untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-30


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E. E. KEENEY I Terms — 0.00 Weekly — Two Horse Parlay Daily [ 117 NORTH DEARBORN STREET, ROOM 316, CHICAGO, ILL. Honest advertising. Real bona fide turf information. Beware of impostors and inferior turf bureaus. Subscribe to a legitimate turf bureau. Horses released to all subscribers— out of town and city clients alike — no exceptions. Prompt service. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: SHUP 3.80, Won FAST MAIL .$ 9.40, Won f 0 TO 1 WIN PARLAY TODAY «jj| Subscribe today. Do not miss todays big parlay. Two winners. Sbonld pay to 1. Do not wait. Art promptly. Released to everybody. No delay! Winners! Winners! "o favorites! o odds-on or public rboiees. Legitimate turf information. "o guesswork. Our connections at Lexington are the best obtainable. WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: Eden 0.00, Won Sun Pal 3.80, Won TUESDAY" 8 PARLAY: Halu 0.40, Won Outing 2.70, Won MONDAYS PARLAY: Nine Sixty $ 9.40, Won Contract 3.20, Won SATURDAYS PART* AY* Rodrigo 4.80, Won Fourteen Sixty 4.40, Won FRIDAY* S PARLAY * Uralite 7.70, Won Dust Up 0.00, Won THURSDAYS PARLAY: Arbitration 0.10, Won Ruth S 8.00, Won WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: Gymkhana 4.00, Won Topboot 0.70, Won TUESDAYS PARLAY* Maid of India 0.60, Won Polly McWiggles . . .$ 7.60, Won Chicago clients, call In person. Office open 9:30 a. in. to 4 p. m. If out of town, remit ten dollars, via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. E. E. KEENEY 117 N. Dearborn, Room 316, Chicago, III. Eastern Office: 145 West 42nd St., New York City Schuyler Floyd THE FIRST "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" Released This Year Was: Wednesday : Van Patrick, 2.40, Won The racing; public is well aware of the PROFITABLE RE8ULTS That Are Obtained Only Through "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" The next three "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" take place Saturday. Monday and Wednesday, so that the small investors may become acquainted and permit them to deal direct with me. SPECIAL TERMS 0 in Advance for These Next Three "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" SATURDAY, MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY Telegraph Your Subscription at Once Schuyler Floyd 65 WALL 8T., NEW YORK CITY "Schuyler Investments" Are Like "Sterling" on Silver — The Stamp of Distinction YESTERDAYS HORSE— LOST BIG ONE TODAY Wire at once. I give only one a day and good one. The only ones I gave last ten days were: Laddie Buck, 8.10 won; Maid of India, 0.60, won; Montferrat, lost; Toyland, 9.20, won; Mabel C, 8.70, won; Montferrat, 9.20, won; Blue Hill, lost. I have given honest service for fifteen years. My terms are: Wire to help pay expenses and wire winnings of after horse wins. No other terms accepted. E. FLETCHER JAMAICA, N. Y. Weekly Racing Guide A PICTORIAL OF THE TURF PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN. SELECTIONS, CLOCKERS SPECIALS. BEST WORKOUTS, TIMELY PICTURES. DAILY CODE SERVICE and other valuable data for race followers. ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY: JAMAICA — Starter - Spurs - Breeze. LEXINGTON— Starter- Breeze • Oats. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 25 Cents a Copy DAILY RACING CHART, Inc. PUBLISHERS IN East 32nd Street New York, N. Y. Master Ratings FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS, Todays Free Code LEXINGTON— Colin - Hat- Ally - Lane - Use NOTICE To find name of horse use first two and last two letters. J. SCOTT STRICTLY ONE HORSE DAILY Daily I SMASHED OVER ANOTHER Yesterdays Only Horse: RUPEE 6-1, Won THIS MAKES IT NINE STRAIGHT WINNERS in ten days. And all I ask is for each winner. 0 WON OVER 00.00 Some pay envelope. You dont have to risk a fortune. Just a few dollars can start you. BE WITH ME TODAY We have an "edge." Also, we believe we will again get a BIG PRICE. Rush fee at once. Send for todays winner via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Special weekly rate — 5. Send All Communications to PEERLESS CO. CHILDS BUILDING. DUANE AND PARK HOW NEW YORK CITY lifficSS TURF WEEKLY If For sale at all newsstands. 35 cents Mj NEW ISSUE OUT, 35 CENTS J*™ 1 TODAYS FREE CODES: LEXINGTON — Asia -Lot -Rubber LEXINGTON — Braxil-Peas-Brick WEDNESDAYS FREE CODES: EDE|i 0.00. Won MARTINGALE" ... W.60, Won 0 Parlay on above paid 75.00 LAST FRIDAYS FREE CODE: CLEAR VIEW 0.50. Won Rush to your nearest newsstand or you will have yourself to blame. __ "OLOCKER N. ROGERS WEEKLY" IS THE TALK OF THE COUNTRY. WAKE UP AT ONCE and GET WISE TO YOURSELF. For sale at all newsstands, 35 cents, or 10 weeks subscription, .00. Wire remittance to ROGERS PUBLISHING CO. 1672 Broadway, Room 302 New York City NOTICE! All clients received my horse today as advertised. All clients at present on my list will receive terms as per their agreement.. Todays horse looks a sure winner. Do not regret like others may later. Wire early subscription, insure results. Terms to all new clients, 0 a winner. JOHNNY MANNING Care of Western Union 32 E. Main St. Amsterdam, N. Y. TURF ACE WEEKLY FREE CODE SPECIALS: LEXINGTON— Weekly-13-22-8 JAMAICA— Daily -15 - 8 - 8 Chicago office will be opened Sunday, May 2. Watch for Sundays big* advertisement in this paper. H. J. FARR ONE HORSE DAILY WIRE A DAY— WEEKLY Wire me today and you will be satisfied. No promises that cannot be fulfilled. Immediate service assured to all. H. J. FARR 400 S. State Chicago. 111. Scorcher, 0.10, Won; Houston. .70, Won; Canter, second; St. John, second, were given Wednesday. One Best, Next Best, and a Parlay t* you by overnight mail, for six days. TURF EXPERT, Temple Court Bldg., Chicago, 111. WEDNESDAY— T0RCHILLA and ROCK MAN GALLOPS PARLAY WON— PAID 2.65- Gallops Weekly and Parlay Page with instructions, for six wekes. Mail your subscriptions to GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926043001/drf1926043001_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1926043001_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800