untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-16


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"Mr. Player" I Told You So? ONCE AGAIN "WILLIAM BRADY" FOLLOWERS GOT SOME "EASY 3I0NEY" YE STE It 1AY.S "SIE CIAL": Long Point, 15-1, Won And I simply BEGGED everybody not to miss this "nOT" one yesterday. DOXT FORGET, this "INFO" comes DIRECT FBOM "JEFFERSON" IARK JIY ONE-WHO-KNOWS. SEYEN "STRAIGHT WINDERS" IX LAST SEYEX DAYS Saturday ST. QUENTfN 8-1. Won Friday FRIGHTFUL 8-1 Won Thursday RICHELIEU 4-1 , Won Wednesday RUB1EN 6-1, Won Tuesday ST. NICHOLAS ..; 6-1 , Won Monday TOD RENESOR 30-1, Won , , wriv. i am orl 0 BET ON MY WMT THt HURRY? Iwakto WltUAM lLil!iLI!L "SPECIALS" LAST WEEK mpS. Won ,350 rtlljBrm. Note: Theise winners were filed y .randr fa Jl m VfmStl hours in advance with, this paper. MMmfcri gm MY "PROMISE" TO YOU MmSSBSv m IP 1 DONT MAKE YOU A ,500 Srwi jjjBlMiljK "WINNER" AT THE END 0P SIX wlSk iKS 0THE?R SIX DAYS "FREE." Tiie reaso11 1 rnake this offer is g gPiO 7-r getting. Thousands of followers mPIISB --SB : are getting $ rich. $. Ask any WILLIAM BRADY follower how PP "REMEMBER" I GIVE ONLY "ONE HORSE" A DAY YOU KNOW WHAT A SMART FLAYER SAID ONCE: "ONE HORSE A DAY AND LI YE FOREYER." "REMEMBER" I AM TO THE "HORSE PLAYER" WHAT "3VTNNS AXD BRAD-STILE KT" IS TO THE MERCANTILE WORLD. WHY IF YOU "ONLY KNEW" WHERE THIS "INFO" COMES FROM EVERY DAY YOU, THEN", WOULDNT BE "SURPRISED" EVEN" IF I GAVE YOU TWENTY "STRAIGHT" WINNERS. "REMEMBER" THIS "INFO" COMES EVERY DAY "DIRCET FROM THE TRACK" BY "ONE WHO KNOWS" THATS WHY THE ABOVE RESULTS ARE GIVEN". "GET ME J" YOU CAN "BREAK THE BAXK OF ENGLAND" TRYING TO "DOPE" OR "GUESS" AT THEM "REMEMBER" THE MAN WHO PLAYS MORE THAN "ONE HORSE" A DAY CAX-NOT LAST LONG AS YOU cannot BEAT seven, races A DAY BR SATISFIED to BEAT "ONE HORSE" A DAY THATS WITY I "ONLY" GIVE "ONE HORSE" A DAY BUT THAT ONE I MAKE SURE S A "WfNNER" Today "Another Long Point Winner" Goes IF YOU let this pet away from YOU TODAY" then how will YOU FEEL WHEN" YOU read this ad tomorrow and see where I GAVE AN" OTHER "WINNER" LIKE LONG FOIXT WAS YESTERDAY. If yon are WISE yon. will RUSH yonr SUBSCRIPTION". 510 "DALLY." ItEMIT TO WILLIAM BRADY The Markeeu Hotel, Suite 215, Corner Main and Utica Sts. Buffalo, X. Y. NOTICE I hud to leave "New Orleans," where I operated, I HAD TO "QUIT" because MY CLIENTS couldnt get their money down at the TRACK AS I WAS PUTTFYG OVElt, EVERY DAT, "WINNER" AFTER "WINNER," at biff odds THATS WHY I CAME HERE TO "BUFFALO," sts I can operate here without fear of 31 Y CLIENTS not fretting their money down every day on MY "SPECIAL." Two Horses I agHpvJiL The Man Who a Day -flkSSi Scrjl Produced Most 0 Daily Winners NO WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTIONS PHENOM WIRED MONDAY: 31 ABEL C. 6-1, Won GORGET 4-1, Won g . PORT MiSS ME TODAY! TODAY! ! TODAY TODAY TODAY lie Phenom, at New Orleans, lias telephoned this office, telling us that the two he has tcday should pay plenty. His advice is a. heavy play on the- nose. "My advice to all- my clients is ta climb aboard. This looks like the biggest special of this meeting." THE PHENOM: AT NEW ORLEANS I am on the grounds, personally, at Jefferson Park, supervising a few private specials for soma of the largest operators" in the country. AH. private specials will