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I RATINGS FOR 1926 . These ratings of the leadiup horses three years old and upward, that raced on the American turf during 1925 and at the winter meetings up to April 1, 1926. were compiled Ly Joe McCarty. They are based on public-form in races. The honor of leadership is given to American Flag. These figures have been carefully prepared and should prove interesting and a handy reference for the readers of l aily Ilacing Form : •Abstract 10". *Joy Smoke 134 Adria 110 Judge Kuller 110 American Son 110 Kentucky Cardinal 130 •Ali Baba MS Kings Rans in 112 •Almadel 113 King Tut 110 •Anna Marrone II:. 133 *K:ng of Fortune. . . 10."» •Arcady 130 Kit Carson 112 •Aga Mia a 140 •Ijtn us 110 •Altawood 142 •I-incaster 110 •American Flag IK *I.conard O 112 Arno 112 Light Carbine 110 •Atherstone IIS *Litlle Visitor 120 Alleghan IIS Lombardo M3 Acrostic 120 *L uiiger 130 Applccross 10." *I*oug Point 113 •Arabv 10". *Lncifer MB Anaconda 10". •Ijiddie Ruck IftS •Asinia 117 Ueittenant II 115 •Balboa 110 Lightship 110 Ranter 112 *I»ved One 110 Ragenhaggago 130 *I.ord iranite 113 Harrow 10S »Lucky Play 132 •Benedict Vow 110 *Light View 111! Renii Rutler 122 IJichen 112 Riglieart US *Little Asbestos 110 •Blue Pencil 110 *Lingard 110 •Black Bart 112 Lnkme 109 Blanc Seing 115 Marconi 132 Bolton 115 Midwestern 107 | | Boot to Boot 12 *Miss Thatcher 120 Bob Cahill 100 *Moonraker 112 Bookbinder 115 •Morning Cloud 113 Boon Companiou. . . .132 Monday Morning. . .105 •Brilliant Ill •Mum s Boy 112 •Braiustdrm 124 Mount Beacon lis Broomster 112 *Br. Pepp 121 Bronx 100 Manzana 107 Brice 110 *Marvin May 113 Ruck 125 *Muldoon 10i •Backbone 120 •Mungo 112 •Ba.-ilbee 107 M wn BB •Raffling 122 Maud Muller 13". •Retelguese 120 Maid at Arms 13.". •Big Blaze 14". Mail Ilay 154 Billy Warren 110 *McAuliffe 110 Bliiemont lit *Mirndor lit! •Itlind Play 132 •Menifee 120 Brown Sugar..-. 125 Millwick 110 •Bright Steel 113 *Mino 130 Breakfast Bell 112 * Colonel 115 Broadway Jones. . .125 Mnrtha WashingtonlDi By llisself IIS Medal 112 •Buttress 110 Marehe Militaire. . .1 10 I • Ban ton 115 *Mars 122 | •I.londin 115 •Malcolm 11. Jr 113 Black Maria 13u Macaw 130 Itrd Behave 115 Navigator 125 i Brushaway 115 *Niirini 115 •Ball Run 115 Ndrwester 121 Rubbling Over 13S Nancy I.anghorne. . 1 10 P.lockhead 125 New Hampshire . ... 120 •Bumpkin 105 Nichavo 122 Blackamoor 110 *Nocturnal 115 •Capistrano 10s Nomad 115 •Carol IIS Nida 10S Canister 105 Old Slip 120 •Carlaris 145 Osprey 127 : Catalan 130 Orpheus 115 j i •Chrysalis 105 •Overall 115 I Champ de Mars MI Orestes II 110 | •Clique 110 *Oh Susanna 109 ; Chesterbrook 105 *Of«BM 112 I • berry Tree 127 Pegasus 1S I j Cherokee Lm 110 Pettibocker Ml Chicago Ill, *IostilIion 115 | ! Chatterer M0 Prince of lmbria..127 : loisler 115 President 113 Cornaiitioii 111 Irickly Heat 10S •Columbia 120 *lrime Minister 112 I Courageous gj| Princess Dorecn . . . . 140 t Commissioner Ho Patr.Miu 130 I Cyclops 1 IS Pudraig 115 | Candy Kid 135 Peanuts 127 [ Cartoonist Ill Polly M.Wiggles. . .113 Captain Dal 125 Prince of Bourbon . 130 Cnractus 122 Iriscilla Kuley 125 ] Chantey US Phantom Kire 105 Cherry Pie 122 Punjab 114 •Cloiidland lis Pompey 145 Cudgeller Ill Priceman ION •t inema 110 Penstick Ml Ccntrifiiual 112 Patricia J 122 •Canter 10 Prn.