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BROOKLYN PARK CLEVELAND OHIO FMDAT JUNE 19 1925 Brooklyn Park Mile Seventeenth Day Brook ¬ lyn Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 18 days Weather clear StcwardH J T Ireland H J Kline J E Myers and F Levy Judges E C Knebelkamp W R Booker and C Stands Starter G Wingfield Racing Secretory E C Knebelkamp Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance s OkrTrTO r1 81 SACE 5r8 Kile Purse 609 2year U Kaideni Claiming Net value tfV 4 4 O to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 90567 EDITH GIBSON ws 110 7 5 5l 21 i1 Ink F Murphy C T Worthington 50100 90622 MARY PHEMA w 105 34 41 4 1 2fc 2J W Taylor W S Trevey 2660100 266010090622BLACK 90622BLACK AIR w 103 2 2 21 11 3U 35 P Cogan Adkin Lindsay 2780100 90622 D OF RIDGE VIEWw 107 1 e41 51 4 S J Petrecca n Guicardo 2120100 00567 APRES MOI W109 83 3 3 4h EV J Dillea P L Fuller 1360100 90567 FANNY COURTIN w 1C9 58 71 5 6J 6 j H Farland Mrs B Adkins 630103 90732 COUNTRY LIFE w 103 6 7 S 8 8 71 D Stirling F Krauso 3030103 3030103905673DICKS 905673DICKS SETII wsn 109 41 I1 61 71 8 K Paden B Creech 630100 630100Time Time 24 50 104 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Edith Gibson 300 straight 280 place 240 show Mary Pheraa 1700 place 800 show Black Air 520 show Equivalent booking odds Edith Gibson 50 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Mary Phema 730 to ICO place 330 to 100 chow Black Air ICO to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Rapid Water Maria C by Yankee Gun trained by C T Worthington bred by estate of Mr G W J Bissell BissellWent Went to post at 230 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same EDITH GIBSON moved up fast on the back stretch took a clear lead in the stretch but was hard pressed sit the end to retain hur advantage MARY PHEMA closed up gamely in the final eighth and was gaining on the winner at the end BLACK AIR showed early speed but tired in the stretch DUKE OF RIDGE VIEW closed up much ground APRES MOI quit DICKS SETH ran out on the first turn turnScratched Scratched 005G7 Silent Cal 104 Overweight Duke of Ridge View 1 ponnd fkflF7F7t SECOND RACE 34 Mile Pnrse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value Jf V 4 4 ± to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses StrFin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 90679 = HRY M STEVENSw 9 109 23 5 2 1 1 E Hileman O Rica 153100 90677 CRYSTL VENNIE w 3 97 7 2 1 1 2 2 W Taylor Abel 930100 930100D067S3 D067S3 DRUMMOND wsn 9 104 65 3 3 Z 3 J Dillea V Gallo 240100 85092 SANDY IL WB S 109 3 8 8 5 4 4 J Bers O Corder 360103 36010300737JGLAD 00737JGLAD NEWS v6105 11 6J 4 5 E W Habjan G L Palmquist 930100 90679 TINGALING w 12JOD 8 4 2 i 6 6 6 H Farland Mrs J E Farley 299J103 90624 TOOMBEOLA w 1 111 4 7 4 7 3 7 7 J Connors F Shinn C320103 90677 NOVELTY w 3 33 5 6 7J 8 8 8 H West W Palmer 1632r100 1632r100Time Time 24 49 117 Track fast 2 mntuelH paid Harry M Stevens 500 straight 3CO place 220 show Crystal Vennle 8CO place 200 show Drummond 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Harry M Stevens 150 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Crystal Vcnnie 330 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Drummond 10 to 100 nhow nhowWinner Winner Ch g by Superman Rose Prim by Potomac trained by J C Hasty bred by Messrs Young G or ham hamWent Went to post at 257 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same HARRY M STEENS closer np than usual in the early running came on the outside of CRYSTAL VENNIE in the stretch and got up to win in the last few yards CRYSTAL VENNIE set a good pace and stayed well in the final drive DRUMMOND ran well but was tiring at the end SANDY U closed a big gap and finished fast TINGALING ran out on the first turn turnScratched Scratched 90C78 Letter F 103 OOC79 Super Lady 97 Overweight Toombeola 2 pounds d4 K THIRD KACE 78 Uilo Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value J7J 4 4 O to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Vs StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 