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LARGE NUMBER OF ENTRIES ♦ Total of 147 Nominations for Jefferson Hotel Handicap. ♦ ]. ending Hating 1-: -tu l»Ii lim«nt of cmnty ■iipnMSHi In hB .000 stake to Be It mi at 4 dlinsil!e. ♦ OLLIXSYILLK. 111.. April 14. A total of 117 nominations for the Jefferson Hotel Han-•liiap. for three-year-olds and over, at one and MM -eighth miles, an 1 with an added money value of .00". were announced by C. Brae* Head, genual manager of the Fairmount Jockey Club. As in the Fairmount Derby and the Col-1 nsville Handicap, the nominations for which have 1 een previously announced, the leading racing establishments of America are rep-r wanted by their best horses. Prominent performers in the list of entries include Senator Norris. winner of the Springtime Handicap, the feature event of the opening day at Howie; Boon Companion. Miami Cup winner; Royerofter. runner-up to Catiaris in the Coffroth Handicap; Kentucky Cardinal. Hiding Fox. Nocturnal. Ali Baba. Holly Seth. Captain Hal. Champ De Mars. Ooproy. Spic and ■pen, Russell Cardner. Creat Sport and others of reputation for class. Tlie Jefferson Hotel Handicap is named in honor f tlie popular St. Louis hostelry over which Col. Lyman T. Hay, president of the Fairmount Jockey Club, presides as host. Colonel Hay will present to the owner of the vni:er a silver trophy. The date of the Jefferson Hotel Handicap will be fixed so as its running will not conflict with the running of similar stakes on Other tracks. Fairmount Parks spring meeting will open Saturday. May 29, and will continue to include Monday. July 5. The Collinsvillc Handicap, at three-quarters, with ,000 in added money, will feature the program of the opening day. The 5.001 Fairmount Derby. With Mi nominations, including Carlaris, Pompey. Canter, Bubbling Over and other great three-year-olds, will be run Saturday. June 1! . The following are the conditions and entries for the Jefferson Hotel Handicap: JHKFKKSdX MM HANDICAP, lor three year old* und over. H v subscription of each; JUKI MMItiMMl o start; $." .HMI added, of which :i to second. *-» «• Ml third ami 50 to fourth. Weights five days be-fore race. Iti addition to first money, the winner to re-ceiYe a silver trophy. Closed March 15. 192fi. with 147 nominations. INK M1I.E AMI AN KKJHTIT. The World Champ Tie Mars Maiitonian Mike Mc-Ijike l»e|Mif Princess I*an 1 ly.-i ii| oiti Feysnn i.iiy 4 omit Friday 13th lempeM Musician Prinee Hamlet Timothy Ytlgeller Puttou* Senator Norris Sporty McQaS telly Cratl Nassau CJeorge INeit Columhia Lounger liiiilslsiroiiRh lliicf I neu s Star of Mi i.idv Bmrs Braaipre Iwon Cotloffomor Cvacme Isprcy hothermel Prinee of Itoiirlton «;irl of My Heart Hr. Clark llnast Plate APjSSJfeSS Nove Hive Starlicck GlW Maid ol. hoard San ttar Uavid I.. niii|i:ini n Harlan HIM Meise Spiel; and S|iun Pigeon Wine IL Fabian •Kent inky Cardinal Hourmore p.n.k MsSSBsM Smiii Altos Kuss-ll .ardner Stanwi Prince of Wales irplieus Max Brick Kov. rofter Statler P.elle Halbon M:ii.oni F.razen in. I Slip Teton l.aveeu Firetoma Flames Sea Pocket ••rinth IMivard Jray I.ardi .o mI KlfM SI:llil|Hl:lle ltrilliant Hr. "ardenus Ahstra.t I_athrop I.olivar Bond Cliilds Pl:iy i.reystone I ntrieil I raymore Intrepid i.rciit Simr: Just Uavid Wanipev Juhal Karl.r Sun ford . lea nos Huekweeil Sir Peter Swiubtirn-j Alloy Hisplay Percussion Powhatan Pare.i / -i pelin lV -k:il o . P.riarhroom ClUHsg. Fox 1 limousine ItraM.-d Hilary Fire I nder lake I Chance Nocturnal ||„|m|.s Sir Leonid I, rand Had I. olden Pillow* TaiiKuri Prince harles Plane S.-ing IUWJ Xsdl Scamp Hanienden Ali Italia I ojjwheel Arabia u I aptain Flit i,i„W Moss 1 ,. It. MgM Curliine Token Postillion Hedans Skives.lale Overall John T. H. Acrostic i.eorg.- He Mar Klondiu Spread Kugle P.raah.i way Holly Seth "IT Fire Major Seth ocean Current I., ■ Foiu Priceuiaker aptain Hal ♦