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Ict RAPP * Mile ami TO Yard*. 3-year-old.f. Claiming;. Hot. 3, 1117— lOl llHUL 1:41 4-5— 3 126. Index Course Dlst Tine T ck Odds Wt St «a Btr Fin Jockeys Started Ordei of Finish BUGLEB, h. g, S 105 By Polymelia*— Early Morning, by Econen. Trainer. J. J. Trader. Owner. J. J. Troxler. Breeder. B. Combs. 79636 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12 100 J 5 3 3H Wood 6 BherlyLove, An.Lyle WarPze 79533 Churc hill 1 1-16 1:02 hvy 37 109 2 2 ll ll H Stutts 6 Ann M., Lady Jane Bye Bye 79420 Churchill 2-4 1:14%mud 28 110 8 7 8 6*1 B Harvey 8 Poland, Mexican Tea Dunlo 79030 Churchill 1 1-16 1;49 good. 24 107 3 6 6» 5J J Heupel 7 The Reaper, Muskeg Quotatioa 78696 Lex gton lmTOy l;«%hvy 11 103 1 4 4» 41S D Mergler 8 Muskeg, Norseland, Isaman ANNIE LYLE, ch. f, 1 104 By Escoba— Alice Warfield. by Orison. Trainer. K. Pitt. Ower. 0. Torrell. Breeders. J. D. Carr and Bro 79636 Churchill 1 1-16 1 47 fast 3 101 2 1 2s 21 I Parke 6 BtherlyLove. Busier WarPrize 79469 Churchill 11:42 hvy 33-10 103 1 3 3* 3» B Kenndy 7 Mocrfield, P.Politician Phidias 79382 Churchill 1 l:39%fast S 983 1 2s 2s F Thdyke 9 Norseland, Shindy, The Keaner 79301 Churchill 7-1 l;25%fast SS 101 13 13 9s 9J S Griffin 13 BourhonBov, Giblon LordMartin 79171 Churchill 7-11:30 slop 14 100 2 3 2* 21 F Thdyke 7 Miss Mischief, Quivero TheBunt 79007 Churchill 7-8 l:25%slow UK 106 15 13 14s 14" V Smith 15 BourbonBoy, Giblon, J. G. Denny TELESCOPE, ch. g. 3 107 By Astronomer— Ellen M., by Trap Bock. Trainer, H. Neusteter. Owner, H. Heaxteter. Breeder. K. P. Shinn 79788 See todays chart. 79386 Churchill 1 1:33 fast 7 105 J 6 S» B*l B Harvey 7 Lug", War Prize Privilege 79263 Churchill ll:S8%good 4 104 2 1 »P I Parke 7 KingTnt, PostDispntch M Marv 79171 Churchill 7-8 1 JX slop 4 108 7 4 1 7s* J Wallace 7 MissMchiof, AnnieLyle Quhero 77716 F.Grnds 1 l:40%fast 8 106. S C 6s 4» I Park- 7 Attilia, Flying Fur, Barleycorn 77672 F.Grnds 1 l:40%fast 12 IOC 1 10 9» 8» J CorcoranlO Frederickfn, Tliorndale Blotter 77585 F.Grnds 1 l:42%hvy 7 W 6 3 Z» 1* J Chalmers I AmityClaim, Bril Cast Invictus 77411 F.Grnds 1 l:40%fast BJ 1031 2 2 2 f 3 Corcoran 7 Goldfield, Henry M Dietz Gee 77368 F.Grnds lmTOy 1 :46%fast 8 114 1 1 1 ll C Robinsnl2 WongBok. AmityCPm B Mager BALLOT BBUSH. b. f. S 113 By Ballot— Galloping Queen, by Ben Brush. Trainer. B. C. Frakes. Owner. B. C. Frakes. Breeder. J. L. Carries: 79587 Churchill 1 1-16 l:4S%fajl 16 105 2 3 3s 3* H Gray 7 Fancy Free, Dobson* Privileee 79386 Churchill 11:39 fast 8 107 4 2 4* 4*1 H Gray 7 Logs. War Prize Privileee 79262 Churchill S-4 1:13 good 16 109 7 7 P 7*1 H Gray 11 Glyn, Flting On Auntie Ms* 790G4 Churchill 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 41 168 6 4 4* 4«1 H Gray 6 Blanche Mac? Quesada Dob" 78973 Churchill 1 18%good 4 11» 8 1 2* 2s H Gray 6 Dobson, King Tut 78608 Lexgton 8-4 1:17 hvy » Ht 4 4 l-jl H Gray 6 Glyn, Bullet Proof Exchange 74462 Latonia d f 1:07 fast 23 108 I 9 9 7»i L McD ott 9 Sanola, Seclusion. Midwestern BYE BYE, b. f. 3 102 By Broomstick— Bellisari, by Hippodrome. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner, Idle Hour Stack Farm Stable. Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm 79533 Churchill 11-16 1:62 hvy 81 104 4 6 41 4»1 P Cogan 6 Bugler, Ann M., Lady Jane* 79259 Churchill 1 1:49 good 8 97 2 2 2* 3« P Cogan 8 BtherJohn, Kepter Kklevetn 79042 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47%good 26 163 7 5 4» S* E Blind 8 Firetoma, Devil C.irl Privileee 78938 Churchill 11:43 hvy 45 103 10 8 71 7*2 E Blind 13 Bchloader. Am Claim N Beauty 78770 Lexgton 1-4 1:14 fast 18 102 3 6 61 6" E Blind 11 Lierre, AtieMillin SisterJosella 77391 F.Grnds lrnTsy 1 :47%fast BJ 98 S 13 13*°I3S0 ■ Blind 14 M.Follies. R C.eor-e Antiquity 77103 F.Grnds lm70y 1:46 fast 10 98 6 11 12 12" E Blind 12 Flying Fur Fausto Peggy O 76780 F.Grnds ta 70y 1 :48%mud 8 98 6 9 7* 5i E Blind 9 Margaret Ware, Our Star. June GLANM0BE, b. g. 3 M 107 By The Curragh— Cola, by Combourg. Trainer. M. Lowanstein. Owner. M. Lowenstein. Breeder. J. Sanford SS! £"?urchil" H ll"«*«l 47 113 6 7 8* «• B Harvey 13 Nimrod, Volt, Elusive 22??? £T"E! J JJV" J "£ * 4 2 7"* M G»rner 9 .Politico AnnM . Mnsprtot Churchill 1 l:42%mud 75 109 J9131 9 9 8« *«» R Telton 9 Privilege The Keaner AnrTM izia* nivui no ij r l.o»%fast M 14B 6 8 8 7* R Telton B Hcunt ahhi. t.. i. ».- ._ *-«uj 711S0 Latonia 51 f l:06%fast 41 _ U. I 6 . gS SJS. • CYPBEME, br. g 8 M 109 By Jnaqn* an Bout— Cyrene, by The Scribe. Trainer W. B. Finnegan. Owner, W. B. Kaebelkamp. Breeders. Talbot Bros. ll„il Churchill 1 1-16 l:47%s;ood 18 107 I 8 8 82» J Wallace 8 Firetoma, Devil Girl. Bye Bye 78938 Churchill 1 1:43 hvy 15 116 12 12 11« llss J Wallacel3 Bchloader, Am. Claim, N. Beauty SlS Tijuana ln»70y l:46%hvy 10 98 4 3 81 2* D Jones 5 Freebter, Combustor, Postillion ;2«2S T-,uana 1 l:43%mud 87 100 3 6 41 4J D Jones 6 My Daddy, Freebooter, Goldfield 78037 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47%hvy 8 101 6 7 6* t| P Horn 7 Postillion, OverSl.ot, Combustor 1122* T,juana H-«l:54 fast 8f 109 10 6 5 6*1 V Horn 15 DpThght, Chor.Lcc, BterKtou 77863 Tijuana lm70y 1:45 fast 81 107 4 2 3 21 A Collins 7 SethsMemory. Taxation, Whiff 77776 Tijuana 1 1:42 fast 17-10 105 8 7 6s 41 S ODonnl 8 Whiff, Odd Seth, Malvern DEVIL GIBL, b. f, 3 100 By Spanish Prince II.— Little Devil, by Ogden. Trainer, B. L. Rogers. Owner, H. L. Crain. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 79533 Churchill 11-16 1:52 hvy 2 99 1 4 6 6s G Ellis 6 Busier, Ann M.. Lady Jane 791:54 Churchill 1 l:41%mud 3-2 100 S 4 6s 8" G Ellis 8 KgTut, PrtyPoliticn. Niagara 79042 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47!igood 7 9916 4 2» 2* G Ellis 8 Firetoma, Bye Bye, Privilege -103 F.Gr nils lmTOy 1 : 46 fast 4 104 8 3 81 9" G W CrolllU Flying Fur. Fausto, Peggy O. 3-2?? FGrr.da ll:44%hvy 3 102 3 3 3s 31 H Farland 8 WilmertheWizard, Anne. Attilia if?4.4 FGrmls 3-4 1:14Migood 10 109 9 6 4"« 3»1 R Hartonll JuliaM., W.t. Wizard. W. Charm .76838 F.Grnds 3-4 1 lVislow 7 111 6 6 71 9ie E Pool 9 Ducky, Tayman, W.the Wizard MISS AMERICA, ch. f. 3 102 By Iron Cross II.