untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-27


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HARVEY AMES EARLE BLDG. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. AEAV YORK CITY Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" WON AT GOOD ODDS Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," and the only horse advised, WON EASILY, AS WAS ANTICIPATED. "Harvey Transaction " Today Subscription, 00, by telegraph or in person, in advance. Todays transaction has received a special preparation for this event and good odds are expected. "Harvey Transaction" means one horse only. TELEPHONES CIRCLE 2591, 2592. 2593 and 5749 Frank Baker tTwo Horses a Day, S10 THE PARLAY KING Supreme Special, 5 1 ESTABLISHED 1!18 SIX DAYS SERVICE, NOT INCLUDING SUPREME SPECIAL, 0.00 1 TODAY! TODAY! TODAY! FRANK BAKERS SUPREME SPECIAL. Frank Baker is so confident of the SUPREME SPECIAL, going today, that he advises all his clients to play this one straight only. All preparations have been completed and there should be no stopping this horse from grabbing first money. Should this horse, by any accident, finish second or third, subscribers Tcceive our next three 5.00 SUPREME SPECIALS, free of all cost. Bear in mind that Mr. Baker has NEVER missed with any of his SUPREME SPECIALS. Our last Supreme Special was: HUON PINE 8-1, Won A few of my past releases follow: MUSKEG 10-1, "Won SMART GUY C-l, AVon HUON PINE 8-1, Won MABEL C C-l, Won SLANDERER 12-1, AVon GORGET 16-5, Won MABEL C 6-1, Won STONEWALL 6-1, Won LUCIFER 6-1, Won ST. QUENTIA S-l Won HUEY 4-1. Won CAMOUFLAGE n-j Won AL LEVY 7-2, Won FRIGHTFUL 8-1 Won SEQUEL 5-1, Won You will notice that we advertise our losers as well as our winners. You all know that there aro days and days. This is your last chance to get in on something every bit as good as HUON PINE. Get aboard. Fee, 25.00. Wire fee at once and secure your subscription today. FRANK BAKER ST. DENNIS BLDG., 793 BROADWAY, SUITE 614 NEW YORK CITY DAILY. . AT ALL NEWSSTANDS WEEKLY BOOK, 35 CENTS Mailed 10 Weeks, .00 DAILY SPECIALS: ?1 at all newsstands. New Weekly Out 00 FREE CODE TODAY: Jefferson Park: Dunkirk -Petard - Pinch-Fancy-J o il . And, believe me, THIS ONE is HOT. Go rijht now and get the NEW WEEKLY. Another Smashing Week! YESTERDAYS BIG SPECIAL: Escarpolette, 4-1, Won Was given in the WEEKLY in the STRONGEST WAY. Did you get it! OTHER WINNERS LAST WEEK: Marg. Ware, 10-1, Won Asa Jewell, 8-1, Won Smart Guy, 8-1, Won Thimble, 16-5, Won Tableau dHonneur, 5-2, Won True American, 5-2, Won I toll you. you must get ths WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKER for WINNERS. Only 35 cents, at all newsstandf . , HOT DOG Another Special Today Ask your newsdealer for the MASTER CLOCKER ?5 SPECIAL. Today Special Long Shot from Roxie Thomas, and he says this one should be every bit as good as was his recent BIG SPECIAL: Marg. Ware, 10-1, Won So dont delay. RUSH RIGHT NOW to your newsdealer and ASK for the 1 Daily Master Clocker AT ALL NEWSSTANDS I Pay From Your Profits I THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing I the races will be mailed you for one weeks n trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 510 a day on the E3 I scale of play. For particulars mail tb: I ad and a two-cent stamp to I J. K. WILLIS I Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Gars Weekly 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS New Weekly Out TODAYS FREE CODE: Joffcrson Vermont-Brown-Box-Boy AGAIN WE WON ! LAST WEEKS WINNERS: Margaret Ware, 10-1, Won Peace Pal, 7-1, Won Caveat Emptor, 7.60, Won Were a FEW of the LONG ONES, so dont miss the NEW ISSUE. TODAY 0 Free Special And this bird is tho RIPEST THING at Jefferson. For this one ask for GARS DAILY 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Monthly Form Book of November Racing ON SALE 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 320 EAST 3RD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO 0 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO, ONT. 305-S07 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. TWO HORSES DAILY TERMS: 10.00 DAILY Bang-I-told-you-so-? YESTERDAYS TAVO HORSES: Rajah, 9-5, Won Muskeg, 8-1, Won Parlay Also Won and Paid Plenty And I simply BEGGED you on 3IY AD yesterday SOT TO MISS MA" TWO HORSKS. ;s I was confident they would win. If you were not with ME yesterday, then TOT still have time to pet in with the WINNING CROAVD hy starting with FRANK COItf U.V TODAY