untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-18


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v 1 j g t ° e s , » c * . a s J " / I X , | , SCHUYLER FLOYD CALVERT BUILDING BROADWAY AT 41ST STREET NEW YORK CITY TELEPHONE— BRYANT 6333 YESTERDAYS "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" POSTPONED due to horse receiving a stone bruise while galloping Saturday morning. This is convincing evidence of how this office safeguards the turf investments of their clients and their own, permitting same in only the choicest events, with the horse sound in body and possessing a heart of steel. The executives entire financial reserves are pledged in each event to protect the investment against loss. With such methods pursued they constitute bulwark which spells to prospective subscribers Safety in Investing Their Savings Why the "Schuyler Investments" Claim the position of leadership — Becanse the Fonr "Schuyler Investments" This Week: Mondays Horse Won Tuesdays Horse Won Wednesdays Horse Finished Second Fridays Horse Finished Second Two hundred dollars to win on each of the above horses, less cost of information and deduction of losses, shows a net profit for the week of |,88P| The next "Schuyler Investment" takes place MONDAY, MAY 19 THIS INVESTMENT HAS LONG BEEN WAITED FOR BY THIS OFFICE AND WE HAVE THE ASSURANCE THAT IT WILL PROVE EXTREMELY PROFITABLE. Terms: One Hundred Dollars In Advance By Telegraph or in Person THE "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" ARE LIKE "STERLING" ON SILVER— THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION. , The System Player Monthly — MAY NUMBER— THE ONE PLAY A DAY This week FIYE WINS, three losers. NEXT WEEK— LONG SHOT WEEK 0—6 Days With System— 0 I Telegraph your subscription. Horses sent by night letter telegram. J. MONTAGUE 409 RIDGEWOOD AVE., BROOKLYN, N. Y. LOUISVILLE RACES COLJ.J.SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIEB CXOCKEK Thirty years experience as trainer-docker. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOB YOU 115 FOR ANY TEN DAYS. Rush your subscription. Dont fail to tend Ten address. From me you get track conditions and bo scratched horses, bnt fit horses. My many clients will vouch for my marvelous success at Kentucky tracks. Consult a specialist of the game. I wire 1 one or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph remittances or remit by express order in letter. Propositions net considered. Strictly cash only. HM HOXEt iOmSYTLXE, XT. ; ■ J . 1 . ■ I 1 ; EASTERN HANDICAPPER 10 NORTH CLARK STREET, ROOM 706 CHICAGO, ILU I 50 Cent Letter and Special, at all principal newsstands. I JP0* WESTERN PLAYERS, ATTENTION! -Q I Feeling and knowing that there was a strong demand thronghont tbls part of CM M country for a real tnrf daily we have arrived at the eonelasion to open a western office M because of the mail we received from newsdealers advising ns of the great demand from M our eastern followers who happened to be in these western cities. M LOOK! LOOK! YESTERDAYS CLEANUP I KITTY PAT 8.50- WON ■ ACTUARY $ 4.70-S2 WON ■ COURTEOUS 6.30- WON I AND AGAIN OUR FOLLOWERS CLEANED UP I Yesterdays .00 Special: H PARADER .20- WON ■ Our record at Churchill Downs for the last week on 50 cent sheet: H BLANCHE MAC 1.90- WON ■ ED PENDLETON $ 4.10- WON ■ LUGS 8.10- WON ■ REPEATER 2.70- WON ■ BOURBON BOY 4.10- WON ■ GREAT JAZ 1.20- WON ■ PEQUOT $ 8.10- WON ■ GLIDE $ 9.30- WON ■ THE REAPER 7.20- WON ■ STARTLE $ 5.10- WON ■ FIRETOMA $ 6.60- WON ■ BRUNSWICK 3.50- WON ■ QUESADA $ 6.20- WON - ■ THE RUNT 2.50- WON ■ QUESADA $ 9.20- WON ■ KING GORIN II $ 4.80- WON ■ We only gave three horses daily at Churchill Downs the last week. Tbis sure is SOMB M RECORD. On a 0 FLAT PLAY on every horse we advised ■ OT* NETTED A CLEAR PROFIT OF OVER 00.00 ■ That is the acid test of any selections, showing