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7tll RflPF * Mile. .".-year-old*. Claiming:. May 19, 1921 1:36 1-5— BREECHLOADER, b. g, 3 103 By Flittergold— Thistle Green, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer. H. Oots. Owner, C. E. and J. Hamilton. Breeders. C. E. and J. Hamilton. 79063 Churchill 1 l:33ttfast 7 99 3 S V 8* R Fisher 8 Lugs, Oo La La, Roldgold W938 Churchill 11:43 hvy Tit 103 H 6 HI* R Fiaher 13 AmityClaim, N. Beauty, Mex.Tea 78802 LexKton 3-4 l:13%fast 16 97 6 S 6* 4" R Fisher 10 Broth. John, Runchief. Ballynew 77456 F.Grnds lm70y 1 :48%hvy 13 105 4 6 7» 7** J Heupel 8 Anne, Quivero, Seths Flower 77324 F.Grnds 1 i-16 1 :49%slow 40 89 S 6 6* 6" S Griffin 6 Pequot. Raffles, Freexy Sneezy 77259 K.Urniis lm70y l:45%fast 9-6 106 9 10 9» 9" L McDottll Telescope. Anne, Wong Bok PRETTY POLITICIAN, ch. f. 3 113 By Ballot— Maifou. by Hastings. Trainer. R. C. Frakes. Owner. R. D. Robson. Breeder. D. B. Knox. 79067 Churchill 1 l:3fast 6 103 S S 2»1 2* H Gray 7 EdPendleton, Wapiti. AllieOchs 79000 Churchill 1 l.»*«*lllW 23-10 103 S S S1 Sl H Gray 9 NewBeauty, AmtyClm, T.Rper 78748 Lexgton 8-4 l:13fefast 61 97 4 S 2» 21 F Thdyke 9 Minns. Neughty Nisba GussieP 75535 Churchill 7-8 l:26 4fast Mf 103 1 4 4* 4* J McCoy 14 DareSay. MahJong, Break. Bel! 754H. Churchill 8-4 l:12%gt od 12 103 S 7 4* 6* J Wallace 9 PssDorn. Beau. Agnes. MahJong 74814 latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 13 105 5 4 4* 4*1 H Gray 8 Sanola, M Liwrenee, Delectable JIIAGARA. br. f, 3 109 By The Finn— Shallow Water, by Rapid Water Trainer. C. Van Dusen. Owner. W. C. Goedloe. Breeder. J. W. Baiiev. 79042 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47%good 6 97 1 S 7* 7" D Jones 8 Firetoma, Devil Girl, Bye Bye 78171 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 8-2 106 3 9 2» 2 B Kenndy 6 Music Box. Contusn. Goldn Cup 77295 Tijuana 61fl:07%fast S 110 6 S 9 971 F Cantrell 9 Voorgold, Flax. Freebooter 77179 Tijuana 6 8 l:00%fast 4 113 1 S S* 2* S ODonnl 8 B.Keaton. Freebooter, Runchief 77039 Tijuana 11:40 fast 141 98 4«1 J Wood 8 Runclar. UuonPine 76981 Tijuana 3-4 1 :lo%fast 6-6 U0 21 D Connlly 9 Hilarity, Freebooter. Settee 16826 Tijuana 3 4 1:14 slow 281 102 71 A Claver 8 S.Bradley, Runclar, CberokeeLee KING TUT. br. c. 3 M 108 By Jusquau Bout— Ida May, by Charade. Trainer, J. C. Gallaher. Owner, Gallaher Bros.. Breeders. Gallaher Bros. 78973 Churchill 1 l:3S%good 17 1031 4 4 6* 4* B Harvey I Dobson, HallotHrioh Frunkman 18800 Lexgton S-4 1 :13«sfast 6-6 102 7 S H 4 | B Harvey 12 NewPeauty. OddSetli. Mex Tea 71030 latonia 6-8 1 :00, fast 12 115 S 6 6* 7*1 B Harvey 12 Enegy, W. Counsel or. CanonSbot 70910 Latonia 6-8 1 :01*4mud C7-10 115 4 6 61 7*J I Howard 12 Hunter. Cannon Shot. Modest 70815 Latonia 6-8 LOSVimud a-10 115 4 7 41 7" J Howard 12 Spellbinder. Col.Gilu.ore, Tight DEVIL GIRL, b. f, 3 100 By Spanish Prince II. — Little Devil, by Ogden. Trailer, W. Perkins. Owner, P. Grabner. