untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-16


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HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52ND STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. THURSDAYS "Harvey Transaction" WON Mr. Ames comment over the long distance, before the races, was as follows: "Am investing ten thousand dollars personally and consider result foregone conclusion. Advise all not to make their play too early.. I am placing my own funds through Canada, one hour-before post time, in order to avoid return commissions influencing the odds." Results are the only things that count, not conversation, and they must be winning results to be profitable. It should always be remembered that with the exception of occasional setbacks, caused by changed track conditions before the race, or accidents which happen to horses after they arrive at the barrier, that "Harvey Transactions" have every possible protection against loss, and are considered in the light of investments rather than a haphazard gamble. Over the long distance this office was notified after the result of the fifth race was official that a "Harvey Transaction" would start TODAY AND TOMORROW GOOD ODDS MAY BE LOOKED FOR IN BOTH INSTANCES Mr. Ames is personally supervising the details of "Harvey Transactions" starting at Louisville, and money, and plenty of it, is behind each transaction to make same a success. Attention is once more drawn to the fact that "Harvey Transactions" consist strictly of one horse. Subscription 00 for each "Harvey Transaction" must be telegraphed promptly to avoid exclusion through oversubscription. This office is in no way connected with anyone in this line of business and recognizes no competition. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 United Turf News 1I« Nassau St., Room 401, New York City Information in Kentucky Only United Tnrf News big horse won again yesterday — The Reaper ...7.20- Won United Tnrf News big horse won again Wednesday — Great Jaz 1.20- Won So as we tell yon to do today You Can Win a Fortune Our last 00 Private Horse was Nellie Morse ... 62042 Won Out Next 00 Private Horse GOES TODAY FREE to Weekly clients. Whenever we operate a 00 horse IT COSTS TJS ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ON MORE. Onr connection must have thousands to operate tad we give ear share towards operating. Ten pay only Weekly. Subscribe to UNITED TURF NEWS, 0 Weekly. Tuesdays Kentucky Hg Special— Brunswick 3.50- Won Mondays K—trhy Bis Special— Breechloader . . .6.60- Won Opening Churchill Downs Special — Glide .30- Won Telecraph money Western Union or Postal. Weekly, .00 Sally. Olty clients oalL ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM Maryland Service Suite 208, 145 W. 41st SL New York City TODAY I Friday, May 16 Xs the date of our next exclusive release. We repeat this for those who have keen reading our ad and missing the golden opportunities offered by us in our many previous loner-priced winners. It is our opinion that todays release is positively the safest investment offered by us this spring. Today is harvest day for our many constituents. Pity the farmer, for he has to wait until the falL If you hesitate today, put yourself in the farmer class and before fall comes you may encounter a. drought. OUR BECENT EXCLUSIVE RELEASES: PasSeul 3.90- Won Excuse Me 1.10- Won Worthmore 4.90- Won Le Vignemale ..5.40- Won Mary Dear $ 8.80- Won Noel 4.40- Won Byng 0.10- Won Normana 2.50- Won Sweepstakes . . .3.10- Won Old Faithful ...$ 9.50- Won Night Shade ...0.40- Won Bucado $ 9.50-S2 Won Normal $ 6.10- Won 5 in Advance for Todays Release TO AVOID DELAY REMIT BY TELEGRAPH. Maryland Service Smite 208, 11$ W. 41 it St. New York City Subscribe for Daily Racing Form f I 3» I IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. O. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPIRED WITH HON. WIRE S10.00 AT ONCE. OUR NEXT 0.00 ORE HORSE SPECIAL GOES SATURDAY OUR LAST SEVEN 0 00 SPECIALS— SIX WON, ORE SECOND; THEY WERE: May 14— MOM 11-5 Won May 12— BREECHLOADER 6.60- Won « May 10— SUN FLAG $ 7.20- Won May 9L-FLYING FUR 1.80- Won May 7— SEA COURT 1.80-12 2nd May 5— LALLY 6-5 Won May 3— CHACOLET 1.50- Won Nothing sent yesterday or today. Above were only wires sent since May 3. WE SWEAR our 0.00 Specials rive only ONE HORSE. We had six winners last seven Specials. AU Specials are filed with this papar. 