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• 3~4 MI*5" 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Or»r| RAPP July 2, 1123—— ROYAL PALM, ch. h, 6 108 By Great Britain— May Ellen, by Cesarlon. Trainer. A. Menrer. Owner. J. AUgeyer. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 79298 Churchill 3-4 l:12%fast 5f 109 13 2 21 2 B Harvey 15 JakieHav, Lgboat NghtyNisba 71125 Latonia 3-4 112%fast 4« 105 7 8 71 6* B Harvey 12 H Graham 70814 Latonia J-4 l:18£mud 11 113 4 8 101 11s* H Lunsfd 11 Hullo. Colonel Baker Juvnor 70511 Churcnlil 3-4 l:12%fast 5 11315 4 4 5«1 I, Lyke 14 Jou Jon. M. P. Gardner Nenette 70237 Churchill 3-4 1 :12%fast 23 112 5 6 7s 6"! E Martin 14 Lily M., Honor Man, BegPardon 66411 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 9-6 104 4 1 21 21 J Howard 7 Lit. Black Sheen Graces! Lugs 66197 Latonia 3-4 1:14 good 31 104 3 1 H* 2»k J Howard 10 Ruby. Lugs, May Bodine" HAUGHTY NI8BA, ch. m, 5 106 By The Manager— Daisy Piatt, by Marta Santa. Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner, D. Breckinridge. Breeder. S. C. Lyne -,9380 Churchill 7-S l:25%fast 6-5 102 2 1 Is Ill Parke 8 Bob. Shea, J Q Kelly Lon»boat 79298 Churchill 3-4 l:12%fast 9-5 108 10 6 61 4* M Gainer 15 Jakiellay, Royal Pal in Longboat 78976 Churchill 3-4 1:15 mua 9-5 111 9 6 6s 6" M Garner 10 Sandalwd, Longboat R E riark 78748 Lexgton 3-4 1:13%fast 27-10 101 1 2 3s 3s D Mergler 9 Minus, Pr.Polilician GuMjie P 62910 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 7 103 3 3 3s 3* W Pool 5 M.Winsor. J.Bowdre. M Fallon 62830 Latonia 3-4 1:12%fast 235 103 7 S U U J Owens 8 Ararat, High Cost, Una Clark £li»? J10"1 M113 fast aS m l 6 6 5*» w Poo! 5 Jean.Bowdre. Mar.Winsor, Mom 82661 Latonia 3-4 1:12%fast 17-10 105 3 1 Ik 2» A Wilson 7 Gangway. Dor.Buckuer. Bonus BOBBIE SHEA, ch. g, 6 108 By Magneto— Lillie Kruter. by Orimar. Trainer, T. F. Devereanx. Owner, G. L. Doyle. Breeder. E. F. Pritchard 79380 ChjrchiU 7-8 1:25%fast 10 107 6 6 21 21 B Harvey 8 NhtyNisba. J Q Kelly Leboat 76022 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:50%slow 15 113 5 6 6* 5" H Kaiser 6 Tody, Bastille Lord Wrack 75517 Churchill 11*1:54 fast 23 106 4 6 V 2s B Harvey 9 Oo La La. Randel Kimnalone 75432 Churchill 11:40 fast 8 108 S 5 1» 1" B Harvey 11 Westwood. Simpleton Bosh 74959 Htington lm70y 1:44 fast 13-10 106 2" R Clifford 8 Haman. J.Morrill. PirateMcGee 74599 Latonia 1 1 16 1 :46%fast 10 101 3 3 31 3f B Harvey 8 Isosceles, Mar Corns At BotII 74463 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 9 101 2 4 21 4s B Harvey 11 ChildsPIay, Sagamook. Normal tDisqualified for fouL - HULLO, ch. m. 6 108 By Huon— Some Kid, by Boanerges. Trainer. W. L. Drake. Own«r. W. L. Drake. Breeder. J. B. Besness. 