Comparative Mile Records, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-16

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Comparative Mile Records Dec. Est. Track. Comp.Spced. Mile. Mile Record. liclmont Tark 90 1:35 H Aijucduct 975 1:30 Churfhlll Downs 070 l:3Gft Saratoga 970 1:30 VS Syracuse -. .90874 1:30 Latonia 930 l:36v5 Hawthorne 945 1:3714 Maple Heights 915 1:37F3 Tijuana 045 1:37 Yi Lexington 940 1:37 Fort Erie 933 1:37 Eaurel 935 1:37 Pimlico , 935 1:37 Blue Bonnets 930 1:371s Fair Grounds Ne,T Orleans 930 1:37 Windsor 930 1:37 Oriental Park Havana 925 1:33 Empire 925 1:33 Devonshire Park 915 l:33-75 Dade Park 915 1:38 Jamaica 915 1:38 Omaha 915 1:3S Dorval Park 910 1:3S Itrighse Pk Vancouver, B. C. .910 1:3S Reno 910 1:33 Thorneliffe Park 905 1:38 Woodbine Park 905 1:3S. Havre de Grace 905 1 :3S1i Tanforan 900 1:39" Jefferson Park 900 1:30 Connaught Park 900 1:39 Hamilton S80 1:39 Mount Royal 8S0 1:39 Kenilworth Pk Windsor est. .875 1:40 Denning SCO 1:40 Kaceland 833 1:40 Bowie 850 1 :41 Aurora S30 1:42 Kempton Park S20 1:42 Piping Rock 820 1:42 The foregoing table is bned on an arbitrary decimal basis of 25 points to a teeond, running down from a theoretical -mile is 1:33. valued at 1.000. Roamcr. won a race against time at Saratoga August 21. 1918, in 1:34, but the time used is Cherry Piea 1:30 in a regular cacc against other horsis.

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Local Identifier: drf1924121601_10_5
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