Daily Racing Form Charts: Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-15


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I OAILTf RACING FORM 1 HAVRE DE GRACE Copyright. 1926. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. HAVRE DE GRACE. MD.. APRIL 14. 1996 il Milei. First day. Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association. Spring mfftin; of If days. Weather clear. , Stewards. If. 1 4 onkling. 11. Waters and ;. Brown. Jr. Judges. II. J. Morris. Joseph Mclennan , ami .1. I. Turner. Starter. J. Milton, Racing Secretsry. Joseph Mclennan. , Racing starts at 2:341 p. ni. Chicago time. 1:30 p. ni.i W indicates whip. S spurs. II blinkers. Pig-ores in parentheses follow ins the distance of each race indicate date, tra k record, age of horse and . •NlgM carried Indicates apprentice allowance. AAF JO FIRST RACE— 1-2 Kile. April 22. 1922— :47— 2—116. Purse ,200. 2-ycar-olds. Colta 1 jJ 4 ~±j2 and Geldings. Maidens. Net value to winner 50. second. 00: third. 00: fourth. 0. | Index Horses AWtPPSt »4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners K juiv. Odds Strt UANM/MU1 W IIS 12 C 1" 1- 1" 1 Walls J K L Ross !95-100 1 |Ai;:i; Kil.liKN I-KWAXTw 11 5 3 2«* 2» 2i I, MeAtM H P Whitney IM Nil , PAT MrCKK W IIS » t 3 31 3» V Colletti Sagamore Stable 100-100, ,1 J 00637 MASTKK WILLIAM w 118 11 2 4 4- 41 W Sinilh A .T dailek 385-100 OO.-.Xl WI1.1.IK K w 118 2 7 71 7i 5* C Hnhson W Keating 5T5-10O , FRANK ANDKEWS W US 10 M 10 9 6h I, Morris International Stable f2M5-M 1 •0403 CIMDKtiP w IIS 7 4 5 5"k 7« W Harvey K Parr 11*1-100 » OSSIK If. w 118 1 1 61 6»* 81 I Frogtte W K Sallee 0255-100 ©0610 II. Y HAWK w 118 3 I S Si !• J Chalnirs W larth 7145-10.1 I lliil.D COIN w 118 6 8 !»- lOilO- U Fields Sagamore- Stable t #8652 IKKSS CANT, w 118 4 11 WW 11- J Butwell K F Whitney 84S5-100 VAItlil.K AKtH w IIS 8 12 12 B 12 II Carter It Hyams t tMtiluel field. Coupled as Sagamore Stable entry. Time. :23 V :43 V Track fast. mutuels pali landlord. 1.90 atraighl. 1 10 place. .80 show: Colden Pennant. $.1.20 place. .60 show; Sagamore Stable entrv. .34 show. Equivalent Itooking odds Landlord. 905 to 100 straight. 420 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show: liolden Pennant M to 1 00 place. :!0 to 100 show: Sagamore Stable entry. 1ft.". to M -how. Winner It «. by Konifact — Tiarco. by Pacta trained by H. McDaniel: bred by Mr. J. K. I. Rossi. Went to post at -2::S0. At jiost 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. I.AMH.IlRlt. a rapid beginner, vet a fast pace from the start and rushed into a long lead while rounding the far turn, but was tiring in the stretch and hail to lie hard ridden to withstand l.ol.OEN PENNANTS challenge. The latter raced in i losest and game pursuit and would have Is-aten the winner in a few more strides. PAT MclJEE ran a good race and was on the outside to the stretch turn MASTKK WILLIAM ran well. WILLIE K. Iiegan very slowly and finished fast. 01 MDKOP was forced wide on tie- turn out of the l»ack stretch. AA7/1Q SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 21. 