-e of Wales .... 1 1" •Crusader 135 Powlmtaii 117 Chocolate Soldier IK Post Time IIS •Christiniis Morn.. HIS Polar Light 1J5 Celidon Hi- junce c.ikI.ii ii« Chance Play |gg yuitrain I2S •Corvette 1 IS Quince King 10S CorncracUer Ill Renharg 105 Cutitout li-s Rondelle Ml •Crossfire n;, Rowlands Re picst .10". Color Scig.-ant 12". rt Maxwell . ... Ml •Claptrap 115 Ro.vcrofter 115 •Daz/.ler pjo •RuiiKtar 120 •Dangerous p.i •Riiuolalhe 112 Dizzy Blonde 112 • Reparation 132 •Diiigriini 105 Reputation 120 Dr I laik Ill *Uemindcr 112 Dry Moon 110 •Rothermel tg Ikn-tor ;Utun 105 •Rockuiinister Ill •DuckweMl KM, Royalite l «.-. •Dudley 1| Rudolf 113 Dust l|i 103 Rapture 110 •Digit 115 Itnlliciiitt 122 •Deeming 1PJ •Uos.l,,.. |]g l ednns 115 l:...ksli,|,. ........ .US I ! Devon 110 Remedy 1 10 [ •Display 125 •Sandy Man 110 Dress Parade 120 •Sandy Hatch 120 Dark Phantom 10s *Scorcher 110 •Deviner 112 Serenader 13:: Kmssary 110 *S her Song 115 *Kr 105 Sir Peter 13lt Kiiclid 115 •South Wind 110 •Kvergladc 113 S.pnrson 10S •Kdisto 125 Stirrup Cup 105 •K.nergy 130 •Stonewall Jackson .. 10?, *Klra Dry 110 Stanwiv UK •Kthereal 112 Step Along IDS Kdith Cavell 120 *Snn Altos 132 Kspino 115 Sure Kire 110 •Keysun 10S Sunspero 12s Klagstaff 125 •Sunsard Ml King of Truce 110 Sii|:erfrank 124 •Klorence Nightgale . 125 •Sunsini no •Korecaster 125 Sun Tess 110 •Kollies 115 Sweeping Away... 123 •Klagship 122 Saratoga Maje 115 •Klames 115 Sarazen 14S Krancouia IIS San Itar 1::0 Kiddlestick* 122 Senalado 135 Ih-cliita 10S Senator Norris 125 Kestival US •Shuffle Along 125 Kcderal 112 Single Koot 137 •Klat. Iron 113 Silver Kox 140 ••light of Time. . . .13S Spot ash 130 Kb man 10S •Son of John 13 •rlvl-uf 112 St. Valentine 112 Cay Vmiet 1 10 Storm King 123 •Ceorgie 113 Sting 140 •lieorge De Mar 10S Superb-tie 135 •Ocnerat Thatcher. .. l: 3 Sun Pal 112 Ccorgia Rose 112 Swope 125 •Cihbons 125 Swinging |Si tiirl Scout 115 Silver Kinn 11.-. blister 117 Sabine 120 •iolden Mac 114 Sanction 114 Hiding Kox 115 Sarmaticiis 133 Oohleii Spire IM Silver Lane U»l •Ruest of Honor IIS Sport Royal 112 •Oymkliana 105 Son Ami 112 •iambic 110 Siren 113 Cleuister II 120 Tangara 12". Cnomc tiirl lit Tester IM •tiold Slick 127 Teak 11J Cracme 122 Tea Ball 105 Ceo. Ray 10S T|„. Vintner 115 iaffsiiiau 125 The World 113 Cahtiaii Ml Thundering 10". •Cavotte 114 Thistlewood 115 Harass p_5 liercel IIS •llayward 114 Token lio •llo|.eless Ill •Traveller 105 llainadan 105 *T. S. Jordan 12". ilarroviau 110 Ten Lyck lOS •Hairy Baker IIS Titan 115 •llilf Pint 110 Thotiiasine 110 Ilcdg.fence 122 The Rat 114 High Water 105 Top Sergeant 112 Horologe 112 Top Hoots lp_ llay.ii 113 Transmute l:u High Star 120 Turf Idol 124 •Helens Babe Ill Turf Light 115 •Herodiade 10S •lake a Chance 115 •Hot Time 105 •Timmara 125 Belter Skelter 113 Tattling lis Helvetia KM, •laps 12T, Haste 13S »l rsa Major US Irish Marine 105 •Volante fff Ingrid 122 Voltaic US Int-lirapv Relic UK". Vespasian 115 Jack Kairman I OS Wild Aster 120 •J. ti Denny 112 Worthmore 140 •Joe Marrone III 115 Wilderness 125 •John T. D T1 Whetstone 132 •Just David 10S Wise Counsellor 14". •Jnhul Karly 10s • |MJ •J. Kre«| A 110 Zeppelin n •Khinock l:w •Rlllis well in the mud.