Riders at Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-16

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RIDERS AT TIJUANA The following are the jockevs and apprentices together with lowest riding weight and name of contract employer, now ridin" 0 at Tijuana : j JOCKEYS. j Jockey. v-t. Employer. ,M- 107 1 Xacola I.rcuning, J! pr, x0Vada .Stock Farm :etss J- AV. Bichards .nnvn, 1 in, c Vj,n M..r l.aker. 1 J 105 Mrs. G. If. Abbott !:,r,u:- 15 10S I re.: lance Costello, 15 10s .T. McMillen Corbett, C. luo AV. de Brelteville A mis G. Dtumheller ! repT. 1 101 Jf. K. Svufv !!-vIe- V- 10S iU,UUn West Ktabls 1 e:" W. ! Anderson Del-ord, J 10s II,,!! and lL. i;oU iltor- l: lOfi Free lance Iranccsco, A 10s if. n,na FJynn, 15 no ,T. yy. Marchbank Greenwood, C 10S Free lance "V- 10- B. McCown Johnson J lir, H. v. Griffin "T U "-I C. Aan Ditsen Ktniry. K 103 International Stable li!s:-v , 107 AV. T. Anderson l.illey, W t. ..11." International Stable I If us Litcmational Stable ! Miller. m C ,-". C Mil A. P. Dayton I Jlolters, A 105 V. Polk : Martinez. V 11:, C. B. Irwin McC.rmaek. T ion A. S. liastman I Milleriik. M 199 Green Briar Stable : Miller. C. F. 101 John Givens i .Mathews, F 100 j:. j;. Graham I Boberts John 105 Freelance Singleton, John 107 John Singleton j Scheffel, B 11- . y.,,, 1S0I1 I Smith, J. AV lot A. 1. Davton ! Thomas, If 103 Swingalong Stable Ulin, i: ioi; Budolph Spreckela j AVillis. 0 105 Joaquin Stable AVakoff, H 105 It. 15. McDanicl AVatrous. 1 i7 I,. f. Trvon Wilson, V 100 International Stabla Walls, 1 ; 105 .7. 1. .Mills APPRENTICES. Jockey. Wt. Kmplovcr. Blmlau. Bobert 101 C. Aan Dusen AV 1,. B. Knifong Bourassa. Orville 100 J. K. L. Boss Brown, Thomas j. ;kert Conner, Maurice 95 if. ;. Caiwcll Cowan, James 105 C. c. F.mmert Craig, Bay 110 Harry AVa Iters Clausmer, Alee 0 lidward Seagram Dellow, AVilliam 110 C. c. ihnmert Dennis. Aictor 85 J. A. Dennis Ellis, George 105 C. A. Hartwcll Edwards, Montana 83 C. B. Irwin I-redcrick. James 9S V. If. AAells I isher, IScginald 95 J. K. L. Itoss Flackman, Charles 1. Nancolas Gormley, .Toh!i 105 C. Aan Duson Griffin, Strother OS J. C. .AIcGill ; Hooper, C 103 Joanuin Stable Hainsworth, Charles 99 J. AV. Marchbank I Haliburton, AValter 10;i If. E. Davis I Hoagland, Kenneth 91 A. A. Baroni Molen, A H. G. Bed well Maciver, James 75 If. Giddings j Mortensen. Arthur SS AV. G. .lenkin McIIugh. Bobert 9U George I. Sherman : Meade, Bicliard C. Aan Dusen 1 liccirillo, James 103 Pueblo Stable I Ptittrick. Ernest ..If. D.iwsou 1 Pcmlergrass, Arthur .... 915 M. J. Hayes Boberts, Jay J 105 Stuart Polk Bickelts, Alvin O.. F.. AVright Schaefer. Ijouis . ....10J Nevada Stock Farm Sylvia, Jesse ... . S,7; AV. D. Millard I Seaman, Brven I. Howell ! Vesseli. A F. S. Pago AVhittingham, Joseph ..... 9S AA". L. Stanfield I Aoung, George 101 L. 15. Knifong I Zarclli, George 10S A. Neat

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924121601/drf1924121601_12_6
Local Identifier: drf1924121601_12_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800