be included in my two horse daily serviee, which is released daily through my Hew York, office. With the assistance of my exclusive connections, I will produce results at the New Orleans meetings that will startle "tha turf world." They call me "The Phenom on all principal race tracks for the phnomsnal results I produced. Owing to my high standing- on all principal race tracks it is impassible to give my identity tot the racing- public, as my reputation would be jeopardised. My connections include information from owners, trainers and jockeys, who will always be my pals. PHEN02 WIRED FRIDAY: THE VINTNER 4-5, Won FREEZY SNEEZY 2-1, Third PHENOM WIRED THURSDAY: ! SPUGS Won BUTTRESS Third PHENOM WIRED WEDNESDAY: CHANNEL 15-1, Won RUIHEX C-l, Won! PHENOM WIRED TUESDAY: ! BUTTRESS 3-18, Won PRINCE K. 0-2, Won ! PHENOM WIRED MONDAY: I GAYLY n-2, Won CORINTH on Phenom Wired Saturday: Phenom Wired Thursday: Phenom Wired Tuesday: Escolanc 10-1, Won Kinsman 2-1, Won Dave Goldic C-i, Won Sea Court 8-1, Won Boot Bissck Third Elsass 13-;, Won Phenom Wired Friday: Phenom Wired Wednesday: Phenom Wired Monday Knights Bridge ..20-1, Won Gayly 13-1, Won Good Will IS-5, Won WaukuIIa 0-5, Won Brinhley 13-5, Won Pete-the Scribe ..7-2, Won Remit 0, at once, for one days service and be convinced of profitable results. Wire remittance, giving correct address, to avoid delay. Address all communications, THE PHENOM 799 BROADWAY ROOM 223 NEW YORK CITY FOLLOW DAILY RACING GUIDE FIRST WITH THE LATEST Two Horses Daily Terms: 0.00 Daily ONCE AGAIN THE BOOKS HAD TO PAY OFF MY FOLLOWERS YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: MABEL C 6-1, Won GOLDEN LOCKS 5-1, Won Clients, do not let a few had days discturage yon, as you aU know the old sayins, "One good day makes up for ten bad ones." I warned every person that read my ad Sunday that I had two real good things, i WAS I RIGHT! I SHOULD SAY SO. I warn you again today not to miss my two horses, AS THEY COME FROM THE SAME SOURCE ? THAT GAVE ME YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES. I WANT YOU All. TO UNDERSTAND WHEN THESE PEOPLE SHOOT THEY MEAN BUSINESS. NOTICE! NOTICEI NOTICE! j Was compelled to move again on account of tremendous business, as we were dispossessed on account of large crowds gathering at our office. MY NEW OFFICE: This time wo have obtained a. lease- and we are- sure to stay. No- callers will be accepted for a few days, so as to enable us to get enough telephones and fix our place prcpcrly, for the convenience of all of our clients. All thoso interested in todays transactions must wire thein subscription without fail in order to obtain service today. FRANK H. COBURN ROOM 3C 3 PARK ROW NEW YORK. CITY la I CLIFFORD S. BALLE TERMS FOR THIS SERVICE ARE TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS 5.00 WEEKLY t NEW YORK OFFICES: CHICAGO OFFICES: I 200 BROADWAY, ROOM 241 109 N". DEAItBORX ST., ROOM COG NEW YORK CLTY CHICAGO, ILL. i I This is a select service and needs no soliciting. This office knows that it can de- i . liver winners. Callable horsemen hare been placed at HAVANA, TIJUANA AND NEW ORLEANS to supply this office with information. The daily "Ballc Enterprise" goes today. I . Special terms for this week only, twenty-fire dollars, which includes six days of daily service; one horse daily. ; This office