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Entries and Past Performances JAMAICA FRIDAY, APRIL 30 WEATIIKR CI.OI DV : TRACK FAST. Tie figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or rood track, abbreviations show track conditions. »S««7 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1»2«. 00403 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL limine starts at 2 30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30.1 ® Superior mud runner. XCood roud runner. :: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. • Apprentice allowance. The following ahbreTlntlons are used to desiennt*- tracks at which time records shown in entrie* were made: I Akron Ak King Edward K* Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Le Aurora a* Lansdowne Park ...LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Ln Blue Grass BO Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Briehonse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBrooklyn Park Br tMarlhoro Mb Churchill Downs... CD Miami Mi tColumbus Co -Mobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal ME Ccnnaurht Park CP iNiagara Fall* NF tDufierin Park Du Omaha On ♦ ConneRiit Lake ....CL Orlando Or Dade Park DP Phoenir Ph •tDelorimior Dl Pimlicc Pro Devonshire De Raceland Rd Dorral Do Reno Be Empire Em tSalt Lake SL fur Grounds PG Saratoga Sa Fsirmount Park . . FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliff* Th tHastings Park ....HP Tijuana Tl Havre de Grace HO tTimonium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo .To Havana Hv United Hunts TJH Huntington Hn twheelinf Wh Jamaica Ja I Willows Park WP Jefferton Park JP Windsor Wl Juarez Ji Woodbine Wo tKemptori Park ... KP ■» Youngstown Yo Kenilworth Ke lift situates half-mile track. Jamaica Mile Track. First Race — 5-8 Mile. Tiirvc .ooO. 2-year-olds. Maiden*. Claiming. ifrn.k record: May 16. IMI .M%— 2— 111.1 Todays ML Tlorse Wt Re.-. AWMim. 01029 Theresa Joan 1 *»..730 01001" •Jaatf Dean lot;.. 72.1 00889 Beautiful Flower. 111-720 O0251 Coney Island IIS. .718 01C93 Lets io Ja 113 1:01 «.£ 115.. 710 I 01031 •Sam Jowl MB. .IBS 01093 Aiaium Ja 111 1 014.. 11«..700 Fra lan 111! Bart sal in I Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Ridgewood Purse. Iurse ,000. 3-jcar -olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: May 16. 1924 — 1:04% -3— 100. i 01091 Cutitont Ja 122 1:00 3 118.*. 73.11 01094 Conde Ml 4 12.1.730 01003 Mwt.rious M Wo 110 1:10 3 101. 72.1 93998 Cclidon Ja 112 1:05% 3 100x720 89511* Ihantom Irinee Ml 3 MM. .TIB I 96600 Z e 1 d a l.eighton M BP 104 1:08,i I 101. 711 99730 Flag of Trace. Mi 108 1:0.1% fi 12.1 X 70.1 | 00766 Flyleaf IIC 112 1 :08i I 110X700 96600 King Jimmy... Ja 111 1:07 4 122:1:700 Queens Token... 114 Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,000. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track reeord : May 1.1. 192.1 1 :41%— 4— 124. 007473 BfcM Hill Ja 107 1:4.1 .1112x73.1 00488; Squarson Ta 108 1 :44% 7 114x730 00767 King of Fortune JI 100 1 **% 5 112X72.1 99151 I.iason Dm MB 1:50s 4 114.720 01092 Federalist MH 103 1:4.1% 4 112.711 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. l.ynnbrook Handicap. ,200 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Track reeord: May 21, 1920—1:11—3—120.1 00746 SCXSARD BB 110 1:11 .i 4 124x74.1 97086- Turf Idol Ja 12« 1 :V2% 4 122.-73.1 974963 Mirador Sa 107 1:13% 4 117-730 00991 Daekhone BG 118 1.13% 4 1 20 V 72.1 97341 Cherry Pie . . . .Ti 118 1 :12% 6 120.720 97518 Gamble 4 114x71.1 95601 Salta Mi ....Ms 100 1:1S%1 3 110x710 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 21. 1923—1:11—3—120. 01125 Reprisal 8 118. .73.1 00710 Mary B Mi 100 1:13% 3 107. .730 97C93S Jeal JP 109 1:14% 3 110. .72.1 01006 Royal Airman .Mi 106 1:1.1 5 118.. 720 01005 «I.ndy Boss Ja 109 1:12% 6 110x71.1 00004 Elemental Wi 100 1:1B% 7 118x710 95718 First Lady Harding La 10.- 1:17 5 10S. .710 ; j 01005 Rarraeks Hv 94 1 :14A 3 10.1.701 01005 Play Hour, . . .Mi 11311:14 4 120. .701 97149 Cork Kim BP MB 1:13% 6 118x700 00484 Gala Night MJa 112 1:15k 4 11SX70O 00058 Rusted Heels Ml JP 108 1:17 3 110x700 00484 •Rla.kstone La 10S 1 :14 7 115x700 00807 Pole Star Ja 115 1:15 4 118. .700 00374 Night Ksjpress M Mi 115 1:16 3 10T. .700 Wishing Stone... 3 110 Sixth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pnr-e ,000. 3 year-olds. Fillies. Maidens. Track record : May 10, 1924— 1:04%-3 — 100. 969113 Finish Em 11.1 1:07% 118. .72.1 97082 Winsome- Km 10511 07% 118. .720 93429 Alley Oop 118. .715 Uaaa ns