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Hilloiifrlilijr Ilandirap SyearoIds ami upward Index Crs DisTimeTr Odds VtSt StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish CRUSADER ShootTrainer ch c 3 126 By Man o War Star Fancy by Star Shoot Trainer G Conway Owner Glen Riddle Stable Breeder S D Riddle 87279 Pi in 1 l40 ft 3i 117 4 12 7 i 5 A Johnsonl4 Canter lITlliibblincOTer 1221isplay 119 90StH 11990StH Lrl 1 IMlHliy h U5 1 1 1 A JohnsonlO Corvette 107 lomlin 10 Iisplay 11G 9fi2 11G9fi2 7 Irl 34 l14 l14sft sft 920 115 2 4 3 3i A Johnson Caffsnian llKCorvette lllBIondin 112 112U5740 U5740 lldO 5JflOG ft 2110 114 G 3 2i Il J Callahn i 1rKaMiijor llTTlieKngiiir lOSSonAmi 108 05101 Ifdi Sl l12 ft 1310 112 1 3 2 3 A Johnson 7 Macaw 112 Welshot lOOSealtocket 107 94708 Rel 3if XIC l07 m S5 117 6 3 31 1 A Johnson 9 Deviner llLMars 112Colorfnl 109 90017 Rel 5S SC 3Srift 115 107 4 2 2 I1 J Maihen 9 Mars 107Saiidstorm 107CeIidon 110 89X35 Rel 4if SO 32 ft 3 112 3 2 21 2J A Johnson 7 Punjab 112Kuclid 115SurpriseParty 112 CLAPTRAP TraceryTrainer b c 3 120 Bv Fair Play Catalpa by Tracery Stud015741am Trainer L Feustol Owner Log Cabin Stud Stable Breeder Nursery Stud 015741am 31 llKift 10 112 4 2 21 2 H Thurler S Vespasian 112 lichen 115 Croyden 111 OI2G9 Jam 34112 ft 155 111 1 1 IJ 2i W Harvey G Celidon 108 Turf Light 107 Flat Iron 111 OI091 Jam 31 f l05 ft 10 115 1 4 4J SJ W Harvey 12 ColorSrgt 1121aihen 112Kspino 115 97309 Pim 31 l13ift G3 US 222 3J J Maihen JO WhatMIIDo HSAppIccross lllNomad 115 97108 Pim 31 111 m 5J 105 7 2 2 1 J JIaiben 7 PofWales 112Gaff inan 122Araby 10G 9095 Emp 51fl07 ft 2 122 1 1 1 2 B Thpson 9 Acrostic 1211rieeman 122Itronx 122 90724 ICmp SJ f 105 ft 4J 112 1 1 3J 4 = B Thpson 7 Teak 1111 Festival 112Euclid 112 9055 Km 5J f 10 sy 32 IIS 1 1 1 1 B Thpaon 8 Colorful 118 Washakie HSKalata 115 90271 Jam fJ f lOS lOSsft sft 2 IIS 1 1 1 3fl C Gordon 8 Colorful 118Sandhills llSCockrill 118 tllaced 118tllaced second through disquallcation PHEASANT OiseauTrainer b c 3 112 By Vindex The lott Bird by Oiseau Trainer F White Owner P S P Randolph Breeder F W Armstrone 01077 Jam 31 l13 = im GO US 3 3 3J 3J R Havand 5 Pinue 115 Mino 118 Hillside 100 97479 Row 34114 ft 5J 113 6 4 4J 2 = W Harvey 1 randlSey I KtVnaitis 102Traproe 109 97382 Pim 1 1IG l49 = i iil il 22 105 2 1 2s 4 W Mundenl2 Foreman 1071leYonrsf 105rraudltcy 110 97 19 Pim 31 11 Hsl 410 11G 5 1 21 31 E Barnes 15 YasSar lOGAdieu lOSForeland 112 97105 Pim 34 11G m llf 112 5 5 51 8i H StuUs 12 Haze 100StJohn 107SilvcrSong 110 TITAN b c 4 117 By jim Gaffney Fair Louise by Ogden Trainer F E Brown Owner F E Brown Breeder A B Hancock OI4G7 Jam 34 lllft 135 12G 1 3 3s 311 Fator fl MarMtin 124Ornlpn HOProfsor 115 OI31M Jam 31 2s 4 i T Bums 4 Pique 140NeidleOun ltSJSwope liJ 97085 Emj ab14 109 J 5 3 T Burns r IuckyPlay 125Mino 12CPique 111 97D17 Emp l70145 = ift G US 1 1 1 2 T Burns 0 Catalan 12GfuSpire 110 WkesItarre 109 9fi il Kmp al 34 09ft 2 119 3 7 G J G1 T Burns 8 IuckyPlay I2IMcAuliffe 117Mino 140 2 Kni 170 li3Sjft 12 105 3 3 51 5 J H Richrds 5 ItlindPIay 112Prirarose 1051PUuIev 107 1 Einj 1 1ir l46 l46ssy ssy 93 103 2 1 I1 IJ II Kichds Senalado 124SilverFox 127 127G G OgdenTrainer OF TRUCE br h 6 118 By Jim Gaffney Maltha by Ogden MooreK Trainer F Hiceins Owner E J Morrow Breeder C W Moore K Jam 170 l41jsy 153 111 2 4 Ei 5J E Barnes G Snnford 115 Tmraster 112 Flat Iron 103 1 Jam 31112 It 40 104 G G 4J 33 W Harvey G Miiio 112LittleAsbfStos 102Piqiie 115 0 Jam Cl f l0sift 30 123 S G 571 5J F Stevens Ciititout llSVlidon KXJllimPrince 11 1 99730 30 ilia lli SJ l12 ft J 113 G G G J 5SJ U echini 8 IizIUomle 951ostiln lllChesterbrk 103 99078 7S 1037S Mia 170 114 Vft 22 MS 7 G 61 GJ H Uichrd 7 Superfrank 1l2Mirioni 122Darzler 112 99309 09 Mia 31 Ulllisy G 106J 5 4 3 i 3T F Stevens 5 Sunsard 114A ady 115OldSlip 11B 09221 ilia 01 f l03Vift 7J 10S 1 G 4JJ 4J F Stevens i Dedans