00,000 Offer a Record: Price Offered by Americans for Epinard Would Have Set New High Mark, Daily Racing Form, 1924-12-27


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! 1 ; j 00,000 OFFER A RECORD Price Offered by Americans for Epinard Would Have Set New High Mark. Had the recently suggested sale of Epinard to United States sportsmen for 300,000 been consummated it would have established a record price for a thoroughbred race horse and the offer indicated the remarkably high place the French colt holds in the esteem of American horsemen. The highest price ever paid in any country for a thoroughbred was 05,000, which the Argentine breeder, Senor Unzue, gave to Major August Belmont for the American-bred Tracery. In the United States the next highest price for an American horse was 150,000, for which Rock Sand was sold. . Charles W. Clark paid H. P. Whitney 25,000 for "ft hisk-away, while 15,000 was paid for the unbeaten Inchcape, which stanas as a record for a two-year-old on this side of the water. The Finn was sold for 10,000, St. Blaise and Playfellow, 00,000 each, which completes the list of thoroughbreds sold on this side for 00,000 or more. On the other side of the water a total of twenty-four thoroughbred race horses have brought 00,000 or more. The list is topped by Prince Palatine, for which 09,000 was paid, and that constituted a record for ail countries up to the time of the sale of Tracery here. Next to Prince Palatine the highest amount was 00,000, which was paid by a syndicate of Irish breeders for the young stallion, Charles OMalley. Flying Fox brought S9,000 and Cvllene 57,000, while 51,200 was Diamond Jubilees price. Jardy, Craganour and Ormonde brought 50,000 each. The last named was bought by the late William OB. McDonough and the price was the highest ever paid Dy an American citizen. Val dOr Drought 40,-000. while 25,000 was the price of each of Cyllene, Rock Sand, Dark Ronald, Sceptre and Prince Palatine. Prince Palatine was sold a third time for 12,500, the purchaser being Edward l Simms cf Kentucky, who also paid 0,000 for a half interest in Negofol. Both purchases were made in France.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924122701/drf1924122701_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1924122701_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800