A3TD STICKING with ME every day. THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: AARAAGLER 1-1, AVon SMUTS Third MONDAYS PARLAY AVON MONDAYS TWO HORSES: JOHNNY JEAVELL 4-1, AVon SEE IT THROUGH 4-1, AVon SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: .MABEL C 5-1, AVon SUANY GIRL 0-1, 2-1, 2nd FRIDAYS TWO HORSES: ORAGEUSE 4-1, 3-5, 2nd PIRATE GOLD ....1-1, C-5, 2nd THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: DEAA" H Lost RUPEE C-5, 2nd WEDNESDAYS TWO HORSES: DUST FLOAAER 9-2, AVon LUCIFER 2-1, AVon Other recent doubles: LOVEUIAESS 4-1, AVon AL LEVY 7-2, AVon MABEL C 6-1, AVon GOLDEN LOCKS 5-1, AVon i-TODAY TWO MORE WINNERS- Now, remember, I AVARA" YOU AGAIA" that if you let these TAVO horses net awuy from YOU that I have again TODAY, then YOU may BETTER. STOP LLAYIAG x.M,, because YOU dont sec such HOT ones as I HAVE FOR YOU TODAY. ifcf-YOU CAN WIN 00 TODAY- A 5 wager on both my horses todav should net you over 00. AOAV, IF YOU ARE AVISE, YOU AVILL HURRY AND SEAD YOUR 0 FOR TODAYS TWO HORSES. ,000 - REWARD - ,000 will be given to any person or persons, "who can prove that tho horses advertised above were not filed with this paper and released to my clients five hours before post time. FRANK H. COBURN ROOM 36 3 PARK ROW HEW YORK CITY Two Horses I ijiY"; Ji lT,ie IVIan n0 a Day sffAerii Produced Most 0 Daily sASM Winners NO "WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTIONS Once again I have proven that those who are patient and capable of systematizing their plays are the only ones who are successful in the racing game. ONCE AGAIN MY FOLLOWERS WON ON MY TWO HORSES YESTERDAY PHENOM RELEASED YESTERDAY: FARMACIIEAEE BELLE ..10-1, AAon MUSKEG S-l, AVon TODAYS BIG SPEED MARVELS TODAYS Are scheduled to go for "the men who know," when winning information is released. If I was to go into full details about todays double, it would take a whole page, so use your own judgment, boys, as if the winning Tesult was over. Wire your subscription to avoid delay. City clients, call. PHENOM RELEASED THURSDAY: BAD LUCK 5-1, AAon ELECTOR 11-10, AVon PHENOM RELEASED TUESDAY: SMART GUY 6-1, AVon SEQUEL Lost PHENOM RELEASED MONDAY: MODO 3-2, AVon THE BADGER 7-2, 0-5, 2d THE PHENOM AT NEAV ORLEANS I am on the grounds personally at Jefferson Park. AH private wires will be included in my Two Horse Daily Service, which is released daily through my New York office. With the assistance of my exclusive connections I will produce results at the New Orleans meeting that will startle the turf world. They call me "The Phenom" on the principal race tracks for the phenomenal results I have produced. Owing to my high standing on all principal race tracks it is impossible to give my identity to the racing public, as my reputation would be jeopardized. Remit 0.00 at once for one days service and be convinced of profitable results. Wire remittance, giving correct name and address io avoid delay. Address all communications to THE PHENOM, 799 BROAD AV AY, NEAV YORK CITY I I I SUNRISE SERVICE 15C FULTON STREET, SUITE 535 NEW YORK CITY TERMS: 55.00 DAILY ONE HORSE DAILY Yesterdays release lost. THURSDAYS RELEASE: AVRANGLER 4-1, AVon WEDNESDAYS RELEASE: SATURDAYS RELEASE: MARY ELLEN 0 7-5, AAron STONEAVALL 6-1, Von TUESDAYS RELEASE: THURSDAYS RELEASE: RODEO 7-2, AVon MIT 4-1, Won MONDAYS RELEASE: TUESDAYS RELEASE: 1IU0AT PINE 10-1, AVon JOHNNY JEWELL 7-2, AVon SATURDAYS RELEASE: SATURDAYS RELEASE: DOCTOR GLENN- 5-2, AAon JAUNEBAR 1S-5, AVon FRIDAYS RELEASE: FRIDAYS RELEASE: BEACH TALK 4-5, AAon FRIGHTFUL S-l, AVon THURSDAYS RELEASE Lost WEDNESDAYS RELEASE: WEDNESDAYS RELEASE Lost AAA" PATRICK 6-1, AVon TUESDAYS RELEASE: MONDAYS RELEASE: AL LEVY 7-2, AVon TOD RENESOR 30-1, AVon MONDAYS RELEASE: FRIDAYS RELEASE: MABEL C C-l, AVon PAT HAMPSON C-l, AVon RACING PATRONS, ATTENTION! The last week at Jefferson Park we will have many surprises for our followers! Today, Saturday, December 27, I have received the word on what my connections consider tho safest propssition they have handled at this mseting. This horse has received a careful preparation for this ono particular race. We expect 10-1 or better! A word to the wise is sufficient! City clients, call. Out-of-town clients, remit by wire. I 1 FOLLOW DAILY RACING GUIDE FIRST WITH THE LATEST

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924122701/drf1924122701_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924122701_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800