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Entries and Past Performances CHURCHILL DOWNS MONDAY, MAY 19 WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK FAST. Tk* figures nnder the heading "See." la tae entries below show the best time ef ] each horse st the distance since January 1. US, no matter where it finished. In esses where record was made en ether than a fast •r rood track, abbreviations shew track cen- . dltions. ■ 76U0 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1M4. 786S8 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAT. Racing starts at 2:0O p. m. Chicago time, 3.00. ®sn|ici ii r mud runner. XGood mod runner. * Fair mud rnmicr. II Maiden*, •apprentice allowance, bl. 1 inkers. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made : Aurora Au Jefferson Park JP Aqueduct Aq Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park K"P Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maple Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Boyal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Du Fimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncliff* Th Havre de Grace HG Tijuana ...-- Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine We Jamaica J a First Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,300. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Track record: May 24, 1922— 1:44— 4— 113. Todays Ind. HorseandPostPos. Wt- Rec. A.Wt.Ilan. 70007 Ran Vicente, 13.. 8 100. .725 Y8977 Alinka, 2 4 110. .720 75531 Orerfire, 5 3 100. .715 t0007 Phidias, 9 3 100. .715 75552 Poet Dispatch, 3. 3 100X715 79040 Sporty McGee, 6. 3 100. .710 73826 La Planclie de Briante, 10 . . . 8 95.. 710 79004 Chaplet, 8 La 100 1:50 4 110. .705 T8826 Main pring, 1 ... 8 100.. 700 79007 Bedford, 7 8 100. .700 79007 Ohone. 11 8 95.. 700 TS973 Bona Vera. 12 | 96X700 Miss Mischief. 4. 0 00 Second Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,300. 2 year-olds. Claiming. Track record: May 8a, 1921— 52%— 2— 110. 79062 Star Girl, 13 110. .725 78829 My Destiny, 10. Lx 107 *5 108X720 79062* Bad Luck, .2.Lx 103 :65 108x715 78695 Superfrank, 4 .Lx 110 :58%h 114X715 78943 Vain EI lie M, 11 Lx 105 :55% 105.. 715 78774 *Miss Jennie M, 2 Lx 106 :561b 105. .710 79C37 Roacgirl U, 9CD U5 46% 110. .710 79062 Sorline M, 14CD 109 S67%h 108. .705 79066 Glory, 1 Lx 103 £0% 100.. 7C0 77910 Pepperdiiy Ml, 3 105.. 700 79062 J. G. Metal M.7 112.. 700 78943 Require M, 15CD 113 :58%h 110.. 700 Chloe D., 6 107 •Miss Emmcrt, 5.. 110 •The Orphan, 8 .. 103 ] . ■ Third Race— 7-1 Mile. Lock land Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: May 21, 1921— 1:23%— 4—110. 79040* DAZZLER, 5 .CD 100 1:25% 8 100X750 , 79039 Untried, 2 4 104x740 79038 Auntie May, 3 • 113X740 1 77974 Blotter, 6 8 100x740 » 79065* John Finn, 4 5 118x735 I 76302 Shindy, 1 3 98.. 720 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Puree ,300. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: May 19. 1921— 1:36%— 8— 104. 79042 Privilege, 3 ...JP 99 1.42 101X725 I 78938 •Nimrod. 7 CD 103 1:44*41 90. .720 79036 The Reaper, 11CD 10111 :40%s 102. .715 i 79039 Ann M ., 8 101.. 715 I 79036 Lady Jane, 5 99x710 72349 •Colfin M, 1 04. .710 I 70024 London Smoke M, 12 104.. 710 70006 Ambalika M, 2. CD 97 1:41 %s 105. .705 79606 Elusive M, 10CD 92 1:42% s 99.. 705 70040 Star Cudgel. 4. Hu 00 1:44% 110. .700 . 70681 Liege M, 6. .CD 112 1:43% 108.. 700 J 78667 •Glanmoro M, 9 109.. 700 Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile, Oakdale Purse. Purse ,500. 8-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: May 21, 1921— 1:23%— 4— 110. 79007 Sanola, 6 CD LU 1:27% 8 105. .750 78806 Comixa, 5 4 108x745 I 79065 Dusi.Tbout, 3 4 121x740 79007 Bourbon Hoy, 2CD 107 1:27% 8 110X740 , 79040 Be Good, 4 Ke 103 1:26% 5 108. .735 70007 Peter Maloney, 1. CD 118 1:28 0 105.. 730 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse ,300. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ■ Track record: May 24, 1921—1:11—6—128. 78971 Brunswick, 9 ..Ke 99 1:11% 0 115. .725 78751* Glvn. 8 La 103 1:11% 5 105® 720 78971 Ben Bolt, 3. . .CD 108 1:12% 6 110X715 [ 75557 TVds Plum, 2. .Do 100 1:12% 4 105x715 78797 »bRapid Day. 16.1a 103 1:12% 8 110*715 • 79063 Lugs, 15 La 113 1:12% 6 115X715 • 79061* Modna. 19 96 1:12% 6 100x715 I 79063 Roldgold, 1 . .Hv 107 1:13% 4 105. .710 78976 •Hullo, 5 La 104 1:13% 6 105x710 I 79061 bBrother John, 7.. Hw 110 1:12% 5 115X710 -, 78971* •Widgeon, 11 ..Sa 112 1:12% 6 107. .710 » 75557 Macbeth, 14 . .CD 109 1:13% 4 110X710 j 79063 Blowing Hubble;, 10 6 110X705 -, 79004 bRob, 18 FG 106 1:14% 5 110x705 75033 Jupiter, 20 La 101 1:13 4 110x705 79063* Oo La La, 4. .D? 110 1:15% 6 105X700 J 79093 Who Knows Me. 6 CD 109 1:14 4 11OX700 72634 Hamet II, 12Wi 110 1:14% 5 110. .700 70061 Doctor Glenn, 13. La 08 1:13% 4 110X700 1 70010 Miss Mazie, 17. Hv 101 1:13 4 105® 700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile. Purse ,300. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: May 19, 1921— 1:36%— —104. 79063* •Breechloader, 7 . . CD 103 l:43h 102. .725 79067 Tretty Politician, 1 CD 103 l:40%s 113x720 ■ 70042 Niagara, 10 ...Ti 98 1:40% 109.. 715 - 78973 King Tut M. 11 CD 10711:40% 108x715 5 79042* *Devil Girl, 2. .FG 9911:42% 100X715 i 77871 Sizzle, 4 103. .715 5 78770 •Attractive M, 8 JP 93 1:43% 94X705 "t 78563 Moorfield, 6 112 1:43% 104x700 1 70475 Bap, 6 100.. 700 J 78800 Slicker. 8 109.. 700 79036 Royal George, 9.. 110.. 700 J