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KEMPTON PARK MONTREAL. Que.. Thursday. May W, 2984.— K -ni| i n Park I tfertc-qaartt*! wile. Third day. Msniteke .l.irUry Cliih. Spring n-.eeting of 7 diiy-c Weather clear. Btrwsate, VV V. I.yles. A. LebSrge :i"l K. . St. IVre. Judges. K. V. lUir.v and T aider Sturtn. i:. Wilsou. Racing Secretary. B. W. Bury. Bsctsg starts at L:l."i p. in. Chicago time. 1:45. 7QKRO FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Sept. 1. 1916 5 ItfUOO _i:01»5— 6— 110.1 Puree 50. 3 -year-olds and up-ward. Claiming. Net value to winner r ; second. 0; third, 5: third. 5. B*. Odds Ia4 Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Knight - j«iil m -it. .»ui ue in i« B T Moore 4124-1011 1 ?J.-,1II-V.i!it Mark OS V B M.-Cann 110-100 7«».- l.i OoM Cooot lo:i :- B MeAlsnoy .iho-ioo , 7! .- l Lev IS I* H QHJOOS MS-MS 1 MM Whit" US f."W Oran 111 1-1" I 7»4il J k. Catti 11D I C Jackson BB-MI I Time. 1:08. Track fast. ■torli paid Melbourne. gMK2B straight. Kf.M place. S3.10 MOW; Waller Mark. .-?3.1 » place. 4 [ ►.how: UoM Coast. .4.1 show. i: inivai-ni ■iifclai esse MtlbooTf, 412? te IBI . Ktraiglit. !M» to 100 [.la.-,.. 70 to 100 show : Walter Mark. H to MB plaie. 82J to 10:: saow : Cold Coast. KN to loo show. Winner V. Callos ,h. g 3. by Mont dOr. II.— Itiinity. I . Tl» Commoner itrained by O. Wcndel : : hr.d in Mr Bllgl M. Helldrie. Went to post at 2: Is. At post 1 minute Start ■ POM and sl,... Won OjIiBm; seroml and thin I Mo same 7QKCQ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sept. 1. tUOMV Purse ?350. I9i6_i:i3i 5—3—107. • 4-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net vilue to winner 60: second. 0: third. 5: fourth, fl5. Bs. Odds ; Ind Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight 7»J«3 Tins-a-l.m- 112 l« B Cams H7J-M0 7 J4«4-»l l Hose HI V !•: T Moore HO-WO fPSM Se;i Board 112 :C W Hinpliy HS-1M , 7.»51 1 ■ Annt- Tetter 1M H B McAlaney 151-10 7»1«1 -Moll :•■ Barnes 111 f. • H GHOOOO 4:!0-lV ItSS? Carl Roberts 117 I B MeGBJM MM-MI • Time. 1:19. Track fast. SMtaela paid Ttag-s-liar. 1.35 straight. : $::•.».". place. 12.7V show: Old Hose, $:;.20 since, $,J.» -" show: Sea Board. tSJM show. Kquivalent hooking odds Ting a-ling. -IfiT1- to, , 100 straight. . 7._. to 100 place. H to UK show: Old I Hose. M to lo place. :.2-.. te MB show: Sea l..iard. . 40 to MO I MOW Winner .1. 1arleys ch. g. 11. h.v Star Shoot--I.ady " Vincent, kf St. Blaise trained hy J. Farley: bred by Mr .lolin B. Madden. . Went to post at :t:17. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: ■eceai and third j driving. Scratched T.MoT, M Coronel. 112. Overweight Carl Roberts, ."i pounds. J 7QK7n THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Sspt. 1. 1916 tVOIV _1.01ii_6_i10. pUr=e 50. 4-yoar-olds and upward. Claiming-. Not valuo to t winner 5.2CO; second, 0; third, 5: fourth. 5. Bm. odds Ind. Morse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79403 iJot:i 111 1 ■ T Moore ::40-lHI 1 7SM ; , Kills Scheer W 2!J H Curran 790-101 [ 7UZ4 4 Uiposta 111 :." W Hinphy 145-100 79287 Mil; • 113 4« It CHboOO 5S0-100 77290 M.upton 113 and V Bullmtin 5H5-100 I 79510 H.ii.ler 113 " S Hanks SiW-100 1 Tims. 1:06!5- Track fast. mutuels paid .Iota. . SO straight. .30 place, .l 0 show: tins Scheer. .90 place, .80 show: Hip-ista. . .".." show. Kinivaient booking odds-.Iota. 340 to 100 | straight. 11.1 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Hus Srhccr. litr, to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Kiposta, 17Mi to 1»K» show. Winner Mrs. II W Itarnes b. f. 4. by Ralph— Onadere, !;v Ornament trained by I. Sauders: bred by Mr. deareje J. I-onc. Went le l»ost at 3:45. At pest 1 minute. Start peoi and slow. Won driving; second aud third the ■ ame. OrmrrisM iu Scheer. 4 pounds. 70*171 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 MUc. Sept. 1. tout*. mg 1;M% IB?, Purse 50. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 60: second. 0; third. 5; fourth. 