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 79042 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47fcgood 7 9916 4 2» 2« G Ellis 8 Firetoma, Bye Bye, Privilege 17103 F.Gr nds lm70y 1:46 fast 4 104 8 8 8» 9" G W CraOU Flving Fur. Fausto Peggy O 76988 F.Gr nds 1 l:44%hvy 8 102 8 8 8* 3» H Farland 8 Wiln ertheWiEard Anne Attilia 16944 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14andgood 10 100 9 6 4»* 3*1 R Hai tonll JuliaM., W.t. Wizard, W Ck irm 16838 P.Gr nds S-4 llandVislow 7 HI 6 4 74 9" E Pool 9 Ducky. Payman. W.the Wizard 18772 F.Grnds 11:42 good 21 9915 S S» 6* I Parke 8 Extra Edition. Dreamer, Dobsou SIZZLE, b. f, 3 103 By Frizzle — Lady Fanchon, by Great Britain. Trainer. J. McFherson. Owner, J. C. Farst. Breeder. O. D. Randolph. 77871 Jefferson S-4 1:14*fast S 101 S S 5» V G W Oarll 13 Vacuum, Lt«a, longboat 77780 Jefferson 8-4 l:14Hfast 4-6 110 4 S 1» 1* I Parke II PeggyO., il.Noi them Troutwk 77649 F.Grnds 8-4 1:13%fast 20 1041 1 S 8» 6*1 J McCoy 9 QunCharru «, Whalebone. Lugs 15750 Jefferson 6-8 1:04 mud 12 106 1 9 9 9»» B Harvey, Without, Mad Vennie 18416 Churchill 8-4 :2%eood. 17 110 S S 7« 7" J Gruoer 9 1"skDoi n. Beau. Agnes. MahJong ISMS Latonia 8-4 1:15 hvy 41 101 10 Lost rider. B Harveyl2 Ocircna. Hamra. W. the Wizard ATTBACTIVE, ch. f, 8 M 84 By Manager Waite— America, by Voter. Trainer. F. Brooks. Owner, T. ▼. Monntjoy. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 18770 Lexgton 8-4 1:14 fast 17 94 9 10 7* 7" E OBrienll Lierre, Atieilillin, SisterJosella 18870 Iexgton S-4 l:18Hmud 11 106 4 6 21 21 E OBrien 8 Cupid. March On I. lsaii tt»88 Jeffeison 8-4 l:15%hvy SO 105 1 S 6» 6* B Breningl.j Ivoy. Benigna. Jim henney 17781 Jefferson 11:42 fast 20 93 5 U 11* U" W Har.ev lb Omnipotent Servil,,- Air Heck 17626 F.Grnds S-4 l:14»4good 20 166 S 6 61 6* B BreninE13 HyKlair. Ceenewr, WatehCl.irm ?74«1 F.Grnds lm70y l:60*4hvy 4-6 107 S S 8 8*1 J Heupel 6 Futuro. Chaperoue DaneingFool 7820 FGrnds S-4 l:16*slow 20 1U 8 7 6» 8*1 G Breningll AmityClaim. Goldfield Henry J. 171»1 F.Grnds lmTOy l:46%good 89 100 6 4 6* S" B BrenlngU Telescope, Amity Ciaim Juno" MOORFIELD. b. g. 3 104 By Astronomer— Mirka. by Peter Quince. Trainer. W. A. McKinner. Owner. W. A. McKinney. Breeder. K. P. ShiDp. 