— Lance, by Martinet. | Owner, Portsmouth Stable. Breeder. Williams Bros. 79630 Churchill 3-4 l:13%fast 13f 108 12 12 10» 9«J R Wiamsl3 Nimrod, Volt. Elusive 7921C Churchill 3-4 l:16%hvy 25 103 9 6 6 6" J Heupel 9 Polynesia. Hullo, Dusty Mary 78371 Huntton 3-4 1:14%fast 31-10 9S 1 J Eaton SBlackRnler. Bob, MikeMorrissey IJrrrf Huntt°n and1 f 1:«8 fast «J 97 3s A RodVzlO BigSapp. Blkltnler. T.Plasman : 4«_49 Huntton 51fl:09%fast 11 106 4=3 R Costello 9 Miss Btta, T.Plnsn. W.Cracr l «0819 latonia 6-8 1:05%mud 37 112 5 5 6 4 s W Kelsay 7 Boiling Wave. Hello, Peggy O. 70593 Latonia 41 f 64 fast 70 115 7 8 8s* 8s N Swart 10 Befuddle. Maylx .d, Shingtiold SLICKER, br. f, 3 107 By Everest— Buity Coat, by Ethelbrt. Trainer, J. Spencer. Owner. J. Spencer. Breeders, A. E. Hundley A- Son and J. Soencer. - . Churchill 11:40 fast 32 107 8 5 t 6" N J Bnes 9 Pret.Politicn, AnnM., Mnsprins 4ri«« Church,n 1 l:41%mud 63 109 6 8 8 8s* N J Brnes S KgTut, PrtyPoliticn, Niagara 788B0 I-ex gton 3-4 1:13%fast 33f 102 9 9 71 7" W Lancet 12 NcwBrauty, OddScth. Mix Tea iiio CnurchiI1 7-8 1:27%fast 6Jf 107 9 6 8 7« D ConnllylS BchIder, Nrscland, B anclShocs 7. 093 latonia 3 4 1:15 hvy ■ lnG 11 5 6"* 6« H Stearns 12 Ocircna. Bamra, W. the Wizard .4414 Latonia 6 f 1:07 fast lOf 1C9 7 10 Hi 12,s H Stearns 12 Glide. Pr.Politlcian, Mad.Vennie ■BOT, ch. g, 3 112 By Charles Edward— Old Woman, by Yankee. Trainer. J. O. Whitlow. Owner. Hickey Bros.. Breeder. H. Montgomery. 79C?0 Churchill 3-4 l:13%fast 13 113 9 5 4 4s W Kelsayl.1 Nimrod, Volt, Elusive .8800 Lexgton 3-4 1:13%fast 35 10S 11 10 81 8 5 W Kelsay 12 NewBeauty, OddScth, Mex Tea 75512 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast 3 115 1 2 11 1» D Connllyl5 Nogales, Levoy. Lady Burrows .5302 Latonia 3-4 1:13%fast 10 109 3 10 10s 9«i D Connllyl3 Q.Charnig. Bamra, Blkiirac kle Z*?1»S Latonia 3-4 1:13% fast 15 115 2 2 3s 4*1 D ConniIylJ I-idy Fox. Corinth. Businesslike 71639 Latonia 51 f 1 :07%fast 11 107 3 3 3 f|W Kelsay 9 Cher.Lee, PhbeSnow. Ex Eldition 71427 Latonia 51 f l:07%good il-10 108 3 4 21 » W Kelsay 10 Eventide, Battle Bent. Dieanier GKDDGE, ch. f, 3 M 102 By BaUot— Illwill, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. A. J. Gorey. Owner, A. J. Gorey. Breeder, A. J. Gorey 74414 Latonia 51 f 1 :07 fast 12 110 3 9 10* 10" E Pool 12 Jlide, Pr.Politic i.m. Mad.Vennie 74284 latonia 51fl:07%fast 29-5 H0i 5 4 8 f," E Martin 12 . ;ilmorp. Q.Ciiarmg, Quotation 71712 Latonia 3-4 1:17%hvy 12 112 4 3 7 7" D Connlly 8 Freelland, L.Lgridue, P.Lonise .1581 Latonia 5-S100 fast 11 114 7 6 5° C Poncj 12 K.Grinll.. Gyp. Gold, L.Lgridga .1427 Latonia 51 f 1 07%fast 18 103 1 1 41 8J W Pool 10 Eventide, Mill Bov. Battle Bent .1287 Latonia 5-8 1.00%fast lOf 111 4 1 11 2« W Pool 12 Ann M.. Spanish Kose, Privilege LONDON SMOKE, b. g, 3 M 107 By Cataract— Kirstie. by Frankfort. Trainer. W. E. Caskey. Jr. Owner, W. E. Caskey, Jr.. Breeder. J. W. Bailey. 791S1 Churchill 1 l:12%mud 34 104 6 8 7* 7" B Harvey 9 Privileee. The U.aper, Ann M. ,8824 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 17 102 6 5 5* 571 B Oarvey 8 AuntlcMlin, Nimrod, RovalDi. k ,5531 Churchill 3-4 1:14 fast 8 112 15 14 15 15s* E Martin 15 Bnck. Wkiillti. I.aP.deBriant.; ,;»4,., Churchill 7-8 1:27%fast 17 107 6 8 10 llJ J Pevic 15 BchIder, Nrseland. ■■■till ,. 371 Churchill 7-8 1:28%hvy 10 115 6 10 10s 10* J Wallace 11 rinth. W.tlieWiz::rd, TheUunt .3273 Latonia 3-4 1:13%fast 22 112 4 2 2s 2s J Wallace 1? Mnldrgh. LaP. deBtc-. B Orange 751a6 Latonia 3-4 l;13%fast 47 U5 8 5 fcl 71S F Smith 12 Lady Fox, Corinth, Businesslike