5. Ko.. OBflJ Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. TUfVctllll— ill 112 1 W Hinphy 137J-HX , 79514 Ooercto May 10X I« S Hanks 335-100 , 7»5143April 11.1 ..3 B McAlaney 285-100 79508 - Vehement 110 4ni; c Jackson 630-100 • 79508 BkjrwmrBe no 5 ■ X Me ore MS-MI lime, 1:182£. Track fast. mutuels paid iuldmark. .75 strailt. .85 place; Georgia May, .35 place.. No show mutuels uold. landiuivalenl liooking odds — Coldmark, 137; to 100 straight. 421 to 100 place; Ceorgia May. 67$ place. Winner W. M. Shrew bridges b. g. 3, by Flitter-g »ld hlizabeth Harwood. by Maria Sauta trained by VV. M. Shrew bridge; bre ! by lliniya. Stud. Went to I«ist at 4:15. At i ost 1 minute. Start g.x d and slow. Won easily; second aud third driving. • l Scratihed 78734 Myrtle P.ilson. 110. tverweights -Vehement, 2 pounds; Skywards. 2. 79572 FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Aug. 20, 1916— , 1:421/5—7—112. Pursa J360. 4-ycor- , olds and upward. Claiming. Net value ot winner 60 secand, 0; third, 5. fourth, 5. E.|. odds • Ind Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79371 -Regal Lodtfo 112 v B MoCToJM Mo-MQ I »4«t*Hlokle 113 r» S Hanks M»-lfO t 7J3«93.Mart OHara 112 ::* V Hinphy 27r.-1jO ] 7941.4 Sem. Stalv. art 112 1* K T Moore 108-100 79l«i4 Jack Reeves 112 .V W Qrffjeji TMO 1W 79l««i Ruiblle.s m 6 B MeAlaaejr 1175-10 Time. 1AS%. Track fast. nit:ti:els j.aid ttesal I.odg ■. ..00 straight. 1 .80 place. 10 show: Hinkle. *2.70 place, .15 | show: Mart OHara. .20 show. j Rinivalent beeUag odds-Regal Ixdge. 20O to 100 . Otrolgbt, 40 to tOO place. I to KM show; Hinkle, 35 to 10 place. 7] to 100 show; Mart OHara. 10 to 100 show. 1 Winner 1*. Greens b. g, II. by Reppo— Oriana. I by Hark Ronald rained by V. Green: bred in | Kughinil by I on I Roscberry. j W -nt to i ost at 4:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slo.v. Won e.-uily; second and thiid driving. f 7057 SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sept. 1. 1916 U * — 1:13»5— 3— 107. Purse 50. 1- year-olds and upward. Cliiming. Net value to I winner 60: sacoad. 0: third. 5; fourth, 5. Hi. Odds , Ind. Iler—. Wt. Kin. J ackcy. Straight, i 7.ll«3-I.ouis Adair 112 V C Jackson 175-100 7J33l -hiIl v no ;:■ it McAUoey 14%-ien l 7937: Jack Shrine 19 M C OMahney MU-Mt I 7B4B4*8tock Im 112 r W Hlophy HB-MI I 7,.4 «i» 111 5 II Curran 10:!-10 r 79463 dootro Hoy 112 RoTd.W tlr-an M35-1M | Time. 1:19. Track fast. . uiiituc.Is paid I mis Adair, .50 straight. .75 place. .:C how: Klla C.. .55 place. .55 show; ! Jack Shrine. BLttJ show. Kipiivalent iHM.kin. od is [*oJa Adair, 175 to KNl straight. 37t to 100 place. 17V to loo show; Klla C . . : 271 to 100 pla.e. tl to 1IM show: Jack Shrill. 7 571 to 100 show. 3 Winner i. I.,:t, b. g. i. by Mara I lion Kthel C»rr. by It inno.klmi 11 itraiued by J. Cann..n; bicl by Mr. R. Varwigi Went to post at 5:13. At |xist 1 minute. Start $ food an. I -low. Won e.isil.s; .v.oml and thid , driving S.iMi.lied 79510 lloinan. 112. Overweiglils Ja.-k Shrine. 2 | oiiiids: Rierm.-in. 5. j 79574 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Ang. 30. 1916— 142 5— 7— 112., Purse 50. 3- l year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60: second. 0: third. 5: third. 5. ,, I y K 1 Odds l"d Ilors... wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 1: 7»4«« h,ngle Shock 111 n B M.AIaney MH-MI 794«i5 Neapolitan 111 2« s Hanks 1% 100 . 7937I Arimslo ■•• 111 t«| C Ja.kson 1:10 100 79465 Kaaato Nail 10«t 44 K I Moore M4-1M i 7:1404 p i Map-ry 111 i* H Gil. son M0 100 : 7 3 $ , j l ,, I y 1: . 2jjj? rjardanell.i 112 f H CbsssoB MMM .»...! Harvey .Srearr 111 7 H McCSaa .-.CO-HM Time. 1:4*%. Track fast. BMtscta seM BsinsV Hmck, straight, *.s.7.-, 1,1.,,-e. ML.B3 s!...«: Ktssolitas, *::.:,.-, place, S.t.40 sln . ; Arniisl in-. .40 SOW, ■eoivalosl sjakJag ooot shiimin sin. k. 141i t„ MS Ptsalgat, .«7_. to. IS* More, ttj to HM ■hoer; KessoBtSB, 771 to loo 70 to loo MhOW; Armis tir... SJ to 100 show Winner 1. liinwl Mk. f, f.. kf Boss Pastor:!. StreptHtu Lr.» itl.-.| by A. lVni| cst ; lurd l,y He -I lair Stud. Went to |h»st at .", 4s At |N»a • noasteo. Start •►.►•1 and slo.v. WOS handily. ■MOOS and Unnl driving BooosOsfhCi lierseseBe, 3 1 ■•«, I