2nd Race [2nd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1925-06-20

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RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2ycarolds Maidens Jane 7 1909 105 Indcx Course DistTimcTrack OddsWt St 3i StrFin Jockcjr Started Order of Finish BLOCKHEAD b c 2 M 115 By Black Toney Masks and Faces by Disguise DisguiseTrainer Trainer H J Thomnson Owner Idlo Honr Stock Farm Stable Breeder Idle Honr Stock Farm 90719 Latonia 51 f l07good 11 115 2 1 3 3i H Meyer 12 Nocturnal Musicn Corncracker 90183 Latonia 58 l00fast 13 115 Left at post H Meyer 9 Pcrntaue TKngineer MMcGea 89924 Churchill 41 f 54 good 14 117 9 9 8 7 D Hum 14 Take aChe Sanction Percenfe 89758 Churchill 58 l01fast 7 115 8 8 7 Csi D Hum 13 Bulletin TheEngcr BancoSuivl LOMBARDO b c 2 M 115 By Wormlcighton Lady Fanchon by Great Britain Trainer W Perkins Owner T Livingston Breeder O D Randolph 90723 Latonia 51 f l07good 5 110 6 3 4 1 G L CanfieldlO LaSabina Valence MartIWand 90345 Latonia 58 l00fast 9 110 5 9 9 J 9 L Canfieldll Dollyllay Accumulator LCook 90183 I tonia 58 l00fast 17 115 8 5 5 4 510 L CanfielU 9 Perntage TEnKincer MMcGeo 12 47fast 12 116 2 1 1 2 C Buel 11 Sepoy Bombshell Jack Knight 87587 FGrnds 31 f 41fast 12 118 7 6 6 71 E Pool 12 Redllcart SilfeenMane JKnight 8G96G FGrnds 38 3 good 2 112 5 4s 21 E Pool 10 Worth Collier Pleasure Sands 86590 FGrnda 38 37murt 135 118 5 4 5 1 R Harton 9 CapnSeth MthaRoos Highlife 86510 FGrnds 38 37hvy 85 118 6 51 6 J R Hngtonl2 MajorScth CapnSeth NatEvna CORNCRACKER NatEvnaCORNCRACKER or c 2 M 115 By North Star m Spring Maid by Dick Welles Trainer E Trotter Owner E Trotter Breeder E Trotter 90719 Latonia 51 f l07good llf 11G 6 8 61 4SJ J McCoy 12 Nocturnal Musician Blockhead 90499 Latonia 51 f l07fast 41 113 7 5 691 5 J McCoy 9 Barcola Percussion RoyalOmar 89758 Churchill 5S 101 fast 55 11512 12 12 12 1 M SchwtzlS Bulletin ThcEngcr BancoSuirl JACK BancoSuirlJACK RIEGER b c 2 M 115 By Mont dOr n Green dOr by Bowling Green Trainer L Cahn Owner T J Pendergast Breeder T J Pendergast 90664 Latonia 68 l03hvy 125 115 2 4 4s 6 H Thomas 10 Old Tom Snow Man LittlcCook 895G7 LittlcCook895G7 Churchill 41 f 53fast 185 115 3 2 3i 4 II ThomaslS BluePencil Accumulator Araby 89511 Churchill 41 f 51fast 95 115 2 3 4 6 11 ThonaaslS Massillon PMistress PmPrince 89427 Churchill 41 f 54fast 73 111 1 6 7l 7 J D Connlly 9 Rhinock Sanction Sandy Maa BOBBT MaaBOBBT ch f 2 M 112 By High Time Photo by Llangwm LlangwmTrainer Trainer R C Frakes Owner W E Hupp Breeder W E Hupp 90609 Latonia 5S l00fast 91 115 3 2 1 3 J McCoy 12 Barbara LadyCarolyn LaSabina TWISTER LaSabinaTWISTER b f 2 M 113 By Upset Drop Leaf by Ogden OgdenTrainer Trainer J T Taylor Owner H P Headley Breeder Oak Ridge Stable 907G7 See todays chart 90011 Latonia 58 l00fast 2 11014 7 6 71 F Sharpe 12 Myra M Uncle Bob Longport S LongportS 0128 Latonia 58 l01jfast 61 113 3 6 5J 61 W W Torl2 FcosLouise Rosell Blue Sprito KID BOOTS ch c 2 M 115 By Pennant Matin by Broomstick Broomstickj Trainer K Spence Owner Audley Farm Stable Breeder M B B Jones 90719 Latonia 51 f l07good 74 113 5 5 7s 7 3 E Scobie 12 Nocturnal Musician Blockhead 90499 Latonia 51 f l07Hfast 80 115 5 8 8 8 F Sharpe 9 Barcola Percussion RoyalOmar 90019 Latonia G8 101 fast 107 11511 12 12I011 P Grosser 12 BancoSuivl TheEngr HryWilla 89840 Churchill G8 l01fast 42 116 4 6 6l 6 1 H Taylor 7 Torch The Engineer Cerulean BlPcncIlFRAZER 89679 Churchill 58 59fast 99 107 4 8 8 Ss ° H Taylor 8 SandyMan MyColonel BlPcncIl FRAZER ch c 2 M 115 By Ballot Leisure by Meddler Trainer MeddlerTrainer J C Milam