a winning on a flat play. This sheet H is filed in advance, every day, with the Daily Racing Form. | HOT* WE FEATURE EVERY DAY A BIG TWO HORSE WIN PARLAY I Last weeks record on these parlays were | FOUR BIG WINNING PARLAYS I that showed a winning that ran into four figures. These parlays are the sensation eel H the entire East. H OT" WE ALSO HAVE A *2 SPECIAL DAILY I Our record on these SPECIALS SLNCE CHURCHILL DOWNS OPENING: H Friday, May 16th— DUSTABOUT 0.20- WON I Thursday, May 15th— AUNTIE MAY $ 8.50- WON ■ Wednesday, May 14th— NEW BEAUTY 0.60- WON ■ Tuesday, May 13th— DOBSON $ 9.50- WON ■ Monday, May 12th— PRINCE K $ 4.80- WON ■ Saturday, May 10th— CHILHOWEE $ 8.20- WON ■ What do you think of tbis record for strictly one horse a day? Doesnt it prove that M our connections are REAL LITE WIRES! How much longer are you going to play the M also ransT Get started with J DARK HORSE SPECIAL ■ Here Is another that comes from tie same operators that hare been sending winners M to ns. They say this one bas been given a PRIVATE PREPPING for this particular race. M Looks like a good priced winner. J REMEMBER THE OLD SAYING— H "STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT" ■ We are doing business with LITE, SHREWD PEOPLE who know their business. We M should SLAM ACROSS many another LONG SHOT before the meeting is over. 1 OT" MONDAY A BIG PARLAY GOES -andand ■ You should get a HUNDRED DOLLARS for every DEUCE you put on this pair. M OT" MONDAY A REAL LONG SHOT GOES H We have uncovered another cherry-ripe melon. Comes from the same people that H gave us REPEATER, 2.70-, WON. Vie would not be surprised if the price on Mondays M Special was juicier than the one on Repeater. M DONT HESITATE I Mondays Sheet for Sale I TODAY-SUNDAY -1 Delay means a loss of money to you. Haste means a gain. As we only sent ont a, | limited supply to all dealers, rush right now to your newsdealer and get your copy of the M OT" EASTERN HANDICAPPERS -| ■ BIG SPECIAL AND 50 CENT LETTER H OT* LOUISVILLE PLAYERS, ATTENTION! H The EASTERN HANDICAPPER Is for sale in your city at H EILER A GOODMANS 227 FOURTH AVR. H Also other leading news stores. M OT" CHICAGO PLAYERS, ATTENTION! H For sale at our Branch Chicago Office. Monday, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Come up and M see us. Or, for sale at ALL LOOP NEWSSTANDS. ■ For sale Sunday at | POST OFFICE NEWSSTAND 74 WEST MADISON STREET H OT* DETROIT PLAYERS, ATTENTION! H For sale only at the M BAGLEY NEWSSTAND COR. WOODWARD ft MONROE AYES. H In front of the Bagley Monument. H CINCINNATI— For sale at— RAY PIERCE COR, FIFTH A YINE ST8. H ST. LOUIS— For sale at— WM. LASER, 711 MARKET, also BOOK STORE, 410 WASH- ■ INGTON. ■ DAYTON— For sale at— H. EUPHRAT 120 SOUTH JEFFERSON STREET H §OT CLEVELAND PLAYERS, ATTENTION! ■ We are PUBLISHING a SPECIAL EDITION of the EASTERN HANDICAPPER for H the MAPLE HEIGHTS RACE TRACK for CLEVELAND PLAYERS ONLY. Dont go H to MAPLE HEIGHTS before stopping at M O. C. SCHROEDER 512 EAST SUPERIOR AVE. H and get the EASTERN HANDICAPPER, Both editions for 60 cents. 1 OT" SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER FOR THIS WEEK ONLY I EASTERN HANDICAPPERS I BIG SPECIAL AND 50 CENT DAILY ~3*g I Hailed to yon overnight in a plain sealed envelope so you receive It in an early morning M mail at HALF PRICE. H or BOTH SPECIAL AND 50 CENT DAILY, ■ ONE WEEK, .50 ~fg ■ Dent hesitate; we win only accept a LIMITED number of SUBSCRIBERS at this M BARGAIN RATE. We do this merely to convince our western followers and to prove tu | them conclusively the HIGH CLASS of our INFO. SEND S7.S0 TO ■ EASTERN HANDICAPPER ■ 10 NORTH CLARK STREET, ROOM 706 CHICAGO, ILL. ■

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924051801/drf1924051801_14_2
Local Identifier: drf1924051801_14_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800