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Entries and Past Performances LEXINGTON MONDAY, APRIL 26 — WKATlinit CI-KAR; TI1AK SLOW, The figures under the heading "Bee." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1924. no matter where it finished. In cases record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. MM IS FIRST INDEX OF 1926. 00403 IS flMfl INDEX OF APRIL liscing starts at 2.00 p. m. Chicago time, 3:00 Q Superior mud runner. X flood mud runnct sj:r"air mud runner. M Maiden. • Apprentice illowauc-e. The following abbreviation* are used to designate tracks .it which time records shown in entries mere made: 1Akron Ak tKir.g Edward Ki Aqu?duct Aq Lagoon Park Lg Aurora An Lansdowne Park.... LP B:»!mint Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu Blue Grass BG Lexington Lx Bowie Bo +Long Branch LB Briglmise Park Bs Maple Heights KH tBrooklyn Park Br tMaxlboro Mb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi tColumbus Co tMobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Boyal MR Connaught Park CP tNiagara Falls NF tConn~aut Lake CL Omaha Om Dade Park DP Orlando Or tDalorimier Park Dl tPhoenix Ph Devo-.shre De Pimico Fra Dorval Do Raceland Bd Dufferin Park Du Reno , Ra Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Him Hon Hm Thorncliffe Th tHastJigs Park HP Tijuana Ti Havre de Grace... HG tTimonium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunts UH Huntinjton Hu tWh-eling Wh Jamaica Ja tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wi j tKempton Park KP Woodbine Wo | 1 Ktnilworth Ke tYoungstown To tDsignatcs b:ilf-mile track. Lexington Mile Track. First Race— Futurity Course. HO Feet Less Than 3-4 Mile Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Nov. 21, 1925— 1 :0S*i — •_• -121.1 Todays Ind. HorscxPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. j | 00005 Charcoal. 18 4 112x73V 99877 Oreen IKls, 12 . . 3 96.. 730 j ! 00061- Robbie Shea, 7 .. 7 112. .725 00339 Tnluckv. 3 . . . Lx 116 1 14 3 98.. 721 J***"* Cladrags Ml. I.. 3 96.. 715 97460 Queen Agnes, 11.. 4 MS*JcTM 99952 Ice. 15 4 107x7101 I 97419 Dorothy ;., 10. Lx 10* l:M%t I 96. 710! j 97760 Secrets M, 4... 3 96. 710 1 97054 Nivlag. 2 5 112X70 j I I 97472 Queen Navarre .. M. 8 3 96X705 00282 Ccirae Along M . 11 4 107.. 70:. 97419 Jane C. 5 Lx 106 1 :18h 3 96. .700 00793 Only Star, 6 3 96x700 00058 Arlo IMI. I.. .Id 101 1:18m ■ 96.. 700 95801 Rootsie M. 10.. 3 102X700 00235 Vcndell M, 13.. 3 96x700 96413 Margate, 17 3 91x700 Socond Race — 1-2 Mile. Turse *80. 2-ycar olds. Fillies. Maidens. Allowances. Track record: April 25, 1921— :47%— 2 114. 98601* Jnliette Esriuin, 12 116.. 725 99729* Eden. If 119 :49r. 116. 720 99005 Jessie Relle. 8.FG 112 :5015 116. .715 Floranada, 1 116 Bngadine. 2 116 Thirteen Sixty, 3. 116 Marion Elizabeth, 4 116 Edna Mae. 5 116 Ethel Dear. 6 116 liella. 7 116 Candy lady. 9... 116 Predominant, 10.. 116 1 Mary Helen, 11... 