0.00 flat bet won ,452 since April 1. TOMORROWS SATURDAYS 0.00 ONE HORSE SPECIAL AT CHURCHILL DOWNS SHOULD BE 20-1 This is the horse we expected earlier this week, but was net started as scratches would, have spoiled price. Any track suits this horse; he should romp home and pay around 20 to 1. We protect our clients and, if this horse does not win, our next two 0.00 Specials will be sent FREE. Our telegrams rive only one horse, but wo bolieve we have the Derby winner and can send it free with our 0.00 Special. Those who want Derby horse as well as 0.00 Special, must state "Send Derby Also" on their telegrams. Our Saturday 0.00 Special conies from the same source as BREECHLOADER, 6.60-, WON our Special last Monday. DONT MISS IT. By wiring subscription at once you will avoid delay and receive our telegram in ample time. Wire 0.00 at once by Western Union no Postal here. S. O. SERVICE -:- Jamaica, N. Y. NOTE— TELL TELEGRAPH COMPANY TO SEND ADDRESS; IT PREVENTS DELAY. IB 1452 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays One Horse: THE REAPER 7.20- WON Wednesdays One Horse: BOURBON BOY 4.10- WON Tuesdays OnB Horse: BEVERWYCK 6.80- WON Go the limit on todays one horse. Wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Expect limit odds today. ED BRADLEY 1819 BB0ADWAY, GOTHAM BANK BLDG. NEW Y0BK CITY AGAIN! YESTERDAYS HORSE: AUNTIE MAY .50- WON Last horse Monday ran second 22 WINNERS, 6 SECONDS IN LAST 30 DAYS Absolutely only one horse a day 00 FLAT BET OVER 2,000 WINNER MY NEXT HORSE GOES TODAY— SHOULD PAY 15 TO 1 My fee, 5 daily, in advance. No propositions. Wire subscription by Western Union or Postal Money Order. SCHUYLER FLOYD CALVERT BUILDING BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE— BRYANT 0535 It Will Pay You Big Returns TO TAKE THE GUESS OUT 6~F YOUR TURF INVESTMENTS The ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" starting today Friday at Kentoucky is an assured success. One of the safest ever advised. » Quick Action Is Necessary IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY ONE OF OUR NUMEROUS SUBSCRIBERS, this is your OPPORTUNITY to get acquainted with this "WONDERFUL SERVICE. Let us prove to your satisfaction that we can make you money and save you money. Terms: One Hundred Dollars In Advance BY TELEGRAPH OR IN PERSON "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" are like "STERLING" on silver, THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION. WINNERS X want to do business with a few players who onn appreciate hi gh class information that will prove ▼cry profitable. All I ask la the winnings of a |6.00 play. If interested, tend me name, address and telephone number, if any. J. S., 740 East 137th St., New York City. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. «A1 PLYMOUTH COURT a CHICAGO, ELL. Southern Turf Bureau 218 West Jefferson Louisville, Ky. BIG SPECIAL TOMORROW TERMS, .00 Must win or you get next one going in seventh race Tuesday FREE. We only have these Specials occasionally. Have only handled three up to now — Klsass, Klaxon and Cautious — all won paying better than fifteen to one. You know our record. Tou know our reputation. We treat you fair. Our daily sheet continues to marvelous success. Tomorrows Special will not be on our daily sheet. This is a private transaction and we expect another big-priced winner. Our daily sheet can be mailed to you overnight in plain sealed envelope for weekly. ON SALE IN LOUISVILLE AT CONN A MYRICK NEWSSTANDS. LAPALMA RESTAURANT AND OPPOSITE BROWNS HOTEL. RUSH SUBSCRIPTION LOSERS WHO TOOK NOTICE "Well, did I make rood? Did yon get even with Tour bookie 1 Auntie May .50- Won I told yon all in Wednesdays ad that this one was being made ready for a killing. And what a sweet price. But this one was only an introduction of my information. I have received word from the same source that they are going to shoot over another one on SATURDAY, KAY 17, AT CHURCHILL DOWNS And the word is to send it all in on this one, to win only. Vow then, to all yen who missed Thursdays good thing, here is yonr chance once mere to wire me .00 by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and I will wire yon the name of this hone at 11 oclock on the day of the race. Wire early to avoid possible delay and do not forget to send address. JOE ANDRE 172 HTLFORD ST. BROOKLYN, K. Y. Turf Editors Weekly TODAYS FREE CODE Churchill Downs — JOE -ON -ON -THE Get the TURF EDITORS DAILY. TWO WINNERS OH IT TODAY At all Newsstands. Frioa 1L

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924051601/drf1924051601_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924051601_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800