79757 Latonia 3-4 1:17 hvy 23-5 107 6 6 3« 3 W McCbe 8 Dnstv Marv Cuvnor Seauel 79632 Churchill ll:39%fast 19 10415 4 61 6*1 W McCbe 9 Brother John. Raider Lucidus 79467 Churchill tA l:15%hvy 12 106 7 6 4s 31 W McCbe 9 Winding Through Sequel N„L 79216 Churchill S-4 l:16%hvy 41 110 2 3 3* 2s W McCbe 9 Polynesia, D styMary Itoy Dick 78976 Churchill 3-4 1:15 mud 9 106 10 5 61 6* W MCabelO Sandalwd. Longboat R K ! Clark lllii ex Ston 3-4 1:15 good 61 110 2 3 3s Z* W Fronk 9 Napoo, RoyalDick. Charlesllenry 255?? Lex Eton 1-4 l:17%mud 12-5 107 5 8 1» Is A Pickens 7 Easter Bonnet, Old Top. Corenne 78643 Lex gton 3-4 1:lt%good 12 104 10 10 10 10s W McCbelO MoxicanTe.i. GussieP Dn.inatn 77960 Havana 3-4 1:13%mud 31 103 2 2 2* 2 W McCabe 8 Mabel K.. Perhaps. Kinday ARARAT, br. g, 6 108 By Broomstick— Dovelet, by Peter Pan. Trainer. M. Goldblatt. Owner. M. Goldblatt. Breeder. H. P. Whitnor 3Jf Latoma 3-4 1:10%fast U-6 10O3 4 31 3*1 I Parke 8 IistOne. Inquisition, WhiteStar 71286 Latonia J-4 1:ll%fast 5 106 2 2 2s 2« I Parke 7 SvePrlnce D Buckner WhS 71063 Latonia 3-4 Lllfcfast 37-5 107 2 1 Is l-» I Parke 11 White St Peg-m "we.?-vJod 70912 latonia 3-4 1:18 mud 7 109 3 2 3s 5SJ I Parke 6 BctlML KwlutofaT Tltos- 70739 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast T 100 3 2 2s 2s I Parke 9 SvcPrince. Q.cUden M.BloJm HUGHES GRAHAM, b. g. 4 103 By Mont dOr II.— Theodorita. by Dick Welle*. Trainer. F. Brooks. Owner. T. ▼. Mountjoy. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 78751 lexgton 3-4 l:13%fast 18 113 6 4 6s 6*1 E Pool 8 Welcome, Glyn, Polynesia 78694 Lexgton 3-4 l:16%hvy 8 113 1 4 4» 4« J Pevtc 7 Marionette, D ofPeace Bhellen 77739 Jefferson 3-4 1:13%fast 20 107 5 6 7 7*1 B Brening 8 Caligula Kings, ler. WlrileU ne 77638 F.Grnds t-ll:14%fast 20 111 8 4 MJJ H Burke 12 Exchange BiMy KHir Jou jou nj2r22 tmXl ?11 6 6 BI ,,Ero" 6M.Domino. LFarrclI. GaTtmaa 77122 F.Crnds 3-4 1:14 fast 8 HO 8 9 8 8* F ThdykelO Kingsclere, Lily M., Isosctles STAMP, b. g, 5 106 By Ormondale— Post Mark, by Star Shoot. Trainer. A. G. Woodman. Owner. T. W. Hemingway. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 79635 M.Hghts 4 f 1:08 hvy 12-5*112 6 2 3* 2* J McCoy 6 Perhaps. Black Deer. Redwood 79191 M.Hghts 3-4 116%-slow 9 101 2 2 51 4T T McCork G GordnShaw, FnB o run. Rttahe 79112 M.ip.Hts 51 f l:07%slow 37-10 100 5 4 4» 641 D McAffe 8 Jolly. Full oFun. Louannn 78847 Colmbus 3-4 l:15*4fast 101 2» D McAffe 8 Sua Brae, SpringVale, M. Harvey 78684 Colmbus 6* f l:25%itlop 19-10 110 2- T McCork 6 Full o Fun, Delhimar, TimesUp 78578 Colmbus 61 f l:08*4fast 4 113 21 H Farland 9 PepperTea. Avispa, Pawnbroker 78487 Colmbus 3-4 l:18%hvy 3-2 1M 1* H Farland 5 Far Fast, Colrssus, Smart Alex 77911 Jefferson 61 f l:10%hvv 6 110 1 1 11 31 L McDottlS Lit. Flower. LiPiit.Farrell. O.Sinr PLEASURE, ch. f . 