Owner D Brcckinridge Breeder C H Berryman OOG64 BerrymanOOG64 Latonia G8 lOShvy 10 110 1 10 10 10 H Meyer 10 Old Tom Snow Man LittleCook 90293 Tatonia GS 101 fast 6 105 4 3 31 31 H Meyer 9 Harry Wills David L TbeRova 9018X Latonia 58 l00fast 79 115 6 6 6 6 J Gormley U Perntage TEngineer MMcGea 13 102 9 8 8 9 G Noel 12 Estin StreetLiz DelcoLlght 89079 Lexgton 41 f 57 hvy 145 113 3 6 4h 3 W Kelsay 8 Estln BnLcaf DrAtowenthal 88979 Lexgton 12 49 good 12 HO 7 6 7 61 W Pool 10 Supporter Billy Witt Lucent 88941 Lexeton 12 49mud 18 115 8 7 6 5 2 W Pool 12 Allcghan JackKnlght BigSwjj ROSEBEC b f 2 M llf By Trontfeeck Bramblo ROM by Von Tromp Trainer G Brooks Owner E Cebrian Breeder E Cebrian 907G7 See todays chart chartDOG09 BobbyLIBERTT DOG09 Latonia 3S l00fast 16f 11311 9 8 7 J Robbins 2 Barbara Lady Carolyn Bobby LIBERTT ch f 2 1C 112 By Sir Martin Independence by Ballot Trainer R L Sullivan Owner R L Sullivan Breeder T O McDowell 90611 Latonia 58 l00fast 17f 1071 5 5 57 57i J Howard 12 Myra M Uncle Bob Longporfej Continued on eleventh page LATONIA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from sixth page HAPPY BOB ch e 2 1C 115 By Star Hampton Biddy McGee by McGoe McGoeTrainer Trainer 0 W Moore Owner C W Moore Breeder Mrs C W Moore 90710 Latonia 51 f l07good 39 115 1 10 107J10 B Harvey 12 Nocturnal Musician Blockhead 9038 Latonia 5S 300fast CO 110 9 5 75J 71 B Harvey 12 ColBoard IVccCliarles Barcolo BarcoloBANDEROLE BANDEROLE ch f 2 M 112 By Pennant Bonaio Broom by Whisk Broom II IIP IITrainer Trainer M Goldblatt Owner H P Whitney Breeder H P Whitney OOG11 Latonia 5S l00fast 27 101 11 10 810 8 ° S AV Charlesl2 Myri M Uncle Bob Longport 90238 Latonia 58 l03fast 19f 11512 10 S11 S G Fields 12 Florence Mills Qn Clara Spi OJ 89540 Churchill 41 f 54fast 2S 115 12 12 II1 10 G Fields 12 BotheWind Wildwood Spices 89484 Churchill 41 f 54fast 3113 105 10 30 S1 73 G Fields 11 Caroline Kilter Night Express 893G9 Churchill 41 f 56hvy 17 115 31 11 II1 32 G Fields 15 CrazyMoon IlusBabe GnMarj 89043 Lcxgton 41 f BSVthvy 71 115 664 31 W Fronk 8 Margate Cameo Dixiway 88629 Bowio 13 43fast 41 115 7 5 6 6s I Parke 12 Domnay Cory Janctta SELECTIVE b f 2 M 112 By Brown Prince JX Select Shot by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer J T Taylor Owner H P Hcadley Breeder H P Headley 90767 Sec todays chart 90554 Latonia Gl f lOSHfast 11 109 2 2 7 1 7s F Sharpe 7 Margate Estin Gentry 90345 Latonia 5S l005 fast 87f 114 9 10 81 5 W W Torll DollyBay Accumulator LCook LCookGILMORE GILMORE ch g 2 M 115 By St Rock Music in the Air by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer H Cavanagh Owner Cannonball Stable Breeder J E Madden 90019 Latonia GS 101 fast 29f 113 S 9 9 10 D Hum 12 lUncoSuivi ThcEngr HryWills 89881 Churchill 5S 101 mud 17f 114 13 13 1312 E Martin 13 Uitter Spices Turner TurnerFirst First start for the following GRAND KING br c 2 M 115 By Granite Galloping Queen by Ben Brush BrushTrainer Trainer R C Frakes Owner R C Frakes Breeder R C Frakes FrakesACE ACE OF DIAMONDS ch c 9 M 115 By Hillhampton Lady Welles by Dick Welles WellesTrainer Trainer A W Booker Owner Mrs R Varwig Breeder R Varwig VarwigOVERDRAFT OVERDRAFT ch c 2 M 116 By Midway Throw Out by Boise BoiseTrainer Trainer T P Hayes Owner 3 W Parrish Breeder 3 W Parrish ParrishFARCEUSE FARCEUSE b f 2 M 112 By Riro auz Larmes Scramble by Le Melior MeliorTrainer Trainer G Brooks Owner E Cebiian Breeder E Cebrian

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925062001/drf1925062001_6_5
Local Identifier: drf1925062001_6_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800