78563 Colmbus 5-8 1:05 fast 13 110 8«1 J Majestl" 10 CncleAbe, Bigwig, JudgcHkmi 78486 Colmbus H f l:12%hvy 7 108 4 F SerembalO Nnn.M Kay, FnstP.oy, AunUane 78045 Havana lmTOy 1 47 slow 6 103 3 4 4* 410 T Brothers S Vice hairn. Perhaps, Bro.Joha ,78030 Havana 3-1 l:17%mud 3 1U 3 2 3* 21 T Brothers 7 Ancestress. Neptune. I-onsrGreen 77788 Havana lm50y 1 :44 fast 6 112 5 6 6* 6J T Brothers 8 Rabbling. Mrs Gardner. R.Queen 77C38 Havana ii f l:08*4hvv 6 98 3 7 7 o7 W Fronk 7 C.Encanto. T.Auierican, Perhapt KA-P, b. g, 3 108 By Ralph— Thaka. by Sir Huon. Trainer. R. P. Brooks. Owner. L. G. Ailes. Breeder. G. J. Lon?. 7C475 ChmrchlU 5-8 1:00 fast 40 1C9 8 7 75 6,T A Wilson S Q.Clirminjr. PggyO.. P.Disptea 70350 Churchill 41 f 55imud 38f 110 2 1 91 9" C Ponce 12 PegryO.. QunCharming, Buglei 70243 Chun hill 41 f 5544rnud 14f 112 9 9 7*" D» H Gray II PeggvO.. Q Chrmin-. Moorfield 70167 Chur-hili 41 f Miifast 38 HOill 11 11 11* D Connllyll P.ovOP.ov. F.verslade. G.Nthern 70015 Chun hill 41 f 64 fast 20 108 2 9 9 9" D Connlly 9 P.oy O Hov. Altawood. Eventide C9455 Huntton 1-2 49%fast 6 115 1» R Harton « I— ill W.. Joe Gatti. Zuntll* 69393 Huntton 1-2 60%fast 19 115 4» R Harton 0 Ink. Old Paiee. Virginia B. SLICKER, br. f, 3 109 By ETereit— Rusty Coat, by Ethelbert. Trainer, J. Spencer. Owner, J. Spencer. Breeders, A. E. Hundley * Soi K.-d J. Socncer. 78800 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%fast 33f 102 9 9 71 7" W Laneetl2 NewPcanty. OddSeth. Mex.Tea 75473 Churchill 7-8 l:27%fast 61f 107 9 6 8 7* D Connllyl.r Rehlder. Nrseland. B andSboei 75093 Latonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 35 106 11 5 6»* 6* H Stearns 12 Oeirena. Hamra. W. the Wizard 74414 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast lOf 109 7 10 111 12" H Steams 12 Glide. Pr. Politician, Mad. Vennie 74061 Lexton FC l:ll%fast 6 110 3 1 ll 1» H Stearns 11 Muldgh, DVtyMary, Beth.Steel BOYAL GEORGE, b. g. 3 110 By Everest— Effie Paton, by Buskin II. Trainer. J. W. Forman. Owner. E. Floyd. Breeders. A. E. Hundley ft Son. 79036 Churchill 1 1-16 1:49 good 26 107 4 4 7 7" H Stutts 7 The Reaper, Muskeg. Quotation 77653 F.Grnds 1 1-1C l:4S%fast 4 95 5 6 31 3* L Lang 12 bo Orb. Pete Foy. Doctor Jim 77391 F.Grnds lm70y 1 :47V4fast 30 107 6 1 21 21 H Stutts 14 MidnitFollies. Antiquity. Norub 77343 F.Grnds 3 4 1 :l,V4good 30 109 11 13 13* 13" G Walls 14 Lcidy hoeo. Jackson, Kilbowie 77121 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%fa3t 30 111 9 8 8« 8" G Walls 13 Vultilla, Jackson. Zanzibar 76944 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14«4good 30 107 5 10 11 11" E Martin 11 JuliaM.. W.theWizard, DevilGirl