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PAY US AFTER 10 DAYS DAYSListen Listen fellows we have men in our employ that we pay very high salaries at every track except Jrarez tj make connections connectionsWo Wo pay thousands of dollars a week to get on the inside and money certainly talks We have our own dockers checking up to make sure of the information we get That is why we produce winners every day EVERY DAY LAST WEEK WE WON WONSATURDAY SATURDAY SATURDAYThrace Thrace 101 Won Cinema 31 Won WonFRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAYFerrash Ferrash 51 Won Peekaboo 1020 Won WonTHURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAYAileen Aileen P 2480 Won Lady Lynn 920 Won WonWEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAYOrange Orange Glow 1680 Won Treasurer 880 Won WonTUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAYIndian Indian Trail 61 Won Ada Blackjack 940 Won WonMONDAY MONDAY MONDAYFantoche Fantoche 900 Won Reprisal 61 Won WonEvery Every morning at 800 a m we will wire yon a twohorse win parlay After 18 days when you aie absolutely satisfied and a big winner send ns 250 and we will continue service for another 10 days daysOur Our terms may look big to you but even a man that only plays a couple dollars a day can pay 256 after he has won every day for 10 days In order for ns to get this information to you we nave daysVow a lot of expenses so telegraph us 5 now and 245 after It days Vow fellows we know you all wait to pay your just debts but some people cant stand prosperity So dont go wild when yon arc making a lot of money and yea wont have to welch Six months ago when we advertised a special offer a lot of people welched after big winnings Many thanks ti our regular clients that are recommending us to others Immediate service If in town calL calLATLAS ATLAS NEWS CO Room 407 303 Fourth Ave New York City