7th Race [7th Orlando, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-06

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7f| R«3.C6 I Mi,p- 3-«»r-o!ds and upward. Cluiminp. Maroh 27, 192«— 1:45% Index. Courae Diet Time. Track. Odds. Wt St. 4 Str Fin. Jockey. Started. Order of Finish. DR. MAC MILLAN b. g. 4 112 By Pataud— Flycatcher, by Hastings. Trainer. E. Lutz. Owner. Miss D. Lut2. Breeder. W. C. Goodloe. O042S Orlando ll:49ifa.-t S-5 :s 3 4 P» 1J W Fronk 7 AUThere. BlosinICse. VangBoi 00328 .ilamlo 01 f 1.15 slop I J12j S 7 6° 5!1 W Fronk 8 Marble. Cobham. Chef 410264 Orlando 1 ll.nvy 21-M l»3 I 4 21 21 E Kprson 7 Fast Boy. North Pine, Merry 00170 orlando •! f . :15:i;li y | NO 4 5 47 551 E Eppersn 8 Meicutio. SeeltThh, R.andRdy 99867 Miami 1 M 1:5 1 -Vast 11 102 7 8 6J 6;1 ¥ Ejierson • Deiu ive. Dorothy Adams. Thor | 99827 Miami li. I:47%Ckst :j IM 5 2 2 2 L Morris 5 Shanghai. Conscript. Donarita 99728 Miami lmT v I :T:;.fast 11 Ml 1 I I 4* F Eppersn 9 Sword. Duckling. Thor 99180 Miami 3-4 1:13Vast S9 115 8 8 8" 8!» C Lnwond 8 M:ir;tst.l.., Tl.eo Fay. Tclurid. VANISHING BOY. blk. g, 6 107 By Smoke House — The Widow Moon by Stalwart. Trainer S. H Edwards. Owner S. H. EdwardsV Breeder. R. P. Marshall. 00497 or. an,!.. t 1 ." --r.i.n 1 17 5 M 1 1 1* 1* A Andson 7 Aristotle, I.e ;]orx. Bios inlloust-1 00423 Orlando 1 l:4B%faat ; Ml 2 1 ::■ 4 A Andson 7 Dr.MMiln. AllTli. re. lilniHV. 410352 OrtaadO 2 4 121,„h-. y M-i IM|1 I M 31 A Andson S Mdenstown, JimDaisy. Mil IJ 1.1 00258 orlamio "S1:H hvy 41 M6 5 5 33 21 A Anrson ■ S iltTiigh. MrGlea, PokeyJane: 00088 Orlando K| f l:ll%taat 1 HI 2 4 5,u i" D Burn*»y B .l.-iunebar. Rebeck. Shanghai 97177 Beulah 1 1-16 2:15 hvy 6 106J 1 5 614 6«« A Anrson t Lagoon. M.Moore, II. M. Stevens j LE GLORIEUX. b. g 9 107 By Verdun — Lass o Glory, by Ladas. Trainer, F. C. Frisbie. Owner, Concord Farms Stable. Bred in France by Baron M. de Rothschild. O0497 Orlando 11 -mud 16 5 112 4 5 47 231 A Tryon 7 VangBoy, Aristotle, BlmHouse 00354 Orlando 11-11 I .-..hvy ::-.", Ml 6 4 471 4»J J Walker 8 Coa-cript. Tla- Ally. Gee 00294 orlanlo lb. 2Sfast 13-5 Ml 6 3 2* 2* J Walker «; Sword. Wise iliiy. Cabin Creek 00233 Orlando 1 1 -K 1 : 57Vast M H»0 i 3 "J I| A Tryon ■ t rysialFd, MgtGaut. 41rjndson 410170 Orlando 51 f 1 :i5hvy 7 108 S 7 7" 71" A Tryon 8 Mereutio. Se« HTh h, U.andBdj 99728 Miami lm70y 117-...fast 37-10 110 4 G 7"! V* A Tryon 9 Sword, Duckling, Thor WAR IDOL. ch. g. 10 107 By Star Shoot— Blue Grass, by Hamburg. Trainer. W. J. Alford. Owne W. J Alford. Bjeeder. J. E. Madden. O0457 oilando 1 1 4i=-hvy 91 104 5 I 7»1 7:« G Mtli-ws 1 Admirer. Conscript. Ph.-iiol O0385 orlando I l:!9Mivy |] i.r-, | l * 11 V Kausser S H lAirmii. Ctgr. Moual.r k 00334 oi.ando 1 1 :52-: slop 1 M7 3 2 2153:1 A Anrson 7 St. D »nard. Gee. Pensive O0264 orlando 1151hvy 4 l»;| 5 6 6« 6" A Anrson 7 Fastlfy. NthPiue. Dr MacMiln OO002 Jliltlliaaa 1 1-16 147 fast 4" 1-6 5 S 71* 711 J McCoy IS Yorick. Charcoal. Arragosa 99911 .liff.-rson 51 f 1 :"7 ifast 9- 1-2 5 S 9:i S" W Garn-r 12 Remnant. Scr itor, JimmieTrinz 99801 I-!. i . n B-4 l:171franal 31 MB M M 9" 9« L Pichon M Bleu rhast, t;.CIayu, T.Wit. i-t ROOM MATE. ch. g. 4 112 By Aeronaut— Messmate, by St. Amant. Trainer. B. Mock. Owner. B. Mock. Breeder. G. D. Widencr. 00492 oii.m.io 51 f i .;:. mud 2S 112 6 6 5» i« E t Moarc 7 llaaayHaaa. Parim— . DotaLatx O033O Orlando B-B IM slop 60 Ml 6 I 8« !«• A An r-..n s Sp ntns. BVaBtc, BegP d:, 99661 Havana lmT" 1.4 laat s 1 ; 6 3 73 7*1 II MHi.-hs B I-ounce, Diversity. Fondle Me 99365 Havana "51 f 1:11 i-low 10 Ml 7 S 514 5-» P Cogan B Sonu-rhy. Rit.T.n Tin, I..Ntowr. 98983 Havana 5-S 1 :02 fast 7 101 4 6 21 II I Holbert 12 Hugha-. Huttoutrope, I.indaita 98582 Havana f-i f 1 CSV.fast 7 112 5 5 6 0* J Kellum 7 Somerby, II pi al-udy, Almiraa. COUNTRY LIFE. ch. f, 8 102 By The Manager— Aurina. by Dr. Leggo. Trainer. J. R. Carvallo. Oxner. R Guicardo. Breeder. W. C. Goodloe. 00493 Orlaaaa 2 4 l:22%mud 3and 1"- 6 C 7" 7" J rikll I Stella Man~. .Juot». BaWlui O0350 Orlando 51 f 1 Uhhvy 22 97 7 4 5 » andn J Walker 7 Fastlioy. SeellThrKh. DoraLi!? 00041 Havana 1 1-16 1 : 47 Vast 12 96 5 4 4«1 3« G Morton I Up of the.Nth. I.yClito. Ficle 99927 Havana 51 f 1 :13«AsloW 8 103 M 9 9" 4»j G McCannll Corenne. RinTinTin. Chow 99S47 Havana 51 f lOSVifaat 15 92 6 ■■ "* 6 W Imig 7 Lily I.. Vulgate. Wawona 99552 Havana 2 4 l:16%good 10 95 3 4 6«l C H a Penlomo « MisHlUbe, Lady New n. I.yCoIitoi

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926040601/drf1926040601_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1926040601_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800