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, ■ i . a Opportunities Make Fortunes So Do Reliable Race Horses Many men would be wealthy today if they had enjoyed the same opportunities that more fortunata ones secured. The same reasoning is applicable to race horses. How many times have you seen a horaa which had changed 1 a nds. either by the claiming route or in direct sale, come cut on the track and wla pulled -up from horses that he couldnt keep close to under his former colors? The horse always had it in him, but had never had the opportunity to show it, being raced distances and ridden to instruction* [which were not suited to him. His true wor.h was shewn in his new environment, when, with bettet understanding by his trainer, he was permitted to show without handicap just what he always had ia him. The above description is that of a horse which should win at Churchill Downs, Thursday, May 22 While this horse has won some races in his career, he should show a performance Thursday that will substantiate fully every claim that I make fo/ Lim. I am asserting right here that he is so much bettel than anything else eligible to the race, that it will n t be a contest and the price will be far, far bettel than it should. The horse should win so impressively THURSDAY that the next time he starts in the same kind of company his price will be at odds-on instead of the liberal odds paid in the mutuols before the world knows of his piesent form. If you want a slice in a real old Kentucky "melon cutting," here is your opportunity. A chance like this docs not come every day or every week. I do not have many plays, two or possibly three a week. Knowing what a "lock" we have on THlKSDAY, I am reducing my terms to the lowest possible level so that .everyone can afford to be in on this good thing. Bet tea dollars for me THURSDAY and telegraph me the results of same after the hcrse wins. Absolutely n* money in advance. After Thursdays horse has won and you, have seen the trrjthfulness of my statements in this advertisement, as well as enjoyed the thrill of collecting ycur bet nt a nice price, I shall expect you to bet fifteen dollars for me on my next good thing. After the second horse has w n, my terms for the third and all future winners will be the winnings of a twenty-five dollar bet this is the amount all my old clients are betting for me with the following clause for your protecticn: Any time I send ycu a loser, your next bet for me will be ten dollars only, even though I have sent you fom or five straight winners. You now have before yon one of the moat worthy, valuable and honest propositions that was evw presented to you. The undersigned requests only such treatment at your hands as you will receive from him. He knows what he is doing and if ycu heed opportunitys call, you will have made connections second to none. Plans for another winner, starting Saturday. May 24, are now in process of development with every assurance of success. Telegraph me immediately if you are willing to bet 0.00 for ma THURSDAY and want inside information on Kentucky good things, which I will have from time to time. Be sure to include your correct street address, when you wire acceptance of my proposition. GUY C. ONEIL 202 REPUBLIC BLDG., LOUISVILLE, KY. GEORGE B. CLARK 211 MALN ST. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. I have just made new arrangements with the same people that I did busiiess with at Pimlico, Md., to send me their information FROM CANADIAN TRACKS These aro the same people who sent me. among other winners, the following Ions shots during the recent Pimlico meeting: Guvnor 2.60- Won Wessie B 5.20- Won Extreme 4.30- Won These winners and others were all registered in advance with this publication and Western Union Telegraph Co., and can al:o be verified by my clients. I pay a lot cf money to get winning satisfaction and I want to do business with a few good men in order to dsfray part of my havy expenses. Hero is my propositi n, and a very liberal one: Information will consist cf 3 or 1 plays each week and I will sond samj ta clients by prepaid telegram in ample tima before rxco. Terms — .00 in advance for telegraph charg-es and you promise to remit to mi tho winnings of a 0.00 play on each wirjier — no other propositions. Remit at once with correct straet address. Positively no wire will be sent in care of telegraph company. GEORGE B. CLARK 211 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will bi mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at lea. t 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad., with your name and address to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach, Fla. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM Square Deal To people who want two or three first clan investments weekly. My Square Deal Investments are equal to any racing information sold for 5 ta 00 cash. I am on the ground and know thai every one of my Square Deal Investments is a iaf« one. Several good investments ready at LouisvilL waiting for the right spot. Terms: Profits of a 0 straight play, to be wired or remitted to ma day after race. Send me to prepay first telegrams and your correct name and address. If yoi cannot give a square deal for one, please do aat answer. RICH WILLIS Seventh Avenue Hotel Louisville, Ky, W$ 149391493914939 1493914939 I JBL » PREDETERMINED £! TURF PROFITS -i •» . The MIRACLE SYSTEM la nationally «* known as "t:sy for player— hard f ar ; . layer." Has stood th© ACID TEST f ar f i/i many years. W «* rould not spend many y thousands of dollars per annum ader- -v ** tising water as cough syrup — and con- •* w tlnue in business. Sold on Installment —i payments paid from your profits. Absa- TT «o lottly FREE. lOO page racing; mannatVm •» review, sworn teatimonala. etc. Investl- * gate today and make your Bookie ob«yj4* Public Relations Manager fandt mm S. E. ARTHUR .7 /IP* B»X 10 1. r. Tohsoii, Md. SW 5UBSCH1BE fur DAILY RACIMG FORM