1925—1:11—4—129.1 Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and VF" 4 "AO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 30: second. 00: third. 00: fourth. 0. Index Horse* AWtlPSt , || Sir Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 041667 I FY IIIHIIlMl 111 II 7 ."- C 4- 1" Y Stott .T Rotunno t210-10f ! H94 iNTItACT an* 4 sM at 1 2= !• 14 1«,1 Rutwell ■ F Whitney 215-100 4MI667 HcCKIMMOM wb 4 112 9 4 li lJ 5t ." B Mrinelli Mrs A Swenke t 44:01 3 JOHNNY JKWKLLw I US 15 2 6J :. V 4H W Smith O.lencove Stable 970-100 MMf POKK LADY « I 104 7 :. 3" 31 * V J Callahn H Q Bwlwll 24S5-100 MMiii KXCHKyiKi: wb :: lor: 5 12 Mat N s a i.acast- Flamingo Farm stable 12SO-100 4403 1*1.1 PINK wb 4 10a S 5 4i 4i «A 7i W Munden C.raffagini + 9995 I • "INNA.1«»N w.s 4 104 6 I S" 8" l» H P. Thpson i C Denny 50.5-100 I 0002.0 HANKY KICK w 4 114 10 12 13 10 10 9: A Murray P If Sims • mi||| TH-1IUDK w I 106 1 10 124 12»l !• V10- J Chalmrs J Reynolds 1H20-100 MHI UK "S WKLLS wb S 108 .111 IP 1U 11 11- P Madeira W S Murray 5270-100 MHI»RABT LANK wb 5 100 It 9 7« 7- 12:J12 i II C.otVup P L Fuller T.IS.-IOO 9934:t,CHIKF JAMKS WB 5 114 14 14 14« 14" W 12- K Carter C J Casey t 065.-.2 Ol.li ClARIl w 3 104J 4 8 9» 13J 145 14- P Oroos H L Munson f 00«!S LT I.TIMOliK ll.w 5 Hi: 2 15 15 15 15 K J M Tagt S Louis- 435-100 tMutuel field. Time, :24. :49S. 1:15. Track faat. mutuels paid Johnny ampls-ll. field. $« M straight. $::.2AI plaee. $;:.2t» show: on tract. $.3 40 pa.e. $.3,241 show: Met riminon. field. JM show. F.iiuivalent Ismking sjd Johnny t ampltell. field. 310 to 100 straight. ftO to 100 place. CO to 100 show: Contract. 70 to 100 place. 00 to 1H show; McCrimmou. field. iO to Hat show. Winner— 15. g. by As-sagai Midge, by Trenton trained by V J. Kearns; bred by Mr. Willis Sharpe Kilntert Went to post at .: 01. At rwst 10 minutes. Start g.»o.| an. ilaw f. r all but LORD BALTIMORE II. Won driving: second and third the Mine. JOHNNY CAMPllKl.l. raced in fairly clo-e pursuit to the alretch turn, where he saved ground, then came fast through the stretch and managed to get up to win in the filial stride. CONTRACT was saved close up for the fir-t half mile, then took the leal when MCKIMMON iR.lted to the outside fence on the ktrctch turn, but tired rint.t at the end. McCRIMMON s a fast pace from the start ami drew away into | clear lead in the first eighth and ran out to 111--outs.de when entering the home stretch, but came again when straightened out and was going fastest ai the finish The saddle slipiK-d on LORD BALTIMORE II. and he was pulled up. JOHNNY JKWKLL and FORK I A1»V ran well. Scratched OOC.1 1 t.rand Bey, :»7: 00441 ifliff. 10T.; 1I7344 Itouges. lift: II3I2 S| earo. 100; ta»«11 C.lam-e. H»7 Overweights - F heqiier. .".■.. |M unds: Cinnamon. 1: I.aby lane. 2: Old i.iiard. 2.. fkfkfW A A THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 16. 1921— 1 05l5— »— 108. Tip Top Purse. Purae 33 4 -k-i JIO. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: seoond, 00: third. 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt 4 "... Str Kin Jockeys Owners K.|ui v. Odds Strt 4M»»«SK TIMMAKA w 112 4 2 21 I" 2s H W Harvey Jf W OBrien 75-100 9.14I7 R«K"K MAN w 114 3 3 l1 li IS 2« 1- Colletti Sagramore Stable 300 100 410407 HARASS wb 111 1 5 4 l«| :-. 