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• j ; j ] I I | | : | HUNTINGTON TURF NOTES | HUNTINGTON, W. Va„ April 5. J. A. Hall wired that he is shipping a dozen head from Orlando. Fla. W. Dondas has named My Eva for the Derby, to be run here April 17. Rex Cooper wired from Bowie for stall reservations for Frank Fogarty and Volcano. E. J. Kuss is a recent arrival from Ecx-ington. Ky., with Noko and Thomas Piatt. B. C. Everitt reports the death at Scotts-burg. Ind., recently of Asaph and Baben-i teni II. E. P. Barnes reports the death of Gordon Shaw, which died of pneumonia contracted on arrival from Cuba. Other arrivals recently included J. B. Theall with four head, C. S. Smith, three, and !•. Kinney with two horses. W. K. McWilliams Smudge died here Sat-! nrday morning of pneumonia, following a fever contracted when en route from Cuba. K. E. Eckler was an arrival with Saddle Ring today. F. Judge with New Rival and Sam J. Ago with Vodka. Two apprentice riders who will make their debut in the saddle during this meeting are C. Healy and S. Trenchard. Both are under contract to II. E. Brown, who developed, Sam toy Steele. Thoroughbreds from the stable of William Cain had a field day at the opening of the West Virginia Jockey Clubs twenty-one day-meeting here Saturday afternoon. Cain saddled six horses and of the six, five were returned winners. Jockey D. Smith had the leg up on each occasion. When jockey . Mazoue piloted Smart Guv to victory in the sixth race, it marked the bovs maiden victory. He Is sixteen years old and is under contract to B. F. McClain Jr. B. E. Majors Tampa Ptrby winner. Ton her. appeared on the track this afternoon for the first time and galloped three eighths in :41, after the fifth race. Three claims were deposited for Old Top. winner of the fourth race, and In the draw the H. E. Brown Stock Barm secured him for . When the E. E. Major stable was unloaded here Sunday morning Dantes Inferno was found to be suffering frotn fever his tempera- tti"-. being 104.