116 j | 1 j | j ! I 1 j I I 1 Oirvenna. IS .... IM Seminole. 14 IH rreference. 16 ... 116 Miss Ann. 17 116 Queen Lillian, IS. 116 Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 11. 1916 1 :42V •• 102.1 00826 Nine Sixty. 1 . Ta 106 1 :4S*3 3 98x725 99508* •Chiekvale. 4 ..HG 104 1:46 6 110x720 00326- •Kiretoma. 2 5 107x715 00483 •icorge de Mar. I. Ta 109 1:43 4 110x710 00062 Sporty Mcllec. 5.. CI 110 1:42=S 5 112x705 Fourth Race — Futurity Course. 170 Feet Less Than 3-4 Mile. Danville Purse. Purse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Nov. 21, 1925 -1 :08V„ 2 127. 99273- Rookbinder. 8 ... 3 101 X 72". 97031 Ruttres-. 10 4 107x720 94618 Kd Rurke. 2 I 99.715 00062 Huntsman. 4 1.x 115 1:13 3 95X710 97434- Malcolm R. Jr.. 3 j Lx 108 1:10 3 95x7101 00143 Robert Maxwell. 9 4 112x710 97461- Huppv Top. 11.1.x 109 1 09"* I 106x710 j 95230 Robs Rest. 13 ... 3 101. 70r, 99830 Coronation. 14 ... 4 110x705 97416 Rattle On. 1 . . . Lx 111 1:11 4 106..74HI 85275 Winter Street. 5.. 4 106. 700 94656 Pigeon Wing II .6 3 95x700 03987 Iresident, 7 . .Lx 116 1:12 5 108x700 97406= Massillon. 12 . Lx 115 l:lS%h 3 101x700 Fifth Race — 1 Mile. Preparation Iurse. ! Purse 00. 3 Year olds. Allowances. i Track record: May 11. 1911— 1 :37— 5—108. I 97462- RVRRL1NG OVER. 1 Pm 122 1:401b US. 750 00004= Boot to Root. 6... 107. .740 I 93436* Mantonian. 12 . . . 107X735 99865 Token. 8 Ill 730 i 93021 Take a Chance. 7 114x725 98861 Seventh Son, 2... 107. .720 I 97301 Devon. 5 CO 113 1 :40%S 107 X 71 5 97434 Percussion. 10.. la 103 1:40 V. 102 710 0 48S* Skivesdale, 4 ..Ta 115 l:44-5 107x705 100061 Ali Raba. ■ 107. .705 1 93097 Prince Chariest M I, 9 103::700 • 00999 McTinklc, 11 ..Ta 114 144 ~s 107X700 Sixth Race — 1-2 Mile. Olive Hill Purse. Purse 00. 2-y ear-olds. Allowances. Track record: April 25, 1921 :47V - 1HV 99194 Padona. 14 ...IP 115 :4S% 115.725 00191 Creyfa.e. 12 .Ta 109 M%/k It*.. 720 • 99033- Singing Cricket. 7 FG 116 :48% 112x713 00342 Sleepy Dick Ml. 17 Ta 109 :5S*jfck 110.710 1 99912 Roval Julian. 18 JP 111 AS*i, 115-710 I 00995 need M». 13 110. 705 00995 Realtor Ml. 10.. 110. 705 99897 Mv Sunnvlan M. 10 110. 705 99581 Gay Hallie. 8..JP 109 :47 i 112 700 Scotland. 1 110 lady Lura, 2 107 Jeanette S ., 5 ... 107 Ronaire. 3 110 Peter L.. 4 110 Khalifa. 6 110 Gale. 9 110 •Comrade. 11 110 The Code. 15 110 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Turse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Fillit s and Mares. Claiming. Track record: April 25, 1921 1 : 42%— 3— 103. 0O2553 Norscland, 10. Ta 109 l:47Vi 5 108x725 00464 • Viennese. 8...FP 108 1:50% i 103x720 00285 Rroken Toy. 1 CI 98 1:45% 4 108x715 00035 Resonance. ll.I.x 99 1:49 4 101x710 97275 Rosa Greener, 5 CD 90 1:48% 4 108x710 00056 The Missus, 4 Ta 9611:49** 3 95. 710 96294 Sea Drift. 3 8 96x70. 98750 Mrs. Moore. 6 3 96x705 99731 Marial Rarton M, 2 Mi 96 148 3 89 -700 97419 Liberty. 7 8 96x700 j 94238* Irincess Eugenie M, 9 8 10J5..700