Generosity of Horsemen: Decent Man Never Goes Hungry Around a Racetrack - in Stance of Helping Hand, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-16


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GENEROSITY OF HORSEMEN Decent Man Never Goes Hungry Around a Racetrack Instance of Helping Hand. A crowd of race goers were gathered In a hotel lobby and were talking about honesty, charity and such things on a race course. Among them war. a newspaper man. II-? said : "1 recall a story where a cashier for a bookmaker at New Orleans a few years ago had to borrow 0 to carry him to Memphis, yet he had in his possession 0. 000 of Fred Cooks money. That is going somo in the honesty line. "You never" heard of a man going hungry around the race track if he was in any way decent, for there are a thousand and one fellows who will divide the last dollar they have with a man down and out. There was one incident at a track now out of existence that appealed to me. "A certain horseman not overly fortunate since the meeting opened, had the misfortune of losing his wife. She had been sick for a very long time and died in a hospital in Detroit. Her husband, when informed of the matter, was broke and he did not know which way to turn to give her a decent burial. Now this particular person has a couple of shifty horses in training at the track, and when lie was unable to raise money elsewhere he went to general manager A and showed him the telegram from Detroit. I would like to hock my horses for enough to bury my wife, was the sum and substance of his remarks. " Nothing doing declared Mr. A . You can"t hock your horses with me. Here3 the money. "Mr. A passed over the bills. The horseman, with tears in his eyes, made for the telegraph office, where he sent the monev, and that night he was thanking his lucks stars that one man was his friend. "Now this particular person could hava gone to a dozen other people on the raco track who would have done as much for him as Mr. A did, but he, in his confusion, knew no other way than to go into soak for the money necessary to bury the dead. "Mr. A s action is typical of the generosity of race track people. He deserves a lot of credit for this particular action, and it demonstrates that there is a lot of charitv floating around in an ens-ironment that everybody oulside the pale endeavors to condemn."

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Local Identifier: drf1924121601_12_3
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