90408 LOVELINESS w 7 107 6 6 690563SMELVINA 51 4s 2 li D Stirling B S Boudrcaux Boudrcaux2nk2 90563SMELVINA WB 4 111 3 3 2nk2 31 25 W Dellow J R Alexander 90458 THOMAS PIATT ws 3 102 1 2 2S70C26 1 1 lh 31 A Ricketts Hislo Bros S70C26 ROCK COURT w 4 111 7 7 790625PEACE 3 3l 4 4s J Petrecca R H Mills 90625PEACE PAL w 6 108 3 5 61 6J 5 J 5 J Dillea C N Freeman 90678 ZENNOTTA WB 6 111 8 1 4 4 5i 6 6 E Hileman M Grant 90682 90682SMIRACLE SMIRACLE MAN w 6 109 4 4 7 7 ° 7 7 J Murphy R Guicardo 90678 COLLIER B w 3 ICO 5 8 8 8 Pup S Hicks T OBrien Timo 25 50 117 130 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Loveliness 2220 straight 740 place 440 show Melvlna 340 place S ° 70 ahok Thomas Piatt 580 show Equivalent booking odds Loveliness J010 to 100 straight 270 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Melvlna 0 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Thomas Piatt 100 to 100 show Winner Ch m by Charles Edward Spanish Maid by Disguise trained by W A Davis bred br Messrs J 0 G H Keene J JWent Went to post at 329 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving LOVELINESS closed up on the outside after rounding the last turn and finishing fast raced into a clear lend in the last fifty yards MELINA raced well but tired in the drive through the stretch THOMAS PIATT showed the most early speed but tired in the final sixteenth ROCK COURT was in close fiveeighthsScratched quarters In the early running and also tired after going fiveeighths Scratched 00079 Blackolia 109 90625Tlght 108 90572 Redwood 102 90093 Peter Decoy eC ° Tt 103 B94C9 Dolph 108 90734 In Doubt 108 Overweights Thomas Fiatt 4 pounds Collier B 1 Continued on tenth page BEOOKLYNPAEZ Continued from seventh pag FOURTH EACE 34 Mile Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 60 Index Dorses St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 90G28tJOHN HOSHOR w 7 114 6 2 41 4 3i 11 H Padcn O W Fritz FritzI 90680 MARIE MAXIM wn 8 112 3 I 3 390735FABER 3 S 21 I1 2s W Taylor W Fenwick FenwickLI 90735FABER WB 5 IOC 1 LI 1 I1 11 2 3l J Dillea P L Fuller FullerJ 905 15 GLENN w D 111 5 J 5 590G2G 5 5 5 4 J J Petreoca C E Davison 90G2G STELLA MARTS w 5 111 4 14 4 490G25COPYRIGHT 2J 3l 4 5J J Connors C Drake DrakeJ 90G25COPYRIGHT wii S 111 2 J C CDisqualified 6 G 6 C W Dellow U Lamport LamportTime Disqualified for foul Tin Time 24 49 116 Track fast 52 inntuels paid Marie Maxim 780 straight 3CO place 320 show Fabcr 440 place 340 show Glenn 540 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Marie Mnxim 200 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Fiber 120 to ICO place 70 to 100 show Glenn 170 to 100 show showWinner Winner IJr m by Golden Maxim Mary Reardon by Peep o Day trained by W Fenwick bred by Mr C D Kay KayWont Wont lo po t at 402 At pest C minutes Start pood and slow Won driving second and third the same JOHN IIOSIIOR closed up rapidly on the outside in the stretch and finishing gamely Rot up to finish first in the last few strides but when forty yards from the finish bumped FABBR all bnt caus ¬ ing the latter to fall for which he was disqualified MARIE MAXIM raced prominently all the way and finishtd gamely FAKER displayed the most early speed but was tiring when the foul occurred GLENN finished gamely STELLA MAUIS raced a trifle wide on the turns and quit in the stretch Overweight Stella Maris 2 pounds FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Ket valuo to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses 14 Vs Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 90248 BOOMERANG WB 4 112 81 I1 IV 1 W Taylor I Kaplan 130103 90248 HOLE CARD w 3 104 6 5 2i 2 2 2 J Dillea M Cox 21001CO 21001CO9062G 9062G ADJUSTER WB 3 105 1 3 S t 31 3s Zl J Berg W S Crosthwaite 830100 830100S754G S754G DORIUS wsu G 111 70 6 6 5 4 1 D Stirling S Polk 2310100 231010090518SHHES 90518SHHES GRAHAM w 5 113 54 4 4s 4 C E Hileman T VvMountJoy 750103 90518 CHLOE D w 3 100 4 3 5 5 C 6 S Hicks J Sands 5150100 90405 J G BICKEL WB 3 108 2 Left at post S McGraw A Winters 6660100 90405 CLOS ENRIQUE