will advertise until it has enlisted a limited number of clients. AH players wishing to partake in this scrrice are adrised to send in their subscription of ! twenty-fire dollars as soon as possible. t This service has been built up on a policy of honesty; secrecy and a square deal to all. Abore all, there will be no misrepresentation. Only facts will be published. The abore policy will be adhered to at all times. ; Clients in Chieago and New York City can call at the offices. Out-of-town clients, t remit by wire. j! il ISUNRISE SERVICE 156 Id6J"L FULTON: STREET, SUITE 533 NEW YORK CITY TERMS: .8 DAILY ONE HORSE DAILY YESTERDAYS RELEASE: MABEL C : : Won Which proves again the value, of this, service. Nine winners, at good prices, in nine successive days does not look like guesswork, you. will admit, but this is only the beginning- of my winter service, which should prove to be the best ever. SATURDAYS RELEASE: FRIDAYS RELEASE: Stonewall -6-1, Won Frightful 8-1, Won THURSDAYS RELEASE: WEDNESDAYS RELEASE: Mit 4-1, Won Van Patrick 6-1, Won TUESDAYS RELEASE: MONDAYS RELEASE: Johnny Jewell 7-2, Won Tod Renesor 3Q-T, Won SATURDAYS RELEASE: FRIDAYS RELEASE: Jaunebar 18-5, .Won Pat Hampson 6-1, Won - RACING PATRONS AND FOLLOWERS TUESDAY. DEC. 1GTH, at Jefferson Park, my connections have uncovered what they consider tha SAFEST PROPOSITION they have handled in many a day. This horse has received a. careful preparation in the east before being- shipped, to Jefferson Park, and every detail has been taken care of. If you have never had the pleasure of cashing- on. a twenty to one shot, I advise yon not to miss this opportunitv today. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. CITY CLIENTS CALL. OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS. REMIT BX WIRE. CHARLES BUSTOR SEW ORLEANS WIZARD 206-2QS BROADWAY, ROOM 536, NEW YORK CITY TERMS: 0.00 DAILY TWO HORSES DAILY j YESTERDAYS RELEASES: Golden Locks 5-1, Won Theo 8-1, Won BIG TIMES TODAY, BOYS CHARLES BUSTOR. FROM NEW ORLEANS, ADVISES ALL CLIENTS TO GET IN ON THE BIG : PARLAY TODAY, which should pay at least 50-1 or better. CONNECTIONS HAVE PUT THESE I HORSES IN SOFT SPOTS SO THEY CAN GALLOP HOME WITH THE BACON. I Get in on This Big Day and Collect a Christmas Roll SATURDAYS RELEASES: GOLD MOUNT 3-1, Won STONEWALL 6-1, Won FRIDAYS RELEASES: WEDNESDAYS RELEASES: MONDAYS RELEASES TALEQUA 3-1, Won VAN PATRICK 6-1, Won ANTONIA 5-1. "Won ; FRIGHTFUL 8-1. Won CANYON 5-1. Won GAYLY . . . 9.2 Won THURSDAYS RELEASES: TUESDAYS RELEASES: SATURDAYS RELEASES .HIT 4-1, Won JOHNNY JEWELL 7-2, Won ESCOLANE 10-1 Won RICHELIEU 9-2, Won SLEIVEBLOOM 15-1, Won JAUNEBAR 1 1 . .4-1 Won j DONT HESITATE. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE. I City clients, call. Out-of-town, remit by wire. I Pay From Your Profits VOLUME I. OF THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing A T 17 the races will be mailed you for cne weeks .llllUal HaClIlg i 011X1 trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this TOT 1 ad and a two-cent stamp to J. K. WILLIS B 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. Fla. 1 NOW ON SALE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924121601/drf1924121601_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924121601_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800