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Below will bo found the index to the pre vioun workouts of the horses entered in the various races at Aqueduct Saturday SaturdayFIRST FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsBlatona Blatona 504 Eoz EozInstructress Instructress 508 High Joy Taffy Girl My Eva 506 South Wind Confidante 09 Green Blazes 511 Run Cal 03 Donarita 499 Shampoo ShampooSOD SOD Mazetta 493 Janetta Runebb SECOND RACE About 2 Miles 508 Eaglet 299 TTpsal TTpsalMoro Moro Houyhnhnm HouyhnhnmTHIRD THIRD RACE 58 Mile 511 Bombshell Punjab 05 Cinema Btanmoro 511 Dress Parade 512 Paavo 512 Navigator Brushaway 512 Sarmaticus 511 Cntitout 510 Fiddlesticks FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 512 Mad Play 511 Cheny Pio 511 Klondyke 512 Flagstaff 510 Whetstone 511 Shuffle Alonff AlonffFIFTH FIFTH RACE 1 516 Miles 12 Skirmish 498 Hot Dog 511 Costigan 511 Comic Artist ArtistSIXTH SIXTH RACE 6 12 Furlongs 511 Blacksmith 511 Coronation 496 Meditator 509 Beach Maid 508 Bruns 511 Wild Bill 511 Johnny Campbell 510 Ghent 510 Star Saint 510 WishTcnWish 511 Alkali Ike 512 Osago 512 Lived Ono Royal Robo S91 Chickama 511 Shady Sadie 512 Bocktord 510 Heckler 134 Dona 8a = ta taPawsrill 508 Kovcillon Pawsrill 511 Golden Spire