21 H Krieksn Seagram Stable 1140-100 97540 CKNTKIFltiAL wb Ml 1 4 P 4- 4i 4i A Itcaste Flamingo Farm Stable 1180-100 00105 PCN.lAi: w 1K S 1 55 .". O* 5 J Maiben W J Salmon 1325-100 STONY MAN WB 104 | fi $ « C • J C Mergi W Garth 11400-100 Time. :23. :47*s. 1:06. Track fait. mutuels paid Tinuuara. $.3...0 straight, .:mi plac«-. .10 show: Risk Man. $:;.0t» pacc. .K show: Harass. $:;.lo show. K |uivalenl l«M.king odds Timmara. 75 to 100 straight. 15 to 100 place. 5 to 100 show: Roek Man. ."hi to 10O place. 341 to 100 show : Harass. 55 to 100 show. Winner Rlk. c. by Westy Hogau Plure«.u. by Pluvious trained by J. O. KurUschell: bred ny Mr. T W «t Rriiin. Went to |sist at 2 Wl At posi 1 minute Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same TIMMARA forced t lie pace fn in the start and. coming fast through the streteh. took the lead .ii the last eighth and won drawing clear. ROCK MAN set a fast pace from the start and seemed to have the race won at the eighth |n -I. but tired in the last sixteenth. HARASS moved up gamely after rounding the far turn, but tired in the last eighth. PlNJAI*. a good looking colt, began slowly. Scratched t»7:S f.t Chocolate Soldier. 100. Overweight Centrifugal. 1 •_• isuinds. AApriP FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 25. 1925—1:42—4—112. Cheater Purse . j H_Fvf 4 "4*3 Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000: second, | 00: third. 50: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSti i *« Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00»;693CCIK;KLLKK WB 4 lOS 3 : I 5 ]»t 1« l5 W Smith H O Betlwell 15i -100 1 004K0-IKSTKK wb 5 114 4 4 Ill 21 2 Is* W Harvey Q C Winfrey ij~0-100 1 00533 HiiM.MI.-sm iN BR « 4 106 I I 4 •* V "■ ■•* I Frogtt- Q c. Denny 1210-100 1 9721 I C.OLHKN KII.K WB C 115 | I * l*# 41 4 K Walls J K I, Ross 245 100 I 004K0 L1KITKNANT II. wb li 10C 3 2 3« 2C 5 5 5 P Madeira It K Potts 510-100 I Time. :23V 48. 1:13V 1:39V 1:44V Track fast. mutueU pall 4 udgeller. Hi straight. $.: OO ].h:ce. ,211 show ; Tester. .20 place. . IK show: Commissioner. *3.SO -how Btiuivaient UsikitiK «hI.I- « udgeller. 150 to KM straight. 50 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show: Tester. I»i0 1 t- 10O pa.e. 4. to 100 shiw: CiMiimissioiier. : to 100 show. Winiie IS c. by Cudgel or Sir ISartoii IYunsj Ivania. by Meddler itraim-il by If. ;. Bedwel!; bred ; by Mr J. K. L. Ros-1 Went to l* st at 4 OS. At is.st 2 minutes. Start goi«l and slow. Won easily: second and third I ! driving. TDRILUn le-gan -lowly and was far back until rounding the far turn, from where he 1 1 anic with a n;sh and. after entering the home stretch, drew away into a cantering lead. TKSTKK showed the m.et early -iieed. but tired L.idl.v when the winner challenged and was driving to the limit! j to withstand COMMISSIONER The latter ran a g.ssl race iOLIlKN RI IK seemed high in flesh] ! I and drofuwd out of forward contention in the stretch. I.1E1TKN A NT II. was humped into on the first I turn and knocked off his stride. Scratched n* 4I Prime Hamlet. 