4 103 By Manager Waite— Delight, by The Manager. Trainer, S. Chenault. Owner. T. C. McDowell. Breeder, T. C. McDowell. 70388 Churchill 3-4 l:14%hvy 9 88 3 3 6 6" I Parke 0 M. Blossom . J.B.Brown, Wh.Star 70241 Churchill 3-4 1:ll%fast 29 101 2 2 2* 5T1 I Parke C Indian Trail. Bcvenee, Donges 63067 I-atonia 5-8 1:01 fast 33-10 113 1111 ll J Howard 12 S.Ducrow. M.P.Cardr, I.ily M. 62784 Latonia 61 f l:08Vsrast 10 112 2 « 41 4* E Martin 8 A.BlueGown. Begum, Play. Miss 62238 Churchill 5-8 l:01* 37 112 C 3 3«* 3| J H BurkelO Man. Maid. Tokihime. Fernundtx TEDS PLUM, ch. f, 4 103 By Trevisco— Plnm Pudding, hy Plaudit. Trainer, S. West. Owner. C. Bills. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 75557 "lumhill 3-4 l:13*fcfast 8 103 7 7 7 7" B Harvey 7 Macbeth, Bog Pardon. LittlcHope 75245 I-atonia 3-4 l:15%hvy 5 110 11 7 73 8" T Koernerl2 Poppye, WindgThrough, JonJou 74894 1-atonia lm70yl:45 fast 9 9* 3 3 2» 3* F Hstings 8 MissMeise. OoLnLa. Megan 74770 I-atonia lmTOy l:44%fast 21 99 3 1 4«* 5» F Hstingsll Untried, Mistress Mary Hoy 73C32 Dorval 3-4 l:12%fast 21 104 2 1 ll 1« P Walls 7 H. Artillery, Foxtail. IraWilson WHO KNOWS ME, hr. g. 4 103 By Sir John Johnson— FantaJ. by Ogden. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, M. C. Moore. Breeder. T. Piatt. 79793 Baa todays chart. 79467 Churchill 3 4 l:15%hvy 9 1081 2 4 3» 6-i K Harton 9 Winding Through. Sequel. Hu.lo 79380 Churchill 7-8 l:25%fast 5 102 4 2 6 7" D Mergler 8 VtyNisba. Bob.Shea, J.Q.Kelly 791 M Churchill 3-4 1:14 mud 4 110 1 1 2 2* R Harton 7 Modna. Rapidiiay. BrotherJohn 79093 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 4 105 2 1 31 3-1 D Mergler 7 Miss Meise. Ang.Mald. Attoiney 78897 Churchill 7-8 l:27*imua 15f 109 4 4 41 4*1 U Hartonll Qnesrda. Buby. Runquoi 78612 Lexgton 1 l:45%hvy 33 100 6 6 6* 5" T Barker » Escarpolette. Ilanet. Llewellyn 75517 Churchill 11-8 1:54 fast 2 101 1 1 6 9" J Heupel 9 Oo La La, Bobbie Shea, Randel DOCTOR GLENN, ch. g. 4 108 By Dick Welles— Floral Day, by Nasturtium. Trainer. D. McDermid. Owner. W. M. Cain. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 79298 hurchill III IfMal 5f 11214 10 IB" ll« D Hum IS JakieHay, BoyalPalm, Longboat 79061 Churchill 3-4 l:12%fast 8 111 5 8 7» 5* I Parke 12 Cobweb, Sequel. Modna 78976 Churchill 3-4 1:15 mud 12 106 5 10 10 10" D MerglerlO Nandalvvd. longboat. R.E.Clark 76680 F.Grnda 3-4 l:13%mud 31 107 2 2 2* 11 15 Harvey 11 Felicitous, Rpgllonie, F.Deen 76557 F.Grnda 3-4 1 :13%fa«t 4 104 1 4 4l 3i F I-ee 13 TimesUp, CoralReef, Carnarvon 76405 Jefrerson 3-4 l:14Vfcgood 12 103 3 2 4» 4s D Jones 8 Caligula. Fehrah, T. dHonaeur 75002 I-atonia 3-4 1:13%fast 13 100 4 3 5" 6*1 D Jones 0 Easter Bells. Anonymous. Glyn 