W. A. Callison G. 0. Peurod JE A. Cluiigoon T. W. Parker B. I*. Cockrell Powers Tours John T. Connery Elbert Cary Sutcliffe J. Paul limine Aaron Strauss JE. T. Evans Simon J. Strauss 31. T. Kvana llarry M. Valentine ■Jlalford Krickson Morris Vehon Frank J. Farrell E. I*. Vernia !*•« i,oul:iiiiii Thomas J. Verriht aiamilton Club C. A. Williams Fred Beepeeet Sam Wolff Arthur S. Iluey F. Zimmerman Hugh J. Kearns *