10ft. . I : giFJ 4£± FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 21. 1925 — 1:11— 4—129. i Fourt-enth Runnning HARFORD jJ 4 4D HANDICAP. 0,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,225: second. ,000: third. ,000: fourth. 00. Index Horses AWtlPSt ■, Lj Sir Fin Jo.kijs Owners Ki|titv. Odds Strt 005K5iNOAH w B 4 121 4 I ll t4 11 I" L M. Atee If P Whitney 205-100 00555 KXTIt A PAY wb 4 !• • 1" 4 21 9 -•* 2- A Petei nel L Rosenberg tfsWS-IM OOlNOiSKN :K NuKKIS wb 5 114 3 7 2* :" H W W Harey H ; Bedwell 3!i5-10n I 07105 T I. V M-WICLKSwB 4 Witt 2 4 5"* 5"V 4;i B Tirp.-oii L Rosenberg tt 19901 si ASAItll w 4 115 14 1 5»k as 4- •,-. | Ambis- W S Kilmer BM-1M I »iei«4»-| ;|.r; liiiI w 4 124 6 K 9i ft* 7" C»i Turner .1 K Ci iffitli :r25-100| M 00669 -LilNCKK » B I V*J 12 8 S;l» S»v 7J J M.Tagt .1 L P.urtt.s bell 2K70-14*] | UIU mi; IKPP wb 4 M 11 11 11 IP H| 81 1" Smith K F Whitney tDSO-VJfi I •17496 l.iVKH INK *4M I :i :l 7| 91 9- W Mun.b-n Xalapa Farm Stal.l- Mg-M ••7I34-.I IKKl A w 4 105 ."• I P / bill1 V Sto;t J F Adams 4 !»730» CHOC ATM Si»LIRw3 95 7 1" 1"! 101 IP 11- J Callahn Sagamore Stable t r 0134.4 T»»PKM T w.s t 101 1 12 125 12 12: 12i .1 Cl:alrurs F Kii-ne t MS|4i CAY CiiMI.l w5 His 2 12 13 13 12 13 t: Fields Beacoin Manor Stable ■» 97407 iJnY SMoKK w 5 11H 1 Wli.hd. J Hulwell K F Wliilny t I -Mutuel field H i.upled as L. Roseiils-rg entry: iK. F VUiitncj entry. Time. 22S- *"• 112V Track fast. mutuels paid Noah. Jo 10 straight. $;;..i0 pa.e. »0 show : I.. Rosenberg entry, field. ftM » place. $:t Ml show: Senator Noiris. t;: +11 Hhow . K iuivalent UtMikiut odds Noah. 205 to 100 straight. 95 to 1"0 place, til t.. 100 show: L. R0-1 nberg : entrv. field. 2NII to 104 place. 95 t.. 100 show: S#„,tor Norris. 70 to 100 show W.nner Rr. c, by Peter Pan First Kl.ght. by Thrush trained by F. llo| knis. bred by Mr. Harry Pa vne Whitoei t. Went to |»,st at 4 40. At I«.*t 4 minutes. Start good and slow for all but JOT SMOKE. Won 1 handily: se.-oud and third driving NOAH set a fast pace from soon after the start and. rescind ng : resolutely to a strong hand ride through the stretch, held KXTKA I»RY safe The latter worked her r way Up « the outside and made a fast finish SENATOR NUKKIS. on the inside for the entire race. . raS-d gamely in the final drive. POI I.Y McV ICKI.Ks was prominent throughout, hut tired in ttM final I h|eeiitb SINSARO ra.-ed well and finmbed close uj.. SINCI.K KotrT was in close uuarters while! • rounding the last turn and finished well. I.Ol.NliK.K was farced 10 ra e wide all the way. J. FRKD I I A showed a good hur-t of early speed I Srratched— 0O745iCn,lareller KM: OMMH I ineina. Mi. 0O7I4 t .uirifugal. Utl; 97497 Wilderne»*. ]L ; l»i744TRs k Man. 105; «J74". tlolden Kule. 112 tirerweighlk Toi»4»«t»4. 1 |s.imd ».ay Comet. U I 1 , , , . 1 | 1 , ,1 J , 1 » I HA7J.7 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 18. 1920— 1:44«»— 3— 138. Purse ,200. 3-year old« "" 4 *W 4 and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 5©: second. 00: third, 00: fourth. 