74932 Latonia 3-4 1:12%fast 2.V10 98 3 3 3l 4» D Jons fi KasterBells. J. Q. Kelly. B. Brush 74510 I-atonia 3-4 1:12 fast 49 106 4 6 71 ?Ti B Schrffel 0 Pegasus, Tea-Lee, Hereuion LIERRE. b. f, 4 103 By Faucheur— Liquette, by St. Bris. Trainer, M. Lowenstein. Owner, M. Lowenstein. Bred in France by W. K. Vander- bilt. 79259 Churchill 11:40 good 3 101 8 5 8 8" R Telton S Bi other John. Repeater. Bye Bye 79010 Churchill 1 1:40 good 7 99 3 4 3 1 3i R Yelton 8 Westwood, Runquoi. Jack Frost 78770 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 27 110 10 3 2«i 11 E Pool 11 AtieMillin, SisterJosella. Thea 77714 FGrnds 11-8 1:55 fast 5 95 1 5 5l 6" B BreninglO Yorick. Col.Whallen. T-ChTjcrPn. 77580 F.Grnda 1 1-16 1:51 mud 7 99 1 4 41 4* I Parke 7 Gen.Cadorna, EddieJr.. ReelFoot 77522 F.Grnda 11-11:49 fast 20 98 2 4 41 4« R Yelton 12 Hboldt, WaterGirl, Kirklevton 77239 F Iinds 1 1-4 2:09%fast 20 98 I 2 81 V R Yelton 11 Hickory, Dustproof, Attorney 77101 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 10 97 6 6 71 7* R Yelton 11 Tempting, Gem, Stump Jr. 77049 F.Grnda 1 1-8 l:55V4fast 7 105 8 9 11 ll15 J Corcoranll Royal Duck, Batsille, Ashland PYX, br. h, 7 108 By Pataud— Okitau. by Planuses. Trainer. A. Newman. Owner, W. F. Poison. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 74768 l.atonia 3-4 1:13 fast 17 109 1 5 10* IP* J Francis 11 Orlova. GoldenFIoss, M. Bodine 74632 I-atonia 3-4 1:12 fast 25f 95 1 5 7* 7" L Woods 12 Centimeter, Honor Man. Patricn 74205 I-atonia 3-4 l:l*V£fast 46f 109 2 10 11 11*1 J Francis 11 Translate. Mar. May. L.Granite 71173 I-atonia 3-4 1.12 fast 24 110 2 3 3" 4« J Francis 11 Dr.Hickman, Lugs, MarineCorps 70909 1-atonia 3-4 l:14t4slow 28-5 113 3 1 11 11 J Francis 10 Pavlowa. M.Ueigel, H.Graham 70625 1-atonia 3-4 1:13%fast 36 109 1 1 1" 21 J Francis 9 Gordon Shsw, Ten Sixty. Orlova •MM M. Heights 3-4 1:13%fast 12-5 110 7 4 6*1 J ChimerslO GyEagle, BattyU.. Hap. Buxton McINTOSH, ch. g, 4 M 103 By Prince Hermis— Gay and Festive, by Knight of Trainer, W. Jones. Owner, H. T. Batchlex. the Thistle. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 77ff33 Jefferson 3-4 1:15%hvy 1G-5 118 9 4 41 6»1 L McDottlS Levoy, Benigna, Jim Kenney 77888 Jefferson 3-4 1 :16M;mud 13-5 118 4 3 2* 21 I Parke 15 MedgMattie. Isaman, Doub.Shot 77648 F.Grnda 3-4 1:14 fast 4 104 7 5 4* 3* J Wallace 13 Patrician, Haidee, EasterBonnet 77582 F.Grnda lm70y l:48%hvy 3 114 4 3 4« 551 H Hamtn 9 El Astro, Gladys V., Troutwick 77452 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :15*4hvy 15 101 6 2 B» 2»* J Wallace 13 Col. Winn, Stamp, Gen.Cadorna 77191 F.Grnds lm70y l:46%good 8 112 11 14 14 14s1 H Hamtn 11 Telescope, Amity Claim, Juno COLONEL WINN, b. g. 5 108 By Sweep— DroU. by Dick WeUea. Trainer. B. J. Brannon. Owner, B. J. Brannon. Breeder, W. W. Darden. 