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j- | | I I i | I J ,, n ,1 J | I ; i " j ■ V -1 : ! te i lh • J i i . e |i II ] o 115- a , 106 f I 106 "; | 102 , 111 MS 1 1 101 lb7 m!: | luii - I 104 11 I | I Monthly form Book I I FOR MARCH | JNwonSalej I THE I J MONTHLY FORM BOOK | is issued during the first week of each month, with complete 0 |P charts of the previous months racrng in North America. Each 0 |p issue now carries an index showing each and every start of m all horses in training, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track jj| |p conditions designated. By means of this arrangement it is gl m possible for the user of the MONTHLY FORM BOOK to in- gi gp stantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track p gp concerning which information is desired, as shown in the fol- 0 gp lowing examples: 0 CANTER, ch. c. 2. by Wildair— Virginia L.. by McGee ... J. E. Griffith g|| P 887651 SSS99 StOHI tS91,S* 89»J9 f91142 1 91310 i9/.;/!1s p 191907* 192659m 19J2«2 193H17- 91327 *9!,90G- 195417 »9o 3Mi p n97»99h "97279 p %% BEST PAL, br. h. 8. by Helmet— Padula. by Laveno S. N. Holman X g|| pj 187426 187667 187723= 187799» n87918» 3SS094 hS8320i 5 *DUETTISTE, b. g, 13, by Ethelbert— Dulcibella, by Tit- fj g; honus J. E. Widener 8 . . X , p 891U "90170 "90376 «9J28* "9,C03 "SSMl*! |p KING WORTH, br. g, 14, by Kenilworth— Mitten, by £§p King Eric C. O. Reed ® g?p 872C3 B87555 «87813 » S8048:s R8S196-S "SS3S1 1 88451 sy 18S49S g5p P 8S567m «88708 "SSS35 191495 h91733 19212S 93879- 1938955 |||j MAD PLAY, ch. c, 4, by Fair Play— Madcap, by Rock ?|§ M Sand Rancocas Stable X 2g ggp V89202* P8932i* PX9S07 PS9072 90/72» 1905 ,3s "90797 «910922 ggg P T9/Ji2m 926061 "928372s T93St, *9i3t8 %% PRINCESS DOREEN. b. f, 4, by Spanish Prince II.— 5gp ■f -. Lady Doreen. by Ogden Audley Stock Farm Stable sg|g g!g 188714* °88951 T8911i8 P894S82 T89678* P89988* P90502* 190721 1 Jgjg P 1911051 "91194= T91S1S P9J647 1191982 P192687 "9.5029»s *93W iZZZ p 93824* l9iGi6 P992/ 195231 97796sy 97329 "973S,1 n97i6S» p p SARAZEN, ch. g, 4, by High Time— Rush Box, by Box. Fair Stable X %0 ggg 188867 rS9//s OS96U lJ1221 J9255/ "92837s 9SG03 i960!,7» 202 ZZ2 J9732S "974CS 02 0%x SANOLA. b. f, 4. by Sain — Anola, by Sempronius J. Hedderman X g| || HP b89570» 189761= JS9926 "902S8 J 91227 •95404 195672* 97763 gggg pp »97926= 197908 I98055m p P WESTW00D, br. h, 8, by Honeywood — Roselawn, by Or- g||j g sini C. Houbre - ggg f/y-. fc.SOgSO J87039 «S7177= H87429 87546 OIS7670 187S »2 rSS097= j||| pj P8S1S6 "88276 *SSSS3 PS85S8 r88682 P837692 P8S869 « I89323 2|» P P89508 P91309 19266911 192845 93015 P93553 ||; Index numbers in parentheses indicate winning races, ||| |P seconds and thirds are designated by superior figures and the conditions of the track is shown by the designations follow- ip ing the index numbers as follows: "s" for slow, "sy" for |P sloppy, "m" for muddy and "h" for heavy. When not other- |p wise designated, fast or good track conditions prevail. S pi iip indicates that the horse has run in steeplechase and hurdle ||| Iff races. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ®Superior ||| mud runner. "Imported, disqualified. 8 Index figures in italic face type •*»♦«• indicate stake race. rf Before each race number in the index below an alphabet- |1| |p ical sign is prefixed, which shows the distance at which the ||| ■pf race so numbered has been run. They key to these distances ||| |p is given below: g|| |P 1*4 nnd J-8 Mile A 1 Mile » S 1-2 Furlongs B From 1 Mile 20 Tards to 1 Mile |P 1-2 Mile 1 10d Yards o 4 1-2 Furlongs F 1 1-16 Miles f fM ••* M,le ° M Ml,es Q i 1-2 Furlongs H 1 t-l«, 1 1-4 and 1 6-lfl Miles B *? 5-4 Mile J 1 1-2 and 1 t-8 Miles 8 ||| fM 6 M Furlongs K 1 *-8 and 1 8-4 Miles T p IP 7-8 Mile L 2 to 8 Allies u g|| 1 1-2 Fnrlongs M 8 to 4 Miles j |p In addition to the complete charts of all races run on j|p jp North American tracks during the month, comprehensively |1 0 and correctly indexed, the MARCH book contains the 0 %% following |p NEW FEATURES: I 0 Calendar Table of April Racing Dates 1 H Complete Index to Stakes Run Since January 1, 1926 0 jf Thirty Leading Owners Since January 1, 1926 J H Thirty Leading Horses Since January 1, 1926 ] M Track Records for All Distances 0 I Stake Dates for April Alphabetically Arranged ji I Price, Per Copy, .50 1 40 If by mail, 10 cents additional. |p Single copies by mail must be sent as registered mail, ||j 0 with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration. The dl H publishers are in no wise responsible for books sent by mail % |P without registration. _____ |p 1 DAILY RACING TORM PUBLISHING CO. | p 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, III. W 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - - New York, N. Y. §i ? 320 East Third Street ----- Cincinnati, Ohio 1 pp 50 Richmond Street, East - - - Toronto, Ont. 1 W. 305-307 Decatur Street New Orleans, La. m 2014 Miami Court, N. W. - - - - Miami, Fla. i H ®