0. Index Hor eS AWtlPSt H % % Str Pin Jockeys Owners Kqulv. Odds Strt 00671 CI.IWlK VIM 47 1 7 7 51 1»* V Stott Mrs A Swenke SIO-100 •MM* •DIAGRAM wb I MS 3 2 2 2» 24 2s 21 W Munden W M Wallace 1215-100 00614 IKHK HILL wb I 10r ii .; 3» 3* 31 P V W Harvey J C Winfrey 2ts. 100 00555 KANTMIT w 4 106 5 4 41 41 5* 4J 4» J Callahn H I lied well 1430-100 995»5CAROL wb fi 117 7 I 1J 1 M Ink ,; KieUls Mrs H Dattner 275-100 M4M» PUCM.WMKD m 4 111 2 1 B" fi« t* «* tl l Frogtte W R Salle.* 2010-100 00C70-TRAN KLLKK wl I loo 1 3 5- 51 4* 7 7 J Maiben W J Salmon 250-100 Time. :24V :49V 1:14V 1:40V 1:47V Track fast. mutuels paid Clique. 9.60 straight. 0.00 place, .50 show: Diagram. 2.20 place. .30 show; Blue Hill. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Clique. S.30 to 100 straight. 400 to 100 place. 125 to 100 show; Diagram. 510 to 100 place. 215 to 100 show: Rlue Hill. 35 to 100 show. Winner —Ch. g. by llerrilldou— Charvbdis. hf Ro.ktou trained by A. Swenke: bred by Mr. !ewii .arthi. Went to pot.t at 5:1.3. At post 1 minute. Start g.xsl and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CI.KjIK began slowly and was waited with until rounding I he far turn before making a more, then came fast when entering the home stretch and. finishing wilh a rush, got up to win in the final strides. DIACRAM raced well, but tired after passing CAROL at the eighth post. KM K 1111. 1, finished fast and close up. CAROL set a fast early pace, but tired in the atret.h. TRAVELLER wa* always far hack. Overweight Traveller. 4 ] oiin ]s. AAV/IO SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Sept. 27. 1919—1:50—5—126.1 Purso ,200. 3-year-olds "" • "IO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 00: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPlSt1, ■_. »4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt — — ~ : 00614 MOIX WB7 104 1 1 Ill- Ill; 11 J CallalCn HO Red well 1120-100 0067 1 MARY KLLKN O. wb 5 102 I S 4* 4« 4« 3* V W Munden C Craffagini 445-100 ,00006 CJCOTATION wb 5 107 I 2 2- 2»k 2» 2 2" W Harvev C H Smith 370-MO 00612,»DKM 1. T. VLYwBlMir, 1 3 5 i 5 4f 4= A Stott W R Midgley 130-101 MM4f*MODK8TA wb 1 10 1 4 4 3 | 31 I 5 W Hanks P p. CM MO-M Time. :24V :49V 1:14V 1:41. 1:55. Track fast. mutuels pad Modo. 4 to straight. f".»70 place. .70 show: Mary EMen O.. 20 place. |3sM show: Quotation. $.3.70 show. KqnivBleut hiM.king sldv- Modo. 1120 to 100 straight. 385 to 100 place. 1.35 to 100 show: Mary Ellen 0.. 160 to 100 place. M to 10O show: quota! ion. K5 to 100 show AViuner Ch. h. by l.riimmel lanela. by Peter lan trained by II. 8. Iedwell: bred by Messrs. R. I. and II. Ootsl. Went to is st at 5:4.3. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MODO made the pace from the start and led easily to the final eighth, where he began to tire. MARY ELLEN 11. dropped hack in the early running, but finished in resolute fashion on the outside UIOTATION ran well and ..utfinished DREAM OK THE VALLEY in the final drive The latter moved up rapidly after rounding the far turn, but tired in the last eighth. Scratched— 1 00672 ISpugs. 109.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926041501/drf1926041501_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1926041501_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800