78976 Churchill 3-4 1:15 mud 11 113 1 2 2l 4* P Groos 10 Sandahvd, longboat, R.E.Clark 77783 Jefferson 1 l:40*4fast 30 107 5 7 7 710 G Walla 7 Sympathy, MissForte. Llewellyn 77675 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :48Vsfast 8 108 2 4 5" * 4! B BreninglO Bucado. Tan Son, Normal 77607 F.Grnda 3-4 1:16 hvy 6 109 2 4 ll ll G Cooper 9 Piedmont, Poppye, Times Up 77452 F .Grnda 3-4 l:15%hvy C-5 103 7 3 2* B* I Parke 13 Mcintosh, Stamp. Gen. Cadorna 77234 F.Grnda 3-4 1:14 fast 5 110 5 2 21 21 I Parke 13 S.Frdman, T.Official, M.Orge BEMORECAREFTTL, b. h, 5 108 By North Star III. — Stumpy, by Handsome. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Farm. Breeder. E. R. Bradley. 79722 I.atonia 3-4 1*15 mud 28 107 7 7 7 7-» E Blind 7 Certain, Glyn, Dust Flower 73992 I-exton 3-4 l:12%fast 6S 107 1 6 7 7» A Wilson 7 M. Muffins, li.onTime, Prec.Lula 68513 Jefferson 51 f 1 :07%f ast 20 106 3 5 6l C" A Wilson 7 4 reus. Barracuda. Kapid Day G8450 Jefferson 3-4 IdMJm* 20 107 3 3 3» 3J A Wilson fi Montcry, Gol.Flo s, TlieFciscan 57530 I-atonia 3-4 1:13 fast 30 113 4 9 9 9" L Lrke • Gr.Ware, M.Wiasor, Qn. Garden 67291 I-atonia 3-4 1:13 slow 40 109 6 6 10* 10" A Collins 12 Carpenter, Janku. Tom Hare Jr. 66321 Saratoga 51 f l:04«4fast 25 113 3 5 5 61* G W CarU 5 Bunting, Dexterous, Snob II. 54517 Churchill 41 t 53 fast 16 113 1 7 8 8" L Lyke 8 Fair Phantom. Miss Joy, Aloft DONALD McGTJRK, b. g, 10 116 By Transvaal — Agnes Wead, by Box. Tiainer, J. B. Riley. Owner, J. B. Riley. Breeder. A. L. Rogers. 67457 I-atonia 3-4 1:18 hvy 15f 113 10 11 12 12-« E Graves 12 PlusUltra. Brit. Maid, Shipmate 61033 I-atonia 3-4 1:13andfast 32f 113 7 9 ll3 ll11 V Thelen 12 Refugee 1L, Columbia T., Tula* f.0815 I-atonia 3-4 1:12%fast 26f 107 12 12 12 12* V Thelen 12 Meliura. Amanda, Fluzey 44261 1-atonia 3-4 1:13 fast 42f 112 12 12 12 12" C Dishmonl2 Green Gold. John O.. Say Whei CARPENTER, b. g, 5 108 By Mont dOr II. — Catana, by Galeazzo. Trainer. E. C. Crockett. Owner, W. Doll. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 77932 Jefferson 3-4 l:15%hvy 13 116 3 6 7 7" L McDottlO Vacuum. Simplicity. Lady Rose 77846 Jefferson 3-4 l:14Vsfast 7 115 6 8 7 7«i M Bcfcwtzl3 Avispa. Poor Sport, Daydue 77670 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14%fast 4 109 1 1 7" 910 J Wallace » Stargo. DauBoIling, RouudRohin 77386 F.tJrnds 3-4 1 :13%fast 10 99 1 1 11 1» J Wallace 14 St.Maurice. Dought, Gord.Sfaaw 67650 Latonia 11:10 good 9 109 3 1 6* IJN Bar.ett 8 Voshimi. BctMosic. BillandCoo 67530 I atonia 3-4 1:13 fast 1 115 2 1 1» 4f. N Barrett 9 Gran. Ware. M.Winsor, Q.Garden 57391 Latonia 3-4 1:13 slow 3 U5 3 1 1» l1 N Barrett 12 Janku. TomUareJr.. Gran. Ware