WB 5 112 3 Left at po = t K Farlaml J Hayca 1601CO 1601COTime Time 23 48 108 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Boomerang 400 stiaight 3CO place 310 s how Hole Card 1060 place 520 show Adjuster 300 show Equivalent booking odds Boomerang 130 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 53 to 103 show Hole Card 430 to 103 place 160 to 100 show Adjuster 05 to 100 show Winner Ch g by The Manager Odd Cross by Oddfellow trained by C Smith bred by Mr Brown ell Comba Went to post at 439 At post 4 minutes Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driving ROOMKRANG took the lead at once and easily won all the way HOLE CARD raced in nearest pursuit and finished gamely ADJUSTER held the others safe through the last half DORIDS was practically left and closed a big gap HUGHES GRAHAM tired CARLOS ENRIQUE actedbadly at the post and wheeled at the start Scratched 00301 Miss Emmert 09 9P518Dalton 112 90461 Antonia 106 90570 Ailsie Vernor 106 00461 Chopsticks 112 30735 Spontaneous 106 Overweight Chloc D 1 pound SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 6CO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Met value to winner 150 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnivdds Strt t 90570PEARL BOOTS ws 4 108 12 3s 2J 1 l l H Paden AB Creech 140100 99627 ORLOVA w 8 107 7 5 4l 4s 2i 22i J Dillea Mrs J Diebold 8201CO 8201CO90568RED 90568RED WB 9 105 3 Z 1 11 3 34 A Ricketta T Cheak 1520100 90827 PR1 CESS SIGNAL w 5 107 54 6 6 5 i 4 W Habjan W S Trevey f 760r100 90625 SPANISH THRONE w 3 107 47 7 7 6l 5l H Farland Hiyeria 60 100 0680 MART BUNCH w5 110 6 61 5s 41 6 W Taylor Neal Bros 0280100 028010090677DR 90677DR SISK WB 3 104 2 1 2 2r3i7 r3i7 7 J Berj KCox 330100 330100lima lima 24 50 116 130 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Pearl Boots 480 straight 320 place 280 show drlova 600 place 3120 show Red 5SO show Equivalent booking odds Pearl Boots 140 to 100 straight 60 to 100 place 40 to 100 show prior 200 to 100 place CO to 100 show Red 190 to 100 show H Winner Ch f by Boots and Saddle Pearl G by Handsel trained f B Creech bred by T M f fWent Murphy Went to post at 513 At post 1 minute Start good rand slow Won easily second and third driving PEARL BOOTS tcok the lead after going fiveeighths and drew away in the stretch to win cased up OULOVA outstayed RED in the stretch drive The latter was much used in racing 3 R BISK into defeat and tired in the last eighth DR SISK quit r Overweight Spanish Throne 5 pounds flrTrf SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Parse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Ket 5fV 4 4vJ valuo to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 90305 MADAM VENNIE WB 4 111 G 36 6 6 4 IS F Murphy Mrs R Guicardo C50100 C5010090G27IUTAH 90G27IUTAH WB 6 110 3 1 I4 1i I1 21 2 D Stirling J Olanley 220100 90572 BIDDLEDEE ws 8 108 4 2 2 2 2 J 11 3l H Paden Ii Hector 240100 98625 MIKE MORSSEZwB 41C5 5 5 4 4s 4 3 4 J Dillea E Lutz 200103 98514 LADY HUON WB 2 103 2 6 5J 5 5 J 5l 5l W Taylor Mrs H H Hensel 2770100 90682 PAULINA w 4 103 1 4 3l 31 3 6 6 W Habjan E W Rugs 1170100 1170100Time Time 5 51 116 146 152 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Madam Vcnnie 1500 straight 640 place 380 show Utah 380 Uce280 2 show i v t tEquivalent show Biddledeo 0 Equivalent booking odds Madam Vennle 650 to 100 straight 220 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Utah 90 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Biddlcdee 40 to 100 show t Winner B f by Colonel Yennie Little Bit by Transvaal trained by J Serio bred by Mr Jerome B Respess y Went to post at 5381 At post 1 minutQ Start fair and SQW Won dnving second and third tt same MADAM VENNIE closed up with a rush on the outside in the stretch and under Tiard riding got up to win in the last few strides UTAH showed the most early speed and finished more gamely tlian usual BIDDLEDEE took the lead after entering the stretch but tired in the final drlye MIKE MORRISSEY ran a good race LADY HDON finished close up PAULINA tired Overweight 00734s Walcspa 110